Webpage Design Safe?

Sep 20, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Will I run into any problems, if I want to design a webpage?

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IE Not Open Any Webpage

Aug 7, 2009

I haven't installed anything new on my PC in months - Windows updates apart. When my PC is freshly booted, I can open IE8 and open new tabs etc After about an hour, IE will open a new tab, but no content is displayed - the little circle at the top of the tab just goes round forever. If I open a new session of IE8 - then I can open the web-page without problem. But, after another hour or so even a new instance of IE will not open any webpage at all and my only option is to re-boot. Fustrating having to re-boot every hour! thought it may be my PC Tools (free) anti-virus for Vista and changed to AVG, but it has made no difference.

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Access To Our Dedicated Webpage

Jun 4, 2008

From November 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008 Microsoft ran the ???Experience Microsoft Office??? promotion which you entered. We are very pleased to announce that you are one of the winners of our free prize draw. Shortly you will be receiving an email notification from our competition partner Corporate Rewards who will grant you access to our dedicated webpage where you can select the ???Experience Day??? of your choice.

And then it???s up to you: Make your choice! Our ???Experience Days??? include something for everyone. From bungee jumping, quad bike riding, belly dancing and makeovers to race days, helicopter flying, scuba diving and surfing. Make your choice and enjoy your personal ???Experience Day???!.................

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Finding A Word On A Webpage

May 30, 2008

I frequently used this before but how in the world do you do it using vista? On xp it was click on edit I think and you used a find feature.

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The Webpage You Requested Is Not Available Offline Displayed

Jun 8, 2010

I use Windows Vista Home Premium and Int. Explorer 8.

When I sign into my ISP I get the following message: ???The webpage you
requested is not available off line.?

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Internet Explorer Cant Display Webpage

Feb 2, 2009

I have a problem with my laptop recently in that although I can send and receive e-mails, I can also connect to the internet via Internet Explorer, but I cannot see any webpages. All I get is 'Internet Explorer cant dislay webpage'. I then tried 'system restore' to an earlier date (as I suspect that one of the updates is causing the problem) and then it worked fine. However, a couple of days later I had the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this annoying problem and what I can do to stop it happeneing again?

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage ...

Sep 17, 2009

I'm new to Vista. I have just connected my new laptop with Vista to my home network (XP). No dramas. But when browsing the internet (IE7), certain websites won't load (eg Apple, Ninemsn, Microsoft). Eventually it displays "Internet Explorer can't display the webpage". When you diagnose connection problems - it finds no problem. I have tried turning off firewalls (Vista), uninstalling my AV (NOD32), disabling Vista's autotuning (which booted my brothers computer off the network, but did nothing to mine). I have tried to browse through Morzilla Firefox (but i can't load the website to download it!) and have tried disabling ADD ONs in IE. None of these change anything!

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Internet Explorer Not Display The Webpage

Dec 26, 2007

I regularly get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pages when surfing the internet. My internet cuts off for any other programs using the connection as well. Every time it happens a tool pops up asking me to "diagnose connection problems." After identifying the problem, Windows states that the computer has limited or no connectivity and offers me 3 solutions.

1. Automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter "Local Area Network"

2. Try turning off modem, unplugging it and restarting, or

3. Reset the network adapter "Local Area Network."

All three solutions work for a time But the problem keeps persisting afterwards. Some days it will only do it once or twice. Other days it does it 3 times in 30 miniutes. Usually its not a big deal, since the repair always works, but if right in the middle of DL a large file, they often come through corrupted after the restart.

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Jumps Webpage Down Piece Text

Oct 6, 2009

I'd like to insert a hyperlink into windows mail - not one which jumps to a webpage - but one which jumps down to another piece of text within the same email - does anyone know how to do that?

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage

Mar 15, 2009

I downloaded Version 2009 and now when I try to access a web page, Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I have Internet Explorer 8.

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Opening Intranet Webpage With Host Header

Mar 17, 2009

I wasn't sure whether to post this under the Vista section, in the server section, or in IE7 because I'm not sure where the problem resides. We are hosting a sharepoint website on a server 2003 computer running IIS 6. I set up host headers in IIS and Access Mappings in WSS, and everything works perfectly for workstations with XP Pro.

The workstations that are running Windows Vista Business cannot connect to the site via the host header name. All clients are running IE7, and are up to date. The IP address of the server is being resolved just fine when using the host header value.

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Playing Streaming Audio: "Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage"

Apr 21, 2008

When I attempt to play streaming audio from a web page with Internet Explorer I get message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" BUT when I copy the URL and paste it into Windows Media Player File/Open URL it plays perfectly.

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"internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage"

May 15, 2010

i try to connect to microsoft.com or support.microsoft.com website there's the "internet explorer cannot display the webpage" error eventhough i have a good internet connection and able to connect to ther websites, and i need to perform ipconfig /flushdns or the net stop dnscache in order to connect to microsoft websites. and this kind of annoying error keep on appearing everytime i open the pc or restarting the pc. and i patiently followed the workaround indicated in support.microsoft.com but to no avail. error still exists

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IE8 Or IE7 How Safe It?

Mar 28, 2008

is there a way to tell if i have IE-7-or8- I was reading in a windows guide about IE7 and how safe it was ,this is a new computer (2 months old) and user I want to run it the best way--any and all infomation will be well heeded

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Cant Get Out Of Safe Mode!

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried and tried, please I hope you can help me. I have a Toshiba A215-4817 laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My troubles began when my cd/dvd was not operating properly. Toshiba support said my operating system was corrupt. I didn't believe that just because the cd/dvd wasn't working properly that the os is corrupt, maybe they were right.

I have extremely important info on my hd as I do taxes for a living.

In an effort to trouble shoot the cd/dvd I booted into safe mode. No-one tole me that the administrator account is disabled by default! So now I can't get out of safe mode. I have access to only my limited user account and uac is enabled. System restore doesn't change boot options.

I can't edit registry = access denied, cmd.exe when trying to activate administrator account = system error 5.

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Safe To Install SP2

Oct 8, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Is it safe to install SP2 yet? I scanned the first six pages of posts, and there was no mention of SP2. So it looks as if there are no problems

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode

May 12, 2009

i'm on windows vista and i can't get out of safe mode does anyone know how to x

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Safe Mode

Jun 26, 2008

My son kept shutting the laptop w/o powering down and now it starts in safe mode. The first time I rebooted and this solved the problem but now that won't work. I can't get it to go back to normal. This has happened in the past but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode?

Mar 23, 2008

I had an issue with one of my games and it directed me to go into safe mode to uninstall it. Now that it's uninstalled, I can't get out of safe mode. I've been through this forum in and out. I've done nearly all the things that it has stated that come close to my issue. I'm still in here. I've been in and out for 3 hours now. I've gone through the msconfig, and told it to restart in normal mode, I'm still in safe mode. I've used the F8 button while starting it, and told it to go to safe mode, I'm still here. I've even checked to see if it was the resolution, I've set it to my default settings of 1280x720, and restart it, it's still in safe mode. I've done EVERYTHING that I can think of.

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Cannot Boot Up In Safe Mode

Apr 24, 2008

I press f5 or is it f8. but either way I get to the Safe Mood Selection screen and no matter what option I select, Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Prompts, of Safe Mood with Network support, it doesn't matter it boots normal to my user sign in screen and then it freezes.. no mouse or keyboard functions... If I run the recovery disk and tool options then mouse and keyboard work but I still cannot boot up in safe mode nor can I boot up normal.. I just need to get into safe mode and then I believe I can resolve this but since I can't get into safe mode I don't know what else to do?

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Which Svchost Are Safe To Terminate??

Feb 26, 2009

The svchost seems to be spiking my physical memory at startup to around 80%.. and it only drops to around 75% And i also know that my computer cannot run to about 93-98% on memory because i suspect Faulty ram from previous problems of mine.( I will be replacing it with 4gb in 1to 2 weeks) Also after disabling Pc tools threatfire & Pc tools firewall i seem to be getting alot of processes which are also playing with my phiscal memory %. b4 i uninstalled The pc tools programs there was only 2-3 svchosts.exe now there are about 13 of them..

Name Memory(underneath each svchost are the services)
svchost.exe 1628
DcomLaunch, PlugPlay
svchost.exe 1984
svchost.exe 3708
svchost.exe 3516

svchost.exe 40348...................

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Get Screensavers That Are Totally Safe

Jun 15, 2008

Where can I get screensavers that are totally safe and not going to bombard me with a bunch of ads and other things that I don't want. I am particularly interested in one with animals. am willing to pay if it means it is safe.

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I Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode !

Nov 14, 2009

I had trend doing a new scan a more complete one while it was doing it i went in i could stop it hit cancel stop safe box and computer wouldreturn to normal I thought that was 6 hourds ago well after i deletedtrend it still in a safe mode.

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Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode

Nov 14, 2009

I can say is I changed trend to do a real good cleaning of all of folders etc. When I got the safe mode I found trend was doinmg a scan so I stopped it and then it said close and stop safe mode which I did. I also deleted trend to. I m really bad I dont know what I did. I use that I had brain surgery and I m just dah sometimes.

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Installation And Run Only In Safe Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new motherboard (abit nh-m2sv), X2 +3800 processor, 2 gig pc4200 memory ATI graphics, DVD RW, Maxtor SATA drive, all are suppose to be Vista ready, but vista either won't install, or installs with BSOD's then will only run in Safe Mode.

I have tried Home Basic and premium, the same issue, I install my old faitful XP and it goes straight in. I have run memtest, all fine, I have removed the gfx card, no change, I have tried an IDE hdd rather than a SATA no change.

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Not Boot Into Safe Mode Or Normally

Jan 19, 2010

Vista will not boot into Safe mode or Normally. The mouse pointer sits on the screen and can be moved but the logon screen does not appear. When I go into startup repair it says it "Could not detect a problem". I have run a chkdsk /f which ran clean. What else can I try to make the logon screen appear?

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Cannot Get Into Safe Mode Or Boot Normally

Sep 8, 2009

I?m have a troubling issue with my computer as it is stuck on a cycle boot when it passes the windows loading screen and then it simply restarts and does a POST test again. I tried pushing F8 key and selecting all the options

safe mode
safe mode with command prompt
safe mode with networking
Go to last working configuration (advanced)
Start Windows Normally ect....

but as I selected safe mode all the windows emergency drivers are loading then the screen go black and repeats the same problem above. I don?t have a cdrom neither an fdd only a usb flash drive.

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Booting In Safe Mode

Nov 3, 2009

I have a dell laptop with Vista factory installed. The other day is stopped booting and it can not repair itself. I am attempting to get into safe mode to check a few things out. However pressing or holding F8 while rebooting does not work for me. I have tried about 50 times. If I can not get windows to load are there any other ways through the command prompt or something to get windows to load in safe mode?

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Safe Mode With Networking?

Aug 18, 2009

Is there a way to make 'Safe Mode with Networking' actually network?

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Safe Anti Virus?

Mar 11, 2009

which anti virus is best and doesn't makes PC slower.the problem is disk cleaners or anti viruses sometimes removes some vital system files or registry keys or some programs after virus scan don't work.for example my Kasper anti virus deleted a file as torjen than blue screen started to comes after booting and couldn't able to boot vista again so had to format it.looking for a anti virus that has everything and doesn't have risk after deleting the files that it detects as virus or Trojan.

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No Sound In Safe Mode

Oct 20, 2009

I find that my few graphics intensive games run much better in Safe Mode. Problem is there's no sound. Anyway to have Safe Node start with sound?

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