Keyborad Started Skipping Word

Sep 30, 2009

Am not real sure where is the right forum to post this... so guess I"ll start here. I have a newer Dell Studio. My keyboard started skipping about 2 days ago. Can I run the "Drivers and Utilites" disk that came with the system ? or even the Operating System disk ?

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Sorting Folder List, Skipping The Word "The"

Mar 15, 2009

Its impossible hard to search for a solution that involves the word "The." I have a directory that is made up of hundreds of DVD folders. Several of which start with "The" and I would really love to find a way to sort the folders skipping the word "The" without having to rename each folder (ie.."Dark Knight, The") So if anyone has any ideas or anything Id love to hear it. Id prefer to not use any 3rd party programs if possible.

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Mouse And Keyborad Not Working

Jun 30, 2009

I've got a custom built pc- athlonxp 3000+ ,2 gb mem, Windows Vista home basic . The problem is the wired keyboard and wireless mouse aren't working. I swapped out the wireless mouse for a wired one and the problem stayed the same.

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No Keyborad Recognize Can't Get Vista

Mar 23, 2008

MS Wireless desktop 6000 v2 to replace a keyboard plugged into the PS2 ports. Installed derivers as instructed then followed prompt to reboot. Now no keyboard is recognized and I can't get in to Vista, even in safe mode as I can't get past the log in screen. PS-2 ad wireless keyboard 6000 v2 both work in bios, so I know the computer itself recognizes them, just can't get in to Vista.

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Skipping The Picture

May 27, 2008

I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 Core 2 2.0G Duo Processor, 2 Gig of ram and a 256MB ATI Mobility X1400 video card. I am running Windows Vista. Whenever I play a Divx movie with WMP it skips. Sometimes the sound plays good but the picture becomes slows down. After about 30 sec? min, the picture takes off and catches up to the sound. I have tried other players and I get the same results. The only one that seems to work is VLC player. I talked to a fella in a computer shop today and he suggested more ram. Is 2 gig of ram not enough, or should I have more? I have another computer that is also an Inspiron 6400 with the exact same hardware but it has XP on it. It does not have any problems with it. Is this a vista problem or do I need to upgrade it already?

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ToggleKeys : Access CenterMake Keyborad Easier Use

Mar 23, 2008

I turned on "Toggle Keys" in Control PanelEase of Access CenterMake the keyboard easier to use. It is supposed to cause a beep when you press the Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock keys. It worked great in XP, but it doesn't work in Vista. Does anyone know why?

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Rebooted Devices Don't Work Wireless Keyborad

Mar 23, 2008

Just got a nice wireless keyboard and mouse. Problem is, when the machine is rebooted, these devices dont work anymore. I have to unplug the USB cable of the remote sensing unit, and plug it back in to get the devices to work. Needless to say, this is a pain. This is a Micro Innovations wireless keyboard and mouse, and Im using the latest Vista drivers (according to them).

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Playing Music Cause Skipping & Lockups

Jul 29, 2009

My stepdaughters computer skips sound and locks up when playing loud Rock music. When playing other types of music it is fine. I changed her audio drivers from Microsoft to Dell drivers and that fixed most music but it still happens when playing Rock music. The hardware diagnostics says the device is working properly. She has Vista Home Premium with SP2.

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SP1 32bit X-fi Sound/video Playback Skipping/cracking

Jan 8, 2009

(it's been a while since I've needed this kind of support so let me know if more info is needed) Anyways, from the moment Vista plays the logon sound there is static crackling and chirping noises whenever there is audio playing at the same time as any kind of visual change on the screen (not every screen update). For example videos on websites that play them as plugins are especially static-y. However, playing a fullscreen game (i.e. World of Warcraft) does not produce the static.

Interestingly, I have now tried two different video cards. The Nvidia and now a ATI Radeon, both have the same identical problem. I first thought that it might just be a Nvidia Issue but this is not the case. I have checked for IRQ conflicts and none exist that I can find. I have updated Windows as much as I think I can. I've tried changing Creative drivers as well.

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Office 2007 Word Edit Document Word 2003

Nov 11, 2009

When I edit Word Documents I get something that looks weird with all sorts of strange characters in the document or letter. How do I edit a previously created Word file and get it to look like a normal document like they did with Word 2003?

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Converting Word 97-2003 Document To Word 2007

May 17, 2008

I use Vista and want to know how to open a file that was originally in Word 97? 2003 to open in Vista Word 2007 and how to convert that file to the Word 2007 format. When I searched Microsoft on this issue, it said to click on Start and look for the word convert. When I did that I could not find the work convert.

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"Vista Lsdelete Program Not Founded - Skipping Autocheck"

Feb 8, 2008

When the computer is booted the last couple of days, I have this massage briefly showing in black screen after post and before loading window. That says: "Vista lsdelete program not founded - skipping autocheck".

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Windows Could Not Be Started

Oct 5, 2009

i received a message saying windows mail could not be started. initialize junk filtering. your computer may be out of memory or your disk may be full. (0x80070002) my computer is not out of memory. i have read other threads and have removed mcafee from my computer. i have gotton on windows mail live. but my problem is that when i went to mail live it did not import my all my folders from windows mail-only a couple. i need to find my other folders and get them to my windows mail live.

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PC Has Started Turning Itself On!

Mar 23, 2008

Anyone any ideas as to why this could be? i recently upgraded the memory and had to reset the bios but it was running fine for about a week and now all of a sudden over the past few days ive come in and my pc is on.

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The Security Center Can't Be Started

Aug 15, 2009

When i press Turn On now it says " The security center can't be started". What i must to do?

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Not Started Any Utilities But CPU Usage 100%

Dec 23, 2009

I just started my pc. I have not even started any utilities but it shows 100% cpu usage. What happened? Below is the snapshot of Taskmgr.

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The Security Service Cannot Be Started

Oct 2, 2009

I am running Vista x64 Several months ago I got a nasty trojan which removed the Security
Center from my computer. I didn't think it as a big deal as I have several other anti-viruses installed, but I've come to a situation where I require windows firewall to be on. When I attempt to start windows security center, I get the error "The Security Service cannot be started" .Now according to several other hundred threads, I'm supposed to go to "Services" and change "Security Center" to automatic.The only problem is, Security Center is not under Services as thetrojan removed it.

To make matters worse, HP programmers thought it would be cool to not include a vista OS installation disk, but instead add a crappy program on the computer that would allow you to replace programs, but unfortunately it cannot repair my security center.

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Wireless Service Not Started

Mar 23, 2008

Wireless service not started I am trying top connect with a wireless router but my integrated wifi aint working. when i choose to diagnose problem windows vista is telling me that the Wireless service is not started or something like that...

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Windows Mail Could Not Started

Sep 26, 2009

I can NOT start Windows Mail. When I try I get: Windows Mail could not be started. initialize junk filtering. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full. (0x80070002). And when I close that WinMail.exe dialog box another one pops up and says: Windows Mail could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized.

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AFAIK Started After Installing Sp1

Mar 30, 2008

I'm having on-going but random problems with the Vista SP1 filepicker dying and taking its application with it. The failure happens at the instant the filepicker is taken into a subdirectory, but is unpredictable and not reproducible in a given subdirectory. It happens with various applications (browsers, editors), and leaves no message in the systems logs. I'm at a bit of a loss to know where to look. AFAIK, this started after installing SP1.

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Will Not Send Email : Just Started

May 4, 2008

Yesterday I started getting a message back when I sent email that it had no text in the email but I found out people got the email. The sent email was in my outbox. Today it will not even send them. Everything else works fine. Been working fine for over a year.

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Started Window Will Minimize

Jul 22, 2008

I bought this laptop in February 2008 and I have had problems with the windows minimizing and maximizing from the beginning. They seem to have a mind of their own. I will be typing along or browsing and all of a suddent the window will minimize. I can reopen it and click back on the page and it will minimize again. It is getting worse. I bought two of these the same day and one belongs to me and the other one is my daughters, however, hers was not doing this until recently. She says it has started doing it. Is anyone else having this problem? Is it Vista or the computer itself? I am really ready to get this thing fixed! Get more and more frequent and aggravating!

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Uac Started Off Not Working Properly

Feb 26, 2009

Having issues with UAC (what a surprise). Originally started off as a problem with Microsoft Office not working properly and telling me it had not been installed for the current user. After about an hour and a half on the phone with Microsoft Support and a Remote assistance from a microsoft technician later... I find out that UAC is causing all the problems. Is there a way to Turn it off for a select program/s?

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Windows Mail Could Not Be Started (out Of Memory)

Apr 25, 2009

Unlike others who get the message: Windows Mail could not be started. Initialize junk filtering. Your computer may be out of memory or your disk is full (0x80004005) I am not using McAfee, I'm using Norton. Been using Vista for a couple of years, know my disk is not full, know I'm not out of memory and am baffled

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Computer Started Lagging And Freezing

Sep 25, 2009

my computer started lagging and freezing on me to the point that i had to shut it off by holding the power button eventualy i got it running agin and an hour or two later it started lagging and freezeing again. I tryed to boot in safe mode (and i know it was a bad idea) it seemed like it forze agoin while loading the drivers and i had to manualy shut it off again now when ever it starts up all ican do is start windows normaly or lanuch startup repair. now i've tried both, when i try and start normaly a blue screen appeares too fast for me to read something about unable to move something and if i try launch startup repair all i get is a black screen and a mouse and im starting to panic a little bit

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Started Printing Blank Page

Jun 9, 2008

I use Vista on my network notebook and XP on my PC. I have a HP 6L printer hooked up to the PC. All of a sudden, it started printing a blank page in addition to every page I send to print from my Notebook. The PC prints just fine. I am stumped as Vista says it has the latest printer driver installed and so does the XP. Firewall are from PCcillin and Mcfee. I have allowed those additional ports as referenced in another post, but no change.

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Started Displaying Stopped Working

Aug 12, 2009

I had Netmeter installed to show network activity. I like to see if I'm downloading or if I'm just sitting waiting for nothing. Then when on vacation in June/July, Netmeter on Vista suddenly started displaying an incredibly long list of "network adapters" with the weirdest names and descriptions, while at the same time saying it couldn't find any active adapter. This after it worked for a long time (years?) on XP and then on Vista since December when I got a new laptop. In frustration I downloaded the Netmeter beta. This alleviated the problem and I could see network activity again. Unfortunately, the beta was simply an .exe file, not an install through Windows installer.

Now, after a few weeks, when I start up, I get a message that Netmeter has stopped working and that Vista has reported the problem to MS (asif that will do anything!). Unfortunately, I can't get it to not start up, since the option to start at boot-up is set in the program and since the program won't start ... you get my drift? How can I safely tell Vista to not attempt to start Netmeter at start-up?

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Security Service Center Cannot Started

May 15, 2010

I have DL a trogen and it seems to affected my browsers. My email works as well as quicken and Limewire as well as other update programs, but both of my browsers say they cannot display any webpages. Also, my security service center cannot be started.

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Windows Started Up Very Slow Working

Apr 23, 2008

I have a big problem with my laptop as when the windows is started up and a speicial icon appeared on the taskbar, the windows is converted to a dummy otherwise its seems good. I have a printed screen for that icon, but i don't know how to post it! at the last time i have installed a 3 antiviruse programs but no result, but some times during the scaning the sysytem was stoped and a blue window (with error message talking about new hardware or software not compatible).

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Laptop Randomly Started Locked

Apr 13, 2008

my laptop randomly started locking me out when i close my lid.well not right away but about 3 to 5 mins in i checked everything in the power options and users account and looked over the close lid options and they are all fine but it just keeps doing i even did a system restore. and nothing does anyone know how to get rid of the locking i don't want it at all.

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Screen Started Flickering Turn Off

Jun 25, 2008

So last night my bat-out-of-hell cat jumped on my table and knocked over a glass of red wine. Most of the wine went under my laptop but some amount splashed onto the keyboard and screen. At first, my computer showed no signs of a problem and I have never spilled on a computer ever so I didnt know what to do. About an hour later my screen started flickering on and off (from black to the screen image) it started with just a flicker or two in a couple of minutes to every other second or more. I turned the computer off and took a blow dryer to it for under an hour and then let it dry overnight. In the morning, I turned the computer on and it booted without issue except that the screen resolution changed (as it often does after booting with the screen closed or open) and then the flickering started again. I turned it off and blow dried it again for some time and I will leave it off for at least a week but any ideas/suggestions for what I should do next. Does it seem like something is already fried and I need to contact the manufacturer for a fix? Is there anything else I should do?

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