Windows Home Networking

Mar 23, 2008

I am a reasonably experienced Windows networking user (I have been networking Windows PCs together since Win 3.1) and also a network engineer. Vista has thrown an interesting issue up. I have a Juniper SSG 20 router with an ADSL, wifi and Lan interface on it. The way the Juniper works is it forces the wifi connection to be on a different subnet than the wired network. So, I have a wired network of 192.168.1.X and 192.168.2.X for wifi.

If my PCs are on the same subnet (both on wired or both on wifi), no problems. I can share and make network shares available. If my PCs are on the different networks they cannot see each other and network shares fail. I can ping between the PCs when they are on different subnets, so net connectivity is there. I believe that the Juniper is set up correctly (I have set up a bi-directional trust - any any between the two networks). Has Vista introduced a new level of security preventing browsing between subnets?

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Windows 2000 And Home Networking.

Jun 22, 2009

I've connected my Windows home premium and the 2000 to the router and Vista can not find my 2000 from the net. I do get an ping reply from both directions. I have them in the same workroup (I guess if it is as easy to just name the groups the same?). All I want to do is atleast to share files between the computers. All firewalls are gone (sortof). The TTPL or what ever topology thingy it is, is on. As you can see, I'm not made for creating home networks so please, be gentle. Or even better, if you could do/link me to an good tutorial.

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XP Home Edition & Windows Ultimate Networking

Mar 23, 2008

I've downloaded the upgrades that I know about for both of these operating systems, now neither machine sees the other or its files & printers.

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A Couple Of Home Networking

Feb 18, 2009

1) How many computers can I have in a peer to peer network at home? I seem to remember that the number is either 5 or 10.

2) What's the maximum storage limit of Vista and do mapped drives count against that limit?

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Windows Networking Stops Working

Mar 23, 2008

Symptom: IE 7 crashes or encounters a webpage it doesn't like (certain ebay webpages for instance). Wireless networking stops working (red X in network connection notification icon). Thereafter the ONLY way to get Vista to see any networks is to reboot. FPITA. Refresh wireless network list does NOT work. If IE7 doesn't encounter a webpage it doesn't like, can stay connected to my wireless network all day long.

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Networking Not Working On New Windows Ultimate

Oct 6, 2008

i installed my new windows vista ultimate but i have a problem i cannot connect to the internet well im dual booting it with windows vista basic my old os because i knew something was going to go wrong lol so any tips on how to get internet on my new ultimate it works fine on basic on ultimate it gives the error hardware

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Windows Networking / Internet, Connect To Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have started to notice a lot of vista systems that are connected direct to cable modems saying not connected to internet or showing unidentified network. You cannot create a new connection, because the create a connection is for PPPoE only, (which is not very smart). And when the browser gives you the option to connect, it asks for name/password for a PPPoE connection.

1. How do I get the Vista networking to recognize the fact is has a direct connection to the Internet?

2. How can you create a new connection without it defaulting to PPPoE?

3. Is there any way to force Vista to simply connect to a network, if the network is available, and has been checked with other computers as working properly, and Network discovery is on, and vista simply says unknown network?........

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Sharing Printer Over TCPIP Without Windows Networking

Sep 1, 2009

I have a WAN in my office made up of certificate security enabled different LANs. Windows file and printer sharing is disabled on this network and the network addresses are alotted using DHCP.Is it possible to share a printer attached to a PC on this network using TCPIP without using Windows printer sharing. What are the required settings for sharing?

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Windows Freezes, Safe Mode With Networking

Jul 10, 2009

I am writing now in ''safe mode with networking''.My ''Windows security alert'' program was disabled for some time, last night I had feeling, that my PC caught virus, so I better enabled WSA. When i tried that, I couldn't enable, it showed ''The Security center service can't be started'' and froze my Windows (I couldn't click anything, my keyboard was freezed and seems that it loads something all the time and never stops). So I restarted my PC and logged in same profile and it freezes again.Now I can only use PC in safe modes and my other Windows User profile.

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Windows Firewall Settings Exceptions Tab, What Is Core Networking

May 2, 2009

In Windows Firewall Settings Exceptions tab, what is Core Networking. And if I uncheck it will it have an adverse effect on my internet or email.

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Uninstalling Windows Home To Down Grade To Windows Xp Home!!!

Jan 21, 2010

i have this problem where the computer i have a dell dimension 2520 is infested with a virus that i some how cant find with no matter the anti virus spyware or maliscious ware program i find. everytime i try to runthe windows xp boot disk in the beginning i get the whole checking raid controllers an what not runs the disk to the very end then it starts windows. after that i get a blue screen that says *** stop BLAH BLAH BLAH. an tells me to restart the computer. i have been at it for 3 -4 days trying to find a solution an somehow comeup empty handed everytime

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Windows Vista Premium Home SP1 Windows Defender Doesn't Start Automatically

Jul 29, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Premium Home SP1. When I boot my computer, Windows Defender doesn't start automatically. It works fine if I start it manually. I have never run Windows OneCare, MSCONFIG shows it set to start, the Windows Defender service is set to automatic and Tools | Options has all the checkboxes checked.

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Installing Windows XP Without Removing Windows Vista Home Premier?

Jun 12, 2008

Just bought a new HP Pavilion DV2860 notebook. For a couple of days I have been using Vista and I didn't really like it. Many of the applications that I used to use in on Windows XP are not capiable with Windows Vista! I have got a Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition CD and was planning to install Windows XP on the notebook. Can I use 2 operating systems on the notebook? I don't want to delete Windows Vista but I want Windows XP.

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Downgrade Windows Ultimate To Windows Home Basic

Jun 6, 2008

How do I downgrade Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows Home Basic? I just performed and upgrade and windows vista ultimate was very frustrating.

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Will Windows 7 Home Run XP Applictions

Jul 29, 2009

Do you know if Windows XP applictions will run in Windows Home?

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Windows Home Premium 32 Bit IE

May 15, 2010

I've a weird problem with my IE8. Any page I browse to shows a 'Done, with errors on Page' at the status bar and most other sites such as hotmail turn up blank, with the 'Done' at the status bar and a warning sign next to it.

Its driving me crazy, and I cannot spot anything in Event Viewer System/Application logs that corresponds to this occurrence. Is this a virus that has taken over ...? Should I try restoring the system to any restore point?

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Home And Windows.Old Files

Dec 19, 2009

I upgraded my granddaughter's computer from Win.2000 to Vista Home. It had to do a clean install since it was upgrading from Win. 2000 and it stored the previous installation in a folder called Windows.old. This folder takes up 6GB of space and she only has 3GB left on the drive. After all this work I don't want to install a new hard drive if I can avoid it. She can live with only 3GB of drive left but it would help if I could move the Windows.old to an external USB drive.

Can I move Windows.old to an external USB drive and just plug it in if I ever have to reinstall Vista? Since I bought the upgrade DVD I need the previous installation if I ever need to reinstall but I would prefer it to be on a different but accessible drive if possible. I found the Windows Transfer program but it just copies files. I didn't see an option to completely move a folder.

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IIS In Windows Home Basic

Mar 28, 2008

I have windows vista home basic and i going to execute file but i cannot

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Networking With XP

Apr 12, 2008

I currently have 6 PCs networking with Windows XP in my office. However, one PC is needed to replace. If the new PC bought is with Windows Vista Home Edition, it is possible to be networking to the existing PCs with Windows XP?

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Sep 22, 2009

This is kind of off-topic and I apologize. I'm having difficulties and
some questions regarding networking (Yes, there *is* a Vista machine
involved ), but I figure that a network-specific forum might be
better suited to my questions. Problem is that I cannot find a
suitable place to ask. All the places I used to use seems moribund or

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Can't Networking With XP

May 21, 2008

I have bitten the bullet and bought a laptop loaded with Vista Home Premium, 64 bit. I also have a laptop running XP Home, 32 bit. I installed the LLTD Responder protocol on the XP box. I have a domain name of HOME for both computers. Still can't see the either computer on the network.

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Windows Home Premium To Windows XP Pro

Mar 23, 2008

Can I use an Upgrade edition of Windows XP Pro from Vista Home Premium or do
I have to buy full version?

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Windows Vista Home Not Booting

Mar 12, 2009

I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. Basically my fiancee's laptop won't boot up anymore. It was playing up and crashed so she held down the power button and then turned it back on. It asked her if she want to boot normally, in safe mode or use the repair environment. We booted normally and nothing happened, nothing loaded up so restarted again and used the RE, went through everything and it still won't boot.

It comes up with an error message referring to external hardware such as a camera or mp3 player, which she hasn't connected, all she has is a bluetooth dongle which has been working fine (she has removed this and done the repair thing again too to no avail). The only thing she has done is log online and updated itunes.

She's run the repair program again and when it prompts to restart it gets to the green bar, does nothing for a while and then goes back asking to run the repair program or boot normally.

Incedently, when she presses F8, there is no option to select safe mode, only the repair program or boot normally.

We don't really want to do a fresh install, and besides I don't think she was given all the discs when she bought it, although I need to double check. The command prompt can be accessed though.

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Upgrading To Windows 7 From Home Premium

Sep 27, 2009

My son is running Vista Home Premium onto his machine and just downloaded Windows 7/RTM and he wants to install it desperately. I'm hesitant to do so: it's easy to "uninstall" Windows 7 and revert back to Home Premium if he thinks that he made a mistake?

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Windows Home Basic Broke Down.

Mar 29, 2008

After activating the pre-loaded applications on my new notebook Acer Extensa
4220, it broke down. Error: C:Windowssystem 32dfrgui.exe, - 1073741502.
I tried to press alt+F10 and F2. Tried to boot it with recovery disc and to
get into bios. With no results. The screen remains grey and dead. Can anyone
tell me whats wrong? I can't get an answer from Acer Aspire support and
there is no warranty for software-errors.

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Running A 2nd OS With Home Edition (Windows 98?)

May 9, 2008

I've lost a magazine I had that talked of having dual OS's. I'd liketo put Windows 98 on my Toshiba laptop if it can be done. Followingvarious problems I have put Vista and all the Updates on 3 times now,so I don't want any risks. I read a little bit about Virtual PC and wondered if there were other options. Also, what happens about drivers? Will, in 98 mode, the laptop use the Vista drivers?

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Windows Home Premium Upgrade

Mar 26, 2008

My computer crashed. I re-installed HP Recovery Disc & Windows Anytime Discs - all seemed well. Then it started telling me I needed to - "Activate Windows in so many days or it would (I believe it said) become inactive? Which it did I'm now back to just Windows Home Premium.

Does this mean I have to fork out more money? and I guess and can't even just get the upgrade this time around can I? because I'm already on the Home Premium? I fairly new at all this. I'm not a computer tech, just a someone that has a homebased computer.

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Windows XP Home Lockup & Shutdown

Nov 16, 2009

A friend who has Windows XP Home running on his machine has had several problems in the past week with lockups and not shutting down. He has run Chkdsk and no errors were found. He ran his virus checker ( Avast ) and again no errors were found. He used the Restore program and successfully restored his computer which resulted in the lockups while running from occurring again, but his computer will now not shutdown. He reverts to shutting it down manually, which I explained can cause more problems.

I told him he should have tried the safe mode option to restart in the last good configuration first but at that point he had already used Restore. Is there any other things he could try?

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Can Not Get Windows Installer On Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

i can not get programs to install when they have been downloaded on the Internet. They progress as far as the 'Windows Installer" and then it just sits there and stalls out. I am trying to download and install both Itunes and Acrobat 8.0 Professional. I have not been able to find any solutions on the Internet

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No Aero In Windows Home Premium?

Oct 21, 2008

I recently installed Windows Vista Home Premium on my home computer and I cannot seem to find where Aero is. I looked in the obvious place. But it just isn't on here. What is wrong? I have a 32bit Vista Home Premium.

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