Internet Explorer Cant Display Webpage

Feb 2, 2009

I have a problem with my laptop recently in that although I can send and receive e-mails, I can also connect to the internet via Internet Explorer, but I cannot see any webpages. All I get is 'Internet Explorer cant dislay webpage'. I then tried 'system restore' to an earlier date (as I suspect that one of the updates is causing the problem) and then it worked fine. However, a couple of days later I had the same problem. Does anyone know how to fix this annoying problem and what I can do to stop it happeneing again?

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage ...

Sep 17, 2009

I'm new to Vista. I have just connected my new laptop with Vista to my home network (XP). No dramas. But when browsing the internet (IE7), certain websites won't load (eg Apple, Ninemsn, Microsoft). Eventually it displays "Internet Explorer can't display the webpage". When you diagnose connection problems - it finds no problem. I have tried turning off firewalls (Vista), uninstalling my AV (NOD32), disabling Vista's autotuning (which booted my brothers computer off the network, but did nothing to mine). I have tried to browse through Morzilla Firefox (but i can't load the website to download it!) and have tried disabling ADD ONs in IE. None of these change anything!

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Internet Explorer Not Display The Webpage

Dec 26, 2007

I regularly get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" pages when surfing the internet. My internet cuts off for any other programs using the connection as well. Every time it happens a tool pops up asking me to "diagnose connection problems." After identifying the problem, Windows states that the computer has limited or no connectivity and offers me 3 solutions.

1. Automatically get new IP settings for the network adapter "Local Area Network"

2. Try turning off modem, unplugging it and restarting, or

3. Reset the network adapter "Local Area Network."

All three solutions work for a time But the problem keeps persisting afterwards. Some days it will only do it once or twice. Other days it does it 3 times in 30 miniutes. Usually its not a big deal, since the repair always works, but if right in the middle of DL a large file, they often come through corrupted after the restart.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage

Mar 15, 2009

I downloaded Version 2009 and now when I try to access a web page, Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I have Internet Explorer 8.

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Playing Streaming Audio: "Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage"

Apr 21, 2008

When I attempt to play streaming audio from a web page with Internet Explorer I get message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" BUT when I copy the URL and paste it into Windows Media Player File/Open URL it plays perfectly.

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"internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage"

May 15, 2010

i try to connect to or website there's the "internet explorer cannot display the webpage" error eventhough i have a good internet connection and able to connect to ther websites, and i need to perform ipconfig /flushdns or the net stop dnscache in order to connect to microsoft websites. and this kind of annoying error keep on appearing everytime i open the pc or restarting the pc. and i patiently followed the workaround indicated in but to no avail. error still exists

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display

Apr 12, 2010

I have a 2 problems which I believe are related. Firstly I have a slow internet connection which previously was via a hardwired network with tiscali and is now bt wireless via a dongle, browser is IE8 and fully updated. When i surf the net very often I cannot view large sites at peak times without receiving the messasge "Internet explorer cannot display the webpage" and offering me a "diagnose connection problems" tab. When I click it always says windows did not find a problem with this connection but when it does this 10 - 15 times in an hour I find this hard to believe.

Problem 2 is I cannot send attatchments larger than about 2-250k via my hotmail account, whenever I try I get the message "Windows did not receive the complete file please try again". The PC is a homebuilt machine and I cannot remember all the bits and pieces in detail but it scores 5.9 on the windows experience so is reasonably quick (runs MSX at full settings) and it runs very cool. It seems in both cases as if the time out limits are stopping the operations before they have time to complete tho I may be wrong, I have tried to locate the timeout settings to no avail,

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Internet Explorer 8: Display The Nonsecure Items

Nov 13, 2008

Whenever Im in a secure https page I constantly get barraged with: This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?

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Explorer 7: Cannot Display Page

Nov 24, 2008

i have changed over to btinternet but cannot get on to internet explorer 7 flashes on then message reads cannot display page hub and adaptor are found and working fine bt tec man says explorer is damaged and advises getting new one but i cannot download without connection i have tried reset explorer and putting in firefox still no joy i am on vista business 32 bit

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Explorer Display Large

Oct 2, 2009

Everything on my screen including the screen saver and the explorer display has become too large for some reason. How do I get it back to normal please ?

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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Can't Get Explorer To Display The Thumbnails For Any Picture

Jun 2, 2008

I keep all my photos on a networked computer. On my Windows Vista Home Premium computer, I can't get Explorer to display the thumbnails for any picture. It only displays a generic image icon. If I open a folder on the local hard drive, it shows the previews fine.

I've made sure that to uncheck "Always show icons, never thumbnails" in Folder Options. I've applied the folder template "Pictures and Videos" to the network folder. My Windows XP computer seems to have no problem displaying image thumbnails. How can I get Vista to display the image thumbnails on a network folder?

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How Can Windows Explorer Display Clickable Boxes

Jul 31, 2009

Will the button of the option to e-mail be present?

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Windows Explorer Left Display Pane

Jul 29, 2009

I do not use the documents folder nor the desktop for data storage. My data is always on another hard drive and I an extra internal and several external hard drives. Everytime I open explorer, the folder list shows with Documents expanded. I have to minimize that, then scroll up and minimum my user name folder, then maximize the Computer folder. That is what I want to see when I open explorer.

It is possible to save that setting. I have seen a lot of posts on folder view, but I am not sure if anyone actually talks about the left half of this view setting. Why is My computer now part of the desktop and sub of user? Already in XP I hated that the C drive always opened explanded.

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How To Display Temp Internet Files In IE.

Nov 21, 2009

In my normal old XP pro IE, I just click Tools, Internet Options, Settings, View Files To be able to view and copy the temporary internet files, from IE. But with my vista, when i do the same thing, even though I have activated make hidden files visible, the temp inet folder appears empty. I assume they are present, but Just cannot see them. Can someone point me in the right direction to make them available to me... Also if anyone knows of any handy tools for managing the temp files let me know. I copy a ton of stuff frm the temp inet folder and its very cumbersome.

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Internet, Adjusted Display, Installed Flash

May 14, 2008

My image quality is really bad when i go on the internet. I have a dual core, 32bit, home premuim. I have adjusted my display, installed flash, done everything i could possibly think of doing.

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Internet Explorer (64 Bit)

Nov 11, 2009

A freind of mine is having a few problems with her laptop..

She has a link in the start menu that says (internet explorer 64 bit)

This is what she clicks to go on the internet, Now when she visits or clicks on links, she will sometimes get a message that she needs to install flash player.

She already has the latest flash player installed, but apparently this does not work on this "internet explorer 64 bit"

I diden't even know there was a 64 bit internet explorer.

And it goes on to say something like flash player is for 32 bit browsers, for flash player to work on 64 bit browsers search online for help, or it directs you to microsoft help and support.

I don't really like to go messing around on someone elses laptop

so i thought i would just ask to see if there is one thing i could follow to fix this problem..

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Internet Explorer (7) Won't Run

Mar 8, 2010

Internet explorer (7) won't run. I found that the IEXPLORER.exe is not in the directory. I have tried to install IE8 but it fails on configuring every time. Same happens when I try to install the cummulative IE7 updates (she's not good at installing updates). Everytime I try any kind of install or update concerned with IE it fails at the configuration phase. Other problems are that she can no longer use windows messenger. This connects but terminates in failure almost instantly.

I've ran a Norton Security scan which has found 144 tracking cookies but nothing more. The fix now button produces fail to lauch link which may well have something to do with the IE problem. Google Chrome is installed and works OK. I don't know what the last good restart point is. I've tried going into the repair feature on windows live essentials through the programs and features in the control panel but I just get a fatal error 0x8007007. Can't even look at internet options in control panel. That won't open either.

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Do You Use Internet Explorer 7

Feb 4, 2008

Interested to know how many people use IE7?
Looks like readability is very good in IE7 and my favorite font arial appears crisp and clear?
Just curious to hear a feedback on this?

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Internet Explorer 8

May 5, 2008

Ive d/led the beta for IE8, dont know whether to insatll or not. What do ppl think of the new browser? What bugs have been encountered?

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Internet Explorer Going Down

Apr 4, 2009

I am runnng Vista and IE is misbehaving itself, going down faster than the stocks in my portfolio. I regret that that is about all I know as nothing specific seems to cause it other than giving it a task to do. Where do I start on this. It has been doing it now for weeks.

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Takes 3 Seconds To Display Things Like The Windows Explorer Window Or About 6 Or 7 Seconds To Bring Up Firefox Or IE

Mar 23, 2008

I have a totally top of the range laptop, I am not running any of the things like Norton that are known to cause performance problems (I use AVG anti-virus). I have heaps of RAM and disk-space, a fast Intel Core2 Duo chip, yet my computer is slower than my previous seven year old one (that was running XP). It takes about 3 seconds to display things like the Windows Explorer window or about 6 or 7 seconds to bring up Firefox or IE. and about 10 or 11 seconds the first time I open Outlook. That is not taking into account the
time it takes to download the web page or retieve my mail. I am using the default settings in Vista, are there features in Vista (I know it monitors everything) that could be slowing me down this much?

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Internet Explorer Restoration

Jun 19, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista, all of a sudden today I have lost my file and edit at the top of my page, so |I am unable to copy and paste. I am in Classic mode. Any help to restore this so I can have File and edit at the top of the page would be wondeful.

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Uninstall Internet Explorer

Aug 28, 2009

how to uninstall Internet Explorer in Vista? Im using other browser and i want to get rid of this unused browser..but i cannot uninstall it the regular way like other software..

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Warning About Internet Explorer 8

Jan 23, 2010

They have done it again. Microsoft geeks take a perfectly goodproduct Internet Explorer 7 and mess it up. They just can't keeptheir dirty little paws off that source code, can they? The URL dropdown now gives you an assortment of locations on your hard drive, something like Windows Explorer.

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Internet Explorer: Never Ending Pop Ups

Mar 14, 2009

This is the third Vista laptop (out of 3) which i've experienced this problem on. Occasionally when you open a link 'In New Window' vista will start opening endless new windows and the only way to stop it is to log out or wait long enough for IE to crash and close all its windows

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MS Internet Explorer Toasted!

Mar 27, 2008

I noticed is that MS Internet Explorer, when started, returns and error pinpointing Google Toolbar then shuts down. What's the best way to repair or re-install MSIE? My understanding is that MSIE is integral to Vista so this could be at the root of some other problems, such as that the window that is supposed to open for "Default Applications" immediately shuts. Also, updates sit there waiting on the tool bar in spite of the fact that it is set to update automatically. When I click on the icon a window opens and shuts immediately.

I did a boot time scan with Avast! which generated an list of obscurely named files which it said were damaged and unreadable. They are all located folders which I guess would normally be hidden. I am wondering if these have anything to do with the registry and are therefore slowing things down as Vista struggles to rebuild. Another clue in that direction is that Ad-Aware hangs when trying to do the deep registry scan. If I skip that part of the scan it hangs during the file scan one or another obscurely named file. I have not yet correlated one these with the list generated by Avast!, maybe it will not be necessary if I can find another way to address these problems.

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Internet Explorer Disappears

Oct 11, 2009

A friend has a new Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista. When she double clicks on the Internet Explorer icon (on the desktop), IE will open up for 2 seconds then disappear. In it's place are three small identical windows, with the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page", and also a small google search line. I'm not familiar with Vista or the IE that comes with it. So this may be normal behavior, but in my world (Win2000 and XP) you can always open up Internet Explorer even if it doesn't connect to the web. Can someone tell me if there is a way to open up IE so that it doesn't disappear as I described.

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SP2: Internet Explorer Hangs

Jun 25, 2009

New Install, updated to SP2, once boot up, I select a folder to check properity, explorer crash, next rebooted, and got to desktop and selected, my hard drive, right click, and crash again... What going on.. Why is Explorer hanging ? I ran system file checker tool, sfc.exe Nothing wrong, all is well.

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Internet Explorer Restarting

Aug 23, 2008

I finally had my Vista working fairly well for the last few months after the update service pack, until last night, my daughter wanted to put yahoo instsant messenger on the computer, it seems after I installed that, when I am on Internet Explorer when I x out it says IE has stopped working then it says it is restarting and does, this happens everytime, and only since last night

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