Reduced Functionally Mode: How To Get Computer Out Of RFM?

Jun 25, 2008

I was late in activating my copy of Vista Ultimate, it went into RFM and now that it's activated, it still won't come out of RFM, I even installed SP1 in hopes that would bring it back. What else do I need to do to get my desktop and functionally back, this program cost me to much money for it to be so screwed up like it is. how to get my computer out of RFM? Another problem while I'm writing this is, my computer's Task Manager is grayed out, how can I activate it so it can be used?

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Recover From Reduced Functionality Mode

Apr 4, 2007

Did you forget activate your computer within 30 days of installing and it is now stuck in reduced functionality Mode? Are you not yet ready to activate your copy and want to extend the activation period another 30 days or for longer? Using a slick Internet Explorer trick you can break out of Reduced Functionality mode and run the commands required to reset your activation period and recover use of your computer.   It starts when you log in and shown this error screen instead of taken to your desktop. Your only options are to activate now or enter reduced functionality mode.  In reduced functionality mode ...

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Partition: Reduced Volume Size

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows vista home edition, hard disk 160GB. Created partion through Shrink of 60 GB. Now showing as 58.59 GB unallocated. When Through "New simple volume", what should be the simple volume size as selecting 59gb or any other size, shows "there is not enough space available on the disk(s) to complete this operation"

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SP1: After Defrag Show Reduced Disk Space

Mar 23, 2008

I performed a clean install of Windows Vista Ultimate, updated all my drivers, installed SP1, and loaded all my applications. When finished, I had about 114GB of free space being reported. I ran defrag and after about 4-5 hours of running, the free space on that volume was reduced to 98GB. I did a clean disk and then a check disk afterwards and nothing changed. I just performed a defrag using the command line using the "-w" option and now I'm down to 90GB. Does anyone know what is going on?

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I Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode !

Nov 14, 2009

I had trend doing a new scan a more complete one while it was doing it i went in i could stop it hit cancel stop safe box and computer wouldreturn to normal I thought that was 6 hourds ago well after i deletedtrend it still in a safe mode.

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Computer Keeps Going Into A Standby Mode?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio. I just bought it a week ago. Model PCG-3G5L. At random intervals I get a black screen, like a standby mode, and I have to press the power button or tap a bucnh of keys to turn it back on. I did a virus sweep and I have no viruses. Sleep mode is disabled. It was working FINE yesterday.

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Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode

Nov 14, 2009

I can say is I changed trend to do a real good cleaning of all of folders etc. When I got the safe mode I found trend was doinmg a scan so I stopped it and then it said close and stop safe mode which I did. I also deleted trend to. I m really bad I dont know what I did. I use that I had brain surgery and I m just dah sometimes.

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Computer Refuses To Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 8, 2009

Computer refuses to go into sleep mode. When I force sleep by clicking the power button on the task bar the computer goes to sleep for about 5 - 20 seconds and then wakes up and stays awake. The cause; Installation of a gateway router from AT&T to provide TV and internet service. AT&T tech support claims no known issues with this router, yet the computer slept just fine prior to installation of this router, and if I power down the router the computer sleeps with no problem. This is not a solution since the router must remain powered up to provide TV service to my home. I have searched the internet for a solution, and have performed all the steps in the tutorial authored by Brink to no avail.

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Computer Turns Off By Itself In Safe Mode

Nov 25, 2009

Whenever I go into safe mode or run the memory diagnostic, after a few minutes it just turns off by itself. When I go to normal mode it works fine (as in I can have it on for as long as I want and it doesn't turn off). I don't know why it keeps turning off in safe mode.

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Computer Doesn't Sleep Mode

May 12, 2009

I've found a few issues regarding sleep mode, but none that seemed to directly address my problem, so here goes: In the last two weeks or so, I've noticed that when I close my laptop's lid, the computer doesn't go into sleep mode, but instead hangs with a blank screen, and is completely unresponsive when I try to wake it up. The only way to fix it is to hold the power button to get it to shut off. However, this only seems to happen when my wireless network card (internal) is switched OFF. Even then, it doesn't happen all the time (i.e. sometimes it successfully goes to sleep, and wakes up again when I open the lid). It hasn't been a problem at all when the network card is on.

This started happening in late April, when two things happened (and they both happened at about the same time). First was that Windows Update automatically downloaded and installed a hotfix (946776) related to the computer crashing when the network status is changing. For what it's worth, I had never experienced the problem that the hotfix was supposed to correct. The other thing that happened was that I uninstalled McAfee and installed ZoneAlarm antivirus and firewall. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem 100% of the time, so I haven't figured out what sequence of programs running causes the problem (though it seems that iTunes and/or Windows Media Player is usually running when it happens). The first thing I tried was to use system restore and went back to before I installed zonealarm and the update. When I reinstalled ZA, Windows Update decided it was going to hurry up and download the hotfix before I had a chance to tell it not to. I uninstalled the hotfix (though it still shows up on the update history page, but not the list of installed updates), and the problem still occurred.......

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Computer Wont Always Go Into Sleep Mode

Sep 23, 2009

so often I'll leave my computer on for several hours and come back to it and notice that the screen has turned off but it hasnt gone into sleep mode. this doesnt always happen there are time when my computer will sleep when its suppose to but I just cant figure out why it doesnt always do it. I have my screen saver to come on after 10 minutes the screen to shut off after 30 and its set to go into sleep mode in an hour but like last night when I went to sleep with my computer on and woke up hours later only the screen was off. does anyone know the cause of this?

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Computer In Sleep Mode/hibernation

Oct 8, 2008

I left my comp on overnight and now it has either gone to a deep sleep or hibernation and it wont come on now. I have an Acer Aspire L320 running on windows vista. Wheb i tried to wake it up nothing happened and now comp wont work. I have tried restarting, unplugging then starting, i thought i had tried everything but i am missing something. When i do try to switch the comp on again the fans make a noise then nothing, does this mean that something really bad has happened?

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Sleep Mode Restart Or Kill The Computer

Aug 27, 2008

whenever I put the computer to sleep mode and move the mouse while it's getting into sleep mode, it'll either restart or kill the computer. When it kills the computer, the fans still run but the lights on the front go out. There is also no picture on the monitor. To turn off the computer, I have to force a shutdown by holding the power button for around 4 seconds. Then, when I try to turn on the computer again, the fans turn on, the hard drive runs, but still no lights on the front of the case nor picutre on the screen. I fixed it by clearing the RTC RAM on the motherboard. After doing that, the computer would boot up, but if I did sleep mode and moved the mouse, then the computer would die again, and I'd have to clear the RTC RAM again. I'm wondering why this happens with sleep mode. I use Vista Home Premium 64-bit. Is there a solution to this problem or does anyone else have this problem?

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Computer Crashed, Won't Start Up Except In Safe Mode

Oct 9, 2008

Windows vista ultimate 32 bit crashed, bluescreens now and won't start up except in safe mode. safe mode with networking wont work either, so now im on my laptop. i tried restoring and it didn't work. am i screwed?

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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Computer Shuts Down: Run CHKDSK /F And Check For Hard Drive Corruption And Then Restart Your Computer"

Sep 30, 2009

Before the computer actually came to the point of "shuting down just before it tried to load the o/s" it literrly kept shuting down on its own randomly for a week or so. Then the blue screen appeard with this error: 0x0000007BC , 0x84C5DBA0, 0x0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 "Run CHKDSK /F and check for Hard Drive Corruption and then restart your computer"

Basically it's telling me the DRIVE is corruptet! Well, I plugged that SATA 2 HDD into my other computer (windows xp), detected it correctly and actually formated the drive and reinstalled XP on it without any types of problem. Does it still mean - SATA 2 is corrupted or broken!? How about the RAM then ... indeed, I did run the MemTest for 7 times and no errors were found. So the RAM are ok in this case, or am I wrong?! Maybe it's the PSU... ermmm no that cannot be 'cos the computer never shuts down, if I leave it run for (e.g 5 hours) and even if it's comes to "overheating" that cannot be the case eather, as its *again" never shuts down when you leave it run on the power.........

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Reboot Computer Through Windows The Computer Shuts Down Correctly

Jun 16, 2009

When I reboot my computer through Windows the computer shuts down correctly, but then the monitor remains black and the bios starts beeping out the error code for "VGA not detected". Why would this be? I am forced to press the power button and wait from 5 to 10 minutes to reboot normally. (I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate x64, have an ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard and a Gigabyte Geforce GTX 280. 800 watts ZION power supply) Is this a BIOS settings or GPU problem? I already reseated the GPU. Could it be a power supply failure?

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How To Transfer Quickbooks 2007 Data From Xp Computer To A New Computer

Feb 22, 2009

How do I transfer my quickbooks 2007 data on my xp computer to my new vista x64 computer with quickbooks 2007? Can this be done? If so how do I do it?

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Importing/exporting Contacts From One Computer To Second Computer

May 5, 2008

I would like to export my contacts from my computer to my second computer. Both computers use Windows Mail. I tried exporting the contacts as CSV and vCard files. Using both methods, I was able to import my contacts into my second computer but they weren't neatly organized in files: i.e. business contacts, personal contacts, family, etc. Is there a way to export my contacts so they are still in the correct files and are neatly organized?

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XP Computer Disappears And Reappears Arbitrarily From Computer

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Vista Laptop that needs to access a printer on an XP computer in my sister's law office. I'm having trouble trying to even have the XP computer show up consistently on my sister's computer. I can ping it every time from the command prompt. I have all firewalls unenabled on both computers. Identical user accounts on both systems. File and Print sharing set up on both. The Link Layer topology is present on the Vista computer. When the laptop sits for a while the XP computer will show up on the map; but, Vista comes up with an error message when I try to access the XP computer.

Beyond that, the map will lose the XP computer on occassion. The Vista computer can access the internet well enough through the router. At this point I can't install the printer on the Vista computer for not being able to access the XP computer from Vista. I've networked Vista computers before on XP networks, and this is the first time I've encountered this problem. Additional info; net view will not show xp computer. Workgroup name is the same for both XP and Vista computer. The restrict anonymous registry key on the XP computer is set at 1. Was originally set at 0. (Norton's Systemwork altered setting)

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UAC Locked Me Out Of Computer, How To Salvage This Computer

Dec 11, 2009

I have a problem: I have a Windows 7 computer that is part of a Domain. By using System Restore, Windows has managed to ruin the trust relationship with the domain. I use a domain logon and am the only administrator on the machine (the Local Administrator is disabled). I cannot log in normally, due to the trust relationship issue. If I disconnect the network cable while logging in, I can (cached credentials), however I cannot change any UAC-protected settings because if I enter my credentials into it, connected to the network or not, UAC will simply show an error "This operation requires elevation". Nothing I try will work.

I cannot disjoin the domain, because those controls are protected by UAC. Logging in from a remote machine using my credentials will give me "Access is denied". Resetting the computer account in AD has no effect. I cannot format and reinstall because this laptop does not boot from CD by default and requires me to install a program to change BIOS settings (don't ask, it's a Toshiba, the usual way is broken). I cannot install this program because I am faced with yet another UAC prompt. I cannot remove the harddrive because of the laptop's design. how to salvage this computer?

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Computer To Computer Networking Not Working

Oct 27, 2009

I have been searching far and wide for a solution to my networking problem. I have 2 computers that i connect directly to each other by ethernet cable. Both computers also connect to the internet via wifi. So, on each computer, I have my Wireless connection, and the 'unidentified network' link between the two computers. The problem is that the 'unidentified network' settings never save, so when ever i restart either of the computers, I have to make the unidentified network private again, and there is no way that i can see to actually save the unidentified network settings in a profile. Also, to prevent the computer to computer connection from broadcasting over the wifi connection, i have to disconnect the wireless from one of the computers. I have tried making the wifi a public network and the ethernet connection private, but it never seems to work. anyone out there know what i can do?

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Can I Move Vista Basic From The Dell Computer To My Old Computer And Install My Ultimate On The Dell

Apr 14, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate on my present computer, have full installation dvd. I'm buying a new Dell computer that comes with Vista Basic installed. Can I move Vista Basic from the Dell computer to my old computer and install my Ultimate on the Dell?

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Get Emails In "main" Computer But Other Computer Get Email Periodically

Jul 29, 2009

- 2 Vista computers with Windows mail, networked through the internet;

- I get all the emails at my "main" computer but the other computer only gets email periodically!

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Remote Desktop And Getting "This Computer Can't Connect To The Remote Computer

Sep 8, 2009

I am stumped as to an issue I am having using remote desktop. I have several machines in the office that have been using RD for a while without issue. All are XP SP 3 machines. I have a new Vista Ultimate machine that I am trying to remote to with an XP machine. I have set up RD on the Vista Machine, Firewall is checked, forwarded to the correct port, set the port rule on the router...all the typical issues I am aware of. Everytime I try to connect I get "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again. If the problem continues, contact the owner of the remote computer or your network administrator." I can ping the Vista machine and I can remote from the vista machine to any RD enabled machine.

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Cant Get Out Of Safe Mode!

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried and tried, please I hope you can help me. I have a Toshiba A215-4817 laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My troubles began when my cd/dvd was not operating properly. Toshiba support said my operating system was corrupt. I didn't believe that just because the cd/dvd wasn't working properly that the os is corrupt, maybe they were right.

I have extremely important info on my hd as I do taxes for a living.

In an effort to trouble shoot the cd/dvd I booted into safe mode. No-one tole me that the administrator account is disabled by default! So now I can't get out of safe mode. I have access to only my limited user account and uac is enabled. System restore doesn't change boot options.

I can't edit registry = access denied, cmd.exe when trying to activate administrator account = system error 5.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode

May 12, 2009

i'm on windows vista and i can't get out of safe mode does anyone know how to x

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Safe Mode

Jun 26, 2008

My son kept shutting the laptop w/o powering down and now it starts in safe mode. The first time I rebooted and this solved the problem but now that won't work. I can't get it to go back to normal. This has happened in the past but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

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XP Mode Under Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

Has anyone here had experience of the XP mode in Windows 7 Pro as I particularly want to run Adobe Acrobat 6 under it. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium but thinking of changing so as to be able to do this. I've looked but haven't yet seen this application on a W7 compatibility list.

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How To Get Out Of Hibernating Mode?

Jun 3, 2008

I'm currently working with Windows Vista and some how my laptop went into hibernating mode. I've tried everything to get out of it and nothing seems to work. The blue rotating circle is still rotating, which is probably a good sign.

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