Rename Boot Information

Feb 26, 2009

I'd like to dual boot my PC with two, maybe three installations of Vista, one for my regualr production stuff and a second for playing/testing. I know that with msconfig, I can choose which one is my default installation, or how long I get to wait before it defaults to the default and there are other options there as well, except to rename it. So, how can I rename my installations so when I'm given the opportunity at boot time to select an installation, I know which one I'm choosing?

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Rename Folderowner

Jun 15, 2008

I want to change the owner folder, cause when install vista it just did just go tofixing error. Now i can't change the folder supose to be my folder.

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Can't Rename Folders

Mar 23, 2008

After upgrading from XP to Vista Ultimate I can't rename folders. I can create a folder but I can't rename it from "New folder" to my own choice. Nothing simply happens, no error message, nothing. It just keeps om beain a "New folder".

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Can Not Rename Folder

May 20, 2008

I can not rename any folder in my comp. Even when I create a new folder It gives names "New Folder 1,New Folder 2,New Folder 3 ....and so on. When I try to rename it I have the message -"The file or folder does not exist"

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Could Not Rename The Folder Name

Aug 7, 2009

I recently bought a laptop with vista installed, 3 days back i created a new folder in my hard disk, but could not rename the folder. When i created, the folder the created with the default name "New Folder". When i try to change the name of the created folder, it does not get changed and also does not show any error message it still remains as "New Folder"

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Cant Rename Files In C: Windows

Aug 12, 2009

The problem I now have is that they have asked me to rename twain_32 to twain1_32. Not a problem I thought until I tried it. No matter how I go about it i.e. simply clicking on rename, using safe mode or opening Windows Explorer as Administrator I cannot change the name or even delete it for that matter. I'm using Vista Ultimate.

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Trying To Rename Folder Can't Access

Jun 3, 2008

I'm trying to rename a folder I set up for documents and I get access denied. When I click continue, I get the User Acct Control dialog box, and then access denied again. No clue why. I'm the administrator.

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Rename System 32 Folder

Nov 23, 2008

how to rename "system32" folder? The reason i want to rename this folder is to see that after renaming the folder, can the system be infected with viruses?

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Can't Rename File And Replace

Jun 20, 2009

I'm supposed to be backing up the *imageres.dll* file because I'm replacing it, but I renamed it inside the System32 folder, and now every thing in my computer's a mess. :cry:I dunno what to do now, I can't rename the file nor I can't replace it,it's always error. Now, my computer can't open like half of the stuff it needs to and now half the icons for like folders and stuff are retarted. I can't even open the Control Panel.

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External HDD, Cannot Rename Any File

Apr 21, 2009

I have an external HDD - Western Digital Elements 500GB. I formatted it to NTFS a while back. The HDD itself is fine. Vista Ultimate x64 has serious issues though. I am administrator, yet suddenly I cannot rename any file. I can't press F2, I can't right-click and do Rename (it isn't even on the right click menu), it isn't on the toolbar menu, just gone.

I've been renaming files all week just fine. Now this. It happened last week sometime too. Also sometimes it randomly decides that I can't add or delete anything to the drive. When I go into the Security settings, it says Admin has full privilege. When I try to set full privilege on User, I get an error message for *every file on the disk* saying that the file is Write Protected. It is not. Well it shouldn't be. This is another problem. Vista decides that every file on there should be set to Read Only. I uncheck the box, and it re-checks it when I reopen it.

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Rename Or Move Select Folders

Apr 19, 2009

Running Vista32 Home Prem, SP1. I run as administrator. I do NOT use any registry cleaners. I am not able to rename or move select folders. Even though they have been shared (as described below), the renaming and moving attempts have been only from the computer and account that initially created them. Have a folder (with many sub-folders) that I have been sharing without problem across my home network (don't know if the sharing is related to the renaming issue). A few weeks ago I found that the root shared folder and one of its sub-folders could not be renamed or moved, though I can still rename sub-sub-folders and create and modify files contained in any. I don't know if this is a recent development; it may be that that was the first time I felt the need to rename of more them.

I applied the "Take Ownership" merge from this forum to add take ownership to the context menu. I then applied the 'take ownership' at the root of the share. Even though the command window showed activity (and I could see 'success' or 'successful' repeatedly), afterward I still was not able to rename the root share or that one sub-folder. I then did 'take ownership' again for just the sub-folder; again the command window showed activity, but afterward still could not rename the sub-folder. And just to repeat, I was and am still ABLE to rename the sub-sub-folder. Thinking that maybe the network sharing was impacting this, I then removed the share capability AND the security settings from the shared root. Repeated take ownership; but no change. I then downloaded from this forum the "Fix_Rename_32_Bit_ Vista" registry merge and applied it. Tried again to rename the root share and the its sub-folder; again failed.

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Not Allowing You To Delete/rename Certain Files

Jul 29, 2009

Are there certain files crucial to Vista, that you are not allowed to delete/move/rename?

If so, would explorer.exe be one of them?

I had an incident where I tried to create a desktop shortcut forWindows Explorer. I don't know why but the shortcut had ".exe" at theend. When I tried to rename it, it warned me about something, as if Iwas renaming the actual program and not just a shortcut.

I usually make a shortcut for a program by dragging the name from the Start menu to the desktop. Then it will have the name of the program with no .exe.

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Rename A File Lose Track

Mar 26, 2009

1) Rename a file and you lose track of it due to the automatic sorting feature. In XP you controlled this behavior by hitting F5. Words cannot describe my frustration over this!
2) Quite often when you Alt+Tab to an Explorer window, the focus is gone and you must click the file area to be able to navigate with the keyboard.
3) The "Burn"-button and its friends cannot be removed. This is a travesty!
4) The new column-filter thingy is cool sometimes, but it should be possible to turn it off!
5) The new remaining feature is good, but it should be easier to select the file extension if wanted. I'd suggest hitting F2 a second time should select the entire filename. Where's the creativity?
6) When you open a folder the first file should be selected. Total Commander has done this correctly for years now. They never learn at MS?
7) The path found in the address field cannot be dragged and dropped, as in XP. This feature is especially useful when copying paths to a command prompt... sigh!
8) changed behavior from "up" to "back". Annoying, but OK since "Alt+Up" does what you want.
9) This stupid "Grade" column tends to pop up everywhere I have source code files.

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Not Authorized To Delete Or Rename Own Files

Apr 18, 2009

We're new at working under Vista Home Premium SP1. My daughter was working as a standard user and found that she was not authorized to delete or rename her own files. She had to log off, then switch to an dministrator in order to do this. (Administrator couldn't do anything either until standard user logged off.). It makes sense that a standard user should not be able to manipulate files of another user, but you'd think that she should be authorized to deal with her own files. Is there a parameter to allow this?

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Rename File Takes Too Long?

Sep 16, 2008

I have a vista home premium 32bit. Whenever i try to rename a file or folder it takes around 1 min. I don't know why it happens.

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Unable To Rename A Folder Does Not Exist

May 3, 2008

Whan making a new folder and I want to rename it, I enter the name of the new folder and hit enter. I then get an error responses file or folder does not exist. I have gone into the properties of the Folder and have uncecked read only, have appled the change and then clicked on ok, but it keeps on defaulting to read only.

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Cannot Change, Rename Or Delete Folders

Jan 18, 2010

I think this is now getting a common problem but microsoft havn't solved it (unless you know different?) I cannot change, rename or delete folders and now the recycle bin won't empty! (The recycle bin issue is more recent) Explorer hangs when i try to alter or add new folders. I have to use Ctrl, Alt and delete to re-boot explorer and cancel the operation. Once this is done you notice the file has been re-named and or the folder deleted but this is only after the "explorer hanging" has been cleared.

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Can Rename Or Move Can't Delete File

Sep 26, 2008

I have two files (exe, probably installed from the internet) which windows Vista will not allow me to delete despite having an administrator's account. I can rename or move them but can't delete them. Also, and possibly related, my bin doesn't seem to be working correctly when I empty it it doesn't make that satisfying sound anymore and the icon still shows it as full?

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Windows - Cannot Delete, Move, Rename Or Files

Aug 2, 2009

I have had this problem for a while now, and it has really started to wind me up lately. I have read many threads and tutorials, and tried some out aswell, but nothing has worked unfortunately. Whenever I try to move or delete a file, the box comes up:

But then once that pops up nothing else happens, and it just freezes. I have tried leaving it for a while and seeing if it just takes time but also nothing happened. Even if I click cancel, it freezes. To close the window, I have to go into the task manager and close it from there, which restarts Windows Explorer. When renaming a file or folder, I can type the name I want in, but once I press enter Windows Explorer freezes and I have to go into task manager again.............

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Disabled UAC: Can't Rename C:Windowsotepad.exe To Notepad.default.exe

Mar 23, 2008

This is insane. SP1 is installed and gave me no problems but now I have been reverted back to hell. Even with no UAC enabled I can't rename C:Windowsotepad.exe to notepad.default.exe so I can replace it with NotePad++. So what's next if I am not an Administrator when logged in?

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Preventing Synching: Unable To Rename The File

Jun 4, 2009

I've been looking at articles on the internet the past 2 days but haven't found an answer. MobSync.exe starts periodically and I'm trying to prevent this form
occurring. I'm unable to rename the file (even though I am the owner). I can't find any settings for anything in the 'Sync Center'. How can I prevent Mobsync.exe form starting?

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Ownership Of Application Data Folder, Cannot Rename

May 24, 2009

I am trying to help with a Vista Laptop where we are trying to rename a folder located in the users APP DATA folder. I've used the utility by Doug Knox (?) to take ownership and it shows full rights under the "Security" tab. Cannot rename a folder in the "Roaming" section and I need to do that to test a backup file restore. We keep getting "You need permission to do this..."

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Unable To Delete/rename/move Folder

May 19, 2009

I have recently changed a folder name to an alt code which shows up as a blank space.It shows up as this without parenthesis.() Now that I've done that I can't move the file to anywhere, rename it, and I can't delete too. I right click it and hit delete but no confirmation comes up asking if I want to or not. No message saying it's in use or anything. If I try to rename it it reverts back to the invisible characters. I also can't move the file to anywhere else from my desktop. I've been trying for awhile now can't do anything with it

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Access Denied To Conime.exe*32 Rename And Delete

Nov 27, 2007

Got major problem with system now - conime.exe*32 is in and slowing my PC down to a crawl. How do i get this out as i've tried to rename it, delete it and move it but get access denied. Checked permissions and it's running under Trusted Installer.
Have tried safe mode to no avail, have run defender, avast anti virus and now Ad-Aware but the first 2 don't pick anything up and Ad-Aware just stops at the beginning deep scanning registry. Is there a registry line i can delete in order to remove this c**p from my system?

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Rename Drives And The Music Files Canīt Move

Mar 4, 2009

I had at problem with Vista Ultimate, it change the order of my drive under new installation. For at wile I didīt do anything abort it, now I change them. I had to rename the drive from C, D, E, F,G to C, D, E, F,G, H, I so I cut change them to the right order. The problem is that the H; Drive (DVD) is the link to the music file map now, I cant change the the link back to standard. it says that the under file can not be made, Vista is looking at the H; DVD Drive. The Music files are F drive. How do I get the the Music file map to look at F drive and not H (drive DVD)? How do I make the missing under maps for Music files, and how do I cut the connection to the H Drive (DVD)?

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HDD - Transferring Information

Apr 30, 2010

I am going to replace my laptop HDD, and was thinking to also upgrade to win 7 on the new disc. How to migrate all of my files and programs to the new disc under windows 7? I don't have another computer to use for transferring, just one laptop and one disc at a time. should I create a disc image in vista that could be used on the new drive?

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Server Information Could Not Be Found

Jun 19, 2008

The host '' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Share Outlook Information

Sep 4, 2009

I have a notebook computer and my wife has a desktop. We both use Vista.. How can we share our outlook information so calendar appointments and contacts show up on both of our calendars?

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How To Fix User Agent Information For Ie 8

Sep 1, 2009

Does anyone know how to fix a problem with the User Agent information for ie 8?

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Cannot Find Album Information

Jul 26, 2009

On my WMP, when I right-click on a song and then click on find album info, it says "You must be connected to the Internet to update information about the Audio CD you have selected" even though I am connected. I don't understand why it is saying this. Is this common?

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Screen Says Techinical Information

Aug 28, 2009

The only thing I can tell you is my screen says techinical information: ***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF8000222AB81, 0xFFFFFA60017EE798, 0xFFFFFA60017EE170). System is running windows vista 64 bits. Anyone have a clue on how to fix this. Comuter wont start up in safe mode.

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