Network Printin: Connect To The Printer After Install

Feb 1, 2008

I was able to load Vista SP1 RC Refresh 2 without a problem. I was in hopes that it would help me with the issue of trying to print to a networked printer on a shared XP machine from my Vista laptop where I have the SP1 loaded but that was a crock. Still getting error 0x0000000d when trying to connect to the printer after install. I am about to go back to XP and dump this OS. I just can't see how MS can justify not fixing these BIG problems that have been around for a majority of the users since the OS was released. Anybody got a pocket sized printer they will sell me cheap?

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Connect To Network For Printer From Laptop

Mar 23, 2008

I do an add printer on my wireless connected laptop. It finds the printer on my XP desktop but when I click OK it say it cannot connect, access denied. This works fine on my other desktop and I am stumped. The printer works fine directly connected to this VISTA laptop as does file sharing.

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Computer Trying To Connect To Xp Printer On Xp Network

Feb 6, 2009

i have 2 computers and one laptop in my home the main computer is xp, laptop is xp. the hp printer is attached to main computer. my daughters computer is vista. i can see all computers on the network and had no problem in adding the printer to my xp laptop, but cannot add the printer to the vista computer. i have norton on all computers and have removed it and still same problem. when adding the printer on the vista computer, i can see the printer but when i add it produces this error "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000046a)"

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Network Printer Attachment Not Properly: Failed Connecting To Printer - Access Denied

Jul 29, 2009

I?m trying to install a network printer on a Vista machine. Vista is able to locate the printer on the network but when I select it for installation, for some time, Vista tries to connect and then pops up this message: "Failed Connecting to Printer - Access Denied" And then another window pops up with this message: "Spooler Subsystem Application stopped woring and has been closed." In fact the spooler service always stops, so I have to restart it on the services windows, within Administrative Tools of the Control Panel. The machine is new and has been installed yesterday. Everything else works fine. The printer I am trying to install is on a Windows XP Professional machine within the same network (naturally).

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Network Printer Hosted Server Default Printer

Jun 17, 2008

I cannot set the default printer in Vista Business with SP1. I am connected to a domain trying to set a network printer hosted from a server as the default printer. I have seen a dozen or more questions similiar to this in this group as well as on other forums and found no answer. I see a MS-MVP come on and tell people to remove local printers such as the XPS and adobe printers. This is a ridiculous solution. Sure it may allow you to connect to a network printer but you have removed printers that you are going to need to use again. Unacceptable.

So far the only other solution that does not include deleting all the local printers off of the machine is to make sure you have write permissions to the default printer registry key. I have checked this and I do have write permissions(Full Control). SO WHAT NEXT? IS MICROSOFT EVER GOING TO COME OUT WITH ANOTHER FIX FOR THIS?

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Install Printer Driver FOR Sharing Printer?

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Desktop that has a wireless router. I have shared a printer, but I would like my Mac laptop to be able to print to it. Do I install the printer driver on the Mac or on the Vista machine? If I install on the Vista machine, is there a special installer? The printer is an HP DeskJet 2445.

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Cannot Connect To Printer

Feb 14, 2009

I can connect to the home network that I set up previously, I can "see" the HP220dtn printer attached to the XP desktop, but I cannot connect to the printer. I continue to get the error, "wrong printer driver" as I've seen in other posts..................

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Windows Cannot Connect The Printer

Nov 25, 2008

I've got a problem connecting to Hewlett Packer LaserJet 1020. Vista x64 connects fine and the printer works but Vista 32bit refuses. I'm constantly getting this error message: "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x000003eb). I installed Vista 32bit drivers from HP's website. Strange that Vista x64 works and 32bit doesn't.

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Can Not Connect Printer Not Enough Memory

Apr 3, 2008

what does this mean? and what do I do about it? I have 4g of memory. The message is . . . Windows cannot connect to the printer. There is not enough memory to comlete the operation. Please close some programs and try again. I'm running vista ultimate x64.

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Windows Cannot Connect To Printer

May 19, 2009

I have a Lexmark Z515 printer connect to a Desktop via a USB cable. I am looking to share the printer connection so that my laptop (Vista Home Premium 32-bit) can print from it. Whenever I try to add the shared printer via the add network printer option on my laptop I get the error message: "Windows cannot connect to the printer Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000000d)".

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Windows Cannot Connect To The Printer

May 23, 2008

I'm trying to access 64bit printer share that have been installed on a Windows 2003 x86 server to my Vista Ultimate x64, but I continually get "Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed. (error 0x0000007e)". I have added the x64 drivers by doing the following: From my Vista x64 machine, surf to the \serverprinters. Right clicked and went to server properties. On the driver tab, added a new x64 driver. Pointed to the fresh downloaded driver for HP LaserJet 4250 made May 6th. After doing this, I still get that error message above when I try to add the printer share to my Vista machine.

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Printer Server Connect Off

May 28, 2009

So I can connect to the network with no issues....but the rest of my computers are all either XP or Vista 32. My problem comes into my server...that is XP. I have my files and printer on this server, and I connect off of it thru the wireless network. I cant see my printer or the files on the server. The only other computer that shows in my network, besides the lynksys, is the other Vista computer in the office.....which currently does show the server and printer.

My old laptop crashed and I just got a new Toshiba, so this is how/why I have an issue. I checked and its setup as private, Im thinking the 64bit is my problem can anyone hopefully NOT confirm this. Im hoping there is something else that I am missing and its not the 64 bit...I hope to not be here too long as that means issues, but I will be watching the forums from a distance to chime in if I can add anything

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Windows Can't Connect Printer

May 1, 2009

On several Windows Vista Enterprise 32-bit computers, we get the following error message: Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000007e). when we try to install the network printer \PrintServerUSB-Imagistics2330.
The printer will install and print on both Windows XP and Windows Vista The GPO Deployment per machine reports:.......... Description:

Group Policy was unable to add per computer connection prospectorcreekUSB- magistics2330. Error code 0x8007007e. This can occur if the name of the printer connection is incorrect, or if the print spooler cannot contact the print server.Event Xml:
Application\PrintServerUSB-Imagistics2330 0x8007007e...............

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Can't Connect To Windows XP Pro Shared Printer

Mar 23, 2008

I have an XP Pro PC on my home network and am trying to connect to a Lexmark X215 printer that is shared off of the XP Pro machine. I am connecting with a new Vista Home Premium Dell XPS M1530 laptop. The rest of the network is working fine - shared files, folders, access to the Internet, etc.

The message I get when I try to connect is that Windows cannot connect to the printer.

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Cannot Connect To Printer Error 0x000003eb

Apr 14, 2008

When I try to Connect to a Shared Printer I get the Message: Windows Cannot connect to the printer. Operation Could not be Completed : error 0x000003eb.

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Sharing ; Windows Cannot Connect To The Printer

May 23, 2009

They were sharing a printer but now Vista is not seeing the printer. When I try to "add a printer" on Vista I get the following message: windows cannot connect to the printer. Make sure that you typed the name correctly and that the printer is connected to the network.

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Server, Doesnt Connect To Drives And Use Printer

Mar 23, 2008

I just purchased two new identical machines. I have a home LAN running W2k Server. (downgraded from a domain to a workgroup). One machine sees the server no problem. I can connect to drives and use the printer. One machine refuses to see the server. When I go Run and type in \ipaddress, it shows up. When I try to browse for it, it never shows up. Both machines on same LAN, same WORKGROUP. I've clicked everything I can find but the one machine just won't find the server. I'm baffled.

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Connect Local Printer With USB Cable Can't Working

Jul 29, 2009

Vista Home Premium SP1 - trying to connect Brother HL-2142 laser printer as a _local_ printer with USB cable connection. I have installed exactly as instructed in printer manual. When I go to print, file appears in print queue until it finally errors. When I look in Device Manager->Universal Serial Bus Controllers->USB Root Hub properties->Power tab, the description shows "Unknown USB Device". Not sure if this is what the problem is. If it is, why would the USB Device be unknown? Also in Device Manager->Other devices, I see the HL-2140 printer with a yellow key hole. Printer manual says using drivers and so on for HL-2140 is fine for the HL-2142. When I try to add the printer manually, I can't work out which is the USB port. Doesn't seem to be one. I've attached document with screen shot of existing ports to choose from....

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How To Install HP1317 Printer?cd To Install Only Works With XP.

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way to install my HP1317 printer to my laptop which has Windows Vista? The cd to install the printer only works with Windows up to XP.

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Not Accessing Network Printer

Apr 11, 2008

I have Windows Vista with SP1 installed at home. I am trying to access a shared printer on a Windows XP SP2 system. Administrator access seems to work for the printer, but User rights do not seem to work. I have set the network printer permissions to allow Everyone, Users, and event Guests, but I am still having problems with the Vista system being able to access the printer when running in User context.

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Sharing A Printer Over A Network

Feb 7, 2009

My main computer that has the printer installed is vista 64bit. The other computers around the house are XP pro 32bit. I can see the printer but when I try to print it says it does not the driver. I go to install additional drivers but it won't let it happen. I have a canon MP780 AIO printer. Can anyone tell me what needs to be done? I have googled but not found my answer.

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One Of PCs Cannot See Or Print To Network Printer

Apr 13, 2009

We have a small network with 3 PCs and 1 printer with wired connections to a router. All of the PCs can see each other on the network. One of the PCs cannot see or print to the network printer, though the other two can. The printer is shown as installed, but PING shows 4 packets sent, 4 packets received - 'Host Unreachable'. Is there some file or driver that might be corrupted on the one PC causing this... ?

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Need Printer, Can Network To Notebook

Jun 1, 2008

I want to make sure I buy the correct item. My desktop is connected to our wireless router via cable and our notebook is wireless. I want to buy a printer to attach, usb, to the desktop but that I can network to the notebook. Any specifics I need to ask for? Do I install the software in both computers? Would a usb wireless adapter for the desktop be the way to go?

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Printer On Network Changes IP Address

Dec 12, 2009

I have two ethernet hardwired network printers on my home net. Why do the IP adresses change and what can I do to to prevent this or at least find an easy way to fix it when it does. This is not an user freindly ergonomic situation MS.

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Can't Find My Printer On The Network

Mar 23, 2008

Presently, Vista is the only system that can't find my printer on the network. All my other OS is Windows XP. Have a Linksys router with a Canon printer. Why can it not find my printer on the newtwork??

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Network Printer Won't Work

Jun 3, 2008

No vista home premium x64 printer driver for Toshiba e-studio 150 copier/printer. Searched for hours. Other than copying files to a networked computer, isn't there some kind of workaround possible through networking so I can just shoot stuff directly to the printer? (Of course the normal networked printer routine won't work without a Vista 64 driver). Also tried Vmware virtual machine but it says the printer is trying to scan when it's not, probably because Vista won't stop trying to communicate with it. (ms virtual pc doesn't work on vista home premium x64).

Printer is too expensive to become a paperweight. user Russell found this workaround for another printer...Found this on google while working on this issue myself and came back to post what I got working. Setup the port as LPR, queue name print with byte counting on. Use the built in x64 2k3 driver for the Ricoh Aficio AP3800C PS. So far I have Color, Duplexing, Tray options working properly with this driver, but the finisher doesn't want to staple... better than it being a large paperweight though.

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SP1 Fails To Network Printer

Apr 3, 2008

I have one XP, two Vista and one Mac computer on my home network. The Mac's a piece of cake but my kids' two Vistas are a nightmare for networking the family printer, which is on my XP computer. With suitable long evenings of tweaking permissions and pleading, their computers eventually see the printer, but refuse to "Add Printer" as they should. Firewalls are off, sharing enabled, permissions tweaked anew and newsgroups read, plus hours spent rebooting and praying. But, every time I try to add a shared printer on the XP computer, it sees the printer, then tells me I cannot add it unless I install the driver. I click on "Install Driver" and it hangs. Heaven forbid that it would even have the courtesy to say, no, I refuse to install any driver for your stinking printer. It just won't, and it won't apologise or explain.

So why don't I just download the driver and install it manually? Easy. Then, in my administrator account on my daughter's Vista computer, it sees it and - after installing SP1 - it finally says it's installed and it's the default printer. That only took six months! But wait. In my daughter's own account, the printer still doesn't exist and it won't install!.....................................

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How Setup Network Printer

Mar 23, 2008

if anyone knows if setting up a network printer in Vista is profile specific. I know currently with XP, if you setup a network printer it only shows up for the user that is logged into the pc. To get around that currently, we setup a local print port and point it to the print server.

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Network Printer Connection

Jun 25, 2008

Is there a way to connect to network printers in Vista without using Active Directory for mulitiple users?

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Can't Connect To Network

May 3, 2010

I moved into a new house and for some reason my computer won't recognize any networks.
All the obvious things have been taken care of (my computer is on etc etc, the wireless light is on etc etc I have other computers woring wirelessly on the same connection and so forth) and it just won't recognize any networks. I went into device manager to see what was going on with the WiFi. It tells me that I need to turn on my wireless, but it is on. I went in and tried to disable it and reenable it. My computer promptly froze. After I forced it to end task I went back to look at it. It tells me that my no drivers are installed for this device, but when I look at the drivers they are there. It also tells me that my invisible drivers are up to date. Little lost as to what is wrong with this piece of machinery.

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Connect XP With On A Network?

Mar 31, 2009

I While ago i connected My xp pc [client] to my vista pc, but just recently my xp PC just disappeared from the network, i tried reconnecting it back by following some guides that i found on Google but still i got nothing, So far My Vista pc can only see the xp PC trough the network map, but when i click on network it doesn't appear at all. I dont know if im doing something wrong or if one of my PC's is causing it. This is what i tried to reconnect them again so far:

1. Control panel > Network and internet connections > set up or change your home or small office network > run trough wizard name my PC and Workgroup name.

2. Right click my C: drive > sharing and security.. > select* share this folder.

1. Turn on: Network discovery, File sharing, public folder sharing.
Turn off: Password protected sharing.

2. Right click* Computer > properties > change settings [under "PC name, domain...] > change workgroup name to same name as XP's.

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