"information" Balloons.......turning Off

Mar 29, 2008

Down in the systray where the balloons stay tucked away, there are two very annoying ones I would like to turn off totally. These two have black/grey bodies with a blue " i " and the heading of "information". There is a procedure to turn off ALL balloons. Is there a known procedure to turn off just these types of ballons in vista home premium?

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Files Appear As MPEG With The Icon Showing Balloons

Jan 5, 2010

I am in the process of transferring some old analogue VHS tapes to my pc running Vista with a view to re-editing them in "Windows Movie Maker". I am using a "One Touch Video Grabber" to do this. As I want to keep the quality as high as possible I have selected "DVD" from the list of formats available with this device. The files arrive OK into the chosen folder and appear as MPEG with the icon showing balloons with MPEG written in the centre.

So far so good. These files will play OK in "Windows Media Player" but are impossible to import into Movie Maker which displays a message to this effect.This makes things a bit difficult. Vista normally shows avi/mpg/ etc files as a thumbnail frame of the film in question with the icon of the program that opens them in the bottom right hand corner.( eg a little yellow arrow in the case of Media Player or a red teddy bear in the case for IrfanView) But this does not happen with these MPEG files, they remain as the MPEG balloon icon. However, for some reason I have found that the icon "MPEG" will suddenly be displayed as normal and then the file CAN be imported to Movie Maker. Mostly they remain unchanged and cant be used. I have no idea what causes this.........

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Turning Off Warnings

Jun 30, 2008

I want to run programs, delete desktop shortcuts, move things in and out of the programs file folder, read compiled HTML help files and lots of other things all without having to deal with warning boxes at every turn. And even if I do deal with them and change settings, like taking the check out of "Always do this for the type of file" or unblocked compiled HTML files, Vista just undoes everything. I just reformatted my entire machine thinking there was something wrong because of all the program compiled help files I couldn't open. I tried Tweak UAC, but it only handles a small amount of this stuff.

I need to stop all this stuff. I'm open to anything - deleting system files, dlls, registry tweaks, anything.

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DEP Turning Off For A Particular Program

Aug 29, 2009

This is my first post in this forum. I use Vista Home premium. my DEP setting is Turn on for all programs except those I select. My querry is-Whenever I go to the folder of a program in "Program Files" folder, I notice that it has numerous folders, and each of these folders have numerous .exe files. Moreover, it is not possible to "Batch Select" all the .exe files in a folder, the procedure has to be repeated for each .exe file individually. This is cumbersome. Is there a better
way of doing it?

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Firewall Keeps Turning Off

May 4, 2008

Everytime I turn my laptop on or log back into it the windows firewall is turned off... Is there anyway to keep it on so I don't have to manually turn it on all the time?

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PC Has Started Turning Itself On!

Mar 23, 2008

Anyone any ideas as to why this could be? i recently upgraded the memory and had to reset the bios but it was running fine for about a week and now all of a sudden over the past few days ive come in and my pc is on.

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System Not Turning On

Apr 5, 2008

i just bought an insprion 1525 couple months ago and it flat wont turn on.

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Computer Turning Off Randomly

Feb 15, 2009

I was sitting there and my computer just shut off randomly. I got a message saying something like windows needs to be repaired or something so I clicked the button to repair it. I go downstairs and watch a movie, and then I come back up and I see a black screen with the mouse pointer doing the loading animation. So I leave it for about 2 more hours and still nothing happens, I turn it off manually.

Now I have to create a new user account, but I cant because it shuts off after about 1 or 2 minutes of running. I finally got that done and when I click on my user account to start up it shuts off after about 30 seconds on the desktop. The only way it will run is if it is in safe mode. I am even on it now writing this message. It runs great in safe mode... what do I do? I don't have a Vista disk anymore...

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Windows Firewall Turning Off By Itself

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista on my new laptop and have had a couple problems with my firewall turning off by itself. I do have McAfee on it that also keeps saying that there is an error with security and that it has stopped running. It does this everytime I turn it on and go online. I do have an additional anti-virus program called Threatfire which is another free downloadable program that was suggested by a couple of local computer techs. Whenever I run a virus scan everything comes up clean with the exception of Threatfire alerting me several times of potential malware that I've quarantined. I noticed on a previous question that a anti-virus program called "AVG" is mentioned and another download through Kaspersky.com. Has anyone else even heard of ThreatFire and is it comparable to these other free antivirus programs?

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Update Bug Turning Off Computer

Oct 20, 2009

Got this update bug, always updating, then turning off, then configuring, then "reverting changes" and this is an infinite loop. Any tips?

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Optical USB Mouse Turning On And Off

Mar 29, 2008

My Logitech Optical Laser USB Mouse has just recently begun turning on and off whenever it feels like it. I have used the mouse for years and all seemed good. I got a new laptop 5 months ago with Vista Ultimate 32 bit and the mouse worked fine, but a few days ago my laptop froze up and I was forced to hold down the power button to restart it. When it rebooted the mouse will work for a while then turn off for 3-5 seconds and then work again. Does this a few times every minute. I have 6 USB ports and tried the mouse in all of them but has the same problem. Tried the mouse on another computer and it works fine. Device manager says device is working properly and all latest drivers are alredy installed.

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Turning On Automatic Update

Jun 18, 2008

I have gone to "Control Panel" and selected "system" and turned automatic update to automatic and set a time to that it should happen at every day. I have also gone into "Security Center" and tried to turn it on, but it says error:1058 and won't let me. I've even gone onto windows.com to scan computer for updates, but won't allow me to without having automatic updates on. And then it gives steps of how to do so. clicking on START and clicking RUN typing in services.msc to change all 3 things of what it says to to get automatic updates to turn on. NOTHING HAS WORKED, I've defragmented and cleaned disk for the computer, upgraded my virus/ spyware software and tried lookin up for solutions and haven't found any.

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How To Stop Esc Key From Turning On System

Apr 15, 2008

I'm trying to figure out how to stop the esc key from power on my computer. It doesn't do it if I've turned off the PSU recently, and the BIOS settings are all set to disable for USB/Keyboard/Mouse/etc powering on the system... but if I've booted to Vista once, then shut-down the esc key will now power on the computer. As there are many cats running around my house, so far almost every time I've left the house, I've returned to my computer on I've been poking around the Power Settings and other such options but I can't seem to find any option to stop Vista from turning my computer on. It's not the sleep option either that I'm choosing, It's "shut down" on the shut down button.

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Wake Up Computer Without Turning Off

Mar 23, 2008

How do I wake up my computer without turning it off and on. Pushing the power button on my desktop or clicking ht mouse does not work. I have a Gateway GT5657E with Vista.

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Xp Turning Off Firewall And File Sharing

Jun 8, 2008

I am having trouble to access files from vista to xp(NTFS). There is no problem for XP to get in vista but not vice versa. I can see the name of xp computer from vista network but just could not get in. When I click the XP for access, no error messages but just stuck there forever and I could not kill it after ~20 minutes even with "task manager" so that I had to reboot the computer. Both computers connect same private network wirelessly. I made both computer workgroup name same, off firewalls, and filesharing configuration according to MS manual for each computers as follows; xp file sharing: check "share this folder on the network"check "allow network users to change my files vista network and sharing center:On: "network discovery", "file sharing", "public folder sharing", "printer sharing". Off: "password protected sharing", "Media sharing". Share folder : check "share this folder" and add "everyone" for "permission".

Perhaps, I need to do more adjustment for my xp beyond turning off firewall and file sharing configuration as above but don't know what. I am working on this for 2 days and nights without success. I've even tried to connect by cross cable but it did not work either.

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Do Not Screen Savers And Turning Off Monitors

Apr 14, 2010

My Windows Vista Home Premium continuously freezes after a short period of not using it. It can vary from 30 minutes to an hour or two. I do not have screen savers and turning off monitors or hard disks on. I've checked a couple of the forum threads here(Windows freezes in idle time).

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Firewall Keeps Turning Off For Brief Periods Of Time

Oct 13, 2009

Is there a way to find out what keeps turning off the built in firewall? I run Vista and get the warning every so often that the firewall is turned off. It usually goes right back on in a moment.

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Changing Workgroups: Turning Off The Firewall

Nov 13, 2007

just installed vista last night all seems well except for networking one machine on vista (Andys PC) and one on win xp (Kyle) couldn't see the xp machine at first so followed instructions on this site including turning off the firewall now i can see the xp machine on vista but can't see vista machine on xp so i thought that if i changed the vista machine workgroup to mshome it would work but i can't seem to do it any ideas?

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Long Welcome Screen Turning Off Statup

Feb 18, 2009

I have vista home premium and the welcome screen takes about 30 seconds to load. I have tried a few things like turning off startup programs.

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Screen Saver Prevents Monitor From Turning Off

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new computer running Windows Vista and everything is working great except the monitor won't turn off automatically like it should. My Screen Saver starts fine after 3 minutes of inactivity - I'm using the built-in My Pictures Slideshow that shows personal pictures & video clips. But the monitor never turns off even though I have it configured to auto-power off after 30 minutes of inactivity - it just stays
on all day running my screen saver. If I change the screen saver to a different one the monitor turns off after 30 minutes like it should. The problem seems limited to the My Pictures Slideshow screen saver. This is troubling because this same configuration worked fine with Windows XP (the only difference was that XP's My Pictures Slideshow did not include videos - it only showed pictures). Is this just a bug in Vista or is there something I can do to resolve the problem?

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Vista Black Edition V2 Turning Off Randomly

Aug 17, 2009

My windows vista black edition v2 computer keeps turning off randomly. I am pretty sure it is something that I downloaded, so I am wondering if I can download a windows installer on this computer onto a disc from somewhere. It rarely loads through to see the desktop, and the extended scan I did found no errors. What to do?

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Turning Network Discovery Service Does Not Exist

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to turn my network discovery on in vista and i get the following error: The specified service does not exist as an installed service. My network is private, not sure this is happinging....

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Anti Virus Constantly Turning Off System

Jan 2, 2010

I am COMPLETELY new to Vista Forums! I have a big problem... I recently got my computer cleaned thru eRecover in Acer. When all that was done, I installed McAfee 2009 ( thru a website for free... ) and i noticed my computer got REALLY slow...I uninstalled it, and i got McAfee Security ( I got it for free since I have ComCast Internet ) Ever since, my Anti-Virus has constantly been turning off. One time, it even said that McAfee Virus Scan was never installed... and I also downloaded a torrent. ( Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0 ) anti-virus STILL keeps on turning off...

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Turning Off All The Startup Programs In System Config, Upon Rebooting

Oct 7, 2009

A friend had issues with his laptop, the system (Vista Home Premium)came with lots of preinstalled acer software, he had tried getting rid of them but had no luck, anyhow, he ended up turning off all the startup programs in system config, upon rebooting, he had the error no os found, i have since managed to get passed htis, however i cannot get any further.

The HD is recognised in Bios. The repair from a disc was completed Now it will boot into windows but nothing, no user, no task bar, nothing just an arrow on the screen with a background. I have tried removing memory and starting up repair for a second time bootsect via cmd nothing, i cant boot into safe mode, it just loops back to normal boot, it has no restore points.

I only have vista basic and vista business discs, and he does not have a disc, it came with a partition, i have tried recovery but it tells me there is not backup, yet i can get the task manager up and into cmd, this shows me all the files, so i know there is no issue there. I am assuming that the boot file in boot.ini is up the duff. Is there any way i can get this thing to boot up with his user and all back to normal?

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HDD - Transferring Information

Apr 30, 2010

I am going to replace my laptop HDD, and was thinking to also upgrade to win 7 on the new disc. How to migrate all of my files and programs to the new disc under windows 7? I don't have another computer to use for transferring, just one laptop and one disc at a time. should I create a disc image in vista that could be used on the new drive?

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Server Information Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

The host 'stc.net.sa' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'www.rediffmail.com', Server: 'stc.net.sa', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Share Outlook Information

Sep 4, 2009

I have a notebook computer and my wife has a desktop. We both use Vista.. How can we share our outlook information so calendar appointments and contacts show up on both of our calendars?

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How To Fix User Agent Information For Ie 8

Sep 1, 2009

Does anyone know how to fix a problem with the User Agent information for ie 8?

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Cannot Find Album Information

Jul 26, 2009

On my WMP, when I right-click on a song and then click on find album info, it says "You must be connected to the Internet to update information about the Audio CD you have selected" even though I am connected. I don't understand why it is saying this. Is this common?

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Rename Boot Information

Feb 26, 2009

I'd like to dual boot my PC with two, maybe three installations of Vista, one for my regualr production stuff and a second for playing/testing. I know that with msconfig, I can choose which one is my default installation, or how long I get to wait before it defaults to the default and there are other options there as well, except to rename it. So, how can I rename my installations so when I'm given the opportunity at boot time to select an installation, I know which one I'm choosing?

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Screen Says Techinical Information

Aug 28, 2009

The only thing I can tell you is my screen says techinical information: ***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF8000222AB81, 0xFFFFFA60017EE798, 0xFFFFFA60017EE170). System is running windows vista 64 bits. Anyone have a clue on how to fix this. Comuter wont start up in safe mode.

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