Applications Not Open With Admin Rights When Going Through A Shortcut

Nov 17, 2007

Im running Vista Home Prem. 64, Im trying to get two applications of mine to open with Admin rights when going through a shortcut. I'm going to the actual file within Program Files/Application/exe. and right clicking it to bring up the Properties. Now within the Properties / Compatibiliy... I see the option checkbox for "Run this Program as an Administrator", but it appears greyed out. How do I get this option to become active, so I do not have to right click and select "Run as Admin" everytime I want to open the application? I am the admin for the computer, it is just my home computer, built and installed by myself.

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Use An Account With Admin Rights

Mar 23, 2008

Is this necessary? I see it as a hack to circumvent tight code. I always use an account with admin rights so I know when/what to install/run.

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Get Admin Rights: Change My Desktop Background?

Dec 11, 2008

how do i change my desktop background, whenever i change it after restarting my laptop, it comes bak to my Office's background. Guess need to change some policy. Got Vista Enterprise 32bit OS.

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Cannot Open Applications

Jul 1, 2008

I'm having trouble opening my applications (.exe) files & shortcuts (.lnk) When I try to double click the following message occur: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an associaton in the Set Associations control panel." ................

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Close All Open Applications With One Click

Mar 24, 2010

At the end of the day I always like to close the open applications to prepare my computer for the next day. Since I rarely reboot my desktop, I manually close each application. Depending on the number of open applications this can be a waste of time.   The people at NTWind Software have a perfect utility for this situation aptly called Close All Windows. Instead of manually closing each application just click the Close All Windows button on your taskbar.

In this article I will show you how to install and configure Close All Windows on your computer for easy access on the taskbar.

To get started head over to NTWind Software and download the latest version of Close All Windows....

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Cant Open Anything Unless Run As Admin

May 11, 2009

I'm over Microsoft already too many problems (from office mainly). First problem is I cant open anything unless I run as admin but I can live with that for now. When i open word theres no line blip thing and when I type there is nothing. The only way I can type is if I open a template or an existing document. I tried highlighting but nothing is highlighted. I tried going on print preview to see if anything is even there but there's nothing.

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Admin Files On XP Need To Open On Other PC

Mar 23, 2008

My stationary pc with XP broke, now I have a laptop with Vista. I connected my stationary harddrive as USB connection to my laptop. I can view all files but I have importand files in XP my personal admin account as on my documents and settings, my pictures, and other files that was on XP windows desk. This files I can not view or open, it says it need admin rights to open. I can also say I had a log in pass for XP, I know that password. How can I get a hand of this importand files. There is a tool in Vista systemtools "Windows filetransfer" it say it can transfer accounts also. what folder should I transfer to my laptop, I know I have to transfer my documents and setting on my own account, but do I need the admin account and I have one more guest account I don't need that. Do I need to transfer the Windows folder? Is there anyother way to get hand of this admin locked files, any software I can use directly so I don't need to transfer?

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Documents Could Not Open About Admin

Nov 28, 2008

tried searching for it ,tried searching for individual pics nothing,it was once in my documents but i couldnt open it some rubbish about not being administrator ( yes i am btw) my videos and my music have now gone awol in total ive lost everything. ive been googling for solutions but none work (and ive tried a lot ). hundreds of photos and videos and a shed load of mp3,s all gone for no reason. how the hell did this happen i am the only user and didnt /dont have any malware or newly installed programmes.

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Folder Will Not Open To Show The Shortcut

Jul 30, 2008

I am trying to edit my "All Users" Start Menu. I can create a folder so that when I click the Start Menu, it shows. But the folder will not open to show the shortcuts in it. If I right-click, explore, the shortcut is there, but I am unable to access it the conventional way. Is there sometihing I am missing?

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Keyboard Shortcut To Open Sidebar Not Work

Jan 14, 2010

You can also open Windows Sidebar by clicking the Start button, typing sidebar in the search box, and then pressing ENTER. To bring gadgets to the front using a keyboard shortcut Press the Windows Logo key +SPACEBAR. I have also read the same thing throughout the web which comfirms that this is the right keyboard shortcut.

I have all the information that tells me how to open windows sidebar using a keyboard shortcut the problem is nothing happens when I do it. I went to my other computer running vista and as soon as I did the shortcut windows sidebar popped right up. The computer I am using is about 1 week old, the first thing I did was update it so it should be fully updated and I can confirm right now it has SP2 and windows update says there are no updates available (which is surprising since vista seems to have hourly updates). There is nothing wrong with the windows key or space bar key as they both work independently and for other shortcut combinations.

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Keyboard Shortcut To Open Task Manager Directly

Feb 25, 2007

Back in Windows XP if you were not on a domain CTRL + ALT +DEL would open up Task Manager. In Windows Vista that key combination opens the secure desktop that allows you to do many more thing.  To directly to Task Manager, hit CTRL + SHIFT + ESC.

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Make A Shortcut Open A Command Prompt As Another User With Just One Click

Nov 20, 2008

how I can make a shortcut open a command prompt as another user with just one click? I have the credentials its just I have to be able to do it as fast as possible so maybe just clicking on something that automatically "Runs as" the user who's credentials I set it to. I can not use the following;.bat .exe .cmd .reg Or anything else that could be blocked by a software restriction policy in a school.

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Admin Account Added Standard User Account Will Not Open

Mar 23, 2008

I use a admin account on my computer but when I added standard user account it will not open some web pages for example when I go to my yahoo mail it will show the email but when I click on it, it will not show any text, but when I use the administrator account the web page works fine, I can see and read all emails. Another example is when I go to and search under the standard user it comes up as a blank page but will show search results under the administrator account. I have windows vista home and 7.0 explorer.

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Admin On: "Unable To Open Program"

Jun 11, 2008

I have tried to become admin in several different ways so I can have full control of installing programs with no problems but I am still having problems. I have disabled the UAC and created a admin account (by opening CMD and enabling admin) and I am still having problems installing some programs as I get the "Unable to open program. If you are logged on with limited privileges, please log off, log back on as Administrator and try again." Is there anything else I can do to become admin.

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Shortcut Shortcut.Ink Refers To Is Unavailable, Viewed The Pictures Again

Aug 16, 2009

I downloaded some pictures from digital camera this morning and saved them on my desktop as I always do. Viewed the pictures & all was ok. Just gone to view the pics again and says the following: The drive or network connection that the shortcut (then the image number) - Shortcut.Ink refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disc is properly inserted or the network resource is available and then try again. I have no idea what this means but deleted the pictures of the camera as I viewed them and they were fine.

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Admin Permissions And Local Admin

Jun 4, 2008

wont allow me to access my "Msn" and my burning tools" they both say u need admin permissions and local admin or something like that, as far as i know, i am logged in as admin, that is also the only user account avilable on start up, and i did just format my pc.

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Don't Have The Administrator Rights

Mar 16, 2009

My account has Administrator Rights. However, there are things I can't do because I don't have the rights. Is there something higher than Admin., or what?.

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Software Installation Not Having Necessary Rights

Mar 3, 2006

I a work at a very small software company here in Mich and i have having issues installing our software on vista to beta test. The installation script needs to install some DAO files to c:program filesMS sharedDAO

I decided to see if it was a rights issue so I logged in with the administrator account and tried to delete one of these files. I get a cryptic message about not having necessary rights (There is security controling access to this file... you do not have sufficient permission.)

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Unable To Have Administration Rights

Mar 23, 2008

on my pc there are 4 accounts (all the family) with administration rights in order to give all freedoom and possibility. But about 2 weeks ago all of us lost administrative rights. What appen is wery simple. On control panel if you try to open pc managment (compmgmt.msc) or policies (secpol.msc) a message pop-up "Access denied".If I try to run as Administrator nothing appen.

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Hdd Was Not Setup Rights Bios

Sep 6, 2009

I've had this problem for 3 days now and googled all I can! I have come across people who have also had the same problem but found no conclusion to it! I have a Asrock MOBO, amd quadcore processor, 6gig ram....Basically when installing vista x64 it does everything perfect untill it gets too expanding files and it just stays there at 0%, first time I tryed it, it got to 22% and just stayed there... My HDD is IDE not SATA/SATAll does that make any difference? Or am I on the wrong tracks? I thought maybe my HDD wasnt set up right in the BIOs and tryed every setting and have the same effect.. I've build the PC myself

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Why I Cant Make "run As Admin" Option Even If I On Admin Acccount

Aug 7, 2008

1.why i cant make "run as admin" option even if i on admin acccount? i can stop hard drive flashing w/o stop.
3.why copy/paste take so long?

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Digital Rights Management With Windows

Apr 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting clips to play using Windows Vista with Windows Media Player 11 via the site. I have tried following the FAQ on and also contacted support to no avail. They mention reinstalling Windows Media Player 11, however, this is not possible in Vista as far as I know. I have also tried deleting the DRM folder. Unfortunately, this has not fixed the issue. Finally, the same clips play on my Windows XP Pro machine without any problems. What else could be wrong?

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Install Printer: Don't Have Administrator Rights

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to install a HP printer on Vista Ultimate.I finally got the compatibility for to XP but now the install says I don't have administrator rights. The user account is an administrtor user account. Tried rebooting, short of booting computer out the door, but I can not get the HP printer to install as I can't get past this hurdle. Auto run will not work and will not install from the run setup.exe. Will not allow this either.

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Java Update Message No Rights

Apr 20, 2010

A message popped up stating a Java update is available. Fine, trying to install the update but... getting a message I have no rights. What's this bogus?? I am the bl**dy administrator! What "rights" are they talking about this time??

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Need To Turn Off Read Only Rights To System32.

Jun 1, 2006

Finally managed to get a hold of beta2 and got it installed.I installed all of our software and it worked being happy, I shut the machine down and left for the long weekend.Now our software is not working again because we need read/write access to c:windowssystem32.I tried to turn off the read only attribute but I don't have sufficient rights to do so.I am logged in under my own user name and I have admin priviliges. I am not logged in as Administrator. I did turn off UAP.

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No Administrator Rights And Can't Restore Keeps Asking For Type Password

Oct 13, 2009

I have an online scan that pops up all the time so I took off my Administrator and became a user now I have no administrator rights and can't restore keeps asking for type password but no where to type it -

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Lost Administration Rights So Unable To Install

Oct 13, 2008

Lost Administration rights so unable to install any programs nor could I uninstall unwanted programs, - Unable to do a System Restore or Discscan. Last Windows update was in July this year and Windows Defender failed to defend although I do have AVG running continuously. Now System Restore provides only the manufacture date which is July 2007, months before I got the system.

Last Friday after speaking to HP technical it was deemed that I have probably a corrupt C:// harddrive and would need to reinstall the system again and loose all my folders, files etc and start again. Naturally I'm quaking in fear of loosing all items not backed up on discs.............

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Shortcut On Desktop - Deleting The Word "shortcut"

Mar 29, 2009

how not to display the word "shortcut" when I create a shortcut on my desktop?

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Delete File And Folders UAC Messages "administrator Rights"

Nov 12, 2009

I restored my vista OS using a system image utility provided by Alienware. It created a backup folder on the c drive with all the old files in it, including user profiles. I changed the owner of all files and folders back to my account and tried to delete it, but got the UAC messages that I need to allow administrator rights to do so. After clicking yes, I got a message that permission was denied with the only options of "Try Again" or "Cancel". After making visible all hidden files and folders, I was able to drill down to the one file I could not delete. I've used the "take ownership" steps in Vista explorer properties, and also the "takeown" dos commands, which report success that the Administrators group or my account which belongs to the administrators group, is the owner of the file, and that I have full control of it. Even so, I cannot delete this file. In DOS, I get access denied. In Explorer, I get the "you need permission to perform this action" message, with "try again" or "cancel", and it shows that my account (or administrators group, doing it that way) is the owner. It's just this one file. I was able to delete all other files and folders around this file, but just not this one.

I wonder if the folder path is so long or so nested that UAC fails to figure it out? It was in users\appdata
oamingetc. Or is the file corrupt? The file is a tempory file created by one of those biometric devices when logged on with your fingerprint, and is supposed to disappear when you log off, but it seems to have remained there because of a hard boot. Is there a utility I can use that can nuke this one lone file?

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- Need To Re-Install Applications ?

Apr 30, 2008

I have created a second partition on my primary C: drive.

I am currently using XP Professional SP-2.

Partition was created to install Vista Ultimate.

When I added partition to my primary drtive (C) it assigned drive letter designatioin of J: as letters D E F G H I were assigned to DVD burners and other hard drives both internal and USB Vista will be installed to J: as noted.

Will programs already installed - Office 2007, Nero, Adobe, ITunes etc. need to be installed to Vista partition or can I access them on my first (XP) partition?

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HD And Applications Files Etc. On Another?

Feb 2, 2010

I want your opinion. I need to reformat and reinstall vista. A friend who insists he is an expert told me to partition HD and put the vista operating system on one drive and install and have everything else on another drive. The reason he said is if I need to reinstall vista I do not have to reinstall everything else like I am doing now. I am skeptical. (Definitely do not want this guy touching my computer.)

1. Assume I figure out and do this install configuration correctly. Can I actually reinstall Vista later if needed without causing trouble with my apps on the other drive (partition?)?

2. I use Vista Windows Mail as my email client. Does using Windows Mail make this configuration irrelevant?

3. How easy or difficult to do this? When does "The law of diminishing returns" start to apply? Will there be sufficient benefit for the amount of work invested configuring this way?

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