Physical RAM Being Reported Incorrectly In Everest

Feb 24, 2009

I have 8GB RAM (4x2GB sticks), works fine to my knowledge, and shows up on the main screen, and in the BIOS as 8GB. Good stuff. However, recently in order to try and improve boot speeds I went into the pagefile and set it as 0 after reading that it isnt needed with this ammount of ram. After rebooting I went into msconfig's advanced boot screen, set the number of processors to 4 and MAX RAM... but it would only see 3GB RAM.

I installed Everest to check this out and it reports that my physical RAM is 3GB, task manager reports the same. What went wrong, and how can I get all 8GB showing? My GPU is a 1GB 9800 card so wouldnt have thought the rest was going towards gfx. Ive taken out some sticks and tried again but Everest still only sees GB, even with 8gb, 6gb or 4gb inside?

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8 GB RAM Reported As 2038 MB?

Oct 5, 2009

My specs:

Vista Home Premium x64

Dell XPS 435T

i7 950 @3.07 GHz


The Problem: In my system specs for Windows it clearly says: 8GB ram

In the task manager when I check my physical memory it states:

Total: 2038 MB! wtf. This is really annoying. I have set my pagefile to 10gb and in the task manager it says 10gb so that one is correct. But what is up with this RAM problem? I don't get it? Am I missing something here? Please tell me. Cause My physical memory is always above 50% even when I don't do anything on the computer, really annoying, when I know I have 8GB installed...

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Everest Home 2.20 Not Working

Nov 13, 2008

I am tyring to install Everest Home 2.20 in Vista Home Premuim 64bit, the program installes fine but when I try to use the program I keep getting an error come up. See attached pciture. ImageShack - Hosting :: 26706195ll5.jpg Any one know of a way to resolve this error?

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Vista 64 Installed Physical Memory Vs Total Physical Memory

Mar 26, 2009

I'm running Vista 64 Home (SP1) Premium on a homebuilt machine w/8GB (4 X 2GB modules). Windows is reporting 8 GB of Installed Physical Memory but is reporting only 4 GB of Total Physical Memory. I first noticed this when, after installing a game, the game system specs said 3092 MB of RAM.

I have checked the BIOS and it recognizes 8 GB. Memory Remapping is Enabled. Under Memory Remapping is "PCI MMIO Allocation: 4GB to 3328 MB" (?). MSConfig Boot Options shows Max Memory is not checked and no value in the box below. I tried enabling it and using 8192 as the value, but it made no difference. DxDiag shows 8 GB installed RAM. how I can get windows to make available all 8 GB of RAM? (Motherboard is ASUS Maximus II Extreme w/Intel Q9550 processor running at Q9650 clock speed, memory running at 1127 MHz

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Installed RAM Displayed Incorrectly?

Feb 20, 2008

I draw your attention to the image attached below which I have extracted from Lavalys Everest Ultimate Edition's Memory Benchmarking Test. As I only confess to having no more than an intermediate computer knowledge, could someone please answer my following query: Why in the image does it display my Memory Type as being Dual Channel DDR2-667 SDRAM (5-5-5-12) when what I have installed is Dual Channel DDR2-800 RAM (4-4-4-12)?

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Disk Are Incorrectly Read Or Not Seen In 64 Ultra

Nov 10, 2008

Vista can't read manifactured DvD's and will not see Blank disks. I read through the MS kb article and it doesn't apply because in the registry UpperFilters and Lowerfilters are not listed. Tried using Nero but it is not compatable with Vista. (humph, imagine that) In Device mgr Dvd is listed as TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S202J ATA Device Driver is from 6/21/2006. Tried to update driver but will not says it is most up to date driver available. Uninstalled drive and reinstall did nothing to resolve problem.

The DVD drive is brand new and so is the PC and windows Vista Ultimate 64. Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7300 @2.66 Ghz, 4 gigs ram. Most of the time it can't even read any disk put in, no auto play nothing, Turned atuo play and turned it off no real difference. Often times in Windows Explorer after a few tries it may see files on the disk then I can use the setup if it's there and it will install program. Sometimes it will read home burned disk and it other times it fails to see the exact same disk. Often times it sees a manufactured disk as a blank disk and ask if I wanted to burn something.

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RAM Memory Modules Incorrectly Detected?

Apr 2, 2008

I just installed on my Sony Vaio VGN-FZ250FE (using Windows Vista), 2 x 2gb RAM memory modules equivalent to a total of 4 gb of RAM. My BIOS is detecting the whole 4gb, but under Windows's System App there are only 3gb detected.

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Incorrectly Sees "Multiple Networks" Can't Connected

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wired router connected to a combination wired/wireless switch (both are LinkSys and pretty old). The PC in question has a wired connection to the switch. In the Network and Sharing Center, Vista sees two Networks: Network (private) and Unidentified Network (public), but both have the same IP information. Both also say local and internet access, but I cannot connect to the Internet. Disabling one of the active connections (one of the fixes suggested by Windows) causes all network connections to be disabled. I have tried resetting the router and switch, renewing the DHCP lease and resetting the network adapter to no avail. The most frustrating aspect of this problem is that it is intermittent. Sometimes, without apparent reason, the computer will "just work." There is another Vista PC also with a wired connection to the switch that has no trouble connecting to the internet and correctly sees only one network.

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Physical Memory/RAM

Jun 30, 2008

I have an HP Desktop Pavilion m8150n, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, Windows Vista Ultimate (32), 4GB RAM, 640GB hard drive, NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS. I have upgrade Vista with sp1. I have been having some problems with my pc hesitating when I'm clicking on things in a game. I have just recently upgraded my memory from 3 to 4GB, thinking this would solve my problem. It hasn't. When I go into the Task Manager, it shows Physical Memory (MB) Total 3581, Cached 2730 and only 56 Free. Is this my problem? I have a long list of processes and services running and I'm sure I don't need all of this running at the same time. This could also be causing my problem, but not sure. I have shut down some of these processes, but I'm not sure which ones I actually need to run the computer. This problem is extremely frustrating. I have 211GB free on my hard drive and the box is checked for Index drive for faster searching. I would be happy to provide any other information.

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4 GO Ram : Memory Still Cannot Use Physical

Mar 23, 2008

We see lots of messages on many forums related to people wondering why their system does not show their full 4,0 GO. I have 4 GO on both my desktop and laptop. It showed 3,325 GO on the desktop before I upgraded to SP1 RC. Now it shows 4,0. Same thing happenned when I upgraded to 4 GO to my laptop. Since SP1 RC was already installed, it showed 4 GO right off he bat. I guess it only shows the total memory but still cannot use it since the physical limitations are still there. Or are they? Of course I am using Vista Business on both systems, x32 version .

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How Windows Uses Physical Memory

May 21, 2008

I'm trying to settle a debate with someone about how Windows (32bit)
allocates memory. In short, my opponent seems to think that ALL applications
will be swapped in and out of the SAME 2 GB of *physical* memory. I suggested
that this was nonsense and instead the OS will use whatever physical memory
it has available. Thus, in theory, if you have a 4 GB system with no swap
file, you could run three applications that take 1 GB assuming that the OS is
consuming no more than 1 GB. Can I get an engineer at Microsoft to confirm
that this is how it works and if so, can I get a link that outlines that

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Physical Memory: Constant 80 To 90

May 10, 2008

My memory usage (shown in task manager) is at a constant 80 to 90 used even though I have nothing running.(cpu usage minimal) What is causing the problem or what is using this much memory?

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Clear Physical Memory

Jun 7, 2008

i wanted to know if you can clear your physical memory?

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Physical Router Address

Mar 23, 2008

I live in a congested area. On one glorious morning my fiddling around with the wifi card allowed me to discover that I was able to access a 54g Wifi (lynksys) Internet connection. My experience with high speed was null so you could imagine my delight. Prior to this I was using "Netzero" which is like being homeless. My Question is- How can I look up the physical Router address that is providing me access? Its important to me because I could be sniped off easily for many reasons and to share the cost with a good neighbor is the moral thing to do. One exception is, if it???s the Hotel near-by.

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Appropriate Physical Memory Not Shown

Jun 14, 2009

my sys says 4gigs of physical memory but i have 8 gigs of stix whats up & how do i eneble the rest ?

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Installed Physical Memory

Jul 6, 2009

ive always ran XP but i heard from a friend that XP could only read up to 4gig of ram. So not wanting the ram to go to waste ive gone out and bought Vista Home Premium 32bit because he said vista could handle the ram.

After installation ive discovered that my installed physical memory is only 4GB Originally i thought maybe all the drivers have to be installed so i did that but still no difference. Then i googled it and ended up on vista forums, from what ive read 32bit can only handle up to 4gb but the 64bit can handle...well it didnt say a figure but just said "all of your ram".

Just wanted some clarification as to what i am reading is entirely true. And whether its worth going out and buying the 64bit edition. Also if i did go buy the 64 bit edition is it easily enough to just install it over the top of my current 32 bit?

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Physical Memory Dump?

Dec 2, 2007

My wife has gotten a Blue Screen saying "Physical Memory Dump" twice today (after several hours both times). Any idea what's causing this? What does it mean? Running x64 bit Vista

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8GB Installed But Only 4GB - 'Total Physical Memory'?

Mar 13, 2009

Hi all, I've just upgraded from 4GB to 8GB of RAM. When I look in system information its says the following:

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB

Total Physical Memory 4.00 GB

Available Physical Memory 3.16 GB

I'm basicaly wondering why its says that I have 8GB installed but only 4GB - 'Total Physical Memory'? In Task manager - Performance, it says that I have 8GB of physical memory so it is being used.

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Hogging Physical Memory On Bootup

Feb 3, 2009

for a coupla months now but it finally got to me last night, my Vista 32bit PC is hogging my physical memory on bootup---seems like forever. my light on front is constantly on. i ran through a lot of tests last night to see whats up. i did see major spikes in my resources moniter. but i could not see or find what was useing it up. my physical memory showed 65% usage. i managed to do some windows updates and reboot which helped. i also ran chkdsk for my C hard drive.(i have 3 hard drives total). since it rebooted without me there, i assume the C hard drive may be ok.

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80+Running Processes And 50%+ Physical Memory

Mar 31, 2009

I just want to know how to optimize vista,I run very few programs except Zone Alarm Pro and Symantec antivirus. But in the task manager, there are 80 running processes, and 50%+ physical memory,the CPU usage is usually 15%-50%. Is there any professional software to optimize vista PS, friends told me vista is crappy and xp is better, but I have no other choices cuz the OS is from the HP.

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Physical Memory Not Shown Correct

Feb 14, 2007

I just added 1 GB of memory to my computer bringing my memory up to 1280 according to Vista and after I restarted the computer and everything loaded I noticed that the Task Manager is showing a different amount of available memory then what the system information is showing. Task Manager was showing that I only had 15 MB of memory free I knew that something was wrong so I went to the system information in the system tools menu and it showed I had 800 MB of memory available.

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64 Bit Physical Memory Is Shown Less On Summary Page?

Feb 19, 2009

My system is a Vista Ultimate 64-bit with 12 Gb installed physical memory,

however, on the system summary under system information it only shows 3.99 Gb of TOTAL Physical memory.

Why is vista not able to recognize the full 12 Gb ? I thought the 64-bit OS was supposed to recognize up to 128 Gb. Any ideas???

My motherboard is an ASUS P6T Deluxe Intel X58, CPU= Intel Core i7 Extreme 965(4x 3.2 GHz;8MB L3 Cache).

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Physical Address Extension (PAE) Does Not Work On As Expected.

Jun 8, 2008

I upgraded (a so-called "clean install" on same partition... it made xp pro x64 unusable by renaming various system folders) to windows vista home basic hoping that PAE would work. I had assumed that 4GB RAM would be no problem (the intel e6600 core2duo in this system supports 64bit instructions, and as a result PAE works on linux just fine) though it is not doing what I expected.

After installing Vista SP1 (came out recently) from windows update, I decided to try using BCDEDIT.EXE and set PAE to "force enable" mode... Not working as expected!!! Well, pressing [windows logo key on keyboard] and [break] at the same
time (you can also bring that up by right clicking what XP called "my computer" and selecting "properties") ... windows now reports: Memory (RAM) 4.0 GB ... it was too good to be true:


Article ID : 283296................

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Installed/Total Physical Memory Discrepancies

Mar 7, 2009

As you can see this is a 64-bit OS. I'm getting these contradictions in Vista and not Windows 7 on the same machine. A picture is worth a thousand words so ... below are 6 snips, the top 3 are Vista and the bottom 3 are Windows 7 for comparison.

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Blue Screen Physical Memmory Dump

Jul 2, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 19
BCP1: 0000000000000020
BCP2: FFFFFA8009050370
BCP3: FFFFFA80090511E0
BCP4: 0000000005E7686F
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

the problem:

Read our privacy statement: Microsoft Online Crash Analysis This has started happening in the past week or so and it seems as if its getting worse and worse. At the moment its unbareable. I can't play games or watch movies anymore which leads me to believe its something with my graphics card but I have updated it and even done a system restore asfar as a week or two ago. I blue screen during games and video. One time i blue screened just from browsing the web I think.

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Free Physical Memory Drops To Zero Right After Reset

Mar 7, 2009

I have 4 gigs of RAM and Vista Home Premium. My memory free goes from 4000 to 9 in about seven minutes flat. What is going on? Dropping to 0 is sorta nuts with 4 gigs of ram and only explorer running.

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Rating Index Shown Physical Memory

Mar 23, 2008

I have purchased a new computer with Intel Dual Core 1.6 GHz, 256 MB Nvidia card, 1 GB RAM, 250 GB SATA HDD. My rating index is shown as 3.0 even though I have updated it several times. Also, available physical memory is also shown just above 300 MB. Is anything needs to be updated, I am unable to understand what is going wrong here.

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How To Mount Physical Disk To Users Folder?

Apr 6, 2008

Is there a way to mount a physical disk to the C:Users folder? It seems there is no way to relocate all items in that folder to other location so that that folder can be empty for mounting.

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How Can Vista X64 Install Physical Disk D Drive

Feb 12, 2009

In Vista x64... any problem with this? For example on a second physical disk - D: drive? Do I need to do anything special?

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Convert Physical Machines To Virtual With Disk2vhd

Oct 19, 2009

The Windows Sysinternals group at Microsoft has released Disk2vhd that is a free physical to virtual converter. Disk2vhd allows you to create VHD (virtual hard dive) files from physical drives on your computer while your system is online. The VHD files generated can be used in Microsoft Virtual PC or on Hyper-V server and you will have an instant clone of your machine running virtually.  This is perfect for duplicating a production server for a development virtual machine that you can use on a different computer.

Below is a Microsoft screenshot of a copy of Window Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V system running in a virtual machine on top of the system it was created from....

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Physical Memory : Server Error Can't Download Extra

Aug 13, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and the problem I'm having is my computer is not using its full Memory, like, It came with 3gigs, and I upgraded it to 4.50 gigs and it says I still have 1.56 remaining. Now I've heard people say have I remaped it...But I dont know how. Apparently I can use my extra 1.56 thats...Not being used since I upgraded it...I thought it was automatic. I'm just looking for a answer so I can use my extra RAM.(I have looked at a hotfix and when I go to download it, it says a server error or whatever and I can't download it.)

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