Point Of Wimdows Mail Discussion Site "community "?

Feb 21, 2009

Can anyone tell me what the point of this "community " site is? Is it that people ask questiosn or make statements about the problems that they are having with Micorsoft Mail. I am confused. Does any one from Microsoft answer any queries? or is it a matter of the blind leading the blind as we say here in Australia ? For instance I am being bombarded by spam at the moment all with hotmail addresses. I try to block the domain using mail's junk mail filter but they keep coming.

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Problem Signing In To Windows Mail Community Help

Mar 23, 2008

I was wonder if anyone could help me with this problem.

When I click on the "Help" tab to get into Questions & Answers from Communities and sign in, it takes me to a page that says "Internet Exployer Cannot Display Webpage", etc... But when I on click on the back arrow in the upper left corner of the page, it takes me to where I want to go. Is anyone else having this problem. I get there but not right away.

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Mail Not Connecting With Att Site

Oct 27, 2009

My emails would send and receive fine until this morning. Now Windows Mail keeps asking me for my user name and password, and not accepting the one I enter. I know I am entering the correct info because I have checked with the document I keep that information on. Also, I am able to log in at the att site. If I close the window asking for the info I get this error message

Account: 'mail@att.net', Server: 'fpostoffice.isp.att.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR authorization not enabled', Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

It hs been a bit sporadic. For example I just hit Send/Receive three times in a row. The first two times it went fine, the third time it asked fo my info again.

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Microsoft Discussion Groups

May 19, 2010

I went lurking in the Microsoft Discussion Groups. My problem is I couldn't find a category for any Microsoft Office products or Microsoft Secutrity Essentials. Maybe I didn't look long enough. If I did and there are no categories for these products here why do we need to go to a separate forum for these. Why aren't they all in the same place? Also is there a way to filter the categories so I can only be exposed to the microsoft categories?

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Window Mail Deos Not Open Power Point

Mar 28, 2010

My windows mail does not open power point viewer can anyone tell me why

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Delete Threads From Microsoft Discussion Group?

Sep 8, 2009

How do I delete threads from Microsoft Discussion Group because it has taken
up all my memory and I can`t send attachments with email!

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Cannot Access Community Features

Oct 8, 2009

I continually receive a message, in Windows Vista Mail, that I cannot post to a newsgroup, using community features, unless I am signed into the community. But then when I press the 'Yes' button to sign in, nothing happens (the same dialog remains). I have included an attachment of the message dialog.............

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Update - Microsoft Responds To The Evolution Of Community

May 8, 2010

This message is to inform you that Microsoft will soon begin discontinuing newsgroups and transitioning users to Microsoft forums. Why? As you may know, newsgroups have existed for many years now; however, the traffic in the Microsoft newsgroups has been steadily decreasing for the past several years while customers and participants are increasingly finding solutions in the forums on Microsoft properties and third party sites. This move will unify the customer experience, centralize content, make it easier for active contributors to retain their influence, mitigate redundancies and make the content easier to find by customers and search engines through improved indexing. Additionally, forums offer a better user and spam management platform that will improve customer satisfaction by encouraging a healthy discussion in a clean community space. To this end, Microsoft will begin to progressively shift available resources to the forums technology and discontinue support for newsgroups.

In addition to offering a compelling online browser experience, for those users who prefer to use an NNTP (newsgroup) reader to participate in the newsgroups community, we have developed a solution called the NNTP Bridge which allows a user to connect a variety of supported NNTP readers to the forums they would like to participate in and continue having the NTTP reader functionality........

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Introducing Microsoft Online Support Community

Oct 31, 2009

Microsoft Answers is a place for consumers to easily find and share information contributed by peers, technical enthusiasts, Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals and customer support experts. Real people provide real answers to help you get the most from your software.

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File Sharing In Multi-Operating System Community

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new Vista machine - not because of a desire, but because of it becoming necessary. Anyhow, I have taken the steps to establish a network and have assured that the same network ID is on all computers. The several operating systems include Windows 98, XP Home Edition, and Vista Home Premium. The Vista Machine is set to private network status, set to share files and folders, set to share printers, set with Password Protection turned off, and set with Neetwork Discovery turned on. I have also gone to the folders that I have set to share on the computer (the C drive, among others) and have made sure to set the permissions so that "Everyone" has full access and control.

Lastly, I have set-up the system to disable User Account Control. Per Microsoft, everyone who has a computer associated with the network should be able to freely acces, read, and write to the files, printers, etc. that I have shared on this computer, right? On the network maps on all computers, all computers are visible. Furthermore, once a computer on the network is selected, the shared items are usually visible. But, for some reason, no computer can access the shared materials on the vista machine even though from the vista machine, I can access all shared materials on the other computers. When the shared materials on the Vista Machine are attempted to be accessed, a "Access Denied" Error/Alert is displayed. I have restarted all computer AND the router to no success.

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Power Point

Apr 19, 2008

Can't find Power point application in vista on my laptop "Compact" does it
have one?

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Get Web-site Out To Other Members

Dec 28, 2008

I wanted my own introduction for a reason, to get my web-site out to other members. I plan on being on this site for a long time, I consider myself a valueable member but that's yet for you kind people to tell.

I'm 15 years old and live in PEI, Canada. I grew up around technology at my hands, I've experimented with it, diagnosed and fixed my own issues, learned from other people and asked for information online that for some reason I remember as a pose to my academic stuff. There's something about technology and especially computers that calms me down, it's my area, you know? Well, anyways. The link below and in my sig is my blog, that blog will be updated often with tips, tricks, tutorials, reviews and more with anyting relating tech. My e-mail which will also be posted below is for anyone who wants to become a part of an online tips, tricks, tutorials and reviews site or has any requests or general questions about me, my site and what I know and do.

My future plans are to build my own desktop computer by the end of the summer, I'll be saving up all my money from here to then to do this. However, I'd be doing it now but I recently bought a playboy cell-phone and that took a chunk out of my change, well, my familys change which I basically use as my own. I'm getting a full-time job in the summer to start building computers. My further goal is to start my own business, building and repairing computers. Sounds crazy considering I'm 15, doesn't it? Well, yeah, I know but I know I can do it. The most I've done though is swapped out hard-drives on my notebook computer and swapped out ram on my own.

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Web Site Has Been Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

web site will not load in any browser or from any link and norton antivirus doese not find any prob it is as if this one web site has been blocked

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Pop Ups In IE Asking Web Site Rules

Feb 24, 2010

I would like to know how to stop these extremely annoying pop ups that ask something about allowing a program to connect to a particular website. In the title bar of the pop up it says," set web site rule" They aren't advertising pop ups. They are pop up windows generated by my own computer seeminglhy to try to get my permission about something. It gets to where I am doing nothing but clicking on the buttons of those pop ups as they come up one after the other after the other. It practically makes me want to throw my computer across the room!!!

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Not Able To Load Site

Aug 30, 2008

the first problem that I have had since using Vista. I use Snapfish to upload pictures from my digital camera. I have had no trouble getting into that site until yesterday. Now I cannot load www.snapfish.com, but I can load all other web sites that I normally use. I've re-booted the computer and the modem, and run the Vista diagnostics, but cannot find the reason for being able to load any other web site but not www.snapfish.com. I am able to load it using a Wi-Fi laptop, but not using my desktop.

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Site Appears As Red X

Jun 1, 2008

Site appears as a Red x and when you hover over it you only get CLICK TO FOLLOW LINK. The sender is in the Safe Sender List and all possible settings have been checked as to the cause. Running Vista Ultimate 32 Bit. It is not a firewall setting and nor is the router firewall doing this. Identical machine with identical software runs perfectly as far as displaying HTML E-Mails in all their glory.

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Can't Open The Web Site

Mar 30, 2009

When I first saw this, I had to do a double take. I made sure it wasn't April 1 at least three times before I conceded. While looking around Encarta's homepage today, I stumbled on a message that Microsoft was getting rid of MSN Encarta completely: "On October 31, 2009, MSN Encarta Web sites worldwide will be discontinued, with the exception of Encarta Japan, which will be discontinued on December 31, 2009. Additionally, Microsoft will cease to sell Microsoft Student and Encarta Premium software products worldwide by June 2009." Looks like employees at Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica will be throwing parties tonight.

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Restoring XP Restore Point From ?

Jul 4, 2008

I hope this is the correct group. I've been running XP Pro for quie some time and recently installed Vista using Partition Magic and have also installed Vista BootPro. I planned a full migration of all of my data from XP today but cannot boot into XP for some reason. I was going to export or save vital data from XP, so this is quite a bummer. I cannot enter Safe Mode nor use Last Known Good Config options for XP. My box makes it up to the "Starting Windows" screen and hangs there. After exporting the data I require from XP and saving to disk I was going to manually install all of my progs into Vista (Quite a plan for the 4th, huh?)Is there a method to utilize an XP Restore Point from Vista to enable me to boot into XP?

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Power Point Viewer

Jun 18, 2008

Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but I can not get PP viewer to work. New computer running Vista, I downloaded the viewer and when I click on a link it comes up with the message to make sure it is linked to the correct program. I have gone into default assoc and PPS is connected to Power Point Viewer. It worked on XP Pro computer, what do I need to do? Have restarted after downloading thinking maybe that would work.

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Reduce Restore Point To Last One

Apr 23, 2008

I can see all the restores but no button to get rid of them. how do you reduce to the last restore point?

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Cant Create A Restore Point

Oct 6, 2009

i am running widdows vista ultimate and i cant create a restore point, i have never been able to create a point. all attempts to switch on fail..error messages are :- the shadow copy provider had an unexpected error whilst trying to process the specified operation 0x8004230F

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Power Point Presentation

Mar 23, 2008

My brother runs Vista and is using Windows mail. He can't view ..pps files. I got him to download the microsoft Power Point Viewer. This program does work on his computer and he can view them now, however, when he clicks on a .pps file from windows mail it tells him he needs to associate the file. So, we did that thru the control panel and it says the Microsoft viewer is the default program. So what do we do now? How can we get it so that he just clicks on the .pps attachment from his windows mail and have it automatically run?

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OT - Any Way To Create A Link To An FTP Site ?

Sep 8, 2009

I have an ftp site and I have a short term need for a number of not so computer literate people to download items from it. I'd like to be able to send a link in email and have them all just click and go to the site - or - just have a download start. The extent of my http knowledge stops with setting up the site and paying he bill.

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IE And Firefox Both Tell Me They Can't Find This Site

Feb 18, 2009

I have been reading and posting on this forum for a while now.. probably 2 months? All of a sudden, starting yesterday, when I try to browse here to this forum, IE and Firefox both tell me they can't find this site. If fact, it takes me to a site with a similiar name.. vista64.com with no x. This only happens with this forum and one other and only from home on this computer. I can browse all over the place on the internet without a problem. I have no problem browsing here from work. I have made no changes or updates on the computer within the last 48 hours. I downloaded the latest IE security update from Windows this morning which allowed me here for one session and then went back to telling me the site didn't exist. Windows Defender full scan says all clear, Norton says all clear. I have also cleared my cache on both browsers and cookies as well. The only reason I got here now is because I accessed a cached site on a google search, which sometimes works and sometimes not.

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Can't Connect To Banking Web Site

Oct 4, 2009

A client of mine has not been able to connect to his banking web site(status bar says "waiting for..." but never loads the page.I made a house call today to determine the cause. Here are the things I've tried:

I have tried creating a new user account--did not help.Besides IE8, I have tried FireFox, Google Chrome, and Safari--did nothelp Rebooted his wireless router--did not help Connected to his wireless network with my laptop--my laptop has no
problem loading web site
Tried disabling McAfee Firewall--did not help.
Checked to see if web site is listed in McAfee's blocked IPs or IE 8s
Restricted Sites--it is not
Checked the Hosts File--it has no entries.
Deleted Temporary Internet Files and Cookies--did not help

Currently I have the laptop at my house connected to my wireless network--still will not connect to his banking site Typed in a free proxy server address in IE LAN settings--I CAN load the web page. What can be blocking this web site? I've run out of ideas. I don'tthink use of a proxy server is a good long term solution.

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Get On To Genes Reunited Web Site Comes Up

May 7, 2009

I tried to get on to Genes Reunited,to which i am a member & the web pages comes up,i put in my email addy & password to gain access to my tree,i click on the button for my family tree & once on there my tree isn't there,it's gone,just a blank page. All it says is please select & click on my tree & nothing i click on it again & again & nothing it's gone, all 3,000 names everything! I also tried to get on to my contacts trees & still nothing. I contacted Genes Reunited them & they said there is nothing wrong with it. I went to my friends & used her laptop & i can view my tree from there.

I also got my dad in England to enter my details & password & everything is fine. I just can't understand what has happened i do everything like i always do,no matter where in the world i am,but for it to vannish is very strange......Can anyone help me? Being a computer idiot dosen't help i know,but we all have to start somewhere. I was so happy on windows 98 until i bought a new llaptop with vista on it! [Wish i hadn't] All i want is to do my family tree, idon't use it for anything else. Is this a common thing to happen when using Vista?

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IE8:Who Is Forbidding To Access Any Site

Dec 4, 2009

'You don't have permission to access this site...'That's what my browser (IE 8) says. Who is forbidding me to access any site? Is it possibly the owner of the site?

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Cannot Send A Picture From Another Site

Feb 6, 2009

I cannot send a picture from another site, I don't know why. For example, I see apicture on another site and want to send it by e-mail to another person, so I right click and then click on send e_mail and no e-mail option comes up. I usd to do this all the time now I can't. Shouldn't a create-mail come up with the attacment of the picture and I then put in who I want to send it to?

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Stationery From Windows Site

May 12, 2009

I'm trying to download some Windows Mail Stationery from the Microsoft site. showing up on my computer after I install it. At first I was just clicking on what I wanted, and then selecting to run. It went through and seemed to install normally. Note: I have UAC turned off. Also even though the download page says Windows Mail when it finishes installing it says Outlook Express. I have also tried installing it via clicking to save and then running after, along with right clicking it once downloaded and selecting to run as adminstrator (even though I am the administrator).

I know about the different storage folders. (I have the hidden folders viewable.) I have looked in both folders and the stationery that I just downloaded is nowhere to be found. Just to be sure I tried two different files and they both seem to install fine but don't show up anywhere. I have downloaded other Windows Mail stationery from another site and it puts it right where it's supposed to go and works fine. Is there something I'm missing here? Could there be another folder that it's installing into other than the two I know about? (the one under common files and the one under appdata - don't feel like typing the whole paths) I did see something about a Windows Live stationery folder but I don't appear to have that one on my computer.

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Continuous Music On Web Site

Apr 7, 2008

I have developed a complex web site and would like to have one mp3 (or other type) piece play throughout the various pages of the site without restarting the music anew when the page changes. Is this possible? If so, how?

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Undo Restore Point Failed

May 18, 2008

When I try to undo a restore point, a get an error message that the operation has failed because of an unknown error. Then none of my other restore points will work, either.

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