How To Get Out Of Hibernating Mode?

Jun 3, 2008

I'm currently working with Windows Vista and some how my laptop went into hibernating mode. I've tried everything to get out of it and nothing seems to work. The blue rotating circle is still rotating, which is probably a good sign.

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Hibernating Immediately After Waking From Hibernation

May 15, 2010

Vista takes some time to wake from hibernation (2-3 minutes, before my wireless network is detected and browser is usable, say). To not waste my time staring at the screen, I hit the power button, leave the computer, and come back when all systems are running. However, by the time I've returned in maybe 5 mins, the laptop (Thinkpad T61) is back in hibernation mode. It seems like without any keyboard or trackpad input, the computer simply returns to hibernate. how to configure Vista to remain on without this keyboard input? I don't see any options in my power settings (in advanced as well). I also don't require a password upon wakeup, so I can go directly to my desktop.

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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Cant Get Out Of Safe Mode!

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried and tried, please I hope you can help me. I have a Toshiba A215-4817 laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My troubles began when my cd/dvd was not operating properly. Toshiba support said my operating system was corrupt. I didn't believe that just because the cd/dvd wasn't working properly that the os is corrupt, maybe they were right.

I have extremely important info on my hd as I do taxes for a living.

In an effort to trouble shoot the cd/dvd I booted into safe mode. No-one tole me that the administrator account is disabled by default! So now I can't get out of safe mode. I have access to only my limited user account and uac is enabled. System restore doesn't change boot options.

I can't edit registry = access denied, cmd.exe when trying to activate administrator account = system error 5.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode

May 12, 2009

i'm on windows vista and i can't get out of safe mode does anyone know how to x

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Safe Mode

Jun 26, 2008

My son kept shutting the laptop w/o powering down and now it starts in safe mode. The first time I rebooted and this solved the problem but now that won't work. I can't get it to go back to normal. This has happened in the past but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

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XP Mode Under Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

Has anyone here had experience of the XP mode in Windows 7 Pro as I particularly want to run Adobe Acrobat 6 under it. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium but thinking of changing so as to be able to do this. I've looked but haven't yet seen this application on a W7 compatibility list.

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Pioneer DVR-K17 - Cannot Set To DMA Mode

Aug 4, 2009

My DVD R/W device failed and I purchased a Pioneer DVR-K17 replacement which is a dual layer DVD R/W device. It appeared to install correctly and automatically under Vista.

I noticed a problem when I tried to play a DVD, it was stuttering. I went to the device manager and tried to set the drive to DMA mode, since it was in PIO. The settings will not "stick". It always reverts to PIO. I have tried to find a way into the BIOS of this notebook, but there is very limited access to any settings by hitting the F2 key just after powering up. I cannot see anything anywhere on the internet on how to make this work.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode?

Mar 23, 2008

I had an issue with one of my games and it directed me to go into safe mode to uninstall it. Now that it's uninstalled, I can't get out of safe mode. I've been through this forum in and out. I've done nearly all the things that it has stated that come close to my issue. I'm still in here. I've been in and out for 3 hours now. I've gone through the msconfig, and told it to restart in normal mode, I'm still in safe mode. I've used the F8 button while starting it, and told it to go to safe mode, I'm still here. I've even checked to see if it was the resolution, I've set it to my default settings of 1280x720, and restart it, it's still in safe mode. I've done EVERYTHING that I can think of.

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Put In Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2008

I was wondering if and when Vista is put in sleep mode, does it continue to accept updates as is explained on the Microsoft website? If this is true, then will email also download from the server if the Windows Mail program is left on and maximized and the DSL modem is left on? Because the modem runs hot I usually turn it off at night, along with the computer, but I'm having problems with the server, who returns email to senders because the server only allows a small amount of bandwidth to collect in each user's webmail box.

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Running In Elevated Mode

Feb 26, 2009

How do I go about running in an 'elevated mode' in Vista Home Premium?
I am being told not to have enough priveliges, although I have chosen

The question arises when going into 'command prompt'.

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Sleep Mode Is Not Remains

Apr 11, 2008

When my computer goes to sleep mode it doesnt remain in sleep mode it comes out after a short time (say 20 mins). Is there a way to make it remain in sleep mode

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Save Power Mode

Aug 30, 2009

When ever i leave my computer idled for a long time the monitors turn black and i can't do anything but shut it down and start it up again. When i shut it down it says "Out of range input 1" Then i turn it off again and this time it has an error saying Vista didn't start up correctly, then i hit "start windows normally" then i can do stuff. How do i wake it up without shutting it down.

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Sleep Mode Often Cause A Slow Down?

Jan 21, 2010

Would using sleep mode often cause a slow down? I don't want my computer to be noticeably slower. I have vista ult. 3 gig ram, 9800 GTX, Intel e6400.

also how can I make a shortcut for win key+s for example.

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Cannot Boot Up In Safe Mode

Apr 24, 2008

I press f5 or is it f8. but either way I get to the Safe Mood Selection screen and no matter what option I select, Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Prompts, of Safe Mood with Network support, it doesn't matter it boots normal to my user sign in screen and then it freezes.. no mouse or keyboard functions... If I run the recovery disk and tool options then mouse and keyboard work but I still cannot boot up in safe mode nor can I boot up normal.. I just need to get into safe mode and then I believe I can resolve this but since I can't get into safe mode I don't know what else to do?

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Test Mode In All 4 Corners

Sep 14, 2008

I've been trying to download a free CPU temps monitor this afternoon without success and now I seem to have been left with something unwanted on my desk top.

When I'm just looking at the wallpaper and bottom bar ie I've just booted up, I've got the words Test Mode written in all 4 corners of the screen plus Microsoft(R)Windows(R)(Build 6001;Service Pack 1) written at the top middle.

This must have been left over from one of the temp monitors I tried and then uninstalled.

First I tried Real Temp 2.70 and that installed but then I realised I had to pay for it so I uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller. I then tried Speed Fan and Motherboard Monitor but these didn't like Kaspersky and looked like more trouble than they were worth so I uninstalled them as well.

Now I'm stuck with these words on my screen. They are quite small but still intrusive.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode

Mar 11, 2010

It seems for maybe the past couple of weeks it seems that sometimes the screen saver doesn't kick in.

When the time for the monitor just goes right to sleep it does. W/o the screensaver kicking in, or after it runs maybe a minute.

The odd thing is after I go and check the power settings, which all look fine, it works as it should. I have tried different screen savers as well as changes the timers. I don't know if this is from 1 numerous amt of MS updates or is there maybe a corrupt file or something.

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Single User Mode

Apr 1, 2009

Using Windows Vista, how do I remote desktop to a Windows Server 2008
computer running terminal services in single user mode?

(I know how to remote desktop to my Windows Server 2008 computer running
terminal services. I don't know about the single user mode).

Apparently, I'm not in single user mode, because the remote desktop shows
the Vista theme, but not the full Aero experience.

Reference: Introducing Windows Server 2008, by Mitch Tulloch, Microsoft
Press. Page 196, about half way down.

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Will Only Start In Raid Mode

Apr 13, 2008

I recently purchased a HP Pavilion M8430F - It came with a single 750 Gig drive and has Vista x64 installed, - I added a second 320 Gig Drive that had data only on it - Recently i have saved all that data to the Vista drive now i would like to install XP Pro on the smaller drive and dual boot them both - OK Vista runs fine XP install Crashes - my onboard Sata Controler is set to Raid that is the only way vista will boot - if i switch it to IDE i can install and run XP but like i said vista will not boot-up switch it back to raid and Vista will boot XP will give a blue screen - The pc came with a single drive and the default setting in the bios is RAID

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How To Wake From Sleep Mode

Mar 29, 2009

Can someone tell me how to Wake my computer from Sleep Mode? When my computer goes into Sleep Mode, I can't wake it by hitting a key on the keyboard or by moving my mouse (like in XP). I have to push the power button on the computer. I've done some searches for the problem here and on Google but still can't find a good answer.

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I Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode !

Nov 14, 2009

I had trend doing a new scan a more complete one while it was doing it i went in i could stop it hit cancel stop safe box and computer wouldreturn to normal I thought that was 6 hourds ago well after i deletedtrend it still in a safe mode.

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Computer Keeps Going Into A Standby Mode?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Sony Vaio. I just bought it a week ago. Model PCG-3G5L. At random intervals I get a black screen, like a standby mode, and I have to press the power button or tap a bucnh of keys to turn it back on. I did a virus sweep and I have no viruses. Sleep mode is disabled. It was working FINE yesterday.

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Cant Get Computer Out Of Safe Mode

Nov 14, 2009

I can say is I changed trend to do a real good cleaning of all of folders etc. When I got the safe mode I found trend was doinmg a scan so I stopped it and then it said close and stop safe mode which I did. I also deleted trend to. I m really bad I dont know what I did. I use that I had brain surgery and I m just dah sometimes.

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Installation And Run Only In Safe Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new motherboard (abit nh-m2sv), X2 +3800 processor, 2 gig pc4200 memory ATI graphics, DVD RW, Maxtor SATA drive, all are suppose to be Vista ready, but vista either won't install, or installs with BSOD's then will only run in Safe Mode.

I have tried Home Basic and premium, the same issue, I install my old faitful XP and it goes straight in. I have run memtest, all fine, I have removed the gfx card, no change, I have tried an IDE hdd rather than a SATA no change.

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Not Boot Into Safe Mode Or Normally

Jan 19, 2010

Vista will not boot into Safe mode or Normally. The mouse pointer sits on the screen and can be moved but the logon screen does not appear. When I go into startup repair it says it "Could not detect a problem". I have run a chkdsk /f which ran clean. What else can I try to make the logon screen appear?

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DSL Router In Bridge Mode

Apr 14, 2008

trying to configure the network settings by adding a second static IP address, so that it can see with the other pc's in the network. The network infrastructure is set up as the following: there is a DSL router in bridge mode, so all pc's connected to the network have a direct connection to the internet, and get their ip address from the ISP's DHCP server. Also the other pc's (with XP and linux) have a secondary IP address set up e.g. so they can access a NAS also hooked up to the network, but not connected to the internet.

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IE 7 Protected Mode Stays Off

Feb 18, 2009

I'm having a problem where I can't turn On protected mode in IE 7. UAC is On, and protected mode is checked in the internet options security zones settings

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Won't Stay In The Sleep Mode

Apr 11, 2008

I have Vista Home Basic SP1. Recently my computer won't stay in the sleep mode. After less than 1 minute the processor wakes itself up. Any thoughts as to what might be waking my computer? I have recently installed a new virus protection program. Could that be the culprit?

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Cannot Get Into Safe Mode Or Boot Normally

Sep 8, 2009

I?m have a troubling issue with my computer as it is stuck on a cycle boot when it passes the windows loading screen and then it simply restarts and does a POST test again. I tried pushing F8 key and selecting all the options

safe mode
safe mode with command prompt
safe mode with networking
Go to last working configuration (advanced)
Start Windows Normally ect....

but as I selected safe mode all the windows emergency drivers are loading then the screen go black and repeats the same problem above. I don?t have a cdrom neither an fdd only a usb flash drive.

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What Is Compatability Mode And How It Works

Jan 21, 2008

Has anyone had experience with compatability mode. I am a new Vista Premium user and have not seen this program.

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