Network Identifying 2 Networks: Cant Merge Or Delete As That Option Is Greyed

Mar 23, 2008

I tried post on maintenance etc but got no advice Any ideas as to why I suddenly have this need to keep resetting the network adapter via network sharing? (I am sure its associated here) I have just changed ISP and their supplied router is both wireless and Ethernet. My previous was Ethernet only. I only use Ethernet at the moment but network
sharing keeps identifying two networks. I cant merge or delete as that option is greyed out.

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Keeps Identifying To Network

Feb 10, 2009

I've just bought a new laptop with windows Vista pre-installed. Now I want to connect to our wireless network. This works, but just local. Whenever I connect to our network it first identifies to the local network, which works. But after that he can't connect to the internet.

PC --------------- IDENTIFYING.... -----------X---------- Internet

That is how it looks in the networkcentre..

Anyone knows this problem or knows how this can be fixed? Under here there's how it looks like, it's dutch lol, but you probably can figure out what is what.

alleen lokaal = only local
inschakelen = turn on
uitschakelen = turn off
Identificeren.. = Indentifying

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Connect To Network, But No Networks

May 29, 2009

everything is working wirelessly. 1 desktop is wireless and working fine, my iphone is connected and working fine, the Nintendo Wii is working fine, i just brought my laptop over from my house and no network is showing up, and i know that last time i brought it it connected fine and other networks around us also showed up. How can i reset the network adapter. completely back to factory settings, i know my cousin messed with it to get better. download speeds and ever since then it has been giving me issues.

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Multiple Networks Detected In Network And Sharing Center

Jun 17, 2008

My internet connection is thwarted when Vista detects Multiple Networks in the Network and Sharing Center. I want to select the "unidentified network" and delete it but there is no option to do this. The ISP is no help. Anyone run across this problem? ENVIRONMENT: Broadband connection direct from the modem. Not using wireless. Only one internet connection. Not on a network. Have not updated to SP1 yet.

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Longer Connect To Wired Network/wireless Networks

Dec 12, 2007

I went on a trip ad at the hotel my laptop would not detect their wireless network. The hotel had me connect some sort of adapter to my usb port and also had their tech support change some networking settings on my computer. Now when I go to work and plug-in the usb cable to my computer nothing happens (used to connect to the internet).

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Partitioning Isn't Greyed Out Is "Delete Volume"

Aug 22, 2009

Basically, I tried to create a new Primary Partition on my hard drive, using the Shrink tool. I was told to do this via a tutorial. Something went wrong, and now I've got 30GB stored in three separate partitions that I cannot use. Not only that, but Disk Management now says I have five Primary Partitions. When I right click on these three partitions (which are nameless by the way) the only option that isn't greyed out is "Delete Volume".

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Wired Networks Show Up As Unidentified/Local Networks

Dec 13, 2008

I Have An HP Dv5t Pavilion With An Intel Pentium Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00GHz, My Wireless Internal Network Card Is A "Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN".I Have Been Using This Laptop For 2 Months With No Problems At All. And Just On Thursday My Norton 60 Trial Ran Out, So Of Course I Deleted It From My Control Panel. And After That, Is When I Started Getting This Problem. I Have Looked Around The Web And Tried A Dozen Different Solutions That Do Not Work For Me. And It Has Been Pissing Me Off So Much To the Point Where I'm About To Format The Hard Drive. I Do Not Wish To Take Such Drastic Measures.

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No Delete Option In Recycle Bin Menu

Dec 19, 2008

Weirdest thing I noticed recently that when I right-click on my recycle bin, there is no "delete". I didn't make any changes that I am aware of I have researched online and can't find anything at all.

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Mail: No Option For Delete In The Right Click Menu

Nov 23, 2009

In the folder "indexed file locations" there are a lot of old emails I thought were deleted from my system. When I try to delete one or more of them, there is no option for delete in the right click menu. How can I get rid of the old emails as none of them have any importance to me?

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Lost Wireless Network, "Windows Cannot Find Any Networks"

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 on an HP Pavilion dv6676us laptop with built-in Wi-Fi. My network is running on a 2Wire 2700HG-D router/modem. Last night, when I rebooted after a Windows update, I had no network. If I open the Network window, it says, "This computer is not connected to a network. Click to connect...". When I click there, then choose "Connect to a network", a window pops up saying, "Windows cannot find any networks". If I click on "View network computers and devices", it just takes me back to the Network window.

In Control Panel, Network and Sharing Center says, "The page failed to load". Windows Help tells me to make sure my network adapter is enabled in Control Panel --> Network Connections. In Network Connections, I see nothing that refers to a network adapter; I assume this is what displays as Wireless Network Connection, which says "Not connected". The context menu gives me choices of Disable and Connect/Disconnect. Selecting Connect/Disconnect doesn't help. Disabling, Enabling, and Connecting tells me again, "Windows cannot find any networks"..........

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Not Displaying Option, Network Adapter Not Function Properly

Apr 4, 2009

My board is an Asus P5QC...the most unstable board I have ever owned... Anyway, I got this board since November and it was not running it's best but the I had the basics running. In the past 3 months, I have re-installed Vista 9 times I was blaming Vista, but I notice that my BIOS for some weird reason is not displaying some option that I had before. Now my network adapter will not function properly. I tried my old driver and the latest drivers, I installed it the way it is suppose to be installed and success.
I tested all my cat 5 and they are all in good condition. My router is functionning well, seeing that my other computers are working.

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Local Area Networking: Not Show Add Ad-hoc Network Option

Oct 7, 2008

I have with Vista and an ad-hoc peer-to-peer wired network. When I run the wizard to connect to a network, it does not show the add ad-hoc network option, only four others for wireles, internet and vpn connection. Also, although I have networked two PC's both running Vista, I cannot ping the second machine from the first and vice versa despite having added routes to both machines. nslookup recognises the ip address of each machine, as does tracert(I should point out that both machines obtain their iP addresses from a router which also allows access to the internet. Both machines can see the internet).

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Merge All Three Partitions Of HD?

Oct 23, 2009

Having two internal hard drives, and an Esata backup drive, gives me 9 partitions [including Recovery] and none of the drive letters are in sequence of make sense. It is very confusing. I asked this forum once if I should set the drive names but was advised to avoid the possible confusion with programs. I originally wanted to keep vista pure on one drive, and everything else in the easily copied data drive. But most programs give you no installation option, and they get "jammed" into C drive. Using the lastest PartitionMagic, do I dare "copymerge" the data partition into the Vista partition [ignoring dups for the moment] and then delete the data partition and that totally useless recovery partition? And have one large drive? [or three, actually]

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Doesn't Allow Merge :: Need To Register A Key

Jun 27, 2009

I've got the Home Premium 64-bit edition and I need to enter a registration key for my password manager. Unfortunately this version of Vista doesn't allow me to do a merge, although I did find a way to have a look at the registry itself yesterday. Is there a way around this? I'd really like to get this registered and be able to use my password manager.

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Merge Two Partitions Back Together?

Sep 6, 2008

so I have a vista partition about 122 gigs more or less and a linux partition which is 30 gigs more or less...I want to merge the linux partition with vista without losing anything on my vista partition. How would I go about doing so? I know I have to format the linux partition thats fine but I do not want to format the vista partition... Or if possible can I give my linux partition 30 more Gigabytes then format it and install another os on it? Again I do not want to format my vista partition.

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Mail Merge From M/S Excel

Feb 18, 2009

How do I get M/S word 2007 to pull over the Excel Spreadsheet when I am trying to perform a mail merge from M/S Excel? M/S windows does not locate the spreadsheet. My O/S is windows vista premium, 32 bit.

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How To Merge And Split DVD Movie

Apr 24, 2009

Who is your favorite star or dreaming lover? Have you ever dreaming making a movie consisting all the classic shots, scenes of your favorite Tom Hanks? Want to split the movie into different sections and convert only your favorite ones? Want to clip the most impressing scenes for memorize or yeaning your favorite Harry Porter? You need DVD Ripper that allows splitting the movie and merging different items into one video.......................

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Delete Network And Start All Over?

Mar 21, 2009

I reformatted my pc. Everything is great. Except that i believe that i chose my connection to my home pc as a network not as home. How can i change that.

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Merge The Partition Back Into Vista

May 25, 2008

I've never had to deal with Parttions before so forgive my ignorance. I am using Vitsa Home Premium and decided to dual boot with Kubuntu which I absolutely hated. I removed Kubuntu by deleting the partition then restoring the boot manager for Vista. The partition that contained Kubuntu is now empty. I would like to merge the partition back into Vista. How do I do this?

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Merge Gmail Into Windows Mail

Jul 3, 2008

is it possible to setup windows mail to open my gmail account?

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Where Files Go When Delete Them Over A (wireless) Network?

May 27, 2009

On the desktop side: WinXP Home, all updates etc in place On the laptop side: WinVista Home Premium, all updates etc in place. I have a wireless ADSL router connected by cable to the desktop machine. The laptop connects to the router via a wireless connection. The laptop has full access to everything on the desktop machine. The desktop machine has limited access only to certain folders on the laptop because that's the way Vista is. I have things set up so that from the laptop (Vista) machine I can open, run, copy, move, and delete files on the desktop (XP) machine.

The recycle bins on both machines work properly. If I delete files on the XP side they go to the XP recycle bin and if I delete files on the Vista side they go to the Vista recycle bin. I noticed yesterday however that when I delete XP-side files from the Vista side, they aren't sent to the recycle bins on either machine. This seems very strange. Is it by design? Is there a setting I need to set to have such files sent to a recycle bin? Where do files go when you delete them over a (wireless) network?

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Allow The Program To Run :: Greyed Out

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate I have installed UPS softare to manage the shout down of my PC but Windows has blocked it from starting.

When I click on "show blocked programs" the blocked program is shown but when I highlight it, the option to "Allow" is grayed out.

How do I get Windows to allow the program to run, I have tried setting the exe file to "Run as administrator" but it did not work.

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Task Scheduler Greyed Out

Apr 29, 2009

Having noticed that some of the automated tasks I had scheduled were not running, I opened Services.msc and looked at Task Scheduler which hadn't started. Selecting properties showed all options greyed out. I can't select Automatic, Manual, Disabled or anything. The contents of all other tabs are also greyed out. All dependencies are running.

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Save Attachments For .jpgs Greyed Out

Mar 13, 2009

I do successfully receive attachments of all kinds and iI can save those in one go by using Save attachments under the paperclip - but for .jpgs all of a sudden. They are there, they show up perfectly in the preview pane, I can rightclick and save them individually from the pane. However, in the Save Attachments list the images are listed correctly but greyed out so I cannot do a multiple Save anymore. Any clues to this strange and unwanted behaviour? Is there a way to 'repair' Vista Windows Mail?

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Sharing Tab Slightly Greyed Out Not Clickable

Jun 22, 2008

Already checked Brink's tutorial but didn't see this issue: my "share" button on the sharing tab is slightly greyed out and not clickable... i know i've taken care of this before but i just can't remember what to do about it?

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Data Execution Prevention Settings Greyed Out?

Aug 11, 2008

i have OEM version of vista home premium 32 bit

and i seem to have lost the ability (greyed out ) to alter the DEP under control panel/system/Advanced system settings

I also have lost the games explorer folder specifically spider solitiare

have tried tons of stuff and am at a loss

My system is telling me its always off and not enabled for any processes.

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Word 2007 Send To Buttton Greyed Out

Aug 29, 2008

Vista 64 home premium, office 2007 home and students -have word doc open, scroll to send to -and email button is greyed out? I am using windows mail and its set as default e-mail program

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No Data Execution Prevention Settings? Greyed Out

Oct 13, 2009

The Data Execution Prevention options are grayed out. I am the administrator and no matter what i try it will not let me click on a button. Is there a fix for this?

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Task Scheduler, Backup Settings, Disable Greyed Out

Jan 14, 2009

i have a problem with Task Scheduler, i need it to work for my auto back ups, but i cannot turn it from manual to auto in the services panel as the box is greyed out, i can start it manually but if i turn my laptop of i have to restart it again manually. Also Windows loses all the backup settings and i have to do everything again. Everything is ok as long as i don't have to restart my laptop. i have checked all the uac settings i know all the other services that depend on it everything seems ok. No other services have there box for changing from manual, auto, or disable greyed out

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Windows Media Player Has Stopped Working And Greyed Out

Jun 13, 2008

My system has been hard rebooting due to a bad video driver... now if I start windows medis player if greys out on me and says: "Windows Media player has stopped working". Is there a way to uninstall WMP and then reinstall it to fix the issue.

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Currently Not Connected To Any Networks

Feb 6, 2009

This is not causing any problems, I just don't know why. I have an i7 on a Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5, gigabit Linksys switch, Norton 2008 firewall, Vista 32bit, and 3 PCs (Vista, Vista, XP) in a LAN. Vista doesn't seem to think a LAN/switch is a real network? I can see all of the other network PCs, connect to the internet (DSL) thru a switch connected Linksys wireless router, share files, and printers; but it's bugging me.

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