Not Imports Duplicate Pictures From Camera Memory Card

Apr 29, 2009

A few months ago we were importing pictures from a memory card (in a usb card reader) using Import pictures in the autoplay box. On each separate occasion we imported, Vista only imported the most recent pictures - which is what I expected to happen. Today we've gone throught the same process and Vista has imported all the old pictures which were already on the pc and the new ones as well. Why might this be happening - is there a setting which may have been switched off as we don't want to keep deleting the duplicated pictures

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Delete Pictures From Camera.....

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Canon PowerShot SD750 camera. This is what used to happen when I connected it to my computer - a window would pop up, it would ask me if where I want to download the picture, how they should be named, if the pictures should be deleted from my camera etc. It also gave me an option to set defaults to some of these settings and there was a checkbox "Don't ask me again" (or something like that). Silly me, I clicked on it.

From that point the window would no show up and all my pictures are transferred to my desktop once I connect the camera, no questions asked. That worked for a while but I want the pictures to go to a different folder now and I just can't change the default folder that I once set. How do I get the option window to reappear ? Where are these settings stored, on my camera or my desktop ? I cannot find them. I am running Vista 64 bits.

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Could Not Use The Card Of Camera

May 15, 2010

uninstalled Photofilter, I had unpleasant surprise to realize that I could not use the card of my camera any more to import them on my computer (vista 32 family premium edition). I uninstalled then re-installed with the diskette my Panasonic Lumix, without result. Windows not reconnait not this equipment. In invoked problems, two appcrash:Nom of event of problem: APPCRASH Name of application: ConvDatabase.exe and Name of event of problem: APPCRASH Name of application: ScannerWizard.exe Version of application:

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Sd Card And Digital Camera Not Working

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Gateway m 6309 laptop with a SD/MMC/MS/xD slot. I try to insert my SD card from my digital camera, but it won't go in. At all. It also looks as if there is something inside the slot, blocking it. It's been that way ever since I got the computer, but I've never really found anywhere to ask this question before.

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Unable To View Video From Camera Card In WPG

Mar 23, 2008

After loading pix and short video clips from Panasonic camera SD card to computer running Vista, it assigns photos for viewing in .jpeg format, which is fine, but the video clips are assigned a .mov file type and cannot be viewed. Does anyone know how to change the file type so I can watch the video clips since the .mov extension is not supported in WPG?

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Windows Photo Gallery Can't Open Pictures From SD Card

Mar 23, 2008

When I insert my SD card a message pops up saying can't open pictures. The file format is not supported or you do not have latest update. I checked and it says I have the latest update. Don't know what to do

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Memory Card Slots - How To Use?

Sep 22, 2009

(Running Vista Ultimate 64-bit, SP-2, IE-7, WM-6, classic mode, dial-up, on an HP Pavilion desktop computer.) Computer runs fine. In the past I have transferred photos from my digital camera via a cable to a USB port, and that process has worked fine. A friend showed me how to remove the memory card (type: SD) from my camera, and how to insert it into one of the cluster of 4 different sized slots on my computer. When inserted a small green light comes on, but nothing else happens. Based on his experience with his computer, I was expecting, in Windows Explorer, for a lettered disk to appear, listing the photos on the memory card using the camera provided numbers - but, as mentioned, nothing happened. What is the next step after inserting the memory card and noting that the green light is on?

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Memory Card Question

Jun 15, 2009

sure where to post this as it is hardware related, i have just removed a dud memory card and have to wait on a new one so i am now running on one card and there is only two slots so i am unsure which slot to put it in or if it really matters?? it is a Compaq Presario F551AU notebook. would it be the slot closest to the motherboard or the slot that sits on top of this one that is closer to the case??

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How Can Export Pitcure Sd Memory Card

Dec 29, 2009

can u export picture to SD memory card?

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Dedicated System Memory For Graphics Card

Feb 14, 2009

I am upgrading the memory to 2GB from 1GB, could someone please tell me whether I can change the Dedicated system memory from 64MB to 128 MB or just leave it as it is. I have attached the current info.

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Memory Card Readers No Longer Recognised

Jun 23, 2008

My desktop PC (new last year) has 4 memory card readers built-in, which worked fine on delivery. Somehow, they are no longer recognised by the machine - and don't show up in Device Manager - even after scanning for new hardware.

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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Pictures Not Coming From MY PICTURES Folder

May 15, 2010

I have recently had strange pixilated images mixed in with our photos when playing music and selecting slide show, our photos appear along with random images, they are not coming from MY PICTURES folder as i have right clicked when the odd pic appears and they are coming from random folders that i can't find.

I thought the strange graphics were coming from itunes or Tom Tom so i have uninstalled them both...but the images keep coming. How do i stop media center looking and producing these annoying images

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Pictures Disappeared From Pictures Folder!

Aug 26, 2009

All the pictures in my Pictures folder have disappeared, leaving behind a bunch of empty folders. I did not delete them, and I have no viruses according to AVG. It appears that this happened to a few others on this forum, but no solutions were presented. I noticed that the Read Only button was checked on the main folder, so I unchecked it, and I watched the status window un-apply "read only" protection from all my actual pictures files, so it seems to me that they're still there but invisible.

I performed a system restore, and Recova is in the process of performing a "Deep Scan" for my pictures (the quicker scan did not find the files). Has anyone solved the problem of the disappearing pictures? Is this a Vista problem, or perhaps a problem with an update?

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Getting Duplicate Emails

Oct 17, 2009

I have Windows Vista and I started getting duplicate emails today. The same 3-4 messages. I've checked tools to see if I have duplicate accounts and I don't. What else could be causing this?

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Duplicate Folders In Profile

Apr 30, 2010

After a windows update I now have duplicated folders (not contents) in my profile folder. If I view c:/users/profile then the duplicates are not there. If I just click the Profile link then they are. - 2 Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favourites, Music, Pictures, Videos. Interestingly enough there is not a duplicate Links , Contacts or Saved Games, AppData or Searches.

The original content is still intact in the original folders but my profile is accessing the new ones so all of my program settings, browser profiles etc are inaccessible using the normal methods.

Also if I navigate to desktop then it shows links that don't show if I view my desktop.

A few weeks ago after an update Vista did a similar thing but started using a temporary profile even when I logged in fine so I couldn't access thigns, I created a new profile and copied stuff across. Now this! Arghhh, I hate windows, you never get this crap with *nix stuff.

Anyway, rant over, anyone any idea? I'm tearing my hair out and google hasn't helped. I'm not a tech noob but I don't have any real insight into how Vista does these things, I do web development not windows.

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Duplicate Desktop Icons

Mar 14, 2009

All of a sudden I have got duplicate desktop icons. It seems that the top layer is working as a shortcut but when I click & drag it there is another icon underneath which does not work. If I try to delete them only the top icon disappears the bottom one will not be moved or deleted. I have tried to use Unlocker, done disc clean up, defrag, disc check, run McAfee, superantispyware and no baddies found. I've posted a screen capture of just one icon but all the icons are affected.

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Duplicate Emails Different Sub Folders

Oct 3, 2009

I have many duplicate (exactly the same) emails in separate sub folders of my save folder. Looking for a good way to delete.Vista HP, vista mail 6 with all updates.

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Delete Duplicate Email

Mar 27, 2009

I downloaded Yahoo Emails and merge the outlook mails to window mails.I find there are many duplicate mails in window mail. At first I manaually delete the dupliates in window mail, It costed me a lot of time and only delete little parts of duplicates. Now I find in window explorer, these are files for the mails. I think I might use a tool to remove duplicate files in 'window mail' folder on window explorer.Is it sage to do so.

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Duplicate Senting Emails

Apr 15, 2008

People say that every time I send them an email, two identical emails are sent. What is causing this and how can I fix it?

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Receiving Duplicate Emails

Mar 20, 2009

I am using Vista Home Premium 32bit and all of a sudden, in windows mail I am receiving all of my emails in duplicate. Everything was normal a couple of days ago. What have I inadvertently done?

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Receiving Duplicate Emails...

Feb 6, 2009

I am receiving duplicate emails on most (not all) emails. I have gone to Tools->Accounts and there are NOT duplicate accounts. The problem seems to have started when I upgraded to Trend Micro Internet Security 2009 in January.

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Duplicate Contacts In Internet Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I am maintained Vista laptops for two elderly people and set them up on Internet Mail, they were on OE before. They like that it grabs contacts for them, the problem is that it duplicates them relentlessly: say Fred emails you often you get a Fred contact a (1) Fred, a (2) Fred, etc... For the life of me I can't find were to fix this, the knowledge base offers me the right choices but finds no documents. Does anybody have this problem? I can easily download Thunderbird for them but I'm trying to keep these laptops as simple as possible.

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Duplicate My Documents Folder Self Created

Apr 4, 2008

When I go to save a document in Office specificially it auto saves in Documents>>Documents. A double folder that is empty but show up under my Main profile. Even if I delete this folder, as it is still recreates itself when I go to save a document. How do I make it stop?

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Is Safe To Remove Duplicate Folders

Aug 22, 2009

My OS is Vista Home Basic and I have duplicate folders of the same size and with he same sub-folders (couple of them Hidden such as AppData), one on the desktop and he other in the C: drive. Can I remove the one on the desktop without affecting the other one?

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Emails Showing Same/duplicate Content

Mar 23, 2008

I imported my mailboxes from XP when I installed Vista a while back. I don't know if it has anything to do with the problem, but figured I would mention it. It seems to only happen when I put an email into a folder for organization (work stuff, personal, etc), but not in the mail inbox folder.

Just about all emails in that folder show the same content as one seemingly random email in there as well. On the main list where it shows the sender and subject file, everything is fine. But when I click on one of them, they all show the exact same content in the preview pane and if I double click it to open it. The same sender, subject and body. It even duplicates attachments.

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Winsxs: Duplicate File Finder

Apr 10, 2008

In my C:Windows directory I've got a folder named "winsxs." I've also noticed that it is approaching 6 gb (yes gigabytes) in size. Do I need all these files contained in this folder? I used a duplicate file finder on that folder and found that there are many duplicate files (contents) contained within that folder. Dare I delete any of these? Just leave it alone?

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Duplicate Folders Are Created When Redirecting?

Mar 12, 2008

I'm trying to move my Pictures/Music/Documents folders to a new location via Properties|Location|Move. It asks me if I want to move all my files from the old location to the new location. In my case, the new location is simply on another drive, D:My Pictures (just another partition on the same computer - no networking or anything). The dialog box says:"We recommend moving all of the files or you will see two 'Pictures' folders inside the 'Rhizomorph' folder in Windows Explorer" Fine, so I choose the option to move all my files.

but I still get duplicate folders!!!! The prompt specifically states that by moving all my files I will avoid creating duplicate folders, but it does it anyway. What the heck? When I try to delete the new folder that is created (which now has a regular yellow folder icon) it won't let me, despite having ownership of it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Exploring, Memory DiagnosticsIf Vista Detects A Memory

Feb 23, 2007

Memory DiagnosticsIf Vista detects a memory problem in your system such as a faulty RAM module, it will display a notification asking if you want Vista to try to diagnose the problem.Then again you may also recieve the sudden BSOD with the error MEMORY MANAGMENT at the top. You can manually run this tool anytime just typememory in the search box inside the start menu.This tool offers you two options: restarting immediately and checking for problems, or running next time you reboot your machine (the memory diagnostic tool must run at boot time).  

Network DiagnosticsWindows Vista also allows you to check the connectivity of your network connection using the Network Diagnostics Framework: An infrastructure and a set of built-in and extensible components that attempts to automatically diagnose and correct network connectivity problems. The usual way to run this check is to open Network Center and click the Diagnose Internet Connection link on the left Vista will either identify ............

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Receiving Duplicate Mail In POP3 Account

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently been receiving duplicate mail in my POP3 account. I receive about 3 or 4 of the same e-mail a day and it is getting really annoying. I have removed my anti-virus and do not have duplicate accounts. I don't know what to do.

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Delete Duplicate Contact In Windows Mail?

May 19, 2008

Attempting to delete a legitimate contact in Windows Mail causes Windows Explorer to stop working, after which it then shuts down. The contact is not deleted. Why can't I simply delete a duplicate contact in Windows Mail without having the environment shut down? Does something have to be set in Options first for this to happen?

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