How To View As Web Page In Explorer?

May 14, 2008

trying to migrate from w98 to vista. how to view as web page in vista explorer?

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Hotmail: Page Opens From An Already Open Internet Explorer Web Page

Oct 21, 2007

When I open hotmail from windows live messenger, the page opens from an already open internet explorer web page + a new one with a message saying that the email address or password is incorrect. Does it happen to anyone else here?

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How Can I Make The Right Click View Source Open Page In FrontPage?

May 24, 2008

I can get the right click drop down menu's 'View source' to always open a web page in MS Frontpage instead of Notepad? This is when I have a web page of a site I'm working with open on my screen in IE7. I use Windows Vista Home Premium. You could easily achieve this with WinXP using TweakUI but I don't know how to do it in Vista. Reason I want to do this is because the 'Edit with' button at taskbar at top of screen always greys out after any refresh of the page. Is there a registry tweak would let me fix this? Prefer not to have to install an entire tweaking program just for this one change.

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Explorer 7: Cannot Display Page

Nov 24, 2008

i have changed over to btinternet but cannot get on to internet explorer 7 flashes on then message reads cannot display page hub and adaptor are found and working fine bt tec man says explorer is damaged and advises getting new one but i cannot download without connection i have tried reset explorer and putting in firefox still no joy i am on vista business 32 bit

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Can Change The View In Windows Explorer

May 16, 2009

My Windows Explorer has had the most annoying set of attributes, ever since I got Vista and I can't find a way to change them. When I open a folder, the files always want to default to a large icon view with a preview screen. I change them by customizing the folder and they sometimes change back. Some folders aren't customizable at all. Every folder is defaulted to be a pictures folder, but I want all folders to be just files.

If I want a pictures folder, of which I only have a few, I should be able to set only those folders as pictures. The windows folders don't need a Rating column or a Date Taken column. I want the details. My C: drive and Windows folder views are unchangeable other than manually setting the columns on and off. Then they change right back. Where can I change the default view of all folders?

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Windows Explorer Folder View?

Mar 15, 2009

This is about Windows 7, I do not know whether this is an issue in Vista. Seems like Microsoft has undervalued the folder view, maybe even trying to get rid of it. Some time after Windows 98, I think Microsoft improved folder view by allowing a single click on the folder name to expand subfolders underneath. Now with Windows 7, clicking on the default taskbar folder opens with the folder view exposed. Apparently Microsoft again understands how useful folder view is. But, unless I am mistaken, here we go again... Currently I am looking at Windows 7, trying to find the setting to allow single clicking on a folder name in the folder view to expand the folder. Before, it was the same function as clicking on the small plus mark on the left side of the folder name. In the main window of Windows Explorer, you can enable hover to select and a single click to expand the folder, but that IMO sucks when working with files.

Is there a setting in Windows 7 which allows a single click on a folder name in folder view to expand the subfolders underneath that folder in folder view? Or are we stuck once again having to click the small plus sign to the left of the folder name?

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Windows Explorer Didn't Remember The Folder View

Nov 12, 2008

I'm sorry for wasn't here for a very long time - But I'm back! Last time my Windows Explorer Just didn't remember the folder view.. but today it just reset all the settings.. But this isn't the problem the problem is that it have changed the default view.. It's Hebrew so everything is mirrored. I'v tried Brink's Tutorial in method 2 that helped me last time..

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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View A Cd?

Apr 3, 2008

how to view a cd in my computer

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Page Defrag V2.32

Nov 17, 2009

I just tryed this out on my xp machine, and wonderd if they are ok to use PageDefrag. Can this be used in vista also.

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Page Plus 'not Responding'

Nov 25, 2009

I've been trying to run Serif Page Plus SE free but continually get the 'not responding' message. I've given up on their support line as they l=keep telling me the same thing over and over. I'm running Vista - is there a c0mpatibility problem?

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Cannot Access Web Page

Jan 11, 2010

My daughter tried to remove Norton's to put on another security and now I cannot access the internet with Explorer. I am connected but cannot get on. The response when I click on Explorer icon is that it cannot access the web page. Has anyone experienced this? I had Comcast come out and they tried to restore system to day before this happened and it didn't work.

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Home Page Keeps Going To

Oct 27, 2009

When I installed Windows Vista I made MSN my home page. I was asked if I wanted to prevent change to my home page and I answered yes because very often certain web sites try to make themselves your home page. Now I want to change my home page to but every time I reboot it goes back to MSN as my home page. I went to tools/internet options and changed my home page to Comcast and clicked apply but whenever I start IE8 it reverts back to MSN for my home page. How can I make it keep comcast as my home page?

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Start Up Page Do Not Come

Dec 21, 2008

i dont know whats wrong with my computer my start up page doen't come in anymore when i go to Internet i dont see any videos when i go to myspace i cant see my friend pics i dont know whaat to do i went to restore and it was ok but the next day the same. guessing it was the windows update i unstall it what next i also think i have some virise on it what do i do .

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Printing Web Page To A PDF

Mar 23, 2008

When attempting to print/save a web page as a PDF in Vista, a dialog pops up; "For your computer???s security, the file was saved to the Temporary Internet File Folder.? Do you want to open this folder?, Yes or No". When clicking ?Yes? you are taken to a folder named ?Virtualized?, which contains no files. Also the PDF printer dialog box shows "Error - Printing" and the PDF printer refuses to print. PDF files can be saved from other programs with no problems. The web page can also be printed to local or network printers. We are not using Zone Alarm

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Cannot Display Web Page

Aug 22, 2009

I get this literally every time i surf the net for a while. basically IE gives that message and then kills the internet, firefox does not work either. there is nothing wrong with the TCP/IP as i can ping the sites no problem. only method of fix rite now is to restart, but that is unrealistic and just a work-around. Running : Vista Business x64 SP2

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SP1: Can't View Inbox

Jun 29, 2008

Installed SP1 late last week and I'm quite unhappy with it. Stupid SP turned all the start up items and proccesses on, that I'd spent weeks filtering through and turning off. I've turned off pretty much everything, yet my computer takes about twice as long to boot up as before. I HATE that stupid icon they've used to replace the hourglass, because it's ALWAYS there.

In addition, the newest oddity is only the 1st person to login can get their hotmail without a reboot. If I login under my username and get hotmail, then my wife switches user and tries to get her hotmail she can login, but can't view her inbox. The opposite is true if she logs in first and I switch user. Who knows what else this SP screwed up but I haven't found yet. Anybody else have this issue and figure out a fix?

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Unable To View Web Cam

Oct 19, 2009

I have been looking at this remote web cam for several years, I now have Vista and I am unable to access. Here is the webcam: Netarts Bay Web Cam

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Cant View Any Flash In IE?

Aug 18, 2008

i seem to be having issues trying to watch a Internet flick or any other kind of flash /video files? when it tells me too download adobe, and i do, nothing happens, i know im an idiot but what am i missing here?

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How To Remotely View Another PC?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm looking for info on the best way to remotely view another PC. I know how to setup a RDP connection, but I'm wondering if there is a more efficient "view only" solution. What I'd like to do is walk around a room with a tablet PC, and have what is on my screen copied to a separate desktop PC in the same room. The desktop PC would be projecting to a screen using an LCD projector. FWIW, this is the only way I can think of to use a wireless lcd tablet that also connects to an LCD projector. I have a wireless tablet (Wacom Graphire) that almost does this, but the tablet itself just has a grey surface to write on. I have to look up at the projector screen to see what I'm writing.

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Front Page 2003

Jun 1, 2009

I have the old problem of the hyperlinks not working in preview mode.

I've done the reg fix found here;en-us;823720
which always worked ok in XP but doesn't seem to cure the problem in Vista 64.

I'm wondering if it's caused by there being two versions of IE, 32 and 64 bit.

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Will Not Display Web Page Correctly, XP

Apr 28, 2008

For years I have used a financial services website to monitor my investment portfolio ( ) For years with Windows XP/IE6 and later with XP/IE7 everything worked (and still works) perfectly. I now have another machine running Vista Home Premium SP1 with IE7 which will not work reliably with this website. When I view my portfolio, some of the web pages are often incomplete - but sometimes they are complete.

I have tried using the MS User Agent String Utility to emulate IE6 but this does not work predictably either. Sometimes when I use this utility the website is incomplete - but when I subsequently open a new browser it is OK. If I close and reopen the browser the fault usually reappears. The behavior is unpredictable......

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Slows Down When Scroll On A Page

Apr 25, 2008

Whenever I am playing some kind of music in the background, and I go to scroll up and down a page, the music gets muffled or degraded and slows down. This only happens when i Scroll on a page. Moving Graphics tend to slow down too when I scroll.

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Hosting A Page On My Computer

Jul 1, 2008

When I was using XP I simply activated port 80 from my firewall to allow outside access to a page located in my localhost. Could anybody tell me what do I have to do in Vista to make my pages accessible from outside?

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IE Stuck On First Time Page

Apr 4, 2008

I just did a clean install due to some new hardware and my IE is stuck on that first page that lets you set preferences.
It went there once, I tried to make choices and go on but it hung. It just keeps going to {url} and erroring out with "Page cannot be displayed." I have set my homepage to and if I click home it goes there biut it opens everytime to and erroring out with "Page cannot be displayed."

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Windows Activation Page

Mar 23, 2008

just been looking at the windows activation page on my new PC, Where it says product ID: it has a list of numbers in this order= 5 numbers - 3 numbers - 7 numbers - 5 numbers Non of these numbers match what is on the sticker on the back of the machine! On that sticker it's a mix of numbers and letters. Do I just click continue with the line of numbers which is already there, or do I insert the number and letter combination which is on my sticker?

I posted this in another forum and one person said the id that is already there and the key on the sticker should be different! The other person said delete the numbers and put the letter and numbers from the sticker in there!

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How To Open New Tab With Home Page

Feb 26, 2009

I would like to open a new tab at my home page, rather than another click to go to my home page. Is there a way to do this?

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Email: Sent A Blank Page

Dec 8, 2009

When I click on the "email" option in Windows Photo Gallery I'm given the "size" option, I click on "attach" and then I'm sent to a blank page whose tab reads, http://compose...cldefstat=Def1. I am not directed to an email address box.

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Printer Upside Down On The Second Page

May 4, 2009

I have a new photosmart 4 in 1 printer. my laptop is a vista and i am getting my printing upside down on the second page.

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Page Sliding Off Desktop

Mar 28, 2009

Just this evening an application I was using slid to the right side on the desktop and I don't know how to drag it back. Moving the cursor to the page's left edge, where it turns into the double-arrow icon, won't budge it back left, thopugh I can move the top of the page up and down.

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