Disable Autoplay On ITunes

Jun 3, 2008

When i plug my ipod into the USB i get an autoplay popup giving me options to open folder to view files or speed up my system. No matter how long i wait after that my ipod will not show up on iTunes. I've tried disabling autoplay, but that still wont work.

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Disable Autoplay For USB Drives

Jun 18, 2009

Is it possible for me to disable the autoplay option for my usb drives/thumb drives alone? I need the option of autoplay for my optical drives but i want to disable the same option for my usb drives to avoid viruses..

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Disable IPhone AutoPlay Pop-up ..

Jan 4, 2009

Every time I connect the iPhone to my PC Windows shows an AutoPlay dialog with four useless options. I want Windows to do nothing because iTunes automatically starts to charge and sync my device. Unfortunately, there is not a “do nothing” option on this screen like other AutoPlay dialogs....

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Disable ITunes Ping Service

Sep 29, 2010

Apple introduced a new social network in the latest version of iTunes called Ping that allows you to "follow your favorite artists and friends to discover the music they're talking about." If you are a music junkie that does not use Facebook you will love the service, for everyone else, almost all of the features already exist in the Facebook world. Although using Facebook may not be as elegant as using Ping, it is worth the few extra clicks to avoid another separate list of friends and likes.

If you were curious and signed up for Ping, don't worry it can be disabled with a few clicks.

Turning off Ping will delete your Ping profile and all activity on the service immediately.  Apple says they permanently delete the data from their servers after seven days. Any reviews that you have written will not be deleted. Follow the steps ...

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Disable And Remove ITunes Ping Button

Sep 29, 2010

The most annoying feature in iTunes 10 for many users is the new Ping social network. For those that have chosen not to use the service, Apple has made it difficult for users to disable the service buttons polluting the interface. In the latest version of iTunes 10, Apple took it a step further and displays a Ping button next to every selected song....

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Installing ITunes On Windows Vista 32bit: Error 'itunes Setup Is Not A Valid Win 32 Application'

Dec 29, 2008

I am having trouble installing iTunes on windows vista 32bit. It downloads ok but when i try to run it error msg is 'itunes setup is not a valid win 32 application' i have checked and version 8 iTunes should be compatible with vista. I can't even install quicktime.

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ITunes Install; "Registering ITunes Automation Server"

May 10, 2010

My PC locks up when trying to install iTUnes at the point where it is saying to me. "Registering iTunes automation server". Ive done everything that the iTunes help section has suggested still no luck.

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Renamed Video Now No Autoplay?

Sep 17, 2009

i have videos on my laptop and i renamed one of them, i renamed all of them before so this is the first time this has happened, anyway now it doesn't auto play i use VLC media player to play my movies (.avi) on all of them. now after rename i have to manualy click what application to play the file. the option at the bottom that says use this program for all video files or somthing like that is grayed out so im a bit stumped.

Vista 32bit Home Premium 2GB ram 2x 1.83 Ghz

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Adding Win DVD 9 To Autoplay Options?

Apr 9, 2009

Is there an easy way to add WinDVD9 to my autoplay choices for Blu-Ray and regular DVD's in Vista x64? For some reason its not listed as an option and I can't figure out how to add it on my own. I know I can always cancel autoplay and launch the App and then open the DVD that way but would be nice to figure out how to set it up so it shows as an option in my Autoplay list.

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Autoplay Doesn't Work

Jun 25, 2008

I just did a clean install on my dell with vista home premium (32). Everything works fine except no music CDs, DVDs, or software CDs will autoplay. I've changed the settings in CP to different selections and it still doesn't work.

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Remove/add Programs From Autoplay?

Mar 24, 2010

I want to remove some programs from the autoplay menu but don't want to uninstall, for example Nero but just remove Nero's photoscap viewer from the menu when I insert an SD card to upload images. I'd rather Nikon's ViewNX were on the menu but it isn't. Any ideas how to get it there? Windows Vista help only tells me how to change autoplay defaults, not how to list or unlist on the autofault menu.

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Missing Autoplay Context Menu

Jan 26, 2009

when i right click on cd or disk on key media files i cant see the auto play Context Menu in vista how can i fix

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Autoplay In Non-removable Hard Disk

Jul 13, 2008

My Vista Ultimate 32bit, with autoplay is a non-removable drive ( D: ). How to solve?

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Fix Scanner & Camera Wizard Autoplay?

Jun 29, 2009

Until recently, my scanner & camera wizard worked fine when I plugged in my memory card reader. Then it just stopped appearing when I plugged in the device. It just doesn't appear. I have seen other posts about changing registry entries, but I didn't want to mess with that until I was sure. How to I fix this so the scanner & camera wizard will autoplay?

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Autoplay Entries In Registry Removed

May 6, 2008

Somehow, the Media Center Autoplay entries in the registry got removed. Anyone know how to fix them? For XP, there is the Autoplay Repair Wizard that Ms offers, but they don't seem to have anything for Vista x64 MC.

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Media Player Don't Autoplay To Open

Apr 25, 2008

I want to set my autoplay defaults but I don't know if I should set them for Media Player or Media Center? I am really not sure what the difference is? I don't want the autoplay to open and ask me every time, so I want to make some choices here. I watch movies and the things that come to me from friends, and whatever it is that opens with those automatically, I all I need, but I want to set the autoplay to only those, so that will not keep coming up and asking me what I want to open. H.E.L.P.

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Camera Autoplay Doesn't Work

Apr 26, 2008

When I plug in a digital camera, I no longer see the autoplay dialog. This is not a driver issue because (a) autoplay doesn't work for any camera I connect, and (b) it was working fine a few days ago. The system does recognize the cameras because they're listed in Explorer and I have no problem getting pictures from them. When a camera is connected, the cursor changes briefly to a wait cursor, but then nothing else happens.

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Autoplay Portion Of Control Panel

Aug 23, 2009

I want to have certain items open in a program that is not listed in the drop down box for that item. For example, for my Canon camera, I want it to open with zoombrowser and yet zoombrowser is not one of my choices. One other program wants to open with Omnipage version 14 - yet I have updated to version 17 and it does not show in the drop down box. How can I add programs. I am doing all this in the Autoplay portion of my Control Panel and have Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

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AutoPlay Issue : No Longer Opens When I Connect The HDD

Aug 26, 2009

Running Vista Home Prem 32Bit. This portable HDD is Powered off the 2.0 USB Port. The 1st time I connected the HDD to my PC, I saw Driver Installing...Driver Properly Installed. The AutoPlay Window opened...the one that provides selections, View Files, Etc. The AutoPlay Window only opened that 1 time, it no longer Opens when I connect the HDD. The HDD is running fine, I here the 2 Beeps when connecting, I can access the HDD thru My Computer, I can save and delete files...so it is working Fine. But since the 1st time, the AutoPlay Window no longer opens. I can connect a Thumb drive to the same Port and the AutoPlay Window Opens...so it is not the PC.

I have contacted the HDD Tech Unit and Dell (Purchased and is being connected to a dell PC)...both units said the problem was with the OS since AutoPlay is a function of the OS. I explained, all other devices connected opens the AutoPlay Window...if it was an OS issue, AutoPlay would not open for any devices.

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Fix ITunes

Feb 1, 2007

If you are an iTunes user and have purchased any songs from the on-line store you may have some issues when trying to authorize your computer to play back your songs. While authorizing your computer to play your purchased songs iTunes will say everything was successful but you will still not be able to play your songs. Why? Because iTunes is being bad and trying to write to a part of the registry that a normal user does not have access to.

Currently Apple has said they are working on a Vista compatible version of iTunes. For now, there is a work around that will help you play your purchased songs in iTunes: ...

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How Unlock Itunes?

Feb 8, 2009

How do I unlock itunes?

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Itunes, Can't Burn Cd

Jul 17, 2008

have just got into itunes and can't burn cd. I get message that reads "Can not burn cd. An unknown error has occured." Can burn music with Media Player using my own library with no problems.

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ITunes Not Working

May 4, 2008

I recently had to do a clean install of vista (my hard drive stopped working) and so I had to reinstall all my software. Well I have two versions of iTunes on my computer (x86 and x64 versions) and I've installed the x64 version and i get this error message whenever I try to start up iTunes, but it installs with no problem.

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Itunes Won't Work

Feb 14, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron E1705. Worked fine until I performed some tweaks on this site to increase performance and Windows upgrade. I run Vista, of course..Vista forum. I did this two or three weeks ago. It's irked me and I'm just getting back to trying to resolve it. I looked at system restore, but it only goes back a week? What would happen if I load Windows 7 Beta? I saw this mentioned somewhere else. I've looked at services, drivers. I just want my audio to work. Everything I look at says my audio is working. Itunes won't work. The progress bar in Itunes won't work either.

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Autoplay Update Disabled "KB971929"

Aug 28, 2009

I installed this update to "restrict AutoRun entries in the AutoPlay dialog to only CD and DVD drives" and after reboot my Vista was transformed to looking like Windows 95. I use System Restore to remove the patch and everything reverted back to before. Try it on another machine. Same thing. Both machines are running Vista Home Basic (updated to SP2)

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Add A Digital Copy Of A Dvd Or Blu Ray Into My ITunes

Jul 29, 2009

Everytime I try to add a digital copy of a dvd or blu ray into my iTunes it says I do not have the access privilages. I am the administrator and my computer is definately authorized with my iTunes. I emailed Apple, and the guy said it was probably a Vista issue, and was unable to help me. Is there anyone out there with similar problems and a way to fix it? It is rather frustrating.

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DEP Stopping Itunes Loading

Jan 20, 2009

I have been unable to load and use itunes because of a DEP message that pops up on screen shutting down the program.

I have done the following:

*uninstalled the programs itunes and quicktime
*uninstalled the programs completely using Crogram files - the additional way of uninstalling.
* reinstalled/uninstalled both programs about 4 times
* reinstalled quicktime as a stand alone program
* used Windows installer clean up

I can't turn DEP off by selecting itunes and putting into the marked exception box because an error message tells me that itunes MUST operate with DEP. It will not drag it into the box.

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Reinstall And Mail And Itunes Gone

Aug 17, 2008

I reinstalled vista and upon completion I found all my microsoft mail contacts and itunes library were gone.

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ITunes Background Colour

Apr 7, 2010

I hated the new colour scheme when iTunes 9 was released, with the harsh white background. Is there any way to change it back to the black/grey without installing anything????

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Unable To Install ITunes

Apr 25, 2010

I have Vista Home Premium 64 Bit SP2 and cannot install iTunes.

Today I downloaded the newest version from Apple's web site. Installation proceeds normally for awhile then I get the error below (it appears in box labeled " iTunes + QuickTime".

Could not open key:
UNKNOWNComponentsDA42BV89BF25F5BD0AF18C3B9B1A1EE87E577B2224C654E801A9E52375DB49. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

I navigated to the key (substituting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18 for UNKNOWN above) and found 3 instances of the key. 1 had data, 2 were empty. I deleted the 2 empty iterations. I had read about running regedit as an administrator and trying to change the permissions so that the owner was "adminstrators" instead of "system" but was unable to change the ownership (maybe because I have not uninstalled the older version of QuickTime that I used to get things working). Anyway I would like to install the 64 bit version of iTunes now but need to get past this problem. Additional info: I noticed that iTunes 64 bit selected as the install directory C:Program Files (x86) instead of C:Program Files. I have tried installing in each of these directories with the same results.

My system state is now that everything with iTunes in uninstalled with the exception of QuickTime 7.3.1 which I use to run a program that I use often.

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Install Itunes 8 (64bit)

Dec 17, 2008

however i went to install Itunes 8 (64bit) and have this issue when i startup the program. I have all updated drivers, and no hardware conflicts presently that i'm aware of.. It's starting to get frustrating not being to update my phone/Ipod etc, so i'll paypal $20 to the first person that can provide me with a solution.

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