No Thumbnail Preview For Any Files Or Folders

Jul 28, 2008

I am having exactly the same problem as Thumbnail problem. Computer not generating them or something. - I have done all the things list here and I still cannot see any preview icons for any files or folders. Unless I use the list view which doesnt show previews anyway for picture or movie files. I have done a repair of Vista and that didnt fix the problem. I really dont want to start from scratch. I also cannot change my desktop image, and any file I try to upload wont change it.

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How To Add My Own Thumbnail Images To Files & Folders?

Dec 11, 2009

id like to know how i may add my own thumbnail images to files / folders. example: i have a few folders with movies - i would like each file or folder to display an image of my choice of a relevant dvd cover or movie poster for easy navigating & aesthetics.

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Thumbnail Preview Gone On Taskbar

Nov 30, 2009

not sure if thumbnail preview is the right term. - wanted to ask about why or how i might be able to fix ....... scenario: when i open a folder....

1. if its full of pdf files (ex.: e-books) i dont see the preview / covers of the e-books any more as before - just the foxit icon
2. if the folder is full of videos (ex: movies) i dont see a small clip of a scene as before now i only see my VLC Player icon. (the big orange cone) was there some setting that i might changed, not realizing? new things that ive done lately:
.....have tried like crazy to better boot time by following the guide at Black Viper this moment im using the Vista Basic Theme (no aero). really dont care much for the thumbnail previews on taskbar. have checked: when i open a folder and click on organize & select folder and search options under view tab - the option "always show icons, never thumbnails" is NOT checked. ???? have also tried clearing the thumbnail cache by deleting thumbnails under disk cleanup????

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Thumbnail: Not Showing A Preview

Sep 11, 2009

I have a lot of videos and the thumbnails are not showing a preview of the video, but instead show an icon (see "Attachment 1"). I already tried the following:

1. Deleted Thumbnail cache via Disk Cleanup.
2. Verified that "Show thumbnails instead of icons" was checked via Visual Effects in Performance Options.
3. Verified that "Always show icons, never thumbnails" was NOT checked via Folder Options.
4. I also heard that this happens when the "K-Lite Codec Pack" is on the computer. So I uninstalled this (to no avail) and reinstalled it (again nothing).

The preview does not appear for any WMV or AVI files. All pictures and other videos are perfect (that I know of).

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Window Thumbnail Preview Not Hilighted Recheck

Jan 8, 2009

I have lost my windows preview thumbnails and have tried everything in this forum to get them back. In my taskbar properties, it is unchecked and NOT hilighted to recheck it. Can someone help me out here.

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Picture Files In Thumbnail View Have ACDSee Icon

Jun 21, 2008

is there any registry setting to fix the display of picture files (bmp, jpg...) in windows explorer (thumbnail view). I just installed vista and ACDSee (a few days ago) and just today noticed that picture files in thumbnail view have the ACDSee icon. can anyone send me the default (vista) settings for .

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How To (re)associate JPEG Files With Explorer`s Preview?

Aug 22, 2008

I installed a program that I didn't like. I uninstalled it, but it didn't remove it's own association with JPG and other image files. I want to reassociate them with Explorer's Preview (which is still available on the rightclick context shell menu, but unavailable on any "open with" or "default programs" dialog).

Is there any way to do this? Maybe a explorer.exe command line parameter?

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Thumbnail Gone: Little Scrren Shoot On Thumbnail

May 25, 2007

just installed latest update to Vista Ultimate 64 and ever since i no longer have my AVI media thumbnails (little scrren shoot on thumbnail). I have tried to uninstall the updates and making sure that the Always show icon, never thumbnails option in Tools/Folder options/ View/ is not selected but still no luck.

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Can't See Files In Some Folders

Apr 2, 2008

I'm facing this issue with some applications that needs to write some files on their installation directory... for example Yahoo Messenger creates some folders and write some files on its installation directory (e.g. C:Program FilesYahoo) for different reasons, like messages archiving.

These files and folders are created somehow and the application is able to access them correctly, but when I use Windows Explorer to see them they are not there! They are absolutely not hidden and even if they are I have the option of displaying the hidden files and folders enabled, and still I can't see them! I don't know if Vista has some way to store these file, but I couldn't even find them by searching!

This problem isn't specific to Yahoo Messanger as I faced it before with other application. One another example is eMule before that create Vista version that stores your settings and downloaded file in your Vista user folders instead of Program Files.

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Won't Let Me Delete Files And Folders.

Mar 23, 2008

Certain files (like exe files) and folders (if they contain exe files) just can't be deleted. I get "You need permisson to do this". I'm the Administrator and only user of the machine. I tried activating and logging in a the "hidden" Administrator, but that didn't help at all.

I 've tried with UAC on and off. With it on I get the joy of clicking about 6 times before I end up with the "you need permission" (shouldn't that be checked first??) No wonder people turn that "feature" off.

I can rename the exe files and usually delete them after a reboot, isn't that very strange?

- Media Player was broken, but seems to work now, it actaully stops playing when you close it.

- I've been getting a "Parts of Logos has stopped working" or something like that error message at every startup for the last weeks.

- Sleep mode worked the first week only. Now it never wakes up.

- IE7 crashes at least once a day.

I've used XP for years and it was never this broken.

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Cannot Move Files Or Folders

Jun 18, 2008

I can't move files(or folders) from one folder to another. I can delete, rename, create, and edit files, but I cannot move them. i.e. I select a file, ctrl x or c or right click and copy or cut, then change directory and paste it, and windows beeps at me and no pasting is done. Drag and drop doesn't work either, as it is the same concept. Now, if I move a file via command prompt as administrator, the file can be moved between directories, but frankly, I don't want to be typing out file names all of the time. My User Account is listed as Administrator when I check via control panel.

I can copy/paste text, so the clipboard is working. The read only box is checked on the folders but as I understand it, that's normal? I am listed as the owner of the files and I have "full control" over them. This problem is persistent throughout my entire computer, including all drives, and even USB flash drives. I have tried booting with the windows cd and repairing the installation.

The problem began because of me trying to tweak my computer using a tutorial. I'm guessing the cause was either disabling UAC or executing the "Net user administrator activate:yes" command in command prompt (probably the latter). I undid all changes I made to try to fix theproblem

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Can Not View All Folders/files

Aug 2, 2009

I turned off User Account Control but in Explorer I still can't open Documents and Settings and a number of other folders. How can I configure Vista so that I can view any folder/file I want , as I could in XP ?

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Hidden Files & Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I have enabled viewing hidden files and folders. Still, some folders and files are hidden from me! Here is an example: I navigate to eMule folder, which should contain Incoming folder, but does not. I start up eMule, go to Tools and select Go To Incoming Folder and the folder opens up normally showing the files I have downloaded. This problem also exists with a game I own. I'm not able to view the map files I have created with the game. Yet when I start the editor and choose to open a previous map file, it is nicely there in the folder it is supposed to be in.

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Cannot Share The Files And Folders

Apr 5, 2008

We have vista on both desktop (office-pc) and wireless laptop (daniel-pc) and a canon mp830 connected to the desktop pc. Desktop has macafee with firewall off and laptop had pc-cillin with firewall off. Both machines have identical sharing & discovery settings (no passwords), and the printer is shared. Both pc's see the other's files and printer. I plugged the MP830 into the laptop and let vista install the drivers.

When the printer is connected to the desktop pc, and I try to connect from the laptop, I get the 0x00000012 error. I then followed the advice in this forum and tried to create a local port on the laptop printer as \office-pcCanon830 and I get 'access denied'. Now, here's the thing, I plugged the printer into the laptop and tried to connect to it from the desktop. I clicked START, NETWORK, Daniel-pc and then right clicked the printer and clicked connect and IT DID. I then printed a document from the desktop to the printer connected to the laptop.

Next i uninstalled the printer from the desktop and then plugged it back in and let vista install the drivers as I had the laptop, thinking that perhaps there was a snag in the Canon software. I also downloaded the vista driver from Canon as I had done for the laptop. But when I tried to connect the desktop printer from the laptop, I once again got the 0X00000012 error. I've been round and round with this for a week and i must be missing some little thing.

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Zipped Folders Have All Turned Into Mp3 Files

Jul 3, 2008

I have a Dell Inspiron with Windows Vista. I logged in one day and found that all the zipped folders on my computer had turned into mp3 files. This includes all that I had created to store and send files via email and all that I received via email. I know that my son was using my computer and had accessed my Itunes. I have tried everything, including system restore, but nothing has worked. Can anyone tell me what happened and how I might re-convert these files to zipped folders?

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Can't Modify Any Files Or Folders Anywhere On My Computer

Apr 8, 2009

I can't modify any files or folders anywhere on my computer. For example, if I create a new folder on my desktop, when I try to rename it the name still stays at 'New Folder' which I can't get rid of. Also I can't encrypt any files or folders. I am the administrator of the computer and there is no other users. I have tried taking full control of the files/folders on the security tab on properties and also using software like 'Unlocker' but nothing seems to work.

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Reorganize Files, Folders, And New Drive

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to reorganize files, folders, and new drive and cannot find any way to move files from one drive to the new one. I've tried everything and a couple of new little programs that are supposed to give me "ownership". Nothing will work for me. Right now I'm trying to move my Audible Books from old to new drive and cannot. I can't even delete them! I've turned UAC off and no change. Vista has me stumped.

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Viewing Hidden Files And Folders

Mar 23, 2008

I am unable to view Hidden Files and Folders,From Control panel I have set the flag to show hidden files and folders, click apply and OK but when I go to the folder where there should be another folder with my files in it there is nothing, If I copy this folder to my USB hard drive and then look at it with another computer it shows the folder and files.

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Moving Desktop Files & Folders...

Mar 6, 2010

I have googled this to death and I have also search here and I have not found an answer. I am ready to migrate to Windows 7 and I am trying to move my wife's desktop items to another folder on another drive but I am finding this simple task annoying and impossible since all it wants to do is place shortcuts on the target folder.

I am trying to do this as an Administrator but no matter what I try, I get the same results. I am sure there is a simpler way to go about doing this but... I am also sure I can't find it!

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How To Get Size Of Individual Files And Folders

Mar 29, 2008

I am trying to find out how much disk space the various files & folders in my 'Documents' take up. I know how to get the size of individual files, and individual folders, but is there a way of showing the folder tree with the sizes of all files , folders, sub-folders ate the same time?

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Permission To Transfer Files Or Folders

Nov 26, 2008

They are connected through a wireless network set to private, with file sharing and network discovery and no passwords required. Both users are set to administrator with no password required. What I want is permission to transfer files or folders between the C drives of both machines.

I get as far as seeing these drives when I click on the computer's network location but then cannot gain access to the drive itself. I feel as if I'm close. I've trying playing with the permissions on both C drives and it looks like I've set everything I can.

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How To Access The Shared Files/folders

Mar 21, 2009

I have Vista x64 Ultimate on my desktop and Vista x64 Home Premium on my wireless laptop. I’m trying to share files and folders. I believe I’ve done everything I needed to enable file sharing on both computers. All my Sharing and Discovery buttons are turned on except Password Protect Sharing. I added “Everyone” to my sharing list on both computers. Both computers have the same Workgroup name.

I don’t know how to access the shared files/folders from either computer. All the web sites I’ve visited tell me how to enable sharing but none of them tell me how to access them. It’s probably a simple process but I can’t figure it out.

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Can Delete The System Folders/files

Feb 6, 2009

I am not trying to move system files or folders. I am trying to move folders/files I created and copied over from my XP machine. When I check the properties they are read only. So I unswitch them get warned and as soon as I look at them again they are back to read-only. I have admin permissions so not sure what the problem is. I can delete the folders/files but I want to reorganize them. Is there a "Not a Newbie" version of Vista or maybe a tweak?

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Spread Folders To Extract All The Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have about 3,500 files, spread between about 1,500 folders, and I want to view all files at once in one big list. I was wondering is it possible to extract all the files from the folders and put them in one big list. I have windows xp.

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Backing Up Individual Folders And EXE Files

Jun 3, 2008

I'm using Backup & Restore in Vista Home Premium x64 for easy backups. There are however a couple issues with it.First, is it possible to make Vista backup only individual folders?Second, I have Backup & Restore set to making daily incremental backups of all files (that can be selected in the wizard) on my C drive. Thing is, I have folders with applications in the root of C. E.g. C:Prog1, C:Prog2,etc... I had to retrieve backups a while back. You can only guess when all other files where restored except the .exe files n :Prog1, C:Prog2 and so on. After reading around a bit I found out that B&R doesn't backup executable
files. Any way to get around this.

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Files/folders Missing From C Drive

Jul 11, 2009

this is driving me crazy! I have now experienced this 3-4 times. It happens all of a sudden, and is scary. Some or most of my data suddenly disappears from my user folder (C:/users/username). First time it happened immediately after I installed Spyware Doctor, back in April, when they first released the x64 version. I have since restored all the data, and uninstalled Spyware Doctor. However, it happened again. The last two times, it just happened. I simply noticed that I had much more free space on my C drive (40GB more than the day before).

Last weekend, it mostly affected my photos, but other folders were missing also. I am running x64, on a HP machine with 6GB RAM. Luckaly, I perform multiple backups (TrueImage and Ghost), as well as Mozy. In each case I was able to restore all data, but it takes time, and more importantly, I don't trust my computer. I live in a fear - will my data be there tomorrow??? Or, has anyone else experienced anything similar?

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Cannot Access Denied: Certain Files/folders

Apr 13, 2009

Experiencing problems trying to access certain files/folders and wonder if someone can advise the reason why and how to resolve the situation. Apart from the attached any further information required will forward upon request.

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Files & Folders Missing But Disk Space Still Used?

Mar 19, 2010

I was adding some files from my laptop to my desktop today, and after I was finished, all of my files disappeared. All the files in the folder I was adding things to, and the parent folder that held that folder, along with all the files in the parent folder. All the disk space is still taken up though, so they must still exist SOMEWHERE. I tried a system restore, and it got some of the files back, but not many of them. I'd say about 20 out of a couple hundred. I also tried this program called Disk Healer, and it said that the folders did not exist anymore.

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Sharing Folders To Transfer Files Has Stopped

Mar 11, 2009

I wanted to share some folders to transfer files from one PC to another. It worked for a while then it stopped. I do not remember the error msg but it was something like it could not connect to folder. Both PCs are on the network under workgroup domain.

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Hide Hidden FILES And FOLDERS During SEARCH?

Jan 19, 2009

Basically i keep my thoughts personally secret as well as my files in PC, so i want to know how to hide hidden files and folders during search in Vista,when other person try or accidently saw those files and locations in my PC. I am using Vista 32 bit Ultimate version. I tried some options in index that didn't understand much about it to hide hidden folders and files during search. I don't want to show the search results that i made those folders and files hidden to be visible in search.

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