Restarts Instead Of Goib To Sleep 50% Of The Time.

May 17, 2009

If i 1. close the lid or 2. go to the so called "start" menu and hit sleep, about half the time I listen and hear that my laptop has restarted itself. If i keep the lid open and watch, it clearly restarts, and sometimes it brings me to that screen that says, windows has not started properly and it gives me the option to run normally or change to safe mode. i can run normally and everything is fine. Do not tell me to go to power options because VISTA FAILS is not an option and my power options are just fine and do not have to do with this. I would like an intelligent answer.

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Hibernate / Sleep Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

This is the second time in the past year I had to do this and I cant remember what I did to fix it. When I click the "round circle" hibernate button it shuts down and the restarts again?

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Windows Restarts When It Is Suppose To Shut Down/Sleep

Apr 7, 2010

I've read about this problem in several other post but no solutions that have worked for me.

My problem is that whenever I close my lid, allow my computer to go to sleep/hibernate, or even go to start->shut down, my computer restarts.

This past weekend I had my computer reformatted, thinking this would solve the problem, but the problem still persists.

The only way I can make my computer turn off is to hold down the power button for several seconds.

I have minimum computer knowledge, but I have been trying step by step solutions listed on other forums.
I've been through all of the power management steps and have all of my settings on the suggested settings for this problem.
I've deactivated almost all applications from opening on start up.
I've checked USB, LAN settings and I believe those are not the problem.
Still kind of unfamiliar with BIOS

When running the command powercfg -a, this is what comes up
C:Windowssystem32>powercfg -a
The following sleep states are available on this system: Standby ( S3 ) Hibernat
e Hybrid Sleep
The following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby (S1)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.

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"sleep" Mode, Restarts Itself

Apr 6, 2008

I'm using windows vista Home premium in a 32 bit system on an HP Pavilion laptop. My problem is: everytime my computer goes to "sleep" mode, it restarts itself.

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Sleep Mode Powers Off After Long Time.

Mar 15, 2009

Have HP DV5Z-1100 Notebook running Vista home premium 32 bit.
Machine is running on the power supply Put to sleep using Function F5.

Machine sleeps, all indicators off except power light and light on power button which blink at 2 second intervals.
Machine will sleep as long as 12 hours or more, but will also power off possibly in less time.

Hitting the power button wakes machine with message, "Resuming Windows"

Loaded latest version of BIOS as per HP support

Reinstalled Power Manegement as per HP support.

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Time Schronization: Change Date & Time Internet Time Tab And Chose A Time Standard To Connect

Aug 31, 2008

I recently went into Change Date & Time Internet time tab and chose a time standard to connect with. After doing that I went onto the internet and connected with and checked the time. After that I was no longer able to go into the internet time tab. It tells me that is the time connection and I can't change it. It tells me I need to have permission to do this as administrator. I am the administrator! What goes here?

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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AntiSpyware Real-Time Protection At One Time

Oct 13, 2009

Is it wise to have more than 1 antispyware program performing real-time protection at one time?

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Travelling Laptop - Set Time & Time Zone

Mar 29, 2008

We are using Dell laptops while travelling or at field offices.

We have to reset the clock and time zone, every time when we get to new
locations. That is quite a hassle. Is there better ways to do this?

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Laptop Display: Boot Into Aero About 50% Of The Time. The Rest Of The Time I Forced Onto The Standard Theme With No Aero Option

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Sony VGN-BX197XP laptop that I've upgraded to Windows Vista Ultimate. Since then I've encountered some strange display-related issues:

1) I could only boot into Aero about 50% of the time. The rest of the time I forced onto the Standard theme with no Aero option. Since installing Vista SP1 I can't get Aero at all.

2) When not running in Aero mode I can't get the Windows Media Player to play video files, nor get a Perfomance Index.

3) If I plug in an external monitor I can't get a picture on the laptop monitor but I *do* get a picture on the external monitor and it runs Aero 100% of the time. It will also play video files and give me a performance index.

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X64 Freeze From Time To Time For 2-3 Seconds.

Aug 6, 2008

Recently I have bought Vista Home Premium x64 and to be honest I am having quite annoying issue with this OS . I had installed Vista on RAID0 partition. Additionally I have three other sata drives for my data . I noticed that from time to time when I am working on vista , system freeze for 2-3 sec then everything is fine and I can continue work. Particulary when for example I am opening some application or even windows explorer , my computer etc. (when it hangs I can't move my mouse). Moreover when it freeze I "hear" something inside my computer case as if my computer weak up from hibernation.

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Wont Time Sync Even Tho Keeps Time

Aug 20, 2009

Im in vista 64 bit. I was trying to install a licence for Cubase and was getting a time, calendar error. I look and everything is on time to the second hand on my wall. But for the hell of it, I tryed syncing it to all the availible servers but got: "An error occured while Windows was synchronizing with whatever.server" However I can ping the servers in comand prompt. And also, like the topic says, It still keeps perfect time. It set it's own time. So Im clueless. A bios thing perhaps?

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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Restarts Unexpectedly

May 12, 2007

whenever a direct download starts without UAC check up that it does 2 anything or whenever any app gives error/crash or whenever i try 2 run command prompt my vista restarts ! i am really pissed off with its this kinda behaviour. any solution 2 stop unwanted these kinda reboots?

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System Restarts On Its Own

Aug 30, 2009

Whenever i take out the usb from my laptop is just restarts on its own how do i fix this problem? Also, when i transfer my korean songs from pc to laptop all the korean comes out as symbols but on my pc it looks normal.

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Computer Restarts When Trying To Print

Apr 16, 2009

One of the computers in my office keeps rebooting to the safe mode option when trying to print. The print job is coming from Quickbooks, but I don't think that is the root of the issue. The printer is a b&w Brother HL-2070N laser printer and has been set up on the same computer for over a year. The desktop computer is running Vista Home Basic. The problem just started and I don't know where to start. I haven't found anything online that relates to my issue yet

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Computer Restarts Whenever Close The Lid

Mar 15, 2009

I set my power settings to go to sleep upon closing the lid of my laptop, but for some reason over the past few weeks it has decided to randomly restart the computer instead of just going to sleep. This doesn't happen all the time, but with relative frequency. Another problem with it is that every time it does this (meaning everytime it chooses to restart upon closing the lid, not every time I restart otherwise) is that it clears all of my cookies, as well.

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Explorer.exe Taskbar Restarts

Aug 18, 2009

I been having my taskbar restart when I open something like a folder or program and I get a message saying explorer has to restart.

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Restarts Black Screen

Nov 16, 2008

My friend has a VISTA Medion laptop (I dont have full details to hand but will get this and post latter). It has a problem that has just started to happen over the last two months or so (so they say). It started off that after starting the laptop for the first time after about 5-10 mins it would crash and go to a black screen with a few blue boxes on, the only way to get it back would be to hold the power button till it came on. I had a look at it and updated video drivers, windows and checked for viruses and malware. All of this seemed to do was move the problem to just going to a black screen (like hibernation) but i could not get it out of it unless again using the power button. I have now changed all power settings in basic and advance to off or various different versions of some off some on different times all to no avail. I have also disabled everything other than MS from startup. However this has now resulted in the laptop restarting itself again after 5-10 mins. Again it is only from a cold boot, once it has restarted once it is fine till the laptop is turned off.

Having read a few post i have since updated all the drivers i could think of including sound and network drivers. I have updated the BIOS all with very little change. The current state is that it still restarts but again only off a cold boot but now just before it does the screen goes blank and the mouse cursor gets bigger.So; I have already updated all drivers & the BIOS I have tried power settings including making sure hibernation is active and deactivate. I have disabled startup progs in MSCONFIG I have Virus and malware scanned I do not think it could be overheating as it only happens when the laptop is turned on for the first time and so has not had time to overheat and it would do it more often and not after only 5-10 mins. I have thought it could be the RAM but before spending money on new RAM i wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas. Does anyone know what the main difference is in the boot sequence when it does a cold boot? I forgot to mention the only thing my friend can think changed around about the same time as the problem started is that she started to use the wirless on the laptop.

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Computer Randomly Restarts During Games

Jun 24, 2008

I have just bought a new computer with the following specs
3.00 Ghz Intel core 2 Duo
ATI Radeon HD3870X2
4gb DDR3 Ram
500gb Hard driver
Asus P5E3 Mobo
650W Power Supply
Windows Vista 64 bit

The while playing games such as Call of Duty 4 and World in Conflict I can play for about 5 mins to 30 mins then my computer would randomly shut off and restart.

The weird thing is that it plays fine in other games like Crysis on
high graphisc and I can play for hours and have no problems.
The CPU tempearature is about 50-60C while playing and the GPU is about

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Computer Shuts Down With No Warning, Then Restarts

May 24, 2008

I am using Vista Ultimate and am on a fairly new computer, does anyone know what is causing this? I've ruled out overheating and energy problems. I set windows to not automatically restart and give me a blue screen on crashing, but it still shuts down and restarts with no warning. Is this a hardware issue? It's done this since I've gotten the computer but it seems to be getting worse now.

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Idle At Night: Restarts For No Reason?

Mar 23, 2008

This laptop is fairly new and both when I'm using it, and when it's idle at night, it will just restart for no reason. It's happening more and more, and no error code comes up.

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Boot Vista: Computer Restarts

Jul 9, 2009

When I try to boot Vista (Home Premium 32bit), the loading screen with the green bar doohicky shows up followed by a black screen with the mouse cursor. It oscillates between "working" and regular cursor but in the end, the computer just restarts and it does that again if I try to boot it. This probably happened because I system restored right before getting this problem, but I'm not absolutely sure. I also got this error message just once or twice in the many times I tried to boot:..........................

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Random Restarts - Home Built

Mar 23, 2008

In short, my computer randomly restarts. This is obviously a problem but I haven't the slightest clue where to start. I built the computer a few days ago, my first time mind you, so I am willing to swallow my ego and realize this could be my fault.

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Computer Shuts Down With No Warning And Then Restarts

May 23, 2008

I am using Vista Ultimate and am on a fairly new computer, does anyone know what is causing this?

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Windows Mail Shuts Down Restarts

Mar 23, 2008

when I try to print an email, windows mail shuts down and then restarts. Of course I send the information when that pop up window appears. As yet, I have not received a reponse from Microsoft. I am running Vista Home Premium on a gateway laptop.

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Continous Restarts After Updates Installed

Apr 10, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32bit. A few weeks ago I tried to install a number of updates for Windows. After installing the updates, my computer tried to restart. On restarting, the system seemed to stall on a page that said completing install 1 of 3, 0% completed. After about 15-20 seconds, the computer shut down and then restarted. This continued to happen over and over and over. Finally, I manually shut down the computer by holding the power button for 10 seconds. Then I restarted the computer and was able to find my way to a system restore. I've tried several times to install the updates but I have run into the same problem. If anyone has any idea how to fix this problem so I can download the updates,

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Windows Restarts When Laptop Is Closed

Aug 26, 2009

im having a problem with my hibernation mode when my laptop is shut. when i close the laptop, windows restarts and leaves an error code when started up again. the computer runs fine besides this, and is days old i might add. i have recently updated through microsoft, 'a shut down update' standard procedure. before this update hibernation worked fine. i dont know if this could have anything to do with it, but regardless i am new with vista.

dell studio 15'
windows vista home premium 64 bit
service pack 1
the problem signature is specified:
"Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown"
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.

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Blue Screen :: Close The Lid Of My Laptop It Restarts

Apr 27, 2010

Usually when I close the lid of my laptop it restarts and then I get the error message with the blue screen message.

I did turn automatic restart off and I will copy the minidump files so that maybe anybody can tell me what the fault is...

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Comp Won't Shut Down! Restarts With Blue Screen!

May 3, 2010

Since last night, whenever I'm trying to shut down the blue screen appears with the message that it's dumping physical memory and starts counting and then restarts the computer! After that I get a message box showing the following:


Windows has recovered from an unexpected shutdown

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: f4
BCP1: 0000000000000003
OS Version: 6_0_6002
Service Pack: 2_0
Product: 768_1
Files that help describe the problem:


I even tried to do a System Restore but when the comp shuts down to set up the restore point, blue screen shows up and repeats the whole process. Did a scan with Malware Bytes but still the same. I'm dead scared about the blue screen. Please HELP!!!

My System is 64 bit with 8GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad 2.33 GHz Processor with 350 GB hard drive.

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Computer Randomly Restarts When Playing Games

May 15, 2010

When I first got my computer, it worked just fine, I played all my games such as Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and WoW on the fullest settings without a problem. Then a few months later it began restarting after anywhere between 30 mins to 1hour+ of playing. I called the makers of my computer, we tried to see if it was overheating but it wasnt, I also tested the videocards, it wasnt that either. Then, out of nowhere it fixed itself for a few months, then out of nowhere it happened again. I restored my computer to an earlier time and it worked for a few days and now it's restarting again.

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