Registry Administrative Access

May 15, 2010

While trying to install Realplayer 11 gold I keep getting an error message saying that I do not have administrative rights to the register, install canceled. I am the administrator of my PC, I right-clicked and hit 'run as administrator', checked all of my 'permissions', even created a new user id with admin rights! Used the 'take over' program available from vista and now I'm at a loss.

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Cannot Access Administrative Tools

Feb 20, 2009

I've tried some methods already and still unable to use "Computer Management". I've tried having my computer in safe mode. I've tried going to cmd and net user administrator /active:yes and tried to access "Computer Management" I've switch on and off UAC. Note* I am logged on as the administrator. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit What can I do to access the Administrative Tools?

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Registry: "Access To Registry Key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.pgk' Is Denied"

Sep 10, 2009

"Access to registry key 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.pgk' is denied" Th program runs well on 32 bit vista and XP but I have 64bit and it doesn't work.

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Unable To Access Registry

Apr 30, 2010

I click start, go to search box and no matter what I type in...cmd, run, whatever. I can't get the appropriate dialog box. Can anyone help. This problem only arose today for some reason.

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Registry - Access Denied

Sep 12, 2009

When selecting a subkey of the Java Plug-in key in the registry, I'm having an 'Access Denied' error. Even when I'm running regedit.exe with administrator rights. (OS = Visa Home Premium 32bits) When adding permissions to a subkey, I'm getting the same 'Access Denied' error when I want to save those permissions.

It results in a very anoying issue that none of my browsers (IE and FireFox) are recognising that the Java Plug-in is installed. I already tried to install other versions of the Java Plug-in, IE and Firefox (they are all installed successfully). Installing those apps with and/or without administrator rights. Nothing helps. I also searched to similar problems on this forum, but none of the solutions are fixing my problem.

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Registry Permission Denied - Access

Dec 29, 2009

I am having trouble with getting permission to a registry key/editing it. I am logged in as Admin and ran the registry editor as admin too. But still could not acces it. I am having problems with steam as it is not responding to protocols steam: I need help with accesing the key and getting permisions to it. Here is the video i have uploaded for you so you can understand what i mean:

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Task Manager Troubleshooting - Registry Access And Changes Denied

Mar 5, 2010

I am experiencing a number of Reliability and Performance Logs, and Task Scheduling issues and difficulties.

In trying to troubleshoot the problems, I have started with the Task Manager, as it is clearly not performing at all.

First, before starting this process, I created a new Restore Point.

Then, at Start>Help and Support>Select, ?Troubleshooting>in Search Help box type, Troubleshoot Task Manager>Select, How do I enable Task Manager if it has been disabled. ....I end up with this set of troubleshooting instructions;

Using Administrator Rights, I am able to navigate down to Step 3 of the instructions,[see string in bottom panel] here;

Before going further, per the instructions, I saved a copy of the Registry Key to a hard-drive.

With that done, I tried to double click on System, but nothing happens! Disable TaskMgr does not come up to allow me to continue with the troubleshooting process.

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Craigslist: "Registry Access Denied"

May 5, 2010

Why do I have a "Registry Access Denied" notice when I try to open Craigslist?

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Administrative Priveleges

Jun 19, 2009

I am the only user on this computer and when i try to delete a folder from the hard drive it doesent let me. It says that i don't have administrative priveleges to do it. Same thing happened when i tried compressing my hard drive. Please help me get full control of my computer. (i never used a forum before)

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Quicksys Registry Cleaner: Not Recommended To Defragment Registry Across Drives

Feb 27, 2009

WARNING: only for advanced users who like to clean the registry. Quicksys regcleaner normally $25 free - only 4hrs left from here:

Win 7 compatible - have used this and deleted all 1200 entries it found. It makes a backup - been running for several hours and reboots with no probs. Also working fine so far on my Vista x64 and Win 7 x86 installs. After cleaning you need to shut the app. and reopen it for it to find it's backups. (Easy to find them by hand - it can compress them to.7z files, too ). Have used their regdefrag a lot - identical scans and results to the Auslogics and Glary versions- so use whichever defragger you already have. WARNING: not recommended to defrag registry across drives.

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Missing Administrative Tools

Sep 7, 2009

Today I found that the Administrative Tools folder items are missing. This has happened before but can't remember how to fix it. Also when I attempt to merge a .reg file back into the registry the file simply opens with notepad for editing?

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Registry Cleaner, PCTOOLS And It Promptly Wrecked My Registry

May 27, 2009

Currently using Vista 64 Home Premimum. Can anyone recommend a good registry cleaner? I tried PCTOOLS and it promptly wrecked my registry.

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Event Viewer In Administrative Tools

Oct 17, 2009

I have a sound trigger for the 'Open program' event in Vista Basic sp2 x32 When my computer is idle and I "here" a program open the only thing I have to go by is the time it occurred. If I want to go to Event Viewer in Administrative Tools and see what this event was that triggered the event sound I'm overwhelmed with a bunch of categories and sub-categories. In order to find what opened at the specific time I need to check each category and sub-category. That is a real pain in the ass. I find no search capabilities in Event Viewer unless I've missed it. Is there some way of making a hunt for a specific time easier in Event Viewer? Or, is there some 3rd party software with the capability to sort all events by data and time??

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No Administrative Privileges On Administrator Account?

Jun 11, 2009

I installed vista ultimate x64 on my PC. After a while, I ran into some programs that requested I run them on the Administrator account. Not wanting to have to right-click and select the option every-time I installed something, I decided to enable the Administrator account with the command I found on the net, namely net user administrator /active:yes Restart, log into Administrator account, all is well. Naturally, not wanting to re-install all the programs, I simply copied the AppData, Documents and Desktop folders from the previous account over the ones in the Administrator account. All is well. I want to install a program and I receive the error message that I, the f-ing Administrator, don't have the privileges to install the program to it's pre-specified directory. So I go to the ProgramData folder (that's where most programs go) and check the Security properties. Administrators and System accounts have full permision enabled in every single sub-section of the option.

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No Administrative Power While On Administrator Account?

Nov 3, 2009

I am running on windows Vista (32bit). I don't think any other specs are really necessary, but I can provide them if they are needed. Basically, I am having a lot of problems all through out my computer, all coming down to the issue of not being the administrator, or having administrator privileges. When I go into Control Panel > User Accounts, it shows me (The only account) as Administrator. However, I am not being recognized as it.

I've been trying to uninstall an old version of Microsoft Office. When I access it via Control Panel > Programs & Features and go to uninstall, it gives me the error "You do not have sufficient access to uninstall Microsoft Office. Please contact your system administrator."

Also, I have an external hard drive full of files that I would love to be able to organize (Moving and deleting files) and anytime I try to move or delete any files I get the error "You'll need to provide administrator permission to move this folder". It gives me two options of "Continue" or "Skip", both of which close out of the window and do nothing. How can I take control of my own computer? I am sick of this

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Administrative Tools - How Do I Enable Event Viewers?

Aug 23, 2009

These two Admin. Tools are not running;

Administrative Events -


Network Diagnostic Events

I would like to know how I go about enabling both.

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Uniblue Registry Booster And Registry Scans.

Nov 13, 2009

I am using this program to clean up my registry and it seems to work fine except the errors keep coming back. I can do a scan, clean up all the errors and then shut down and start up and I have a new 20 registry error list and most or all of the errors relate to "bad path for the value" and its windows files that seem to be at fault. I don't understand why Microsoft operating system would create registry errors on a startup, before anything has been installed etc. is RegistryBooster misleading me or what. I am running win7 but it did the same thing on vista home premium so I think the question is valid for this group.

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Disabling Windows Update In Administrative Tools Services Does Nothing

Jun 24, 2009

I have had this problem for a now while. As you see in the title an instance of svchost.exe always using about 70,000 K (right now another using 88,000 K) in task manager and I would like to know why and if I can bring that number down. If I right click it and click go to Services, the following are shown:........

Disabling Windows Update in Administrative Tools Services does nothing. I have 2 GB RAM also.

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How To Install Windows Server 2008 Administrative Tools

May 30, 2008

With the release of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1 Microsoft removed the old management tools that shipped with RTM Vista.  When you install Windows Vista SP1 you will notice that the Group Policy Management Client (GPMC.msc) and other features are no longer available.  They have been uninstalled from your system.

Microsoft replaced the old uitilities with updated version in the Remote Server ...

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Administrative Account To Standard And Didnt Change It Back Before I Logged Off

Jul 29, 2009

I recently created a second administrative account. For sercurity reasons i hid it from the login screen. When i was making it I accidently changed my first administrative account to standard and didnt change it back before i logged off. Now I cant login in to an administrative account or change the dword value back to 1 so i can login because i dont have adminstrative permission. When i try to do this or change the account back to adminstrator it says "To continue type an administrators password and press ok. BUT their is nowhere to type and the ok is shaded so i cant press it! WHAT do i do! Is their another way i can login?

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How To Install The Program For The Standard User But Using The Administrative Privileges Of Administrator

Jan 6, 2010

How to install the program for the standard user but using the administrative privileges of Administrator?

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Recover Administrative Tools Default Services (local) Settings

Aug 24, 2009

Re: Vista Ultimate 64-bit I changed settings for several Services - disabling some - etc & made some trouble for myself.I did find some tech web pages that suggested how to edit/make large scale register changes - sounded risky.Can I return all the Vista/Administrative Tools/ Services back to their default settings - within Windows Vista - without having to reinstall or make other drastic choices? I do have backups but failed to note the dates of changes I made to the settings.

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Access Folders Under My Name (set Up As Administrator), Most Of The Time I Get Access Denied

Jan 27, 2009

I try to access folders under my name (set up as administrator), most of the time I get access denied. It is driving me nuts. I want to change the start menu and get rid of a bunch of garbage but I can't enter the folder to do so. When I use the start menu program, it only has a few basic folders. This happens frequently, even when trying to view pictures or video in the folder. What do I need to change to remove this very annoying problem?

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File Synchronization: Access To Other Files Set Up For Offline Access

Jun 23, 2008

I have my laptop connecting to a server under AD control. My laptop is not joined to AD by design. I set up some files using 'Sync' to have them available to me offline. My AD password has since changed and I cannot connect to the server to have access to other files set up for offline access. When I attempt to remap the drive, I get an error stating I am already connected using the credentials provided. This is not true, since I cannot access the server. What do I need to do to fix this problem?

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Access Denied :: Network Access Is Restricted

Feb 17, 2009

I think I might have a good one for you.. I am working on an Acer 5610z Notebook for a friend of mine. He was setting the parental controls and managed to control his account which had admin access. the user listing has the account listing as an admin but he only has standard user access. His was the "only" admin account.. While he was doing this he managed to deny access to the boot drive. The drive reads as "Access Denied". The machine boots up and a person can play games etc.. but network access is restricted.

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Access Documents And Settings But Am Getting ACCESS DENIED

Mar 20, 2009

i have recently tried to access Documents and Settings but am getting ACCESS DENIED for some reason yet i have done NOTHING to change my admin rights yet there seems to be an option for EVERYONE to access it but admin is not allowed to and it wont let me configure it that way. i have deleted EVERYONE from the properties and tried to revert to normal ADMIN user rights but it wont let me view docs and setts folder at all

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How To Allow Server Access But Restrict Internet Access

Feb 27, 2010

Our Vista laptops (& my Xbox) access our basic Windows Home Server system through a Netgear router. It's all fine, but I want to (easily & quickly!) restrict & control when some laptops can access the internet while allowing free access to the server. (For instance, so children's internet access can be monitored but they can always get to photos & backups, etc. on the server.)

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Send To: Access Denied. "To Access, Click Security Tab"

Apr 25, 2008

Search tells me the file exists but will not tell me where. Access denied. "To access, click Security Tab"
Security Tab shows permission granted for Administrator and [User]. I am both User and Admin.

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May 10, 2008

I'm looking for some steps on how to completely reset my registy. I've done
disk cleanup and the other option of deleting all the temporary internet
files, cookies and whatnot but my computer is still running slow. I'm sure
it has something to do with downloaded game data hiding somewhere I can't
find them!

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What Is A Registry?

Jul 31, 2008

I read the info on wikidpedia but I'm still not understanding what the registry is. Can some explain it to me in a very simple language?

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Registry Cleaners?

Aug 17, 2009

On my recently deceased computer, I had downloaded a registry cleaner many years ago. It was simply called "Registry Cleaner" and it was freeware.

Looking around the modern internet all the newer registry cleaners are for sale only.

The one had was terrific:

cleaned the registry, uninstalled programs, etc.

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