XP Pro Cannot Install A Shared Printer On A Ultimate PC

Mar 23, 2008

I have found hundreds of threads on not being able to install a printer on an XP to a Vista machine, but not one about my problem. Home pear to pear workgroup network. 1 Vista Ultimate 64 bit, 2 XP Pro's, 2 XP Home. Lexmark Z600 printer hung off of the Vista PC. Working fine. Trying to use this Lexmark printer as the main printer for one of the XP Home PC's. From the XP Home PC can see the Vista share printer.

When installing, told that this is not the correct print driver & does not install. Solution 1 - Tried installing the standard XP 32 bit driver for this printer on the Vista PC so that the XP machine can download that driver during shared install. Vista says this tyep driver is not correct and will not allow me to install it for network sharing.............

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Slow Shared Printer - Extrememly Slow Shared Printer

Jul 29, 2009


1) Extremely slow shared printer response
2) application nonresponsive while printing

Network Topography:

1 Vista Home Premium 32 PC
1 Vista Home Premium 64 PC

Cisco SD2008 Switch

1 HP 4050 Laserjet (Parallel connected to Vista 32 Machine above)

Configuration of Printer:
Connected via parallel to Vista 32 machine
Printer is configured for sharing and is installed on both machines
test pages print successfully from both machines

Additional notes:
During printer setup on the Vista 32 machine, I attempted to install
additional 64x drivers, but could not locate them, so I skipped this step.

During printer setup on the Vista 64 machine, the shared printers were
identified successfully, and I added the network printer. I was not asked to
install drivers the way I have in the past when adding a local printer.

Printing using the shared printer on the local machine Vista 32 performs
with normal speeds. Printing from the network computer Vista 64 using the
shared printer installed on Vista 32 is extremely slow. Even typing in print
job changes in the print dialog window takes 30 seconds or so for each key
stroke to register a response onscreen.

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HP Cannot See XP Shared Printer

Jul 27, 2008

Vista Home premuim. Network settings correct on both PCs. From Vista I can ping the XP by IP address and by Computer name. From Vista I can map a drive on the XP using either IP or computer name. However In Network XP PC name is present but double-click says no access.Shared printer on XP is not found by Vista Add Printer. XP can see Vista in Network Places and double-click shows shared folders.

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Printing To Shared XP Printer

Mar 23, 2008

Configuration: HP Laptop with Vista Home Premium, Compaq desktop with XP home and Epson Rx500 USB printer shared, Dell desktop with XP home. All in same WORKGROUP. Symptom: XP systems print to RX500 OK. When adding printer to Vista, sees RX500 but get error message after "Connecting to RX500" box. Error messsage says Windows cannot connect to the printer. Access is denied.

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Shared Laserjet Printer

Mar 23, 2008

I have troubles getting my laserjet 1018 to work with my Vista Home laptop. The printer is set up to my desktop computer wich runs Vista Ultimate and i have shared it in the network. Everything works alright until I adds the printer on my laptop. After that I can't print from any of the computers and the printer que just fills up and i can't empty it. If i reinstall the printer drivers on the desktop computer its start working there again but I cant get it to work propely when i have installed it on the laptop.

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Shared Printer With . XP To Printing.

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Vista computer and an XP computer. Both are on a domain. I have an HP Laserjet 1018 printer attached and installed locally on the Vista computer. The printer is shared and is added to the XP computer. When printing from XP to the laserjet printer on Vista it acts like it goes..no errors but nothing comes out. However, if you restart the print spooler then the jobs start printing. The printer works fine when printing from the Vista machine but not when you try to print from other computers on the network. Anyone know how to resolve this without having to restart the print spooler all the time? Drivers have been reinstalled and that does not help.I also tried removing the printer. Re-adding it. Sharing it again and re-adding it to other hosts on the network....same issue.

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XP Networking, Shared Printer

Sep 29, 2007

I checked out many forums and seen many others with the same or similar problems. I tried all the suggested solutions with no results. I have a home network with 3 XP computers and a Vista laptop (Lenovo x60) running Vista Business. The network using both wired and wireless connections. I installed a NAS (Maxtor Shared Storage 2), and had to change the workgroup name (since the Maxtor could not handle the "@") character.

After I changed the workgroup name on all computer, the vista cannot find my shared printer, neither any of the other computers on my network. The XP machines do not see the vista either. I have internet access from the vista, but cannot print or do backup to the NAS. So far I tried:.................

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Shared Printer Can't Print

Aug 25, 2009

I've got 2 Vista laptops. Both on Home Premium. One of them is sharing a usb Lexmark 8300 printer. The other one can see the shared resources and connect to that printer but it can't print. No error messages whatsoever. After printing a test page I can see number 1 next to the printer status but when I double click the printer the print job is not there. Both the computers are in the same workgroup. Both have Printer Sharing enabled in Network and Sharing Center. On the computer that's sharing the printer the Everyone group was given full access. All paper set to A4 on both of them.

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Cannot Print To Shared Printer

Jun 23, 2008

XP Pro x32 cannot print to Vista Ultimate x64 Shared Printer

1). XP Pro 32 node can see Vista Ultimate 64 Shared Printer

2). Right Click Vista Ultimate 64 Shared Printer From XP Pro 32. No Printer Driver Installed Installed Printer Driver no reboot and then tried reboot Test Page create Widows Error..........

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-XP Shared Printer Not Working

Mar 24, 2008

I have an hp PSC 750 connected to an XP machine. I am trying to print via wireless connection from my Vista machine. I have installed the printer on Vista, I have it selected as the default printer and it's status is Ready but when I print to it nothing happens, no error message or anything. This setup worked previously XP-XP, I replaced the remote XP machine with a new Vista machine.

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Shared Printer Can't Working

Feb 8, 2009

I have a home network set up with one computer serving as the Server for the house, it is running Vista Ultimate x64. All the printers are connected to that computer and are shared. The server also contains all of our movies and music for the house. I have several computers connected to it ranging from Vista Home Premium x86 to Vista Ultimate x64. Now for some reason I am only able to print to the printer when I am logged in on an account with the exact name and password as the one that I made on the server. Any other account I just get an error in the printer queue. So I figured I just needed to set up everyone with a user name and password on the server. I did that and the same thing is happening. I've checked the security tab on the printer and set Everyone to have full control over the printer. Printer sharing is enabled on the server and I'm adding the printer to the other computers via local port "\SERVERColour Laser". So I have no idea what else it could be. I'm also installing both x86 and x64 drivers on the server and the proper ones on the client computers.

So to recap. I have:
Server - Windows Vista Ultimate x64
Printer 1 - HP Laser CP1215
Printer 2 - HP Deskjet 5550
Computer 1 - Windows Vista Ultimate x64
Computer 2 - Windows Vista Ultimate x86
Computer 3 - Windows Vista Home Premium x86
Computer 4 - Windows Vista Home Premium x86

Each computer has one common user name and password, "Tyler", I can successfully print from any computer while on that account. However I am unsuccessful in printing from any other account. I am about to lose some hair over this.

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Printer Can't Shared The Server

Mar 26, 2009

Background before the question: I work for an architecture firm and are the test subjects to upgrading because we are the graphics department with all the programs that hog memory and have all the 64-bit programs... Adobe Photoshop CS4, 3DS Max 2009 and Revit 2008. I recently upgraded my machine to Vista Business x64 and all my co-workers except for one other (who also upgraded with me to Vista Business x64) are all on XP x86 machines.

we have problems with the network printers that are shared on a server machine. Issue is, everyone can print all day til we print out something. (Yes, are machine recognize the printers... it is not a I can't see them or are they shared on the server). After it stops everyone, we can keep on printing ourselves. The only way to fix it is to reset the server machine to recognize the printer again.Is there any local fix from the take over from happening... or is it on the server machine? Actually, what is the fix? Currently are work around is to jump on a computer that hasn't been used by anyone for years (XP x86) to print.

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Can't Connect To Windows XP Pro Shared Printer

Mar 23, 2008

I have an XP Pro PC on my home network and am trying to connect to a Lexmark X215 printer that is shared off of the XP Pro machine. I am connecting with a new Vista Home Premium Dell XPS M1530 laptop. The rest of the network is working fine - shared files, folders, access to the Internet, etc.

The message I get when I try to connect is that Windows cannot connect to the printer.

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Notebook Not Print On Shared Printer

Mar 23, 2008

My situation is I have a home network with one desktop running XP Home, attached to a wireless router by CAT5 cable and a local Epson printer. The Epson printer was shared as a network printer. I have another NEC notebook, which accessing the network very fine through the WiFi, and can print properly. I just purchased a new Sony notebook that run Vista Business. I set up the network as follows :

Workgroup : checked and was the same as my desktop
Network : Private
Printer sharing : On
File sharing : On

I can see my desktop in the network map. The notebook can browse the internet by using IE without any problem. However, I cannot add the network printer. I choose "Add new printer", and choose "add new network printer", the result is no network printer found. I also try to add new local printer, and build a new port, and key in my shared printer location "\Zeeman_DesktopeemanEpson", but got the response that the port is not correct.

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Connecting To Shared Printer, Access Denied

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista on my laptop and Windows XP on my home computer to which the shared printers are connected. When attempting to connect to shared printer from my laptop, I get the following error "Windows cannot connect. Access is denied" What am I doing wrong?

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Shared Printer Does Not Work Wireless Network

Mar 25, 2008

I have a Windows XP Home desktop connected to a printer via USB and, I have a Windows Vista Premium laptop connected through a wireless network. Print jobs initiated from the laptop hang up in the print queue with a print error, and also show up on the desktop under the print jobs as a print error. Print jobs iniated from the desktop work just fine. Please help with a solution to my wireless network printing problem.

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Bluescreen: Shared Printer Connection Not Work

May 8, 2008

I've had a problem with Vista 32bit for quite a while now. This happened before and after Sp1. Basically, if I connect to a remote share and attempt to copy a file to the pc/server, i'll get a bluescreen after a few seconds. I can't remember the exact file referenced in the crash (I can recreate it and get it). This also happens when I attempt to connect to a shared printer. SP1 didn't make a difference. Anyone have any ideas or heard of similar vista behavior?

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Install Printer Driver FOR Sharing Printer?

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Desktop that has a wireless router. I have shared a printer, but I would like my Mac laptop to be able to print to it. Do I install the printer driver on the Mac or on the Vista machine? If I install on the Vista machine, is there a special installer? The printer is an HP DeskJet 2445.

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How To Install HP1317 Printer?cd To Install Only Works With XP.

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way to install my HP1317 printer to my laptop which has Windows Vista? The cd to install the printer only works with Windows up to XP.

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Cannot Activate Printer Sharing In Ultimate

Jan 20, 2010

In Windows Vista Ultimate...with a Brother MFC 7820N printer added...(or deleted)...I visited the Network & Sharing Center...I have a broadband home network with a designated location as Private. I can activate via radio button all options (network discovery, file sharing, public folder sharing, password protection sharing, & media sharing)...as evidenced by the radio button turning green....However, when I select the radio button to "turn on printer sharing" and press "Apply", I get the usual UAC box and press "Continue". Thereafter, the radio button remains grey...indicating that printer sharing is not active. I have reviewed settings in the Windows Firewall and confirmed that file and printer sharing exceptions are allowed...Likewise, my Antivirus software firewall is set to allow incoming and outgoing traffic but I did disable the AV firewall...but still get the same negative result. All of my research indicates that file and printer sharing work together...but not in this case.

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Upgraded To Vista Ultimate Xp's Printer

Mar 23, 2008

Had two PC's one has just been upgraded to Vista Ultimate, the other remains XP Pro. When I browse the network on either system, they seem themselves but not the other. I can ping in either direction OK by IP only (not computer name) On the Vista system if I select 'Show Full Map' in the network center I can see the other PC I can print to the XP's printer from the Vista system (had to map it by IP. I have tried all the hints and tips I can find and for the life of me am stumped. I have set up probably 20-30 similar small networks for friends (though this is a first with Vista) and never had this problem.

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Can Not Install Printer

Jun 9, 2008

I have coursework due in tomorrow and i havent used my printer in a while. I've installed a new OS since i've last used it, and assumed it wasn't working because I hadn't installed the software from the CD it came with. Anyway after ages of searching in my loft i find the disk, try to install and it's telling me NTPrint & Print Spooler services are unavailable, please enable them.

Run - services.msc, i try and find both of these services and they ARE NOT THERE! I've done alot of research since then and found out i need to use SC.EXE to kinda create the service, or i could do it through the registry. Only problem is i don't know how!! Please help it's one of my final pieces of coursework i really need this printed! I cant install my printer without enabling the services NTPrint & Print Spooler, but they arn't there. I need some commands or a regedit tweak to create these services. (Note - Please don't ask me to check msconfig or services.msc it is NOT there)

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USB Printer Install

Feb 6, 2009

i had high hopes that installing printers on Vista would work better than previous version of windows but as it turns out it is worse! I have an HP P2015dn printer. I hooked it up to my Vista enterprise machine via usb and it was recognized. The wizard took me to a point where it was asking for the driver disk. I dont have the disk so i decided to hit "Cancell" so that it would be recognized and take me to the same prompt in the near future after i had gotten the cd or downloaded the drivers.

I got the cd, plugged in the printer again and this time it says USB Device not recognized. I thought "OK" i will just go to the printers control panel and install from there. Well wouldnt you know, you cant autodetect a usb printer from the printers control panel. It says "USB printers will be auto installed when you plug them in". I went to device manager and removed all usb items including the "unknown device" and rebooted. still no go. how i can clean up the machine to restore it so that the printer is recognized as a printer again? Or how can i do a manual install of a usb printer?

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Can't Install Printer

Jul 4, 2008

After doing a system recovery on my laptop, I can't print. Everything says the printer and drivers were installed. I could print before the recovery. If I plug USB into the laptop, it prints. When I try to print without the cable, I don't get an error or anything, it just doesn't print. I found something that says to /browse to the Temp folder of your user account, C:Users\AppDataLocalTemp and create a new folder and name it LOW. Then there are other instructions. I can???t find this C:Users, etc. Can anyone tell me exactly how to get there? I'm using Vista.

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Can Not Install Laser Jet 4l Printer

Sep 15, 2009

Can not install a Laser Jet 4l printer using Vista Home Vista x64. When I boot pc it tries to install the driver but i get it can't find the devices. I am using a usb to parrell converted to hook up my printer

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Install HP Printer Psc 950 Can Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I need to get Vista install my HP printer/scanner PSC 950. It recognize the printer and try to install drivers for it, but does not find any drivers. It asks me to input my CD for the printer, and I have tried that with no luck. On HPs website the say that my printer is built in to Vista and that Vista should install it with no problem. This is not true since I cant make Vista install it.I have tried to unplug/plug the USB cabel for the printer, and Vista does the same thing every time, trying to install the driver for it with no success. I have Windows Vista Home Premium on a HP Pavilion dv6000.

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Install Printer: Don't Have Administrator Rights

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to install a HP printer on Vista Ultimate.I finally got the compatibility for to XP but now the install says I don't have administrator rights. The user account is an administrtor user account. Tried rebooting, short of booting computer out the door, but I can not get the HP printer to install as I can't get past this hurdle. Auto run will not work and will not install from the run setup.exe. Will not allow this either.

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Dot 4 Printer Port Install - HP Laser Jet 1160

Jan 11, 2010

I have Toshiba notebook with Vista. I need to connect HP LaserJet 1160printer. My notebook doesn't detect the printer. How can I install dot4 porton the notebook?

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Wont Install LaserJet Printer, Administrator!

Apr 2, 2008

I'm trying to install an Hp LaserJet printer, simple task... but then, after a couple of "next's" in the installation, a message pops up saying i have no administrator privileges... ok, after reading about the famous UAC, it still wont install after disableing it... I also tred moving some of the options on the administrative tools - local security settings... but thre's no way. I have reinstalled Vista a couple of times just in case and still nothing. I'm Runing Windows Vista Ultimate, tried with and with out SP1.

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Network Printin: Connect To The Printer After Install

Feb 1, 2008

I was able to load Vista SP1 RC Refresh 2 without a problem. I was in hopes that it would help me with the issue of trying to print to a networked printer on a shared XP machine from my Vista laptop where I have the SP1 loaded but that was a crock. Still getting error 0x0000000d when trying to connect to the printer after install. I am about to go back to XP and dump this OS. I just can't see how MS can justify not fixing these BIG problems that have been around for a majority of the users since the OS was released. Anybody got a pocket sized printer they will sell me cheap?

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Cannot Install Lexmark 3500 - 4500 Series Printer

Mar 23, 2008

Has anyone successfully installed Lexmark X 4500 printer on 32bit Vista Ulimate? I have been at it for a few days also with tech support and so far no luck. I had downloaded the vista driver software from the Lexmark web site *cjb3500-4500en.exe* - it installs the software but cant find the vista driver. I have tried a clean uninstall, reinstalling the drivers, installing the drivers manually with add printers, and nothing has worked!!! also restored the vista to a before point and reinstalled still no use.

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