Help With Solution Of 64 Bit Internet Problems

Sep 7, 2009

I have alot of problems with my internet connection.

My computer says that Im connected but
either the connection has timed out, web page has expired and
internet cannot display web page etc. you name it
this happens when Im trying to get in
and have not had time to time out??? ore expire?

This is a new computer? is there a setting or something that needs turned

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Possible Solution Attachments

Jul 29, 2009

I had the message "The command can not execute" or similar when double clicking on an attachment in Windows Mail. The funny thing is that this problem started suddenly yesterday. I also had some weird problems with Norton Internet security, so with considerable trouble I un-installed it from the control panel. Now suddenly the attachments WORK AGAIN! I am now whithout virus protection, so I will try to re-install Norton and give it one more chance. Who knows what will happen.

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Finding A Goodbackup Solution

Dec 27, 2007

1) My Laptop, Vista Ultimate 64
2) Wife's laptop, Vista Home Premium x86
3) Son's Mini Tower, Vista Home basic x86

I am in need of a good reliable backup solution. My wife is a PHD student, and loosing her work would be a REAL issue. Ciurrently I am useing Mozy Online Backup: Simple, Automatic, Secure as a online backup but just found out that files backed up over 30days old are not kept. meaning, lets say I have a doc thats 30 days old, was backed up 30 days ago and not modified since then. On day 31 there is no backup. So as a interum solution I am makeing a DVD of her "My Documents" folder every 2 weeks, but again, thats a pain. I guess what I am looking for is a backup/archive solution, which, I dont think I will find online. I looked into a in-expensive home NAS device, but havent been able to find one that has decent reviews.......

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Solution For Creating A W7 Newsgroup

Oct 23, 2009

I've done several times and in many cases they care, unlike country where I was born, companies here listen to customers. I am one (if not entire?) reason for example Nestle Conglomerate based in Switzerland has changed plastic in their water bottles branded in USA as PolandSpring, Deerpark, Appalachian or whatever it si (i forgot all thei rnumerou sbrands) from dangerous HDPE to PETE plastic. Likewise if you keep secrets who will KNOW??

Share with Microsoft your desire to create a W7 Newsgroups, in addition or to oppose MS's drive to use Web interface from no won. Share your reasons, like less time to participae in NG than in Web, THREADING, filtering, etc - sheer power of a Newsreader is incomparably better than a Web interfcae. Midcrosoft's site-->COntact-..CustomerService, and navigate thru severla menus, it's free, though takes effort to get thru their clutter as no company in the world wants email/phone contact to be too easy to avoid their cust servive being overloaded.

Otherwise you post here and why would MS care beyind a few Usenet server operators, you think they transmit everything said here to Redmond? No. I wrote about my desires for WinExplorer nonsense in Vista to be fixed in Windows7, i see it was done, so it's more like good old WindowsXP in terms of Explorer remembering views finally, unlike ***** Vista. SO write now about your wish for a W7 Newsgroups.

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Vista Audio Solution - What You Hear

May 31, 2008

Many of you may have been as frustrated as myself by Micrsoft bowing to the RIAA and pressuring the soundcard manufacturers to remove the "What You Hear" feature from their drivers. This supposedly prevents you from recording web radio and other sound card audio.

The short term workaround has been to loop the line out audio back around into the line in jack. While this works, it's a kludge.

The good news is that Version 7 of Total Recorder (just released) now comes with a true kernal mode driver that restores the capability to do direct recordings.


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Solution To Start Menu Not Opening

Feb 6, 2008

I have been having this problem off and on now for the past few weeks. I have Vista Professional 32bit and once and awhile when I go to click the Start Menu (button with the windows logo for those who think I might be dumb), it will not open and instead dings. I have tried everything I know to get it to work and to no avail. I know under XP you would restart and shut down from the Task Manager, but I do not seem to have the option under Vista.

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Remote Access Solution And Crossloop

Feb 25, 2009

I need to be able to access the files on my PC when I'm away from the Office using my laptop. Is there a very simple remote access solution I can use? The PC of course is going to be unattended so nothing that requires manual authentication such as crossloop will be any use.

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Solution Center 13.0 Wasn't Working

Jan 1, 2010

I recently uninstalled hp solution center 13.0 because it wasn't working right. The message saying my "scanner is unavailable" to fax please try again is annoying. My laptop is networked and everything else works fine. The scanner works fine in any other request.

On another note. if you've recently wanted to uninstall and reinstall solution center and are finding it hard to find the software online to reinstall, you'll most likely need to use the printer cd. (If you still have it of course). Then you can go to the hp website and download the update to 13.0 and hope it works better....

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Windows Mail Blue Screen Solution

Aug 21, 2009

I suffer from Microsoft's sick joke where a blue screen is thrown over all my emails in Windows Mail. I noticed at least one solution where anti-virus could be disabled but I did not think that was practical. I found that if I run it as an administrator I never get the blue screen. However, I can only run as administrator by right clicking and selecting that option from the menu that comes up. Is there a string that can be added to the target for the shortcut which will automatically launch windows mail in the administrator mode?

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Solution :: Explorer.exe Repeatedly Crashing In Vista Ultimate X64

Mar 18, 2009

A few days ago I began experiencing an odd behavior on my Vista box, every time I opened the start menu and typed something into the search box explorer.exe crashed. Further investigation discovered that was also happening when typing anything into the Run command, into a window address bar and even when typing anything into a New Shortcut address.

NOTE: If you just want to know the solution go to the end of the post .

Using the great tools provided by Sysinternals and by Microsoft, I launched my comprehensive investigation of the problem.

First of all, I set WinDBG to be the default JIT debugger for crashed applications by running Code: windbg.exe -I.

Next, I caused explorer.exe to crash (which was easy) and analyzed the dump using !analyze -v.

Studying the dump I didn't find any interesting clues except that the call stack of the faulting thread showed that some ole32 and urlmonitor extensions of explorer were there.

So, using Autoruns (by Sysinternals) I first disabled 3rd party extensions like FileZilla shell extension and WinRAR shell extension. Crashed explorer, it restarted and the problem persisted. Next, I disabled all OLE32 and URLMON related extensions, but still explorer was crashing.

Well, if at first you don't succeed - USE MORE EXPLOSIVES!!!

Next, I disabled everything in the Explorer tab of Autoruns hoping that it wouldn't break anything and stop explorer from crashing but to no avail.

Now I got pissed, I launched Process Monitor and Process Explorer, and started crashing the hell out of explorer while comparing the dumps, call stacks, thread IDs, thread methods, file accessed by explorer prior to the crash and registry keys accessed by explorer prior to the crash.

Well, the thread causing the crash was running SHLWAPI.DLL!PathIsRootW and by examining the output of Process Monitor I could see that it was looking for whatever I typed into the address box in PATH folders, favorites and search locations.

Finally, I decided to become BFF with the WinDBG help and find out what else the !analyze extension could offer. Apparently, beside the (very useful) -v switch it also provides the -f and -hang switches that give you more information.

Using these I found that the problem was cause by urlmon.dll, specifically by the ~CUri destructor. From the call stack I could see that ntdll!RtlFreeHeap was the last method to be called, and it was called by the ~CUri destructor and caused a Heap Corruption Exception.

Anyway, since I was really annoyed by this problem for two days by now and in an hour I had to be at a wedding I did something that I regret, I used the first solution that came to mind.

!!! SOLUTION !!!

I deleted the Internet Explorer browsing history (address history).

It solved the problem which probably was caused by some address (and could be a bug in urlmon.dll) but now I can't further investigate to find what was the exact address in the history that caused the crash.

I apologize for the long story but I feel the need to pass the knowledge to others.

There might be some holes in the plot, but that is probably the best I can do at 3:30 AM after a long day....

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Potential Logitech G7 Intermittent Mouse Freeze Solution

Oct 9, 2008

For all of you G7 owners who continue to struggle with random freezing:

As others have so eloquently noted there is a strong consenus that this is a hardware issue potentially related to multiple factors including radio interferance, battery malfunction / contact issues, usb power, etc.

Here is a list of things to try, any of which may (or may not) solve the problem:

1) unplug the usb transmitter from the adapter and plug it back in. This did the trick for me about 50% of the time. Sometime toggling the DPI buttons (the + and - buttons on the mouse) up and down also helps.

2) if the freeze gets so bad that the cursor wouldn't move try shutting down the PC, unplugging the cord to the power supply, toggling the power supply switch to discharge the motherboard capacitors, then turn on the PC and reboot.

3) clean the battery contacts. Remove the battery and use one side of a Q-tip soaked in isopropanol and clean the contacts on the battery and inside the mouse (the 3 prongs sticking out of the end of the battery slot). Make sure to use the dry end of the Q-tip to remove all of the isopropanol before sticking the battery back into the mouse.

4) if the transmitter is near a wireless router or other transmitter (bluetooth radio, modem, etc.) place it as far away from these devices as possible.

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Solution To Non Sending Yahoo Mails From Windows Mail

Aug 28, 2008

To anyone having the same problem sending with Yahoo here is my solution.

Choose Tools then Accounts, highlight your account that you are having problems with, click Properties, then under the Security tab change the Algoritham setting to DES, click apply then exit tools.

Now send an E-Mail and it works.

The above setting will revert back to its original one but you can still send mails, whereas before you couldn´t.

Must have been a gltch in Windows Mail.

Dont forget incoming port (pop3) 995, outgoing port (smtp) 465.

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Microsoft’s New Free Anti-malware Solution Gets Closer

May 1, 2009

Quote: Last year Microsoft announced that it would end support for Windows Live OneCare, and turn instead to develop a new, free security product, code named Morro. We’ve heard that Morro has already been in limited alpha testing, that it’s based on the same security engine as Microsoft’s Forefront technology, and that most of the work for the new product is being handled by Microsoft in India. more: LiveSide

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Signs Of TBI Should Remove LINUX From Their Machines, Installing A Windows Based Solution

Apr 9, 2008

Traumatic brain injury (TBI), also called acquired brain injury or simply head injury, occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain. TBI can result when the user installs a LINUX based Operating System on his or her computer. Objects soon appear to pierce the skull and brain tissue. Symptoms of a TBI can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. A person with a mild TBI may remain conscious or may experience a loss of consciousness for a few seconds or minutes. Other symptoms of mild TBI include using Open Source software like OpenOffice, GIMP,. Galeon, Mozilla, Bluefish, VI, or a host of other applications.

Using versions of LINUX causes problems with memory, concentration, attention, or thinking. A person with a moderate or severe TBI may show these same symptoms, but may also have a headache that gets worse or does not go away, repeated vomiting or nausea, convulsions or seizures, an inability to awaken from sleep, dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes, slurred speech, weakness or numbness in the extremities, loss of coordination, and increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation. Anyone with signs of TBI should remove LINUX from their machines right away. Installing a Windows based solution should help stabilize an individual and focus on preventing further injury.

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Get "backgammon For Internet" & "checkers For Internet"?

Jun 8, 2008

how do I get "backgammon for internet" and "checkers for internet" from XP to use with Vista Ultimate?

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Lag Is It Internet?

Oct 18, 2008

I have seen a couple posting about lag and gaming and I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes. The threads and posts I have seen so far deal with Vista and Wireless lag issues. I use a wired cable internet connection. I get this cyclical lag every 20-25 seconds or so. It happened when I had a DSL connection as well. It's either a setting or the net but I wouldn't expect the net to produce cyclical lag, just lag as it occurs. I'm on an AMD 6000+ 3.0 Ghz cpu with ASUS M3N78-EMH HDMI, GbLAN mobo. I have 4 GB Kingston HyperX RAM and a 9800 GTX+ graphics card. I don't think its the hardware. the cabel connection I know have is 8 down 2 up guaranteed and actually gets from 12-16 down and 3.5 up so the speed and bandwidth are there. To give you an idea I will go from a FPS of 128 (nice and smooth gameplay) to a jaw dropping 5 or 6. Please help!!! Any ideas would be appreciated. The game is a peer to peer first shooter called Warrock. I know this means lag can be totally from the other poeple but I still don't thik it would be that cyclical.

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How Do I Cut Off The Internet?

Dec 22, 2008

Is there a way so that i would be able to stop internet usage on my computer for a set period of time(between lets say 11-5 i would want all internet shut off)? The parental controls on vista are not enough to prevent my kids from meddling around. I'm not very good with computers.

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Nov 20, 2008

I'm having the weirdest problem with my internet at the moment. I typically use Internet Explorer and it runs fine and I can access websites etc. However after a given time period (maybe 30mins), it stops connecting me to webpages and just does this "forever loading" thing. I thought it may have been a software issue so I installed Google's Chrome but that does exactly the same thing.

I don't think its a problem with the router/modem because I still have the problem even if I restart that. Same if I repair my network connection. I've tried deactivating firewalls and antivirus software but to no avail. The only way I've managed to overcome the problem is if I restart my computer and obviously restarting my computer every 30mins is less than ideal.

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Want To Set Wii On Internet

Feb 4, 2010

I wanted to set my wii on the internet I get as far as putting my key number in or password and it says it cant connect it is driving me mad, If I cant do this I will have to pay someone to do it cheers

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Ping But No Internet

Sep 23, 2009

I was using my computer fine at first but decided to restart since I've had it on for 100 hours without a real shutdown (I was using hibernate). When I rebooted I was unable to access the internet using any programs such as IE, ff, msn, etc.. but I was still able to ping Google and get a <100ms response.

What happens when I open IE for example is that it simply says that it cannot connect to the internet. When I close it I get "Internet Explorer is not responding" twice in succession. I then get a warning telling me that it was blocked by DEP. So I disabled DEP and restarted but I still had the same problem just without the DEP warning.

This is very annoying because this is on my uni laptop and I need to use these programs almost daily in and out of class, so reinstalling is a last resort option. I'm currently running a previously installed version of Ubuntu on the same machine with no problems with the internet so I can eliminate any possibilities of it being a hardware problem.

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Internet Keeps Shuting Off

Jul 31, 2009

Okay, when ever i leave my computer desk and let my pc sit in idle, the internet shuts off after an 1hr to 2 and goes into "Unidentified Network." the only way im able to get my internet back is if i go to mange network and disable and re-enable the network, works fine until i leave my pc again. This problem has started ever since i got my new PC Im running Vista Ultimate x64 on the machine atm. Every other computer in this house is not having a problem but they are running on XP. My last pc was running on Vista Home Pre x64 and it never had this problem iv been googling and trying to find out the problem but i give up i was hoping if there was anyone out there that could help me out plz!!!!

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Internet Explorer (64 Bit)

Nov 11, 2009

A freind of mine is having a few problems with her laptop..

She has a link in the start menu that says (internet explorer 64 bit)

This is what she clicks to go on the internet, Now when she visits or clicks on links, she will sometimes get a message that she needs to install flash player.

She already has the latest flash player installed, but apparently this does not work on this "internet explorer 64 bit"

I diden't even know there was a 64 bit internet explorer.

And it goes on to say something like flash player is for 32 bit browsers, for flash player to work on 64 bit browsers search online for help, or it directs you to microsoft help and support.

I don't really like to go messing around on someone elses laptop

so i thought i would just ask to see if there is one thing i could follow to fix this problem..

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Internet Keeps Cutting Out

Oct 1, 2009

just got a new computer HP pavilion p6142p and it is connected to the internet by an encore electronics 802.11g wireless usb adapter to a dynex router which is hardwired to a linksys modem. my new computer, of course, has vista HPx64 and this is the last thing that i've had to beat into shape.....gotten all the other junk that i hate about vista ironed out, but i am still having problems with the internet. ISP is comcast (ugh, i know) cable.

my husbands two macs are not affected by the internet trouble, so i know it's something on my end. though, his computers are hardwired into the router. mine will just disconnect whenever it feels like it. i did notice that the microwave was shutting it off, so i changed the channel on the router to 6. it seems to help a bit, but just now while typing this, it's gone a couple of times... no microwaves or anything then. my neighborhood is under some heavy road construction now and i was wondering if anything they might be using could affect my adapter getting its signal.

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Cannot Download From The Internet

Mar 8, 2010

I have read many persons posts, but none have been quite the same as mine. With many tips, but no further explanations for the questions I have. I have a DELL Ispiron with Vista Home Basic 32bit and I use Internet Explorer. I am able to download absolutely nothing from the internet. I have a feeling it has something to do with the incorrect installation of AVG. A week ago, I wanted to try a different sercurity program, while keeping AVG. I downloaded Online Armour from and after a couple of days uninstalled because I didnt like it. I figured I would just update AVG 8 to AVG 9, so I went to AVG Free - Download installation files & documentation, I think I should have downloaded the recommended installation, but instead I selected "intallation files" and selected one of those options. Now it list in my program files AVG 8 and AVG 9. In my programs, selected Windows Start>Programs, it list AVG 8.5. Now I read somewhere, a person with practically the same problem, that I could uninstall and then reinstall AVG and the problem could possibly be fixed. Also if problem persisted to try uninstalling AVG while in Safe Mode. I could do neither. Under program files AVG 8, selected Windows Start>Computer>Hard drive(C)>Program Files>AVG>AVG 8>setup, has a setup option. But when selected reads, setup window:Installation failed. Then selected Details reads, setup window:Installer initialization failed due to following error: Error: @AvgErrorCode_0x0253 %FILE% = "C:Program FilesAVGAVG8" @AvgErrorCode_0x0020

Under program files AVG 9, selected Windows Start>Computer>Hard drive(C)>Program Files>AVG>AVG 9, has no setup option, I assume I did not install the correct file, my mistake. Under my programs, selected Windows Start>All Programs>AVG Free 8.5>Unistall AVG Free, it list AVG 8.5 and when I try to uninstall the the same error occurs. I dont know if this is the reasoning for my issue but this is when the problem started. However I would still like to know how to remove AVG as well as the initial "fix." If this possible, should I delete the AVG program files one by one, just by right clicking on them and deleting? I also tried to run a System Restore thinking it would go back to a previous date before I changed anything, but the earliest date I could choose from was not soon enough. It did nothing except remove some updates and a toolbar that had been installed. Also, I am unable to install updates, I assume its because they use the internet to do so, idk.

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How To Add To Internet Favorites With UAC On?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a Vista64 Ultimate system. A few weeks after the initial build, I determined that the hard disk was bad as it would hang until it had run and warmed up for quite a while. Purchased a new hard disk and reinstalled windows. As part of the "new" install, I used an 8Gig USB drive to transfer personal files (including Favorites) from the old system/hard disk to the new one. Process was to boot up windows on the old hard disk, transfer files to the USB drive, boot up windows on the new hard disk and transfer the files from the USB drive to the new C: drive.

The new hard disk/system is working fine except I cannot add new bookmarks/favorites to favorite folders I transferred when surfing the net.
With UAC ON, I get the following error: Unable to Create "internet site" Unspecified Error

when trying to save or paste a new internet site/url to folders I transferred from the old hard disk. Files CAN be saved directly to the Favorites directory. With UAC OFF, all favorite saves work as expected. I have tried "taking ownership" of each and every folder in the Favorites directory, but the problem remains. I would really like to use UAC for what its worth, but the problem of not being able to save URLs without turning UAC off and rebooting makes it REALLY hard.

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Internet Explorer (7) Won't Run

Mar 8, 2010

Internet explorer (7) won't run. I found that the IEXPLORER.exe is not in the directory. I have tried to install IE8 but it fails on configuring every time. Same happens when I try to install the cummulative IE7 updates (she's not good at installing updates). Everytime I try any kind of install or update concerned with IE it fails at the configuration phase. Other problems are that she can no longer use windows messenger. This connects but terminates in failure almost instantly.

I've ran a Norton Security scan which has found 144 tracking cookies but nothing more. The fix now button produces fail to lauch link which may well have something to do with the IE problem. Google Chrome is installed and works OK. I don't know what the last good restart point is. I've tried going into the repair feature on windows live essentials through the programs and features in the control panel but I just get a fatal error 0x8007007. Can't even look at internet options in control panel. That won't open either.

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Do You Use Internet Explorer 7

Feb 4, 2008

Interested to know how many people use IE7?
Looks like readability is very good in IE7 and my favorite font arial appears crisp and clear?
Just curious to hear a feedback on this?

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Network And How Changes To Allow Internet

Oct 8, 2009

Vista Home Premium (IIRC) and she can't get on the internet. I had a look and it seems that there's a choice of network, ie, Local Only or Local and Internet. Her's is stuck on Local Only and shows a red X between the diagram of a router and the globe. how to change it to allow internet

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Cant Accessing The Internet

Apr 22, 2010

I am a Vista Home Premium user and i cant access the internet to surf etc. My friends noticed that the isatap and 6to4 adapters are not working. They have been uninstalled, reinstalled, disabled, updated etc but it still cant work. Pls help really desperate need to use net for work

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Cannot Connect To Internet

Sep 29, 2008

We bought a new dlink Gigabyte unmanaged switch,installed it and now the vista machines connects fine to the network but not to the internet. if i go ipconfig /release and /renew it works for a bit but then goes down again. The Windows XP machines are working perfect to the network and internet. What Can cause this problem with vista.

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