The Creation Of A Shadow Copy Has Timed Out.

Apr 29, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Recently I started having a strange problem with the backup. If I run a backup (either native Vista backup or the third party, like Acronis), the PC freezes almost immediately, and stays this way, so I have to manually restart it. The Vista native backup gives me this message: The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. The strange things about this are:

1. Everything worked fine for over a year, I don't know what triggered this change;

2. This happens only if the backup runs on schedule, I still can backup manually without any problems;

3. There are absolutely no records about this in the Even Viewer, like backup had never run.

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Restore A Shadow Copy, None Available

Mar 26, 2008

1) Created a folder called test
2) Folder is saved on desktop
3) Made a system restore at this point
4) Deleted the test folder from desktop and removed from recycle bin
5) Tried to restore a shadow copy, but none is available

What is wrong? I have Vista Ultimate (danish) no SP1 yet

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Volume Shadow Copy Location

Oct 10, 2009

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit... Is it possible to specify a different location for the Volume Shadow Copies? I would like to locate them on a different physical drive for space, performance, and safety reasons.

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Volume Shadow Copy Service Failure

May 31, 2009

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x80070005. This is often caused by incorrect security settings in either the writer or requestor process.


Gathering Writer Data


Writer Class Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}

Writer Name: System Writer

Writer Instance ID: {355cad63-2d20-400b-8ecd-625bb041fb0f}

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Shadow Copy Volumes C And E To The Separate Internal HDD Volume D

Jul 19, 2009

I’m trying to shadow copy Volumes C and E to the separate internal HDD Volume D. I understand VSS requires Dynamic Disks. Diskmgmt.msc (command prompt/administrator) shows all drives as basic type. Right clicking on any of them does not offer ‘Conversion to Dynamic Disk’, and Properties don’t show a Shadow Copies tab.

1. How do I convert from Basic to Dynamic disks on my mobile computer?
2. Do both source and target drives have to be Basic type?

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Limited Restore Points: "Used Shadow Copy Storage Space"

Mar 23, 2008

It has been bugging me: why there are so few System Restore Points on my system (and on the one occasion I really neeeded it, only 1 which was too recent)[System = Vista HP laptop, 100GB disk, System Restore having private >11GB of its own disk space but 10GB still free, only C monitored]

Here's a partial answer that raises other questions...I ran Cmd "as Admin", typed "vssadmin List ShadowStorage" and noted it said the "used shadow copy storage space" is 10.871GB of the allocated 11.451... which would explain why I currently see only 4 restore points in System Restore...[wow... all the way back to 20 Feb] But I haven't been doing *that* much! How come Vista [HP] is eating ~2.5GB per restore point? Is it snapshotting the entire Windows system? Even in theory this is close to useless when Vista creates scheduled restore points once or twice a day (the 2 may have been an update install): since Vista doesn't need to be restarted that often it might be days before a problem is noted on restart... by which time any good restore points are gone. [In practice it was totally useless...] What's triggering restore point creation if there are no updates or applications installed/uninstalled?Is there any way it can be tweaked to gain a longer history... or, should I turn it off, reclaim the disk space and use Acronis' "Safe Zone" and/or rely on my external Acronis backups?

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"Shadow Copy Not Created" On Backup

Jun 30, 2008

I often start a full backup and leave my computer, only to come back at
the end of the day to find that the backup failed:

"A shadow copy could not be created for the following reason:
The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process
the specified operation."

Not sure what's going on. I look in the Event Viewer and I see two items:

"Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on a Shadow
Copy Provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}. Routine details
PreFinalCommitSnapshots({b78c3744-6858-4c09-8bb1-db299de7cae9}, 1) [hr =
Executing Asynchronous Operation
Current State: DoSnapshotSet"

and then a split-second later:
"File backup failed because a shadow copy could not be created. The
system might be low on resources. The error is: The shadow copy provider
had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.

I can't imagine that I'm low on resources since I closed all apps.

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Recovery DVD Creation

Aug 24, 2009

I am having a time and a half trying to create recovery DVD's. I keep getting the error message that "this computer does not have a drive capable of creating cds and dvds". I definitely have a dvd burner so I know that's not the actual problem. From the research I've done, I think I may have uninstalled some DVD softward that was pre-installed on my Windows Vista HP Pavilion TX2110us laptop. Does anyone know how to fix this problem. I desparately need to re-install Windows and I don't really want to do it without having the created recovery dvds.

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Recovery Disk Creation

Apr 27, 2009

Last month I got a HP laptop and I forgot to take recovery disks.
Due to some problems, my OS got corrupted and so I re installed vista
ultimate x64 in my laptop. I have installed all the necessary driver
softwares. Can I create a recovery parition or recovery disks with the
current setup? If yes, how? Also how many times can I create recovery
disks? Is it a one time process?

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Backup Image Creation?

Jan 2, 2009

I have a new PC with Vista Home Premium x64 and I would like to make reinstallation or recovery disks. The machine has a program to create recovery disks but that fails each time - the DVD writer is working OK as I have made a few other disks. I should really return it I suppose but I would rather avoid the hassle - the PC itself is working fine and I have moved my stuff over from my old machine. From reading the tutorials here I understand I can't make a complete backup image as its not the Ultimate/Business version.

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Large File Download Do Not Finish:I Get An Error Box That Download Had Timed Out

Oct 21, 2009

I have Vista Ultimate 64, sometimes when I am downloading a large file download does not finish and I get an error box that the download had timed out. How can I stop this, the sites where is happens do no support resuming and I only have a slow connection.

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Quick Launch Toolbar Submenu Creation

Feb 7, 2010

I would like to have a shortcut to my C: drive in my Quick Launch toolbar act as a menu with subfolders after clicking the chevrons. I have already tried the various ways of adding the shortcut to the toolbar, but they all seem to open C: in a new window as opposed to operating as a menu a la the All Programs menu. Is there some option that I have to tinker with in order to get it to work the way I want to?

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Which Disk Image Creation Software Is Good For Vista: Fat32 Or NTSF File System?

Mar 23, 2008

In previous years I used Ghost to create the image of my harddrive. It was simple, easy procedure and very fast. I booted up computer to the command prompt and restored harddrive in few minutes!!! But it was FAT32 system. Now, with Vista I do not have a choice but to use NTSF file system. Which program offers the most features for disk image creation? I know it will be impossible for me to restore image from command boot option, but what the options I have? Can I for example take the harddrive to another computer and restore the image in there? Or create bootable CD (DVD?) and restore the image that way? Or I have to first install Windows and then restore?

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Monitor Has A Big Shadow

Apr 26, 2008

Suddenly my display has a big shadow going to the right on everything. I tried the obvious... turning on and off the monitor and turning off the computer, but still there.

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When Printing, Text Has A Shadow!

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I print something out, a document, an email etc the text has a shadow. Its like the printer is out of line, (if there is such a thing) but ive no idea how to re-align it.

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How Can Delete Shadow Copies

Feb 1, 2008

I am using Vista Business(Upgraded from XP using the Clean Install method). I have noticed that Local Disc ( C ) is showing 234GB free of 279GB. (2*150GB HDD in Raid O =279GB ) That is i have used 45GB. The significant amounts used are Programme files 1.85GB,Users 2.54GB,Wndows Vista 7.81GB......11.2GB in total. Windows Old which i deleted with exception of some required files shows 96KB When i goto Windows old.. Properties and open PREVIOUS VERSIONS there are 5 versions each of about 6.4GB that is 32GB in total..Total usage is therefore 11.2 + 32=43.2GB Roughly what HDD( C )is showing.. My question is how can i get rid of these SHADOW COPIES..SYSTEM RESTORE is turned off.

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Volume Shadow Service Disabled?

Feb 23, 2009

i just noticed that my Volume Shadow Service is disabled and stopped. I know its used to create shadow copies of files and folders, but why is it turned off? Do i need to enable and start this service or its ok if its off? i never use shadow copies but still do i need it?

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Why Few Restore Points - Relies On Shadow Storage

Mar 23, 2008

it's a completely idiotic feature of Vista Home Premium (and maybe Basic too) System Restore relies on Shadow Storage - which MS also uses to provide "previous version" file capabilities in higher-end Vista systems. However, Vista is in fact still taking copies of ALL your files - thereby eating up space that you might reasonably have thought was solely for System Restore points. Result: ShadowStorage fills up very quickly and your restore points are dumped.

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Copy A Dvd That Contains Pictures From A Camcorder, Dvd Copy Software

Mar 24, 2009

Can anybody recommend a good but simple software program? I want to copy a dvd that contains pictures from a camcorder.

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Copying Files Bt It Took About Six Hours To Copy About 20 Gig (I Have About 180 Gig To Copy)

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to copy files from my usb hard drive: K: to my network external drive Z:
I am trying to copy everything from one to another (files in folders and files that are not in folders)

I tried selecting all and then send to Z:, but it took about six hours to copy about 20 gig (I have about 180 gig to copy)

I read some where that robocopy is a faster and better way to copy files.The thing is I do not know what syntax to use. I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax I should use to copy EVERYTHING from the usb driveK: to the network drive Z:

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Copy/backup My Files Says ; "You'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy To This File."

May 1, 2008

My old Windows XP PC died months ago (motherboard problems) and so I took out the hard drive (which still functions fine) and put it in my new PC, but I can't seem to copy any of my files in the My Documents folder from the old drive to my newer larger drive. I've had this drive in here for the last several months and have had no problems writing other files to this 'older' drive (250 gig Maxtor 16mb cache, 7,200RPM drive (btw it's only a year old), but when I try to copy files to another drive I get the following error message: "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file." This only happens with files that are in the My Documents folder. My current login has administrator rights, so I'm thinking some how this has something to do with this drive being from a different computer's installation of XP.

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System Restore Shadow Copies: System Error

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to get rid of system restore shadow copies on my Vista home premium. I keep getting system error when I try to reduce the room used on my C drive as I only have 28gb of 145gb left. I have tried typing in:vssadmin list shadowstorage For the above command to run you must use elevated privileges:

1.. Click on the Start menu then click All Programs / Accessories
2.. Right Click on the Command Prompt option and from the drop down menu click on the Run as Administrator option
3.. At the command prompt type vssadmin list shadowstorage and Press Enter
(NOTE: if the command does not run change directories to c:windowssystem32) After the vssadmin has executed you will see results similar to the following:.....

The output above shows space used on the C: drive by System Restore is 237.419 MB. The maximum space allocated for System restore is 2.092 GB To view the number of restore points you currently have on your Computer run the following command vssadmin list shadows Next, to reduce the allocated space used by Vista's System Restore, use the following command: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=[OnVolumeSpec:] /for=[ForVolumeSpec:] /maxsize=[MaxSizeSpec] Where example: vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=1GB When decreasing the space allocated to System Restore, you will loose the earlier system restore points. The advantage is gaining extra free space. If you are concerned with losing the previous restore points, wait until you do not need them anymore before reducing the allocated space. If you plan on upgrading to Windows Vista or running a clean install and will need extra space, consider reducing the space after installation has completed. It is not recommended to disable System Restore. The capability to restore to a previous point in time or having the new Shadow Copy feature available can be a time saver if something goes wrong or if you delete a file. source: John Barnett Windows Vista Support I keep getting an error message. I seem to remember doing this before with my XP but can't remember how. Is there an easier way?

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How Do I Copy A CD

Mar 23, 2008

Doesn't Vista have a way of copying CD's?

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Copy Cd To Cd?

May 3, 2008

How do i copy 1 cd to another of the same ssize

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Won't Copy The Data

Sep 19, 2009

So I just got a new computer, a HP Pavilion running Vista, and I have a older hard drive that I want to copy data from. The hard drive came from a system running XP. It's a older hard drive, a Seagate 80 gig IDE connector hard drive, so I went out and bought a external hard drive device bay -- you just put the hard drive into it and then plug it into a USB port on my computer. If I plug it in, all that happens is every 10 seconds I get a pop up a message saying: "You need to format the disk in Drive J before you can use it. Do you want to format it?" Of course I don't want to format it, I'd lose the data I'm trying to copy! If I click cancel it just keeps bugging me about it and I can't access the HD.

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How Do I Copy A DVD To Dell

Dec 7, 2009

I have a Dell XPS 420 desktop with 2 CD/DVD drives. I want to copy a DVD to my computer. How do I do that? When I place the disc in the drive a box comes up to play it but not to copy it.

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Copy Setup DVD Possible?

Mar 10, 2009

I have a livensed version of Office 2007 Home and Student. I would like to burn a copy of the setup DVD to send to my son in an other town. Is that possible? And if so how?

I'd assume it to be legal as it can be installed on 3 computers.

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How To Copy DVD Music To MP3?

Sep 3, 2009

I wish to copy some songs from DVD music concerts, to play on CD in car.

Is there any freeware around to do this ? I have DVD ripper, but am not clever enough to find individual tracks once copied to hard drive....

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File Copy / LAN

Mar 23, 2008

Having a new PC with Vista Business edition, 2gb ram, dual core 2mhz, I connected to my wireless LAN & found that file copy / transfers were appallingly slow. So much so that I had to use an external usb drive.

The same process is of no problem on my WinXp & Win2k PC's.

Am I missing something? other than that I dont seem to have any other
performance issues
(I have checked updates)

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Are You Sure You Want To Copy This File Without It

May 28, 2008

as you can see by the headline, i am having trouble with copying files to my mp3 player. I have done a search on this forum and found that someone last year had the same problem, but the problem wasn't solved for that person, so i thought to start a new thread. My problem started a couple of days ago, up until then everything was fine, i could copy files to my mp3 player with no problems, sometimes i would've got the messge 'Are you sure you want to copy this file without it's properties?', i'd press yes and it would copy the files ok. But now the same message comes up, and it doesnt copy the properties. I actually tried playing my mp3 player and it crashes (restarts), until i remove the file that doesnt have the properties. I know my drive is supposed to support NTFS, my mp3 player is fat32 format and it did copy files for me up until a few days ago.

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Copy & Paste

Apr 23, 2009

I have been using remote desktop to have access to our company server. I
work away from the office but access letters and other information from our
server. I usually copy and paste letters from remote desktop into my email
(been doing it for last 2 years) and send information to my clients. NOW no
go! I am terribly frustrated that I can't do this anymore as it has
extremely added time on to a schedule that can't afford to spend a lot of
time on this. Please ...... I need a fix for this problem before I huck my
computer out the window! PS this started last week. Months after I had
installed Windows Live (which I don't use anyway).

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