Limited Restore Points: "Used Shadow Copy Storage Space"

Mar 23, 2008

It has been bugging me: why there are so few System Restore Points on my system (and on the one occasion I really neeeded it, only 1 which was too recent)[System = Vista HP laptop, 100GB disk, System Restore having private >11GB of its own disk space but 10GB still free, only C monitored]

Here's a partial answer that raises other questions...I ran Cmd "as Admin", typed "vssadmin List ShadowStorage" and noted it said the "used shadow copy storage space" is 10.871GB of the allocated 11.451... which would explain why I currently see only 4 restore points in System Restore...[wow... all the way back to 20 Feb] But I haven't been doing *that* much! How come Vista [HP] is eating ~2.5GB per restore point? Is it snapshotting the entire Windows system? Even in theory this is close to useless when Vista creates scheduled restore points once or twice a day (the 2 may have been an update install): since Vista doesn't need to be restarted that often it might be days before a problem is noted on restart... by which time any good restore points are gone. [In practice it was totally useless...] What's triggering restore point creation if there are no updates or applications installed/uninstalled?Is there any way it can be tweaked to gain a longer history... or, should I turn it off, reclaim the disk space and use Acronis' "Safe Zone" and/or rely on my external Acronis backups?

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Why Few Restore Points - Relies On Shadow Storage

Mar 23, 2008

it's a completely idiotic feature of Vista Home Premium (and maybe Basic too) System Restore relies on Shadow Storage - which MS also uses to provide "previous version" file capabilities in higher-end Vista systems. However, Vista is in fact still taking copies of ALL your files - thereby eating up space that you might reasonably have thought was solely for System Restore points. Result: ShadowStorage fills up very quickly and your restore points are dumped.

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Restore A Shadow Copy, None Available

Mar 26, 2008

1) Created a folder called test
2) Folder is saved on desktop
3) Made a system restore at this point
4) Deleted the test folder from desktop and removed from recycle bin
5) Tried to restore a shadow copy, but none is available

What is wrong? I have Vista Ultimate (danish) no SP1 yet

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Space Allocated For Storing Restore Points?

Apr 20, 2008

I have never fully understood the relationship between disk space and storage of restore points. In terms of percentage, how much space is allocated for storing restore points? Or, to put it in another way, at what point will the system start dumping the oldest restore points in order to make room for the new ones? Am I missing other factors that belong in the equation ?

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What Default HDD Space Vista Reserves For System Restore Points?

Jun 9, 2009

how to change the size of the HDD space Vista reserves for Restore points. I still would like to know;

1) What is the default HDD space Vista Reserves for System Restore Points?
2) Another reply to my Part 1 question indicated a user was experiencing the same issue, losing 3 to 4GB of HDD space a day...and Dell instructed that user to turn Off Restore to fix the problem. This to me is not a fix.

Given that I was losing 3 to 4GB space a day......was it as a Resullt of System Restore Points or could there be other issues? My PC is running fine except for this issue. CouldWould all New Restore Points save a file 3 to 4GB in size, and if that is so, does this Restore Point File just keep its size, grew Larger....and consume 3 to 4GB of HDD space daily and go on forever? This just doesn't seem so, I have been running this PC for nearly 2 years and I just saw this issue start about 2 weeks ago.....seems it started at or near the time of the Vista SP2 Download

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The Creation Of A Shadow Copy Has Timed Out.

Apr 29, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Recently I started having a strange problem with the backup. If I run a backup (either native Vista backup or the third party, like Acronis), the PC freezes almost immediately, and stays this way, so I have to manually restart it. The Vista native backup gives me this message: The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. The strange things about this are:

1. Everything worked fine for over a year, I don't know what triggered this change;

2. This happens only if the backup runs on schedule, I still can backup manually without any problems;

3. There are absolutely no records about this in the Even Viewer, like backup had never run.

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Volume Shadow Copy Location

Oct 10, 2009

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit... Is it possible to specify a different location for the Volume Shadow Copies? I would like to locate them on a different physical drive for space, performance, and safety reasons.

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Volume Shadow Copy Service Failure

May 31, 2009

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error querying for the IVssWriterCallback interface. hr = 0x80070005. This is often caused by incorrect security settings in either the writer or requestor process.


Gathering Writer Data


Writer Class Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}

Writer Name: System Writer

Writer Instance ID: {355cad63-2d20-400b-8ecd-625bb041fb0f}

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Shadow Copy Volumes C And E To The Separate Internal HDD Volume D

Jul 19, 2009

I’m trying to shadow copy Volumes C and E to the separate internal HDD Volume D. I understand VSS requires Dynamic Disks. Diskmgmt.msc (command prompt/administrator) shows all drives as basic type. Right clicking on any of them does not offer ‘Conversion to Dynamic Disk’, and Properties don’t show a Shadow Copies tab.

1. How do I convert from Basic to Dynamic disks on my mobile computer?
2. Do both source and target drives have to be Basic type?

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Use System Restore To Restore Back To Certain Restore Points?

May 26, 2008

Why can't I use system restore to restore back to certain restore points? I was only successful twice with it. When my laptap was new and when I used it after re-formatting my hard drive. On all occassions after those two instances I can never restore back to any restore point. It always says that "unspecified error" line. If Microsoft doesn't know what happend, how could I. Why did they bother putting system restore if it doesn't work all the time anyway. It gives you a false sense of security.

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Installing SP2: System Restore Stopped Creating Automatic Restore Points

May 28, 2009

After installing SP2, on 5/25, System Restore seems to have stopped creating automatic restore points every 24 hours. I checked the Task Manger and it is set for 24 hours. It shows a restore point being created on 5/26. System Restore shows the last Restore Point being created on 5/25 about 1 hour after downloading.

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System Restore: Restore Points But Nothing Showed On Screen

May 11, 2009

I went to accessories/system tools/system restore and clicked it. I then got a small dialogue window asking if I wanted to continue and I clicked continue. That little window disappeared but then nothing hasppened. I was expecting to see a list of possible restore points but nothing showed on my screen. I clicked system restore again and got a message that system restore was already running and would now exit.

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Copy A Url From A Draft File Storage

May 10, 2009

when I copy a url from a draft file storage, and enter it to create mail, and then send it, the url doesn't activate in the received version. I need to retype the url in the create mail stage in order for it to work for the recepient.

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System Recovery Left Almost No Storage Space!

Apr 7, 2008

I previously had a problem on my Gateway Laptop Computer - Gateway Core2 Duo Centrino, that came pre-installed with Windows Vista Home Premium, which I could not fix. I had to do a System Recovery using the on-screen program and did not back up any of my files, in attempt to clear out everything that I had on the computer. After I completed this process, I set up my desktop and internet, and started over. When reviewing my Hard Disk Drives on my "Computer" menu, I notice that my C: Drive is almost all the way full (8.55 GB free of 139 GB).

Although I downloaded a few programs and set up my Internet Security, I am sure I did not install anything large enough to use up almost all of the computers storage space for programs and files. By doing the System Recovery I thought that it would erase everything so that my computer would be back to it's factory condition. Could my previous files still be in the computer? After searching this forum, I did not find any information on the specific question that convinsed me of the soultion,
or a course of action.

I created a restore point and went into the System Tools menu and attempted the disk cleanup on the recovery drive C: where Windows Vista is stored and then cleaned up the up the Shadow Copies, and nothing helped. I went through many windows folders and found nothing that would amount to the vast amount of space that is apparently taken up.

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"Shadow Copy Not Created" On Backup

Jun 30, 2008

I often start a full backup and leave my computer, only to come back at
the end of the day to find that the backup failed:

"A shadow copy could not be created for the following reason:
The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process
the specified operation."

Not sure what's going on. I look in the Event Viewer and I see two items:

"Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on a Shadow
Copy Provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}. Routine details
PreFinalCommitSnapshots({b78c3744-6858-4c09-8bb1-db299de7cae9}, 1) [hr =
Executing Asynchronous Operation
Current State: DoSnapshotSet"

and then a split-second later:
"File backup failed because a shadow copy could not be created. The
system might be low on resources. The error is: The shadow copy provider
had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.

I can't imagine that I'm low on resources since I closed all apps.

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System Restore, Restore Points

Jun 19, 2009

The mystery, at least to me, my PC was running almost 2 years. and it was not until about 3 weeks ago that System Restore began to save Restore Points the size of Approx 3 to 4GB daily. Prior to that the Restore Points were well under 1GB. it would be 3 to 6 days before I noticed the loss of 1GB. So why suddenly would the Restore File grew 1 one day from well under 1GB to between 3 to 4GB? That now is the issue I would like to know the answer to. and perhaps that file being saved with each Restore Point is not needed. I mean it wasn't needed for almost 2 years. so I can't think over night it became important but it sure is eating up HDD space.

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System Restore "restore Points Vista Already Running Program"

Apr 13, 2008

Trying to restore my system but when I attempt to see the restore points Vista tells me the wizard is already running the this program will close.

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Restore Points Gone

Jun 9, 2009

I just installed today's Vista updates and later noticed all my restore points prior to the update are gone.Is this everyone's experience, or did I do something to accidently delete them? It's not really a problem, as I just finished a reinstall and had a clean and stable config before the update, but I'm curious as to why the restore pointd disappeared.

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Restore Points Not Available

Aug 6, 2009

when I open System Restore, I'm presented with a different dialog screen than I was before. Before, I was presented with a screen that had already select the most recent restore point allowing me to select 'Choose another restore point'. Now I'm not presented with these choices. I only see a Next and a Cancel button and a space where the choices were. When I click Next I see a list of restore points, just like before. But, that first screen is definitely different than what I used to see. how I can get the old screen back?

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System Restore Insufficient Storage 0x8004231f

Mar 2, 2010

I had a problem with system restore after reformatting and reinstalling Vista from a backup.

System restore could not create restore points.

Error message : Insufficient storage space 0x8004231f.

I had more than 60GB free....

The volume path in vssadmin was missing a drive letter.

After many hours of searching for a solution and trying vssadmin, registry fixes etc., it only got worse...

Error message : catastrophic failure 0x8000ffff ...

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Disappearing Restore Points

Jan 21, 2010

why any system restore point that I (or the system) create disappears as soon as my PC is restarted/rebooted? I'm not dual booting. I'm not using Norton (am using Kaspersky and restore is in the list of trusted applications). There is 300 gig spare on the HD. Restore is enabled on my HD. I couldn't see an answer in the "bertk" links posted on similar threads.

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Loss Of Restore Points

May 14, 2009

I am loosing restore points and my tick to view more than 5 days box disappeared.

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Losing Restore Points!

Feb 6, 2009

For about a month now,I have been losing restore points every 2-3 days. I am set up for automatic Windows Updates and any restore points that appear over a 2-3 day period completely disappear after that period-(I can only hold restore points for 2-3 days in other words). I do have plenty of storage left on my hard drive-243 GB free,so I have plenty of room on my hard drive. I use to retain at least a whole month's worth of dozens of restore points,but now I can only retain 2-3 days worth. I wonder if it could have something to do with Norton Internet Security-I activated the 60 day trial about a month ago on my laptop computer and it seems like my system restore points have only been disappearing since I activated the trial. But,the same thing happened with my Windows Update History about 2 months ago-I had completely lost my update history,but that was before Norton Internet Security.

When I go to System Restore after the 2-3 day period,the system restore window says that no system restore points have been created on your disc-something to that effect. I do receive Windows Updates almost on a daily basis,so I know that I receive restore points almost everyday. I check system restore everyday and there is always restore points,but any restore points that I receive disappear usually after 2 days. Also, that box that you check to see system restore points older than 5 days is no longer on the system restore window. I'm open to any suggestions. Don't be afraid to get too technical with me.

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Missing Restore Points

Apr 6, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate on a clean-install computer with new hard disks. I can set a Restore point but it disappears after the next boot; and Vista never automatically makes Restore points - there are never any there until I manually make one, then it disappears after the next boot.

This is not a dual boot computer; Vista was not an upgrade; Restore Points are not turned off; I'm not running any Norton software; I have over 200GB free on my HD; I have read all of Bert Kinney's articles. I am, however, running Diskeeper but when I questioned Diskeeper they said that it was quite definitely NOT Diskeeper that was the problem. But they would, wouldn't they?

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Can't Delete Old Restore Points

Oct 26, 2009

1) Why can't I delete old restore points? I have unchecked the boxes next to my C: and D: drives, but nothing happens. I tried using "Clean up..." in the "More Options" tab of Disk Cleanup, and it appears to work, but the old restore points are still there. How can I fix this problem? (I know that there was another thread about this issue and read it. I tried what was said and Tuneup worked. I no longer use Tuneup, however.) I do not want to download a program to get my computer to function properly! I shouldn't have to do so.

2) Why does my computer occasionally freeze when I am using Internet Explorer 8?
When I am browsing on Internet Explorer 8, every once in a great while my computer will freeze. I cannot use the mouse or keyboard at all, and I'm forced to hold in the power button to shut my computer down. This happens most frequently when multiple tabs/browsers are up. It also happens when one window with one tab is up, though. Is there anyone else who has experienced this? Is this fixable?

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Not Finding Restore Points

Oct 15, 2009

Vists Business. If I run system restore the program asks for permission and once given goes into limbo, if I try again it says system restore is running. If I then restart and right click on computer then properties then advanced system settings and then the system protection tag in the available disks box it just says searching, for hours ,there are no restore points

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Restore Points Deleted

May 29, 2008

All my restore points are getting deleted on every re-boot, accompanied by volsnap event ID 25 "The shadow copies... were deleted because the shadow copy storage could not grow in time." I have seen a few mentions of this problem elsewhere, but no fix. I have tried turning system restore on and off, with no effect. Restore points are created with no problems, but invariably deleted at the next boot.

System is a rather odd dual-boot of Vista HP with XP: an Acer Aspire, which runs XP on a hidden partition exclusively to run Acer's own Arcade media application in an "instant-on" mode: on exiting this application, XP hibernates, then resumes when a special hotkey is pressed (as far as I can see it never reboots XP). But the Vista restore point deletions happen whether or not XP is actually run. So I can't apply any of the usual fixes. fix and/or explain why this might, after all, be a symptom of the dual-boot problem even though XP is not actually running?

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System Restore Points

Jun 19, 2008

I have a l-o-n-g list of previous restore points. How can I get rid of them and just keep the latest one?

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Disappearing Restore Points.

Mar 23, 2008

There's quite a lot about limited restore point history around, but just to add some more info of my own and to plead again for assistance! Since recently posting about how woefully few restore points I have I've been watching them... I think I racked up 5 or 6 (spanning a magnificent 4-5 days) and then all but one disappeared.Yesterday (27 Feb) 2 new restore points were created (between midnight and 1am) - one scheduled and then one as a result of a Windows Update. Then, between 03:20 and 05:00 I find 4 instance of volsnap helpfully reporting that "The oldest shadow copy of volume C: was deleted to keep disk space usage for shadow copies of volume C: below the user defined limit." - and then another two deletions at 16:45 and 23:28..............

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Restore Points Too Recent

Mar 23, 2008

hey there, could really do with finding out how to access a restore point from about a month previous to when computer (vista home premium) started going wrong but the furthest restore point listed is roughly a week ago which is no good!

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Restore Points Not Worked

Aug 10, 2009

I had this problem once before where none of my Restore Points worked. I shut off System Restore, then turned it back on again - then it worked. That was 1-2 months ago. I just needed it and it exhibited the same problem. Both times, it worked in Safe Mode only. But then, I lost all my other Restore Points.

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