Can't Browse The Workgroup

Mar 23, 2008

What determines whether a machine will appear in Network Places? I'm not asking for boilerplate information about Windows Networking or the uninformative Help content for Vista Networking which is reposted at the Microsoft web site with no additional information.

I want to know where I can get substantive information that can help me determine why one of my XP machines is accessible from my Vista machine -- as in I can add its shared folders to "My Computer" -- but does not appear in the Network Places folder or in the tree in the common file dialogs. On the XP side, the Vista Public tree is visible and acessible from the invisible XP machine but I can't browse the workgroup. When I click the "View workgroup computers" link in the XP Network Tasks pane, I get an error message:

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Can Not Change The Workgroup To The Name Of My Home Workgroup

Apr 27, 2009

I have a Vista PC and an XP PC and on the Vista PC, I can not change the Workgroup to the name of my home workgroup. I get an network error message when I click on the Apply button. There are no special characters or spaces in my home workgroup name. What's interesting is that when I do a Query of the Network computers on the Vista PC, I can navigate to the folders that are shared on the XP PC. The problem I'm having is that I am trying to share a printer that is physically connected to the XP machine with the Vista PC. Even though both PC's are on the same physical network but on different Workgroups, I can see my XP machine, which I thought was not possible, if you're on two different workgroups. I have temporarily turned off the Firewall on both computers, but I get the same network error message.

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How To Connect To Workgroup

Dec 19, 2008

I am new to this forum and also to vista. I work in an educational organization. We have a local workgroup setup and five or six departments have been give net connectivity. All our computers have xp installed, and when a new computer is loaded with xp, it used to detect the internet connection straight away, and would connect to the net. Now I have been asked to use vista so that slowly our organization can migrate to vista. I loaded vista on another partition on my computer. Everything was okay. But vista has not recognized my net connection. It has been asking for isp username and password, which were never asked by xp. So now

1. How to make vista understand that I have already a LAN card on my motherboard and my computer is connected to the net through the central server? Our net administrator would not divulge the username and password. He asked me to find out other means:"When xp can, why can't vista recognize?" was his question.

2. Once the connection is established, how do I connect to my workgroup? Just as in xp, my giving the workgroup name?

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Can Not Get The Vista Pc Onto The Workgroup

Aug 27, 2009

SO we bought a new dell with vista 32 biz on it. We have a workgroup comprised of 4 xp machines. One of them is the "server" basically a share that we use to run a program on all the clients. They are all networked with a cisco 8 port switch. There is no domain in this setup either just the switch and the other pc's. I can not get the vista pc onto the workgroup. The switch shows no link light from the new pc and the pc acts like there is no cable plugged in. I'm sure all the hardware
is working too.

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Suddenly Cannot See Other Computers In My Workgroup And They Can't See Me

Apr 20, 2009

I have a home network that consists off an XP Desktop, a Vista Desktop, a XP Notebook and a Vista Tabletpc. They could all see and access each other with no problem. The Tabletpc and Notebook both are connected by wireless while the desktops are connected by Cat5.This morning I went to use the Tabletpc and it cannot see either of the other computers and they cannot see the Tabletpc., regarless whether I am connected by wireless or Cat5. However, they can see and access each other fine. The other three computers can see and access each other fine.I have tried everything I can think of to get the tabletpc to recongnize the other computers an vise-versa to no avail.The last time I used the tabletpc on my home network was about 8 days ago and it was working fine. That night I was admitted to the hospital for a week. While there I connected to the hospital's wifi. Not sure if this changed something or not but other than that I have not downloaded any software, updates, etc.

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Name Resolution Small On P2p Workgroup?

Apr 12, 2009

what Vista (and XP for that matter) uses for name resolution when on a small p2p workgroup? With no domain or server running DNS and no longer able to run Netbios on the pc. With IP installed I can ping by IP address but what exactly is allowing me to ping by machine name?

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Member Limitation For Workgroup

Apr 23, 2009

I started my MCITP training. Our trainer told us, that there is a limit of maximum 25 Vista clients in a Vista workgroup. Is this correct? From my point of knowledge, there is only a limitation of 10 concurrent incomming connections. There is no limitation on the number of members in a workgroup.I know, a workgroup with above 20 clients for file- and printsharing makes no sence, but is there a limitation?

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XP Networking With Workgroup Can't Properly Worked

May 23, 2008

My home network has several XP Pro SP3 computers that are networked with a common workgroup. My Vista computer is a member of WORKGROUP but isn't networking with WORKGROUP properly, although it connects properly over WiFi to the internet.First, in Explorer, there is a entry named Network (not My Network Places, etc.) that shows only this computer and no entry for WORKGROUP or for the other computers. Also, WORKGROUP is present but is empty (except for this computer) in View Computers and Devices. However, Full Map View shows the other computers and they can be opened with \computername and seen on Net View IP. So, how do I make those computers show up in explorer or View Computers or in some other accessible place? Also, the Vista computer is not visible from the other computers. If searched for with \computername, a error message says "computername is not accessible. You might not have permission ..." Net View IP reports "System Error 5. Access is denied."

All computers are using the WORKGROUP name. Same results with all firewalls disabled. Files are being shared. Private Network, Network discovery On, File sharing On Public Folder sharing On, Password protected sharing off, Media Sharing On, WINS NetBios setting Default. The XP computers are running Link-Layer and NW Link NetBios.

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IMac OS10.3 & Workgroup Could Not Opened

Mar 23, 2008

I can not see my iMac DV from my Vista PC. I have them both on the same workgroup. I can see the Vista PC from the iMac, but when I select it and try to login, I get the following error, "the alias could not be opened, because the original item cannot be found". My Mac is running OS 10.3. why Vista can not see this iMac?

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HP 7960 - Workgroup Printing Not Sharing

Mar 23, 2008

Using HP Photosmart 7960 as shared printer off of XP Pro SP2 machine. Works great for the other XP machines that share it. Tried to connect (via network share) my (new) 64Bit Vista Home Premium box to this printer. Of course, it asked for the Vista printer drivers, which do exist. So, the challenge - the drivers won't install on the XP machine, as they are Vista drivers and error out (simple message saying wrong OS). Installed the drivers on the Vista machine, which should solve the didn't. Went thru both HP directories (under x86 programs) looking for the *.inf files and according to Vista, none of them are correct.

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Workgroup Don't Connect Internal Domain

Apr 22, 2009

I have 64 bit Vista Home Premium, can I connect to a domain. I see I can connect to a Workgroup, but I don't see a way to connect to my internal domain

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Network Name Vs Workgroup Vista Connections

Sep 2, 2009

The Network and Sharing Center displays a Network Name preceding the Network Type (Public or Private) both of which can be modified. Under the Control Panels | System |Advanced system settings under the Computer Name tab you can view the Workgroup Name and of course modify. I understand the importance of having the Workgroup Name consistent between my XP and Vista computers. Should the Network Name be the same as the Workgroup Name? Does the Network Name have any function in network connections?

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How To Share Folders Only With Workgroup Members

Jul 29, 2009

Friends are visiting from out of state and connected to my secure home network with their laptop for internet access. We were surprised that they could also see my shared folders even though our workgroup names are different. Is there a way to restrict shared folder access to only members of my workgroup - specifically, allow only the 3 computers (2-XP, 1-Vista) on my home network to see each other's shared folders?

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Password Protected Network Shares In Workgroup

Apr 1, 2009

4 computers using broadband connection to internet (easy) 4 computers using workgroup on router and switch to share network shares. The second part let me explain further. I prefer to have Essentially the entire "user files" folder shared to my other computers given they supply a network password....

I cannot access the other computers i type \mainpc i get a typical error "is not available share. Contact the admin for access" My attempts: *all have workgroup the same *all run vista business or ultimate *all can access the internet *reset network connections *reset router even tried using a simple switch only without internet *insured networks were set for PRIVATE network *utilized user name and passwords for all accounts on all computers but the guest account *shared folders using advanced share and pick specific user admin accounts to have full access *i can under network see the computer i want to gain access but it won't ask me for a user name and password if i type \mainpc *I've tried under user accounts in control panel "Manage your network passwords" and inputed the user name nad password on the desired network i want to gain access which semi worked but now it doens't ask for a user name and password. *I've disabled all firewalls and virus scanners *pc 1 and 2 can talk freely to pc 3 but pc 1 and 2 cannot talk to each other.*network discovery on *file sharing on*public folder sharing off *password protected sharing on

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Can Not Browse

Jul 28, 2008

I am having a small problem with my web browsers. Every time I wan´t to go online, the LAN is conected (even messenger etc.. works) but NONE of my explorers (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari) seem to log into any sites.

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How To Browse An XML

Jun 10, 2009

I received a DVD with 1 xml file and several cgm files. How do I manage to display the content of the xml instead of the xml-code? I'm running under Vista with IE8.

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Not Browse/download

Apr 19, 2010

I have an HP pavillion dv5000 here, it connects both wirelessly and directly to the internet, but will not let me browse/download.

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Cant Browse Internet

Jun 13, 2008

I have vista business x64 and I have a problem with internet access: I use a wireless router, but my computer, which has the problem, is connected to the router through cable Since last week, every time I boot my computer I cant browse the internet (too slow) but I can ping I cant even access the router page at (local network). And my notebook (with windows xp) can browse internet normally through the wireless connection. I've already searched at internet, and I found the option to reset the winsock using: "netsh winsock reset". When I restart the computer after reseting the winsock, everything works great The problem is the next day I have to reset the winsock again... and this is really boring.

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Cannot Browse, Have Internet Connection

May 5, 2010

I cannot browse the net, but am definitely online. I have an HP desktop with Vista OS. I have wireless and I know everything is fine with the connection, because I am typing this post off an XP laptop which is using the same modem.

Yesterday the problem began when I uninstalled a DivX player that I dont use. I have read up on this and other sites and can't find a solution. Everytime I try to browse from the desktop I get the HTTP 403 error message. I have tried rebooting, "winsockfix", several command prompts, pinging, the IP address is fine, I am all out of ideas.

Can somebody please point me in the right direction, I have spoken to HP, AT&T and the store I purchased the computer and no dice, anywhere.

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Net Is Connected But Cannot Browse Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I just barely got a new HP Pavilion dv9500 with Vista Home Premium on it. I have Comcast cable internet with a Linksis wireless G router. I have 2 other computers in my home with Windows XP, a pc and a toshiba laptop and have always had good consistent internet through the router with both of them. Now with my new vista laptop it shows that I am connected, but I cannot browse the internet at all. It just sits there and thinks and thinks and thinks, like its bogged down or something. I tried to download the Yahoo messenger, and it just sits at 1% and doesnt move. My Outlook (Office 2007) does not work at all. No sending or recieving at all. Is Vista the problem?? Is it my Router that isnt compatible with Vista???
I have tried the repair connection, and it just says it cannot be repaired.

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Networking: Can't Browse The Vista Box

Aug 27, 2009

I've recently added an additional computer to my home network and have installed Windows 7 on it so that my network now consists of computers running either XP, Vista or Windows 7. My problem is that although the Vista box appears in the Network entries on both the XP and Windows 7 boxes I can't browse the Vista box. The error message "Windows cannot access \ComputerName" and then indicates that I don't have permission to access the Vista computer. However I'm able to map a network drive on the XP box & the Windows 7 box to any of the shares on the Vista box. The XP boxes can browse the Windows 7 box and vice-versa. The Vista box can browse both the XP box and the Windows 7 box. I've searched for a solution on the web and tried almost all the ones that I've found but can't solve this

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Can Not Connect Internet Not Browse

Feb 27, 2010

I have an Acer and I have been using it for months. Browsing the web, IMing, torrents and whatnot. HOWEVER, about a month ago, my internet connected BUT my broswers (Firefox and IE) would not connect to any websites I typed in nor would Windows Live work. My uTorrent works and every other laptop in the house. I am connecting wirelessly btw, but i have tried plugging it in to through the Cable. What should I do?

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64-bit Users: How Do Browse W/x64 Without X64 Plug-in

Feb 28, 2008

Internet Explorer 7 in 64-bit mode: Awesome! Minefield, otherwise known as Firefox 3 Beta 3, the only x64 Firefox browser currently available. Incredible...BUT! There are no Flash/Shockwave, amongst others, 64-bit plug-in's available, so I am forced to use FF2 x86, as well as IE7 x86, and I don't understand how anybody browses without, at a minimum, the Adobe Flash Player plug-in.

Most sites that I frequent require the Adobe Flash player, some do the Shockwave, too. I watch a lot of CNN and NBC News, and both of those, amongst many others, require the Flash player. Is anyone aware of beta plug-in's, or an ETA as to when they'll be released? Is there any other (temporary) solution that I am unaware of.

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Disable Browse In Same Window

Jul 24, 2008

Currently when I download an Excel file from a webpage it opens it in IE. I want it to open in Excel. I have already confirmed that Excel will open all files that have the file type .xls By default the WIndows has the "Browse in Same Window" box checked I am wanting to Uncheck this box in Vista. In XP we can go to Tools»Folder options»File Type»XLS»advanced and select check boxes for these properties »Confirm after download »Always show extention »Browse in same window I am trying to find these same properties in Vista.

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System Is Connected To Internet, But Cannot Browse

Feb 25, 2010

I'm sure other people have had this problem, and I have viewed their threads and tried everything that was listed that I could find, but to no avail. I have a HP Pavilion running Windows Vista Home Premium. I try to connect to the internet, but whenever I try to browse it cannot display the webpage I am trying to load. And here's the kicker, the darn thing says I am connected, with full bars even.

As far as I can tell, I have no out of date drivers, I checked and double checked to make sure. I have tried resetting the TCP/IP and winsock settings/files using the commands I found in a thread on this forum, but it didn't work. I tried using ipconfig described in another thread, and even though I can successfully ping sites (three different ones I might add), the release/renew commands didn't resolve it. I even tried a system restore to rollback updates, still didn't work..........

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Associating Files Browse Appropriate Exe File

Feb 14, 2009

I'm running Vista Home Premium. I have Sarmsoft Resume Builder installed. Until recently, my resume files, with an .rb4 extension, were associated with the program and displayed the program's icon in Explorer. They've somehow become associated with Adobe Acrobat, and Vista flat out refuses to allow me to correct this. The parent program doesn't appear as an option in Control Panel for associating files, and after I browse to the program location and select the appropriate EXE file, the association still stays Adobe Acrobat.

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Network And XP: Can Not Browse Shared Files

Mar 23, 2008

Trying to network XP pro with Vista Ultimate. I installed the LLtd Responder patch on XP. When i go to network map on vista I can see the XP machine but can not browse shared files or even click on the icon for it? I can't get the XP machine to see vista. Both have the same workgroup name. What am i doing wrong?

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Windows Explorer Not Working And Cannot Browse

Mar 23, 2008

I have two computers. The Windows XP Professional is wired directly to my 5 port SpeedTouch 780 10/100mb switch. The Vista Home Premium is a laptop and is wireless connected to the same SpeedTouch 780 DSL Router. Both computers can see each other on the network. I can browse all the allowed folders on the Sony Vaio Vista Machine but I cannot browse the folders on the XP machine from the Vista machine. I CAN open the folders but I cannot copy files and if there are a lot of folders, VISTA will sit there and hang while the progress bar progresses and finally the Vista machine will kick back an error message saying that Windows Explorer has quit with no explanation.

HOWEVER, IF I disconnect the Vista wireless connection, and I cable it, to the same SpeedTouch 780 switch, THEN I CAN browse my folders on the XP machine and EVERYTHING works like it is supposed to. I have turned off the firewall and disabled anti virus on both machines. What can I do to troubleshoot this problem? And DOES ANYONE have a tech support phone number for SpeedTouch 780 DSL Routers?

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Browsing The Internet Explorer Wont Browse

Jul 30, 2008

i need advice!!! when im online about 3-5 hours then the pinging had no request time out! after 5 hours when i browsing the internet explorer wont browse. when i try another laptop is internet is stable and working. then windows firewall i already allowed all. then if i restart Im connected again. why is that?

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Updates: Unable To Browse With Internet Explorer

Jun 14, 2008

My computer decided to download the latest updates (some security updates) anyway after the updates i was unable to browse with internet explorer. my connection was fine because i was able to log on to msn messenger and windows live mail. so i restored to a date previous to the update installation, then i was able to browse again, well the updates decided to install themselves again today and the same thing happened again. i had to restore again. i am sick of this. what is going on with this latest security update, i cant keep restoring. Second Im in the middle of a very important exam and this update crap keeps interrupting.

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Program Supposed To Open Folders To Browse Files?

Jun 12, 2008

i am using vista ultimate 64 bit os with fingerprint biometric security can anyone tell me which program is supposed to open folders to browse files as i recently tried to browse some files using media centre and now if i try to open the files it automatically uses media centre to open them ,which doest work? i can unlock the files and lock them but not browse them as i dont know which program it uses to open the files

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