Background To Stop Or End

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody here used the program EndItAll 2 with Vista? I was thinking about installing it to end background tasks & such in order to play my games. Since Vista is such a resource hog, thought this might help with the performance of my game. I don't know which programs or anything that is running in the background to stop or end so thought this program "End It All" might help.

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More Background Services Than XP

Dec 14, 2008

I've noticed that Vista has a lot more background services running than XP does and one of my pet peeves is to see a crap load of services running and knowing I don't need all of them but not knowing which one's I don't need.

Could anyone tell me if there are some common services that I can stop from loading up that will not affect Vista?

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Programs Run In Background

Mar 18, 2009

I have a problem with my machine running slower whenever I'm on the Web. Recently I discovered that it was because of one or perhaps 2 programs running in the background even after I close the programs. Last month, after performing a system cleanup with my antivirus and antispyware programs, I noticed that the cleanup process was running unusually slow. At some point, I activated RealPlayer and it wouldn't activate. I double-clicked the icon more than once, and it didn't run.

Out of curiosity, I decided to look at my Task Manager, and in the list of programs running under the 'Processes' tab, I noticed 'realplay.exe'. My RealPlayer program was still running in the background, even though I closed the program, and it was chewing up my resources and slowing down my machine. I stopped the process by hitting the 'End Process' button, and noticed that my machine was back up to normal speed. Once in a blue moon, I get the same problem with Mozilla Firefox, and I have to go into my Task Manager to stop that process to be able to run it again.

So far, RealPlayer and Firefox are the only 2 programs that run in the background even after I close them. How to I fix this problem so that I don't have to keep going into my Task Manager to shut down both programs if they continue to run in the background?

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Cant Put Background Image

May 25, 2008

why cant i put a background image on my laptop? the only thing it allows me to do is change the backgrounds colors.

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Side Bar Background Is BLACK

Dec 19, 2009

my side bar backgrounds is black and I cant change it back to aero has
anyone find a solution to this.

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Background Choice To Use .html

Jun 15, 2009

How can I use a .html doc as my Vista desktop when Desktop Background in Personalise only allows pictures.

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ITunes Background Colour

Apr 7, 2010

I hated the new colour scheme when iTunes 9 was released, with the harsh white background. Is there any way to change it back to the black/grey without installing anything????

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Set Desktop Background As Centered

Apr 11, 2009

Under Personalize/Desktop background I chose a .jpg and I want it centered with black background. No matter if I choose fit to screen, tiled or centered it stays fit to screen even though the other choice is selected. How do I correct this?

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Desktop Background Keeps Going Black

Dec 7, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium SP1. I have set my Desktop Background to be one of my favorite pictures. But every half hour or so, without any warning, the Desktop Background resets itself to black, and I have to go back into Control Panel to
reset the background to my picture.

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Can Not Play Sent Background Music

Mar 5, 2009

In fact I did ask this question before and I received an answer from one of the MVPs, but I lost the copy. This is what I did : Create Mail > Format > Background > Sound > browse to locate my choice of music, Click Open > OK ( I chose MP3 instead of .wav or midi, because they take too long to upload and send ). This is my problem : I sent that to myself for testing. Music came on as soon as I opened the e-mail. But, when I sent it to someone else, the recipient was unable to hear anything. The answer I received before was about recipient having have to change a setting, but I don't remember what.

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Looking For Background Pictures Used In Themes?

Jan 1, 2010

I've tried googling to find out the location of the pictures used in themes in Vista and Windows 7 but haven't found any info. Does anyone know where this info is? Just to clarify, I mean the city, state where the pictures were taken. Not the location of the files on the computer.

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Background Fit To Screen Don't Changing

Jul 5, 2008

Whenever I set a new wallpaper the default setting for the background is center.I want it to be set to fit to screen. Is there a registry setting for this so the default goes to fit to screen so don't have to keep changing it.

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LCD Screens, Background Black

Mar 22, 2009

Never could get my LCD screens properly cleaned. All 'special' products for cleaning leave them with stripes. Being a real man, i tried using WD40. First little corner on oldest monitor, ended up cleaning my flatscreen TV with it. It renders the screens as new, i tried putting the screen on background black and it was spotless. completely OT, bathe an old speaker overnite in WD40 makes any old scratchy speaker come back to life

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Blank Desktop Background

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to remove 'flash.10.exe' popup during startup by loading 'combofix' thru but failed due to program interrupted & causing blank background. My question is how to restore the photos back to normal?

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Cannot Change Desktop Background

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to change my desktop background it comes up with a message that says, program disabled contact you system administrator. I know I did not disable this option myself and no one else uses my computer. How do I get the option to work again?

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Auto Change Background

Apr 12, 2009

I was wondering if there is anyway to set Vista up or download load any software that would allow me to set the desktop background to change automatically?

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Change Welcome Screen Background?

Apr 14, 2008

I was wondering if there is any way of changing the welcome screen background? If so how?

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Background Music On An Attachment

Feb 6, 2009

Vista Home Premium 32-bit SP1, Windows Live Mail 14 v. I know how to insert background music on an e-mail, but ........I can not figure out how to make it as a background music when and ONLY when the attachment is opened. NOTE : I do not want to convert the music to .wav format. It takes too long and it does not work if the music is too long. What I have be doing is this : Open compose window > Format > Background > Sound > browse to music folder, pick my choice > Open, choose of times or continuously > OK My problem is : as soon as the e-mail is opened by the recipient, music starts. It does not wait for attachment to be opened. What steps have I missed ?

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Sidebar Background Controls

Jun 30, 2008

To the right of the PLUS symbol (open gadgets) in the very top right corner of the sidebar there is a left arrow & a right arrow. I think they are supposed to cycle through backgrounds but on mine they are greyed out and do nothing. I have yet to see any mention of these controls in any help file or discussion. Are there different sidebar backgrounds and if so, how do I access them? Right now, my background is opaque.

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Does Not Show Desktop Background

Mar 6, 2010

I am running Vista Basic upgraded to Home Premium. For some time I have not been able to set a picture as my background. If I set a picture as my background it does not show on my desktop. All I have is a solid colour which I can change. If I use the switch between windows feature of Aero I can see the background but only after I have selected my desktop from the available windows and use the switch between windows feature again. The picture never shows up on my desktop. I did have a problem with Aero at one time when it would load up when I boot up but as soon as my desktop loaded Aero stopped working. I did get this sorted out by uninstalling and reinstalling my graphics card. I hope this makes sense. I know it is not a big problem but I would just like to be able to set a picture as my background.

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Desktop Background Setting

Mar 31, 2008

I have this very Weird problem. Whenever I set an Image for my background,if the image is small my window stretches the images, regardless of my settings(Tile, Centered or stretch). I have noticed that, the stretching continues until my background is filled horizontally.

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Background Picture Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

When I send someone an email with a picture (which is a sample picture that came on the laptop) they get the email but it doesn't have the background picture, just the text. These domains I'm sending to are and Why is the background picture not working.

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My Desktop Background Has Been Disabled

Mar 25, 2008

everything has been fine for several months with my new computer.Three days ago,my background went from a family picture i had posted there to all black with just the vista icons and gadgets on the right side.The toolbar is also Ok.When i try to fix it in the control panel under personal appearances,the response tells me that the feature has been disabled.I have been unable to restore my background.

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Background Colour Will Not Print

Nov 23, 2008

I am working on a TAFE project. The word document I have created has the page coloured, text and photos on it but when I print the page out the background colour will not print, everything else does.

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Black Dots On Desktop Background

Jun 5, 2009

I recently downloaded a wallpaper changer program called Winvista. As soon as I started to play with the different wallpapers on my desktop, I couldn't help but notice that it had completely cocked up! It seems rather odd, behind the display picture there are a series of grid formad dots, very small and regemented. These move around when I open windows over them or when I select desktop icons. I had a go at changing my resolution, display settings, themes, effects and tried using different background pictures. I've restarted a few times and have selected to use different solid colours, but these dots don't budge.

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Sidebar Background Color Want To Change

Apr 4, 2008

A neighbor is trying to change his side bar background to Transparent.

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Working In Background Cursor Flutter

Jun 30, 2008

Platform: ASUS M50-SV

OS: Windows Vista Home Premium SP1

Update status: No new updates available as of 2008-06-30

Cursor on desktop continually switches between Normal Select and Working in Background when a manually initiated or task manager scheduled minimized script is running. If the cursor is positioned over an item on the desktop, the flashing stops.

The behaviour is an unnecessary visual distraction.

It can be reproduced on demand using the following milliwait.bat script
running minimized..................

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How Can I Change A GIF Image Background To Transparent?

Jan 25, 2009

I didn't know anything about GIF images until today when I discovered I had to change a JPEG's image background to transparent. I downloaded an image editing program (Coral Paint Shop Pro) and after about two hours of trial and error I only got to changing the background to a solid colour (light red), after which I deleted the program because ALL my image files were redirected there when I clicked on them (instead of Windows Photo Viewer and such).

Now I want to know if and how I can make the background transparent without image editing software. I followed one online suggestion which was to:

- Open MO Excel
- Under the "Insert" tab click "Picture" and upload image
- Under the "Format" tab click "Recolor" and choose "Set Transparent Color", then choose the color you want transparent and click on it...but that only gave me an image I wanted in an Excel spreadsheet which I couldn't save as a GIF in any program I tried.

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'flash.10.exe': Blank Desktop Background

Mar 26, 2008

I have tried to remove 'flash.10.exe' popup during startup by loading 'combofix' thru but failed due to program interrupted & causing blank background. My question is how to restore the photos back to normal?

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64: Get Rid Of Mobsync.exe And Wmplayer.exe Always Running In The Background

Mar 25, 2008

I looked around for some time, but i did not get any usable answer. I am running Vista Ultima 64 and i ask fior advice applying to Vista and NOT 2000. The Problem: using process explorer and tasskmanager i constantly see mobsync.exe running as well as wmplayer, invisible in the background.It looks like they index something. I found out that this must have something to do with either offline files, sync center or mediaplayer sharing, maybe also related to the USB sticks i have in my PC. But no matter what tips and tricks i apply, no matter what i set, what service i disable...i cannot get rid of those constantly starting. I dont what triggers them! I want that mobsync.exe as well as wmplayer NEVER appear in the list of running tasks anymore, no "indexing" of my drives, nothing.

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Dual Monitors: Different Background Display Possible?

Apr 22, 2009

I have NVidia video card and 2 monitors. Both monitors are set to mode: "Configured indepedently from each other (Dualview)." Everything is fine, except that both monitors use the same wallpaper. Is it possible to set up a different background display for each monitor?

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