Defragement Start But Never Finishes

Apr 2, 2008

I have 2 HP pavilion Laptops with Vista Home Premium. Here's the problem. When I try defragement either one program starts ok but "NEVER" finishes. Is there another defragement program that can be installed that"WORKS" or what?

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Running Task As Sysprep Finishes

Jul 29, 2009

I'm pretty new to sysprep. I'm looking to run a task AS sysprep finishes, but before a user logs in. Basically I would like to make a web service call from a .vbs file to announce that the computer has finished sysprepping. I want the time to be as accurate as possible. If I run this in the specalize pass, it's too early since sysprep still has a lot to finish. In the OOBE step, it's too late since it requires a user to login.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Start Menu Add-on: Start++

May 15, 2007

Every Windows power user knows the command line is “the place” to get serious work done.  The new Start Menu search box in Windows Vista opens the door to a whole new level of command line possibilities.  One utility called Start++ extends the Start Menu search box to add even more features allowing you to use shortcuts to launch web sites and processes.

Would you like to search Google from your start menu search box? Just type g followed by your query such as “g tweak vista”. How about doing a quick search on Wikipedia? Type w and your query in the search box.  The possibilities are endless because you can create custom shortcuts just like the examples above.

On top of web shortcuts, you can also create application links that will launch an app and open a file.  Almost anything is possible with a little customization of the Start++ utility shown below....

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Won't Start

Dec 20, 2008

I started up my computer and it would show the moving loading bar thing and then it would boot up again in a cycle. I tried to use the command prompt to fix the boot loader. After that, the computer would not load up the opening page with the user accounts and stuff. All it showed was a black screen with a mouse (which i could move). Even more surprising is that the recovery hard drive won't boot up either and the recovery disks don't work either. I tried system restore and it told me that there were no recovery points made.

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Cannot Start PC. X64

Dec 29, 2008

Ive got a problem with my PC. My OS is Vista ultimumate x 64. At the moment I am on holiday with my family and i cant start my pc. Unfortunately i dont have my disc with installation so i cant reboot and repair my system. I was playing a game and my computer just switched off. When you turn it on it makes strange noises. Three sounds. One long and two short. Then it gives me option to repair it through instalation cd or start computer normaly. If you press to start it normaly it just simply does the same thing all over again. Weid sounds and keep restating. I realy need to use my pc.

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X64 Won't Start

Mar 31, 2008

My Vista won't start. x64 with service pack 1 I was defragging the hard disk when it suddenly stopped. Rebooting windows normally and it keeps crashing once the log on screen appears. Tried the safe basic safe mode which loads, but the safe mode with networking and command promopt options do not load - windows stops. Tried the vista repair with the cd but that stops too once the 100% bar has completed. Chkdsk fails as well. I haven't tried building a recover disk yet,

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Start Up Repair

Nov 21, 2009

Windows wont start and is asks for the installation disc to fix vista however, my PC did not come with an installation disc, just recovery options (which no longer appear). I've run windows start up repair and get the following message:

Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically

Problem event name: Startup repair v2

Problem signature 01: External Media

Problem signature 02: 6.0.6000.16386.6.0.6000.16386

Problem signature 03: 0

Problem signature 04: 65537

Problem signature 05: unknown

Problem signature 06: FailureDuringSetup

Problem signature 07: 0

Problem signature 08: 0

Problem signature 09: unknown

Problem signature 10: 1168

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033

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Start Bar Goes Invisible..

Dec 27, 2008

My Task Bar just goes missing and all I can see is the Start button?

I reinstalled Vista the other day just because and it still does this and I have no idea why or how to fix it.

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Can't Send But At Start

Jun 15, 2008

messages in send box are not sent.

I have to stop and restart mail to send them.

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Can't Start Rfcomm2k.sys

Apr 8, 2009

My Vista can't start, there is this blue page with the message

Bad_pool_caller etc.

***** STOP ..... (etc.)

***** rfcomm2k.sys (etc)

What's rfcomm2k.sys?

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May 31, 2008

I have vista on my Sony VIO and all has been well for the last 6 months but yesterday I turned the laptop on and the Sony screen came on as usual but then insted of windows starting I have just a black screen with a flashing cursor in the top left corner

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WFS.exe Fails To Start

Apr 1, 2008

Until several months ago, I was able to scan in Vista Ultimate (SP1). Recently, however, when I start WFS.exe, nothing happens at all. I don't see the application in my task list or on the screen.

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Computer Will Not Start

Jul 29, 2009

Have changed power unit but computer will not start at all. How should I diagnose from here? Could this be CMOS battery? M/B is socket 939 about 2 years old.

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Do Start To Use Aero?

Jun 22, 2008

I am starting to really like my Ultimate sp1 full version. Though I am new to this coming from XP pro and I am curious how to use the Aero feature.

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Monitor Won't Start...sometimes

Jun 6, 2009

Been having a monitor issue lately ever since I installed SP2 for Vista 64bit. Sometimes when I turn the PC on the monitor goes into immeadiate sleepode (the power button blinks). I don;t even see the BIOS boot screen....nothing...just black.

I sometimes can hear windows loading but nothing is on the screen. At other times I don't hear Windows loading at all.

I'm thinking it's a BIOS problem or maybe even a MB problem.

I would appreciate some help on this. I've never had this problem before SP2

Weirdness continues....managed to get some sort of display happening only to be told my windows system files are corrupted and that I need to do a repair...which I am doing now after several attempts to get the BIOS to boot from the DVD drive

Well I bit the bullet and restarted the PC...dissapointed to say that it's didn;t work.

It seems like the BIOS isn;t loding any basic video nor is windows.

Sometimes it just doesn;t even seem to be booting into BIOS at all.

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Start Button

Jul 29, 2009

I just bought a new laptop with Vista Home Premium. Everything I've read or
seen about it shows a round start button at the bottom. Mine has an XP-type
start button.

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Key Services Can't Start

Mar 23, 2008

key services I wouldn't touch myself aren't running and I can't start them - it's not just the iSCSI service that I spotted first, it is also the Event Log, Task
Scheduler... god knows that else! Decided I would do a System Restore but the only restore point available is this morning (9 Feb) and no further back I can't retore to a known good point before the issue occurred. There's 20GB free on the System disk (System Restore is enabled - there is ONE restore point!), so why only one restore point available?.......

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Firefox Won't Start

Apr 19, 2008

I've been running Firefox 3 Beta 5 for a few weeks on Vista Home Premium. I started to get a message saying that Firefox couldn't be started because it was already running. Kill the process or reboot. Upon investigation in the Task Manager, Firefox is not running as an application or process?

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Services Not Start

Mar 26, 2009

I've been going crazy on this machine. It was brought to me by someone who thought they had some "RedDwarf" virus. So I took a look at the machine. Could not find any bugs spyware, virus or worms on the machine. I was able to locate in the event log, that when they were trying to use thier 2wire installation disk because they could not get online, a RedDwarf program listed as being part of Motive Software... I belive they do the programming for 2Wire. Anyway.... it was installed in compatiblity mode... after rebooting the machine.. this is what happens...

When booting normally to the desktop.. desktop loads, AIM loads, no network of any kind. Only a handfull of services start RPC, COM+, DCOM, SENS, GroupPolicy, User Profile, Software Licensing, and a few more... and I mean a few. No other services will start on the computer. I have used system restore going back almost 2 months with the same effect. I can only get........

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Start Mail

Feb 22, 2009

how do i start vista mail? tried everything...

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Computer Won't Start Up

Jul 19, 2008

The computer(hp m9150f) just won't start up. I've tried running CHKDSK and startup repair but I keep getting an error message saying that it was unable to fix it. Let me just say that the computer with the problem is not mine but my family's. I rarely use it, so I don't know what they might have done to it. They told me they had some important files inside the computer so they don't want me to do an hp system restore before they saved the files. So, what I've came up with is to do a vista upgrade first, so then they'd have access to their files. Then I would use the hp system restore to restore everything back to the normal. Can anybody here tell me if this would work and also if there's any other way to fix it?

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Explorer.exe Not Start

Feb 1, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium on a system that has been stable for some time. Recently I discovered that when I attempt to log into my account it 'opens' to a black screen with only a movable cursor, nothing else. However, my wife's account continues to work normally I would have presumed a Windows update, virus, trojan, spyware, etc., would also affect my wife's account.

I have confirmed the registry key for the Shell is set to 'explorer.exe'. When I open Task Manager explorer.exe is not running. If I attempt to launch explorer.exe via New Task it will not start. I can access my account if I boot in Safe Mode. I have tried MSCONFIG and tried booting with no Startup programs and no Services with no change, still no explorer. System Restore has no restore points prior to 12/22/08 but that's not far enough back to correct the problem. Am I missing anything else I can try to repair this problem, or am I going to have to launch the install CD to try to repair this?

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Start: Run And Cmd.exe Not Available On Menu?

May 3, 2008

There is no Start > Run in Vista? Also, cmd.exe is not available on any menu? Why did Microsoft make this change?

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Screensaver Won't Start

Jul 30, 2008

I updated and downloaded the patch and it started to work instantly, But later that same night after running a handful of other applications it stopped working and the screensaver won't start. I can go and preview it but it won't start once I am idle. I know that this is a ridiculus issue but my wife loves to see all our family photos as the screensaver.

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Programs Will Not Start

Feb 17, 2009

I just installed Vista Ultimate on my PC then after loading all of the drivers and Kaspersky AV everything was working well so I installed SP1. Now none of the programs will load up, I can go to Programs/Windows Update but it does not load. I right click on Computer and select Properties but nothing happens.

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On Start Up Desktop Gone

Jan 11, 2010

when I start up the usual desktop has gone and everything seems to have gone back to the very beginning of starting vista, although all my files etc are still there on the hard drive. Normally a reboot would sort the problem but this time the desktop has stayed the same. Apparently it said something about a temporary desktop (this happened to my gf earlier and she's less pc savvy than me i,e I can use the basics but any more is beyond me, so forgive me if I'm not as clear as I could be) and there was a box pop up about a torrent upload, (again forgive me I wasn't there at the time and it's not doing it now) I use utorrent for downloads btw.

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Hang On Start Up

Jun 6, 2009

I have a Windows Vista PC from a friend to look at, that goes through the DOS start up and get to the bar going across with Microsoft corporation underneath it and if the PC has been off for some time, is just hangs there. I can load in safe mode and also last good configuration etc, no problems. Someone had tried to update the AVG Free Antivirus and it was shortly after this that the problem occurred, I managed to sort out the AVG, but the above problem remains.

I did some searches for problems, and it came up with a Nero...exe problem, which when I checked this, it told me it was nothing to do with Nero Burning software, so I stopped it from loading. But the start up problem remains. is there a problem with Vista, trying to install updates on boot up?

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Computer Won't Start

Jan 1, 2010

I tried everything possible doing all the research on the net as possible and seeking HP tech support. Basically, my laptop won't start anymore. When I startup the computer, it just abruptly shuts down after 2-minutes. I tried reseating the RAM, the Hard drive, other things HP told me but all to no avail.

I have basically given up I think...I had one of these sent in when I had my warranty and HP supposedly fixed it. My whole life is on this computer. I was thinking of getting another comp if I can't fix this (I don't know what is wrong with it?) but what would happen to all the valuable materials and software on it? I have the hard drive still? Is there a device they sell I can hook up my hard drive as an external hard drive if I plugged it in with a device or something?

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Start Up Page Do Not Come

Dec 21, 2008

i dont know whats wrong with my computer my start up page doen't come in anymore when i go to Internet i dont see any videos when i go to myspace i cant see my friend pics i dont know whaat to do i went to restore and it was ok but the next day the same. guessing it was the windows update i unstall it what next i also think i have some virise on it what do i do .

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IE Start Slow

May 31, 2009

i noticed Internet Explorer has started talking forever to start up. When i first open the program the tab says connecting for like, 30 seconds. Ran norton and pctools but didn't show any bugs. Did one of the updates change a setting or is there a work around??

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