Automate Two Tasks Sysprepped Image

Mar 23, 2008

I've managed to put together a suitable Vista image, resealed and ready to distribute. It does everything I need it to except I can't seem to find a way to do these last two things: I need for Windows Automatic Updates to be turned off and for the user to not get bugged about it. I need for Security Center notifications to be turned off, and the tray icon to not be displayed, for at least the first 3 users created. Please, don't tell me that I shouldn't be doing this, etc., - this is what I'm being directed to accomplish by management. I just need a way to automate it. Right now, when the system unseals it runs an app I wrote that automates a few things before the system auto logs in as the system administrator for a final piece of software to be installed. I'd like for my app to take care of those last two things instead of having the end users perform them manually. I found a couple of registry keys/values that looked promising, but they don't work:.........................

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Two Tasks When Unsealing Sysprepped Image

Mar 26, 2008

I've managed to put together a suitable Vista image, resealed and ready to distribute. It does everything I need it to except I can't seem to find a way to do these last two things: I need for Windows Automatic Updates to be turned off and for the user to not get bugged about it. I need for Security Center notifications to be turned off, and the tray icon to not be displayed, for at least the first 3 users created. this is what I'm being directed to accomplish by management. I just need a way to automate it.

Right now, when the system unseals it runs an app I wrote that automates a few things before the system auto logs in as the system administrator for a final piece of software to be installed. I'd like for my app to take care of those last two things instead of having the end users perform them manually. I found a couple of registry keys/values that looked promising, but they don't work:In HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdateAuto Update, AUOptions set to dword:1 and IncludeRecommendedUpdates set to....................

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How To Automate Checkdisk And Defrag On Boot.

Mar 29, 2008

Oh yes prog was called Defrag from PC Mech. It worked like this ran prog it then rebooted system and on startup ran chkdsk then defraged volume. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I have a car.... But is there not a way to create a script file that would reboot system run chkdsk and defrag then boot into OS. I will also be shuting of defrag I do not want it running all the time.

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Automate A Process: Open A DOS Window

Mar 8, 2009

I need to automate a process that has been running manually. It goes like this:

1. Open a DOS window.

2. Change to the folder I want to receive the file into.

3. enter "ftp".

4. When prompted as follows, enter a User ID. The following 4 lines of text are received, after a .2 second to maybe 10 or more second wait, then wanting a User ID to be entered..........

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How To Automate The Process Of A “final Check

Dec 9, 2009

I gather digital images (via e-mail) from members of our camera club. There are simple specification for filename, size and dimensions, but it’s amazing to variety of errors that are made. The files arrive over several days. I visual check for errors on a flow basis, but sometimes I don’t catch them all. I would like to automate the process of a “final check” of the complete batch before incorporating them into our PowerPoint application for the competition.

My OS is Vista. I know how to produce a list of filenames (Shift/RightClick, Copy as Path, etc), but I don’t know of a way to also capture other file attributes, such as size and dimensions. My idea is to create (maybe a Comma-Separated-Value file that I could import into Excel. Then it should be simple enough to use conditional formatting to flag the cells in error. Actually, filename and dimensions contain subfields, but my idea is to use a text editor on the csv file so that the subfields could be separated and therefore imported into separate cells in Excel.

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Drowning In Tasks

Mar 31, 2008

I rebooted my system at about 18:30 and it's now 22:30 and now I have 47 separate Taskeng.exe processes running - need help in stopping them from mutliplying further! I can't tell from the Process tab of the Task Manager what the taskeng.exe processes refer to, and the Task Scheduler says there are only 8 running tasks.

There are 5 tasks that I created myself and know about, and they all say under Settings "Don't start a new instance" if already running. I can find all these tasks in the Process Tab of the Task Manager via the Process ID, where I see that the apps they started appear in the Image Name column (rather than as taskeng.exe processes).

In trying to work out the rest I looked at the "Command Line" column of Task Manager Processes which shows that each taskeng.exe has a long {hex}code assocaited with it - the {HEX} being what I assume are GUID's of some description but since they don't correspond to the "Correlation ID" codes in the Task Scheduler "History" I'm lost...

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Can't Run Scheduled Tasks

May 26, 2009

I have read all of the search-engine hits I can find, and they all seem to point to the fact that you can't run scheduled tasks in Vista Home Premium using a regular username even when you supply the correct password. Vista forgets the password and gives the error "2147943726 (Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password)" whenever it tries to run a scheduled task (scheduled at the same time every day) after the computer is rebooted.

For my task -- a backup program to a network disk -- I can't use the "Do not store password. The task will only have access to local computer resources" checkbox, since the task needs access to the network disk. And the "run with highest privileges" checkbox doesn't have any effect. I still get the "Logon failure" message when the task tries to run after I reboot. None of the discussions I have found by searching the 'net actually have a solution.

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Scheduled Tasks / Cron Jobs Under

Nov 12, 2009

In Unix there are services called cron jobs which basically are nothing more than processes scheduled to run routinely every so often. I think these are called
scheduled tasks. So how do I set up a scheduled task under Windows Vista Home Premium so that for instance every day around 11:30 PM my laptop powers off whenever I have left it switched on (so that it does not wake up anybody in the middle of the night which has been happening to me).

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Running Tasks In Task Scheduler

Aug 19, 2008

Task Scheduler Running Tasks in Task Scheduler Under Current Action there are several tasks running that I have neverscheduled:

AutoWake Task Handler Class
Microsoft PlaySoundService Class
Certificate Services Client Task Handler- there are 2 of these running
Transient Multi-Monitor Manager
Custom Experience Improvement Progress

Mobile PC- Launches application configured for windows Hot Start (I do not use a Mobile PC)Multi Media System Sounds- User mode Agent Shell- Index all Crawl type Start Addresses Does anyone know why these task are running all the time and whether I can delete or disable them?

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Sending Email: Some Errors Occurred While Processing The Requested Tasks

Jun 7, 2008

I have the following problem which cannot fix for a few weeks now and growing increasingly frustrated: Sending emails always generates the following message: 'some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks'. The message then stays in the outbox and the contents of message are deleted. I then need to delete the message which goes into the deleted items folder.

However, the email does actually get sent which I've verified by i) checking on send server of gmail and ii) sending/blind copying myself which comes into Windows mail inbox in the normal way. I would greatly welcome advice on how to remove the error message such that outbox messages automatically go to the sent folder rather than generating the error message and the message contents completely disappearing.

The only workaround is to bcc myself on outgoing mail so that I have a record of what I have sent from WM which then appears in the inbox with the text intact. As background, I have installed the Vista and WMutil patch and run all the checks and tabs to no avail. I have had AVG anti-virus installed for over 1 year. The problem manifests itself consistently in different countries and for both ADSL and wireless so i've discounted this as an ISP issue.

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How To Set IMAGE On Startup

Jan 8, 2009

I wanted to know, how do i set this image On Startup What i have is ridiculous, it is a green bar only.

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Keep An Image For Vista?

Mar 26, 2008

before this i try to install vista on my machine. and for sure in that time we need to create user (adminstrator) before we start using the vista. after that, i try to keep an image for my vista because if anything happen, it will be more easier to me. then, i try to image on my machine again. but, there already have i user which mean the administrator that i create during the 1st installation. so, when i do the image, i need to put the different user name because the user name that i try to create already exist. so that will create 2 different user when imaging is done. is there any way how to delete the 1st user? so when imaging is done, it will only 1 user (new user) and the windows will be automatically show the desktop. (i know how to delete from control panel>user account). actually this is for my client.

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Cant Put Background Image

May 25, 2008

why cant i put a background image on my laptop? the only thing it allows me to do is change the backgrounds colors.

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Shortcut Image Can't Appear

Jul 30, 2008

Just recently my shortcuts all have a broken link image where the little shortcut arrow would appear.

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Mount A CD Image

Aug 19, 2007

Mounting a CD image is a basic feature of almost every operating system package except for Microsoft Windows. Microsoft has never shipped this feature in any version of Windows including Windows Vista.  Mounting a CD image is very useful when you have downloaded a .ISO cd image and you do not want to waste the time or the media to burn a copy. Since Windows Vista does not have this functionality built-in, you will need to download a utility. One popular utility that will mount CD images is called elby CloneDrive. Best of all, CloneDrive is free and easy to use. Follow these steps to mount CD images in Windows Vista with CloneDrive: ....

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Image File Problem

May 12, 2008

When I save any kind of image file to my desktop (jpeg, gif etc.) the file
wont open unless I put it in a folder first. I click on it and nothing
happens. I try right click > open with > and nothing happens, they will only
open if they are put in a folder. This problem only happens with image
files, all other files open with no problems.

I don't have SP1 installed on my Vista home premium.

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Prt Scn Image On Desktop And Not Able To Remove

Jan 12, 2010

I utilized Gadwin Print Screen to capture a screen. I captured same and was trying to send the photo to desktop as a "JPEG" file. Well it is on my desktop, and I cannot get rid of it. Programs work, but must access them thru start menu. Tried to perform "system restore" but it would not correct the problem. Can anyone help me get my desktop screen back?

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True Image Cloning

May 5, 2009

My 80gb Vista laptop is out of space, so I bought a 250gb drive and installed it in a USB 2.0 enclosure. I have tried both the True Image clone procedure and also partitioning the 250gb with 2 partitions then backing up the original drive to one of the partitions, replacing the 80 with 250 and tried to recover into the blank partition but no success.

I get the cannot boot message and must use the install cd to enable the new clone but I still am unable to boot into the cloned version. I have had great luck with Acronis but just cannot make this work. I am using True Image Home V10 Build 4.942) with Windows Vista Home Basic with SVC Pk1. Are there any of the drive manufacturers that have a utility that will get around this boot problem with Vista? I am ready to buy another drive just to get this done.

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Desktop Image: Ultimate

Sep 30, 2009

It's been a while but here goes.

I saved and have been using, a neat image (safe) and now want to change my theme. Is there any way I can save this so I can go back and use it if I change to something else then decide I want back?

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Is It Possible To Copy An 'image' Of My Current Pc To A New Pc

Aug 26, 2009

My main concern is the time & trouble (& cost) it would take to re-install all my software . I have the original discs for most of my programs, though some ( I think) only allow a single installation. I also have an awful lot of downloaded software that I would need to re-install, as well as setting up my web connection again (it caused a few problems last time).

My question, is it possible to copy an 'image' of my current pc to a new pc including the registry etc ?

My data files are not a problem, I have backups.

I use Vista home premium.

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Acronis True Image 11?

Sep 23, 2008

States it is Vista Compatible. Has anyone used it and if so what is your impression.

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Image Mountaing Software?

Jun 7, 2007

Does anyone know of any x64 bit compatible software for mounting images files?

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Used Sysmatec Ghost Image A Xp

Mar 6, 2009

I'm new to this forum so please be gentle if I made a mistake in posting this here or whatever. :-) I am a intern on a School for my education and currently I'm looking into Imaging. Yesterday I used Symantec Ghost to image a XP machine. I was wondering if this would also be possible with Vista. Using something like a bootable Vista usb drive or cd or something?

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Shortcuts Image Missing

Apr 7, 2010

Under the adminstrator log in, all the shortcut images are showing under "all Programs" under the start menu. Under all other user log in's, there is a blank file image(white square) with an arrow. I can not access the program when click on the white square. Also, the shortcut tab is missing under properties. I recently used wipedrive(lost restore cd) to restore the system to original factory condition.

Some items require me to find the file location to reinstall. I tried the rebuild icon tutorial, the file associations, retore vista shortcuts/icons & the default program options. Nothing has worked. Also, I noticed when I try to open another window in internet explorer it says "can not display page". It use to say something to the effect "open tab tutorial".

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Factory Image Restore

Feb 15, 2009

Will this option restore your Registry? And all of the factory drivers and programs. I had a virus and I think my registry is screwed up.

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Corrupted Backup Image

Dec 2, 2008

This is for Windows 64bit.. I can't decide which one to get. I go to product reviews on a couple different sites and there seems to be somewhat of a divide with users saying to go with Ghost and vice versa. I have never used Ghost before. So I can't personally say anything on it from experience. As for True Image, I am 1 for 1 on it. I managed to restore an image without any problems on one computer, but had a corrupted backup image on the other. So I'm not sure what buy now.

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Paint Dpi: Image Not Hold Up

Mar 23, 2008

I like the simplicity of Paint, even with it`s limitations. But the one draw back that is really frustrating is its low dpi resolution. When I try to print image on to a larger format, usually paper poster, the image just does not hold up. The pixel becomes distorted and image is unrecognizable. I want to be able print my drawings on to much larger mediums. Whats the solution? Is there an upgrade version of Paint. Or can anybody give me an other solution. I already know about Photoshop, Corel etc...but I am a simple illustrator.

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Factory Image D Full

Mar 25, 2010

my D drive is in red and apparently full. i am not getting the warning sign yet but was curious if I can somehow just delete this drive. yes i know that it is a recovery drive. we do have a recovery disk handy. when i click on it it says "warning this area of your hard drive comntains files used for your PC Recovery. Do not delete or alter....." so if I were to delete it will is mess my computer up? do i really need to back it up to a cd since i already have a recovery disk? is there a way to just keep the drive but not have the full red bar there?

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New Computer: How Create An Image

Apr 18, 2008

My sister just got a new computer with Vista Home Premium. I was wondering if I can create an image of her old computer (running XP) and use that image on her new one? Or are there to many incompatibilities between the two OS's for this to work? If this will work, it would save a bunch of time transfering files and settings.

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Can't Create Iso Image File

Mar 24, 2009

Could anyone explain to me why I cannot (for instance) create an ISO image file in C: I get an error message: "Unable to create or replace file Reason: A required privilege is not held by the client"

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RAW Image Files Are Corrupted

Mar 6, 2010

since having installed 64 bit version, I'm experiencing a weird behaviour. Many downloaded raw files (*.cr2) from my Canon camera are corrupted when browsing them in the destination folder, but if I check them browsing the card they are not (and it's not a camera problem: no corrupted files when viewing images in camera). This happens with different cards and using different programs -viewers or editors. I suppose it's a Vista problem, perhaps a driver or codec issue, or perhaps connected to downloading (although I've also tried to copy them from the card and paste them in a desktop folder without using a downloader - Zoombrowser, Lightroom, ACDSee)

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