Disconnect From The Work Monitor

Jun 5, 2008

I use dual monitors. My laptop at home and the laptop and a 24" at work. Every time I disconnect from the work monitor my desktop defaults back to the laptop. (as it should) However, when reconnected to the 24" I have to re-configure my desktops. Is their some way in vista to save two separate Desktop profiles? Is there some vista compatible 3rd party.

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Any Chance My Monitor Will Work With?

Mar 26, 2009

I went to the Driver Download page at Dell for my monitor and it has a driver listed for download for XP but none for Vista. I guess that means they have no driver for Vista so it won't work, right? So there's NO WAY I can make the thing work with Vista 64bit right? I need to know before I unpack the new computer because if my monitor is yet another thing that won't work with Vista (I already have a list of software that won't) then I may take the dang thing back and buy a new XP computer if I can find one somewhere.

I have spent the past 2 days looking at lists of software and hardware that may or may not work with Vista Premium, and it's going to cost me hundreds of dollars to replace all this stuff... and if I have to get a new monitor, well there's another $200-300 or so. Is it really worth it to add Vista or should I take this computer back before I take it out of the box and buy a new computer with XP and a lot of RAM so everything I have will keep working?

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Second Monitor Setting Doen't Work

Mar 30, 2009

Vista 32 & Nvidia Is there anyway to set "Horizontal Span" across two monitors? Burnout Paradise has the option to run 1,2 or 3 monitors but requires the Horizontal Span feature. The Extending the desktop to a second monitor setting does not work. Basically I need something that will allow me to set a 3300x1050 desktop resolution across both monitors. I've tried creating a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel but that didn't work. For those that will suggest Ultramon there isn't a Horizontal span feature that I could find anyways. Browsing Google for an hour or so just came up with others looking for an answer as well. Just thought I'd come to where the smart people are and ask.

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Set Specific Applications Work On Secondary Monitor?

Sep 10, 2009

could someone tell me if its possible to have my laptop have windows media player playing on my secondary monitor whilst still having my main monitor free to let me work at the same time?

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Dec 4, 2007

I've installed Vista Ultimate x64 and am having a networking issue that is driving me mad. I have a Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller that is connecting to my router ok, seeing the network ok and connecting to the internet... for a few very slow seconds, then it dies.
I have another box connected to the router that is absolutely fine, so I know there is nothing wrong with my connectivity. I have managed to use a USB wireless connection from the Vista x64 box with no problems at all.

The driver is yk60x64.sys v10.27.2.3 from the Marvell site dated 19th Nov 2007.

I've tried DHCP, static IP...

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Disconnect From The Internet

Jul 29, 2009

I'm having this prblem for long time now but recently it happens a lot, I use wireless lan on my laptop for surfing interent evey time and then i just get disconnected from the internet with no reason, fire fox says "failed to connect" and when i try internet explorer it just say connection failed

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Disconnect From Internet Sites

May 15, 2009

For several weeks I have been trying to solve a problem with being disconnected from internet sites. Tons of troubleshooting have not been successful. The problem is this: I can go to any website and open one or two windows but when I try to open a third (or sometimes fourth) window (especially if it is a 'heavy' activity site, e.g. Pogo Games or some site that requires multiple windows) I suddenly get disconnected. It is as if I am overloading something (I have 3 GB of RAM) or causing something or other to overload. This happens whether I am using my AOL browser, Internet Explorer 8.0, or Firefox...

so it is NOT the browser. With AOL when I get disconnected the browser will immediately try to restart and will be successful except if I have not 'removed' the offending 3rd or 4th window it will soon disconnect again. I try to quickly X out the 'extra' window but if I am not quick enough it will repeat that cycle again and again up to 6 or 7 times until I can 'catch' and X out the extra window. I have no idea where to start troubleshooting but it is very exasperating. I have a Dell Inspiron 530s, 200GB HD, 3GB RAM, Vista Home Premium OS, 32-bit. (Question: would upgrading to 64bit make a possible difference?)

My computer is loaded with applications, large graphic files, etc. etc. It may be that I need to simplify. Also have more than one anti-virus and/or anti-malware application. Could that be the problem? I need HELP Please.....If reinstalling the OS would be the solution I would do that as a last resort because I have so much personal data that has to be backed up as well as dozens and dozens of applications that would have to be reinstalled. But if I can't find another solution to this problem first I can go that route (again). P.S. I also tried a 'Repair Install' and got the message : Nothing to repair'...although that only took a few seconds so I doubted that a scan was done.

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Disconnect/connect Usb Sound

May 13, 2008

When I'm using a browser, IE or Firefox, when I click on a tab or just by scrolling on a page, when it's connected to a hub, my mouse act like it's disconnected and I hear the disconnect/connect usb sound, the led of the mouse and keyboard are flashing.

While I'm watching videos with media player or power DVD, the keyboad stop working for a second or two, the num lock is flashing. I only have my keyboard connect on my usb hub, I tried two different hub, the one on my monitor and a stand alone hub.

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Internet Randomly Disconnect

Apr 29, 2010

I'm trying to download a file from a private server which is about 16 GB. Undoubtedly, this takes very long, and I usually leave my computer to do its thing while I'm at school, but the internet randomly disconnects and the download won't resume. I diagnose and repair the internet and it comes up with

1. plug a cable into the network adapter "local area connection* 10"
2. Move your computer to another loaction (or something like that)
3. Automatically get a new IP.This is getting very irritating and it happens around 37% and 25% of my file.

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When MobSync.exe Opens It Disconnect Printer

Jun 6, 2009

I've been trying to prevent Mobsync.exe from running. I've spent many hours on the internet and have another post that don't seem to be getting anymore takers Now I found that Mobsync.exe opens when I unplug my printer. It stays open for about 10 seconds and then unloads. When I plug the printer back in it opens again for about 10 seconds and then closes. Of course Mobsync.exe opens many without having to unplug my printer.

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To Resume Vista From Hibernate Without Having Disconnect External HD?

Mar 21, 2008

I have my computer run an automatic backup each night to my USB connected external hard drive then automatically hibernate. However, I always need to remove the USB connection to my external HD before turning my computer on in the morning, or else it would just display a blinking dot when turned on. When I do forget about removing the external hd, I am forced to manually shutdown the computer. Once its turned back on, I get a message saying the resume from hibernate wasn't successful, and it asks me if I want to retry or delete the hibernation file. I choose to retry (having already disconnected the HD) and Vista resumes fine. I'm wondering how to resume Vista from hibernate without having to always disconnect my external HD prior to turning it on. The external hard drive is Western Digital and I'm using Vista Service Pack 1. Also, my sister's laptop resumes fine from hibernate with the external HD plugged in. One last thing, my computer resumes fine when put to sleep with the external HD plugged, its only hibernate that this happens.

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Disconnect External Drive Blue Screen

Sep 3, 2009

When I disconnect my external drive via the safely remove hardware icon I end up with a blue screen. I am currently using vista 64 bit operating system.

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Intermittent Connectivity: Connects On Reboot Then Disconnect

Feb 24, 2009

I have a new ASUS Laptop with Vista Home SP1 (with a sweet 512M dedicated video card) connecting wirelessly via a Linksys WRT54G router. The firmware on the router is current and Linksys assures me that there are no known issues with Vista and internet connectivity. I have a MacBookPro that connects w/o issue (wireless) and three XP machines that connect just fine (wireless and direct connect) so I know my network is solid. The laptop always connects on reboot, but conks out without warning after 45 minutes or up to three hours. Even when it seems like the laptop is offline, I can often ping a website through the command prompt. The "diagnose and repair" option just tells me eveything is fine. Windows Firewall has default settings. Already disabled IPv6.

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Added A Second Monitor To The GeForce 7100 GS Using A DVI-VGA Adapter And For The Life Of Me Cannot Get It To Display Anything, The Monitor Is Just In Sleep Mode

Apr 23, 2010

I added a second monitor to the GeForce 7100 GS using a DVI-VGA adapter and for the life of me cannot get it to display anything, the monitor is just in sleep mode. I've got the latest driver, Windows is up to date, checked the cables, tried another adapter, tried everything but, still nothing. The second monitor shows up in the device manager and in the Nvidia control panel. It's enabled and set to extend desktops. It seems the system knows it's there because I can move the mouse over, but cannot see anything. The power light on the second monitor just flashes. I've swapped monitors over, to make sure there's not a problem with the display and it's fine. When I do that, the main monitor is then plugged in to the DVI adapter and then that one goes to sleep. Just seems whichever monitor is plugged in to the DVI-VGA adapter just doesn't want to work........

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Single Monitor Stuck In Dual Monitor Setting

Mar 13, 2010

i have only one monitor, and somehow it is being treat as though its the secondary monitor in a dual monitor set up. i cannot view my start menu, or view any programs being opened, as when i try to open them, they presumeably open on the phantom primary monitor. even when i try to open display settings, i cannot see the box. i am able to move my mouse to the left border of the screen and move it off into oblivion, and occasionally drag random folders and short cuts over to view.

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Multi-monitor Side Bar Won't Go Back Monitor

Jan 30, 2009

Right now I am running a vista machine with 2 monitors one widescreen and my old one. I keep all my sidebar gadgets to the other monitor so I can monitor temps and system diagnostics. Today, my sidebar is on my main monitor and no mater what I do it won't go back to monitor-2, no mater what the setting is in the sidebar properties. What is going on here?

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Jun 5, 2008

I know this isn't a Graphics Card related thing, but it is the closest I can get.

At the moment I have a Hyundai ImageQuest Q17, and I think it's way to small, that's why I will be doing a student job in the Summer Vacation, what screen do you guys recommend? Here are a few things it should have.

- Good brand, a brand you can trust.
- Widescreen
- 19' or up
- NO reflecting screen
- Compatible with Vista

What do you guys recommend?

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Monitor Goes To Sleep

Sep 28, 2009

Recently I have bought a gaming PC, and after a few hours of such
gaming, my monitor goes to sleep, the PC is still running and I can
still be playing my game. just without a monitor!

The only way to get the monitor to work is to restart the PC.

Any ideas what the problem could be? At first I suspected an
overheating Graphics card, but could it be other things? could it be a
RAM problem? what could cause this? Has anyone else had this problem?

I would like to make it very clear that it is not a problem with Vista,
or its power settings, as the computer remains runnings. It is also very
unlikely to be the monitor as I bought it new yesterday.

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Monitor Not Working With Vga

Apr 16, 2009

ive just unplugged all my pc cos i was having new floors put down ,

and when ive just set it up again the moniters not working. The pc is booting up fine

but the screen says no signal then just goes black,

i had the same problem when a pc repair guy came round and used the pc moniter to

connect my laptop, and when he put the vga cable back in the pc tower it was doing the

same as now, but he just did summit and got it working

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Monitor Won't Start...sometimes

Jun 6, 2009

Been having a monitor issue lately ever since I installed SP2 for Vista 64bit. Sometimes when I turn the PC on the monitor goes into immeadiate sleepode (the power button blinks). I don;t even see the BIOS boot screen....nothing...just black.

I sometimes can hear windows loading but nothing is on the screen. At other times I don't hear Windows loading at all.

I'm thinking it's a BIOS problem or maybe even a MB problem.

I would appreciate some help on this. I've never had this problem before SP2

Weirdness continues....managed to get some sort of display happening only to be told my windows system files are corrupted and that I need to do a repair...which I am doing now after several attempts to get the BIOS to boot from the DVD drive

Well I bit the bullet and restarted the PC...dissapointed to say that it's didn;t work.

It seems like the BIOS isn;t loding any basic video nor is windows.

Sometimes it just doesn;t even seem to be booting into BIOS at all.

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LCD Monitor Worse With Than XP

Oct 3, 2009

I just bought a new Samsung LCD monitor with native resolution of 1920x1080 pixels that provides nice sharp display on my older XP desktop, but a pretty mediocre one as an external monitor on my newer HP notebook. Both systems use nVidia graphics cards, though not identical models. The XP uses GeForce4 MX 4000 card and the Vista notebook came
with GeForce Go 6150 (UMA) chip. I wonder if Vista may have something to do with the poorer display or the different nVidia chip alone. I assumed the Go 6150 was a more capable chip and if anything, I expected even a better performance from it. In both cases the display res is set to 1920x1080 at 60 Hz, but the text display from the notebook looks pretty lousy.

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LCD 1080p Monitor?

Nov 27, 2007

I have a Viewsonic 28" LCD monitor (model vx2835wm) which is pretty good, but not the greatest quality to say the least. It is 1080p supported too.

However, I need something of better quality. My question is the monitor *must* have 1900x1080 resolution specifically to be 1080p supported correct, even if it offers higher resolution options?

Dell 27" UltraSharp Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor

Higher resolutions, 1920x1200 too, but not 1920x1080 specifically. Would this be a bad idea for Blu-Ray movies (my Sony laptop has a built in Blu Ray player)?

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Monitor Has A Big Shadow

Apr 26, 2008

Suddenly my display has a big shadow going to the right on everything. I tried the obvious... turning on and off the monitor and turning off the computer, but still there.

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How Can Get SC On Desktop To Monitor AVG?

Mar 23, 2008

I run AVG as my anti-virus on two Vista machines - my laptop and my desktop. On my laptop, Security Centre is happy to monitor the status of AVG but on my desktop SC reports that no anti-virus software was detected and so I have to monitor it myself. how I can get SC on my desktop to monitor AVG?

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Second Monitor Not Working

Jun 18, 2009

I have just plugged in a second monitor on my PC using a DVI MALE TO VGA FEMALE MONITOR ADAPTER / CONVERTER. The primary monitor is using VGA. Card name:

NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 7300 LE
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: EnumPCIVEN_10DE&DEV_01D1&SUBSYS_04051028&REV_A1
Display Memory: 888 MB
Dedicated Memory: 121 MB
Shared Memory: 766 MB
Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor
Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll
Driver Version: 8.15.0011.8585 (English)
DDI Version: 9Ex
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 4/30/2009 22:02:00, 7593472 bytes
WHQL Logo'd: Yes

My problem is that I cant get the second monitor to display anything - it does briefly show images for a second or so during system boot up.

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Monitor Too Bright

Jan 23, 2009

My monitor is too bright on the eyes, since my monitor is not hooked up analog i don't have the option to lower brightness directly on panel settings. Sometime ago (not sure how i did it, can't remember) i had changed the internet webpages background to grey(easier on the eyes).

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Connecting Second Monitor (LCD)

Jan 3, 2009

I got a small problem which is to extend my desktop into second monitor. I used to do that in windows XP it was so simple, how ever it seems I got hard time doing it on Vista even thought I never did it on vista before. I went to Control Panel > Personalization > Display settings, it shows only 1 monitor and saying "(Multiple Monitors) on NVIDIA..." I'm using Vista-64Bit. And on SLI mode and plugged the 2 monitors on the same graphic card. I tried Ultramon 3.0.3 but there still a problem, Ultramon detects only one monitor when I'm trying to use the second. I've been trying to do it in Nvidia software. How ever I ended up switching between monitors only. I tried to search around and ask around for more than 4 hours, And still no good.

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Can't Get The Corrected Monitor

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to calibrate my home laptop LCD monitor using an X-Rite Eye One Display 2 unit for digital photography purposes. After calibration, the X-Rite unit creates a custom monitor profile and sets it as default. But the laptop reverts to the original monitor settings once the computer is rebooted. I can't get the corrected monitor profile to display even though the display settings show that profile as the default. I've tried "adding" the profile in advanced display settings and re-setting as the default but that has no effect. Only a new calibration will change the monitor to the desired settings and that only lasts until the next power down. During the boot process, I can see the monitor colors change three times (original>calibrated>back to original). My laptop is an HP Pavillion DV2000 using Vista Home Premium and with Intel GMA X3100 display adapter. BTW, my XP desktop was calibrated successfully without problems.

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Won't Turn Off Monitor

May 9, 2008

My hard drive w/ Win XP decided to just up and die. It won't even turn off or send a signal to a monitor. I went out and bought a new computer w/ Vista. My problem is, how do I recover what was on the old hard drive if I can't see anything on a monitor? Will I have to pay a recovery service or is it gone forever?

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Monitor Blinking

Feb 9, 2009

I bought a new PC two days ago along with Gforce 9600 GSO 384 mb DDR3 and I am running windows Vista. My problem is that when vista ask for permission to open any program my monitor blinks for a nano second( monitor turns black) otherwise the system is performing good. Is it the problem with the old CRT monitor or some kind of driver problem.

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Drivers For IPX To Work On Vista, Didn't Work

Jul 1, 2008

I have been wracking my brain for weeks now, trying to play C&C First Decade with Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge over the LAN, it will only run on IPX networking which I could setup with 2x XP machines, I have Vista Ultimate on my PC, and XP on another, I found some drivers for IPX to work on Vista, didn't work ... So I loaded Hamachi which had built-in IPX support. Now when I open RA2, it no longer says IPX unavailable, it shows 00 00 00...

So it can see my Hamachi adapter with IPX support, great! The other XP machine has Hamachi installed, and they are both VPN'd (Connected) on the same Hamachi Network. They don't see each other... The XP machine shows a few IPX networks, I have tried switching to them all, even put the Hamachi adapter and the LAN adapter to the top of the preferred networks list. This was sort-of a breeze with both XP, but with Vista it's looking to be a bit tricky. I have no firewalls running on either machine and I am pretty cluey when it comes to networking (TCP/IP that is).

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