Unable To Have Administration Rights

Mar 23, 2008

on my pc there are 4 accounts (all the family) with administration rights in order to give all freedoom and possibility. But about 2 weeks ago all of us lost administrative rights. What appen is wery simple. On control panel if you try to open pc managment (compmgmt.msc) or policies (secpol.msc) a message pop-up "Access denied".If I try to run as Administrator nothing appen.

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Lost Administration Rights So Unable To Install

Oct 13, 2008

Lost Administration rights so unable to install any programs nor could I uninstall unwanted programs, - Unable to do a System Restore or Discscan. Last Windows update was in July this year and Windows Defender failed to defend although I do have AVG running continuously. Now System Restore provides only the manufacture date which is July 2007, months before I got the system.

Last Friday after speaking to HP technical it was deemed that I have probably a corrupt C:// harddrive and would need to reinstall the system again and loose all my folders, files etc and start again. Naturally I'm quaking in fear of loosing all items not backed up on discs.............

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Remote Administration And Monitor Activity

Apr 12, 2008

I would like to know how to remotely administer and monitor activity on a Vista Ultimate system. My daughter and I have Vista Ultimate boxes. She lives with her mother in the midwest while I am on the east coast. She does go to myspace web site to chat with her classmates in school. However, I am getting more and more concerned (especially after the Florida teens attack their classmate). I would like to monitor her online activities.

I know Windows has Remote Desktop on XP version. Is there something like that for Vista? How do I configure Remote Desktop to limit connections only to each others box? How do log her online activity? Is there anyway I can download (via Remote Desktop) those logs to my
system to analyze?

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Don't Have The Administrator Rights

Mar 16, 2009

My account has Administrator Rights. However, there are things I can't do because I don't have the rights. Is there something higher than Admin., or what?.

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Software Installation Not Having Necessary Rights

Mar 3, 2006

I a work at a very small software company here in Mich and i have having issues installing our software on vista to beta test. The installation script needs to install some DAO files to c:program filesMS sharedDAO

I decided to see if it was a rights issue so I logged in with the administrator account and tried to delete one of these files. I get a cryptic message about not having necessary rights (There is security controling access to this file... you do not have sufficient permission.)

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Use An Account With Admin Rights

Mar 23, 2008

Is this necessary? I see it as a hack to circumvent tight code. I always use an account with admin rights so I know when/what to install/run.

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Hdd Was Not Setup Rights Bios

Sep 6, 2009

I've had this problem for 3 days now and googled all I can! I have come across people who have also had the same problem but found no conclusion to it! I have a Asrock MOBO, amd quadcore processor, 6gig ram....Basically when installing vista x64 it does everything perfect untill it gets too expanding files and it just stays there at 0%, first time I tryed it, it got to 22% and just stayed there... My HDD is IDE not SATA/SATAll does that make any difference? Or am I on the wrong tracks? I thought maybe my HDD wasnt set up right in the BIOs and tryed every setting and have the same effect.. I've build the PC myself

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Digital Rights Management With Windows

Apr 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting clips to play using Windows Vista with Windows Media Player 11 via the UEFA.com site. I have tried following the FAQ on http://support.uefa.com and also contacted support to no avail. They mention reinstalling Windows Media Player 11, however, this is not possible in Vista as far as I know. I have also tried deleting the DRM folder. Unfortunately, this has not fixed the issue. Finally, the same clips play on my Windows XP Pro machine without any problems. What else could be wrong?

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Install Printer: Don't Have Administrator Rights

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to install a HP printer on Vista Ultimate.I finally got the compatibility for to XP but now the install says I don't have administrator rights. The user account is an administrtor user account. Tried rebooting, short of booting computer out the door, but I can not get the HP printer to install as I can't get past this hurdle. Auto run will not work and will not install from the run setup.exe. Will not allow this either.

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Java Update Message No Rights

Apr 20, 2010

A message popped up stating a Java update is available. Fine, trying to install the update but... getting a message I have no rights. What's this bogus?? I am the bl**dy administrator! What "rights" are they talking about this time??

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Need To Turn Off Read Only Rights To System32.

Jun 1, 2006

Finally managed to get a hold of beta2 and got it installed.I installed all of our software and it worked being happy, I shut the machine down and left for the long weekend.Now our software is not working again because we need read/write access to c:windowssystem32.I tried to turn off the read only attribute but I don't have sufficient rights to do so.I am logged in under my own user name and I have admin priviliges. I am not logged in as Administrator. I did turn off UAP.

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No Administrator Rights And Can't Restore Keeps Asking For Type Password

Oct 13, 2009

I have an online scan that pops up all the time so I took off my Administrator and became a user now I have no administrator rights and can't restore keeps asking for type password but no where to type it -

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Get Admin Rights: Change My Desktop Background?

Dec 11, 2008

how do i change my desktop background, whenever i change it after restarting my laptop, it comes bak to my Office's background. Guess need to change some policy. Got Vista Enterprise 32bit OS.

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Applications Not Open With Admin Rights When Going Through A Shortcut

Nov 17, 2007

Im running Vista Home Prem. 64, Im trying to get two applications of mine to open with Admin rights when going through a shortcut. I'm going to the actual file within Program Files/Application/exe. and right clicking it to bring up the Properties. Now within the Properties / Compatibiliy... I see the option checkbox for "Run this Program as an Administrator", but it appears greyed out. How do I get this option to become active, so I do not have to right click and select "Run as Admin" everytime I want to open the application? I am the admin for the computer, it is just my home computer, built and installed by myself.

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Administration: User Name In Task Manager Under User Shows Up As "BOBLAFAYETTE Est"

Feb 6, 2009

Received my computer back yesterday from HP with reinstalled clean version of Vista Home Premium. It came back with a user name of 'test'. I attempted to change the name to my name "Bob Lafayette" and the user name in task manager under user shows up as "BOBLAFAYETTE est". In System Information the user name shows as BOBLAFAYETTE est

In user profiles the administrator shows as Bob Lafayette. The computer name shows as "BobLafayette." Computer description shows as "Bob's Computer." How can I amend the user name in task manager to reflect solely "BobLafayette"? Without the "test"?

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Delete File And Folders UAC Messages "administrator Rights"

Nov 12, 2009

I restored my vista OS using a system image utility provided by Alienware. It created a backup folder on the c drive with all the old files in it, including user profiles. I changed the owner of all files and folders back to my account and tried to delete it, but got the UAC messages that I need to allow administrator rights to do so. After clicking yes, I got a message that permission was denied with the only options of "Try Again" or "Cancel". After making visible all hidden files and folders, I was able to drill down to the one file I could not delete. I've used the "take ownership" steps in Vista explorer properties, and also the "takeown" dos commands, which report success that the Administrators group or my account which belongs to the administrators group, is the owner of the file, and that I have full control of it. Even so, I cannot delete this file. In DOS, I get access denied. In Explorer, I get the "you need permission to perform this action" message, with "try again" or "cancel", and it shows that my account (or administrators group, doing it that way) is the owner. It's just this one file. I was able to delete all other files and folders around this file, but just not this one.

I wonder if the folder path is so long or so nested that UAC fails to figure it out? It was in users\appdata
oamingetc. Or is the file corrupt? The file is a tempory file created by one of those biometric devices when logged on with your fingerprint, and is supposed to disappear when you log off, but it seems to have remained there because of a hard boot. Is there a utility I can use that can nuke this one lone file?

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Unable To Send Email :: Unable To Connect To SMTP Server

May 5, 2008

I am unable to send email. Using Vista. Have emptied outbox as suggested in other posts. Outbox was emptied without difficulty, sent to drafts, then deleted. Created new email - tried to send - still couldn't. Error message - unable to connect to smpt server. Have gone to tols - accounts - servers - re-entered info.

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DVD/CD-Rom: Unable To Use

May 29, 2008

With my PC I do have 2 internal DVD/CD-ROM and another external via USB. All 3 disappeared from "My Computer" and from "Disc Manager" and I am now unable to use anyone of them. But in "Device Manager" they are shown with a yellow mark and a "!". If I uninstall anyone of them and reboot it will appear again in "Device Manager" with that mark. If I try to update its controller the Windows search Internet and a message says that best controller for it is already installed. But it is still not appearing in My Computer. All other hardware and programs are working OK including external storage, printer and scanner.

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Unable To Log Into WoW

Jun 20, 2009

I've recently updated my drivers (mainboard, network card, and graphics card) and for some reason I am unable to log into WoW with 3 of my 4 characters. I can log in with my rogue just fine and run around, but as soon as I try to log in any other character (warrior, druid, or DK) I'm instantly disconnected from the server as well as from my home network. The only fix is to restart the computer so I can get back onto the network. I've tested removing all addons, deleting the WTF, Cache, and Interface folders. I've done a repair using the Blizzard repair .exe and I'm still only able to log in using the rogue. I have two desktops and a laptop at home and I don't have a problem playing the game on any character using the other desktop or the laptop. I'm pretty sure there is some sort of corrupted file for WoW in my system and I'm wondering if there is a fix other than reinstalling the entire game.

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Vista Unable To See XP In LAN

Oct 11, 2008

I got a laptop with Vista Ultimate 32bit and a XP desktop

Both of my PC is connected to DSL-2640T Modem+Router.

I change both my PC under MSHOME group.

My laptop using wireless connection & my desktop is on cable.

I have read some thread by installing a update on XP and reset in Vista but nothing happens.

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Registery - Unable To Do ANYTHING.

May 7, 2009

i have recently ran a registery cleaner, i do not know why. I am now having troubles with my windows vista operating system. It seems i cannot access my registery but maybe you will be able to help me with whats wrong. i have tried to install a few applications since i have "cleaned" my registery. i get these errors:

Installing AVG:...........

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Unable To Get Or Update SP1

Apr 8, 2010

i think i'm kickin a dead horse here but i'm unable to get or update SP1 & 2 on my PC. i bought this PC 3 years ago with Vista on it. I thought i was getting all the updates i needed from HP. i guess not. When i go to windows updates, it looks for a minute then comes up with the 80080005 error. the no updates error. ok, so i got a hold of the HP people and they gave me links to do everything to make my horse come alive--AND jump through hoops. it ain't happenin......

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Unable To Overclock In X64

Jul 30, 2009

i realize my CPU is kind of a weak link in my set up but i've had excellent results overclocking it until i moved to vista. I previously ran XP Professional SP3 and had the system overclock to 3.1Ghz with no issues. The CPU temp ran at full load around 39C. Before i upgraded to vista i set all system settings back to default did my upgrade and then proceeded to push my overclock again. No matter when i changed my settings to it would show only the 2.8Ghz for processer speed in system settings. According to my motherboard the bus speed and multiplier are set high enough to obtain the 3.1 overclock again but the system settings are showing it only at 2.8Ghz.

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Why Unable To Ping

Jun 16, 2008

I have Vista basic edition. At the CMD command line, I cannot ping anything successfully (e.g., www.cnn.com, www.google.com).However, with my broswer, my Internet connection is working fine.

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Unable To Repair

May 12, 2010

I have been trying for ever to do an upgrade install, vista home premium 64 over vista home premium 64 to solve some WU problems but haven’t had any luck. I have no service packs installed, and are trying to upgrade from a non service pack vista disk. It seems to skip asking me if I want to upgrade at all. It goes like this

Insert vista DVD
Click install now
Product key screen (i don't put it in right now)
Choose version (home premium 64)
Agree to license
>>This is where it gets different<<
It asks to select partition (I dual boot xp)

After I choose the partition that contains my vista installation it gives me a warning that files may already be there and they will be moved to windows.old I went ahead and agreed once and it went to the screen that said copying files 0%... at which point I clicked cancel. I was afraid to leave it to see if it would..............

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Unable To Launch GOW On 32 Bit?

Mar 16, 2009

I am facing a problem on launching GOW it says some fix need to be done regarding Graphics in Vista.(i.e to download the fix for some memory Kp.). Anyone with same issue.... Please tell me the way to resolve this. Do i need to install SP1 to solve this...???

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Unable To Use Keyboard

Mar 28, 2008

I just recently built a new PC and I am installing windows home premium 64 bit for the first time on a PC. When installing vista everything was normal until there was a reboot in the installation. After the reboot it sent me to a windows error recovery screen where I am unable to select anything using the keyboard. The default selection is start windows normally so I wait for the countdown to finish because I have no other choice. Then it boots up and says the following:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation. So I click ok because once again I have to. Note: The keyboard is working again. This continues over and over again so I tried to reinstall windows again. I get the PC to boot from the DVD drive by using my keyboard and then it says: Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.

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Unable To Download Anything

Jan 8, 2009

Just recently I have been unable to download anything. I dont get an error or anything, it just acts like it is downloading but when its done there is no icon for me to click on. I have tried downloading to my desktop, making a folder and downloading it in there nothing works. And its not one thing in specific, I am unable to download anything at all. I thought it could be an IE problem so I tried downloading Firefox to see if that would work but I cant download that either. Hitting "run" does the same thing, the dialog box appears and it acts as if it is completing but then nothing happens it just dissappears.

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Unable To Fax With Lexmark- HP

Sep 20, 2009

I downloaded and installed the vist drivers for lexmark x2530 its all good but when I try to fax it says send failed with no what sounds like modem connect. Tried other software like Faxmachine and able to fax with no problems. Where could my problem be.

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Unable To View Web Cam

Oct 19, 2009

I have been looking at this remote web cam for several years, I now have Vista and I am unable to access. Here is the webcam: Netarts Bay Web Cam

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IE7 Unable To Print

May 9, 2008

I am running vista Business and am unable to print from any web page using IE7. The problem does not exist in Firefox or with any other application - Office 2007, Acrobat, etc. I am told that turning off 'protected mode' would solve the problem. Is there any fix that is a little less dangerous and time consuming? I have uninstalled and reinstalled printer [wireless] with fresh drivers. Printer is physically connected to a XP Home machine but attaching it to one of the Vista computers makes no difference.

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