NVIDIA Ge Force Go 7900 GS: "Display Driver Stopped Working And Has Recovered"

Oct 7, 2009

Ever since I did a Windows update back in July, my video card has been acting up. While I'm using the computer the image on the screen starts breaking up, then I get a black screen. I have to force the computer for a shut down. After so many re starts I get a message saying "Display Driver Stopped working and has recovered.

I can use the computer for a little while, and then I get the same problem again. I took my computer to fix when I started experiencing this problem. All they did was clean the fan they said the video cards was good. I have a Toshiba Satellite P105-S9339 bought in June 2007. Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 4 GB Ram 32 bit Internet Explorer 7. I know a few people here had the same problem. Did someone found the fix for it?

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NVIDIA 6200 Geforce "Display Driver Has Stopped Responding And Has Recovered"

Feb 12, 2010

i just joined this forum in hopes of finding an answer to my problem, i have also searched the posts relating to my problem. A few days ago my pc was dropped of a stand with the monitor and everything connected. The onboard gfx does not work anymore (nVIDIA 6100 Geforce 405) and the plug is loose so i installed a nVIDIA 6200 Geforce PCI card, everything is fine till i go to run a high graphics game like WoW or SecondLife.

They work for a few seconds then the screen gets all messed up then goes off and back on, then a Hazard Sign in the System Tray pops up that says "Display Driver has stopped responding and has Recovered". Now i know enough to solve certain issues but this has me stumped, i've updated my drivers, even lowered the resolution to try to get the game to work but it does the same thing, now ive had this card in before a few months back, worked fine, then i took it out and went back to the onboard gfx. now the PCI card is giving me issues.

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Display Driver Stopped Working

Sep 3, 2009

1024MB XFX ATI HD4890 GDDR5, 4800 series that my graphic card. When i start up my pc, it runs fine and after about 30-60 mins, it suddenly goes black o some other colors. And restarting and shows this error-display-driver-has-stopped-working-has-recovered-successfully. But the weird thing is that, then it wont happen again, until i shut down my pc for alot of hours and when i start it up again it happen again, but its only once everytime i start it up. start it up, boom, restarting and after that it never happen again.

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IGFX Has Stopped Working And Has Recovered

Aug 10, 2009

Every time i play a game i get, IGFX has stopped working and has recovered. i have an


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Graphic :Display Driver Stopped Responding

Oct 22, 2009

My graphic card because just awhile back my computer performance base score has always been 5.9 and and everything ran smoothly until i formated my hard drive with my recovery CD. After i finished installing all my drivers, i noticed my base score drastically dropped down to 1.0 cause of my graphic and graphic gaming when pross, ram, HD works perfectly. I went to go check if i downloaded the wrong driver but that wasnt the problem. i want to enabled SLI but now i get the Nvidia Geforce 9800 gtx (2x).

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Display Driver/video Card Not Working

Jun 16, 2009

I'm running legit copies of Halo 2 and Assassin's Creed, and they tend to crash my display driver/video card at any random old time. Usually around 5 minutes in. Less for AC. I know it's the display driver or video card or whatever because the game freezes with red squiggly lines all over the place, then the monitor says no input detected. The computer, however, is still running. I have Vista Ultimate 32bit, and an EVGA 8800GT. I can post more info if necessary. All my drivers are up to date and I disabled my onboard graphics in my bios so that only PCIE is outputting.

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Video Display Can Not Working: Nvidia GF6800Gt

Mar 23, 2008

I'm not sure if this is the right news group for this, but get this. I just installed 4GB of RAM, bumping the system memory up to 6GB and I'm getting all sorts of video display problems all of a sudden.

I'm running:
OS NameMicrosoft? Windows VistaT Ultimate
Version6.0.6000 Build 6000
Other OS Description Not Available
OS ManufacturerMicrosoft Corporation....nVidia GF6800GT with MS' lastest drivers...

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Game Started Crashing: Don't Have The Dreaded "Display Driver Has Stopped"

Apr 26, 2009

Has anyone found a good fix for Fallout 3's crashes? Looking around the web shows this to be a huge problem for the game. The game started crashing on me about two weeks ago. I think I'm on level 9? At any rate upgrading my soundcard (X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro) and video card (ATI HD 4890 1GHz) has done nothing to stop the crashes. The upgrades were part of my system upgrade schedule and had nothing to do with the crashes, it hasn't. I get no error codes or anything other than a hard crash - the game just quits where it is and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to get out the game. I know it's not the video card because I don't have the dreaded "Display driver has stopped" issue. Also my other games, FEAR2, Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and HL2 work just fine.

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NVidia Control Panel Stopped Working In Vista 64

Jun 16, 2009

I have a dual boot system with Win XP on one partition and Vista 64 Ultimate on the second partition. Sometime recently, perhaps at the latest Windows Update on Vista, my nVidia Control Panel stopped working in Vista 64. I am using nVidia driver 185.85, the latest non-beta version available. I am using nVidia system tools 6.05, the latest set available. I have cleaned out my drivers with Driver Sweeper, and reloaded them with no change. I have loaded the drivers with all virus software shut down, with all unnecessary apps shut down. When I try to start up the nVidia control panel, whether in the Windows Control Panel or other shortcut, Vista tells me that "nVidia Control Panel has stopped working". I am getting the impression that the nVidia drivers are not running, since when I add them they are not defaulting to max resolution like they normally do. The system seems to be running on some default video driver instead. CPU, GPU, MCP temperatures are nominal, no indications of problems there.......

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Nvidia Control Panel Refuses To Load Stopped Working

Oct 24, 2008

Ever since installing 178.24 driver Ive not been able to load the nvidia control panel. It just says this program has stopped working. Ive tried uninstalling it and installing it again and also trying same with the beta 180 driver.

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Atikmdag Stopped Responding Then Recovered

Oct 30, 2007

Whenever I play a game after about 1 minute the screen artifacts, go's black then goes back to the game screen. This happens every minute or so.

On returning to windows there is an error notification stating "atikmdag stopped responding then recovered".

I have trailed the net looking for a fix and haven't found anything. I have cleaned the drivers out and installed the latest 7.10 catalyst suite.

My system spec is as follows.

OS Windows Vista Premium 64bit

AMD 64 Athlon x2 6400+

Asus Crosshair MoBo

2 GB pc2 - 6400 RAM

MSI ATI R2600XT Diamond 512mb ddr4 (this is the offending article i think)
700w EZ Cool PSU

I have contacted MSi and ATI/AMD, both don't have an answer to the problem.

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8800GT Frame Rate, NVidia Driver?

Mar 4, 2008

When I play Dundeons & Dragons Online my framerate varies between 20-60 in populated places and 100+ only if I stare at the walls. This seems too low. I was getting better framerates running XP on a AMD 3800+ x2 with a 7600GS. I've tried the nVidia 169.25 drives and the 171.20 betas from guru. Not much difference.

Is this a Vista 64 problem that will be fixed with SP!?..... or Is this an nVidia driver problem that will be fixed with later drivers.......or Is my power supply too weak?.......... or Is DDO the problem?.......... or Are my expectations too high?

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Force Feed Wheel Not Working

Sep 23, 2009

I have just joined and I'm looking forward to sorting out a problem I have with my force feed wheel, I have seen a post on this subject so I'll have a read of that first before I ask any other questions that may not be covered

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NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Graphics Driver As Welcome Center In My Control Panel States, Or Don't I

Mar 23, 2008

My system is "Windows Vist Home Premium AMD turion 64 X2, 960 MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150"... My computer health check always says I need to download the current thing of NVIDIA, which it gives me the link for and says it is an essential download, but then it will not download it, and it will not go away and remains a "critical" pc update needed... which drives me crazy.

My HP Update also scans my computer and recognizes that I need NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Grapics Driver, but then it will go through downloading the installation package, and then when the setup initiates it says that I do not have the operating system windows vista.

1 Do i have this NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Graphics Driver as my welcome center in my control panel states, or don't I?

2 if I don't have it, how do I get it

3 if I do have it, how do I make it stop coming up in my PC Health Check as a critical thing, and stop coming up on my HP Update???

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Can Find Instel Display Driver

Sep 29, 2009

i had a problem n the solution from windows was this: This problem was caused by Intel display driver, which was created by Intel Corporation and is distributed by Lenovo. To solve the problem with Intel display driver, go to the Lenovo website for more information. i went there n had to find the ThinkPad version to download the compatible one.. first What's a >ThinkPad< how do i know if i even have it? n how to find it's version?

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Scrambled Display NVidia

Mar 23, 2008

I am having a problem with a scrambled display in Vista. Here's what's happening: If the computer has been idle long enough for the display to go into standby mode, once it is reawakened, everything seems normal. That is, until you do something that requires UAC, or a 3D game. When the UAC screen dimms, the screen becomes totally scrambled. The same if you start a 3D game like Doom. There is no clearing the display - the computer has to be rebooted.

Interestingly, if after the computer wakes from standby I log off, then log back on, the system performs properly, with no screen scrambling. The system is an Athlon X2 6000, nVidia 7900GT, Vista Ultimate (32-bit) with all the updates and patches. I have installed the nVidia 169.25 drivers, though this problem has existed with all the previous drivers.

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Update Nvidia Display Can't Be Accessed

Mar 24, 2010

This morning Windows Update informed me of an update for the nVidia GeForce Go 6150 Display. However, when I tried to get more information on it, I was sent to Winqual Help Unfortunately, to get to any link inside Winqual Help one need a digital certificate, which is available for $49. It seems an inappropriate for MS to place explanations in an area that cannot be accessed by all valid owners of a Windows OS. Such explanations should be moved back to the traditional pages where they can be accessed by all.

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Random BlueScreen: "has Stopped Responding And Has Recovered."

May 24, 2009

I get the BSoD about once or twice a day probably because of my video drivers, but I'm not sure how to fix it. My screen also flickers a lot and a message in system tray says something "has stopped responding and has recovered." These are the problem details I get after my computer boots up again:

Code: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: 85B08228
BCP2: 8E221D20
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 0000000D
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1
Files that help describe the problem:

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Protect Computer And Driver Has Stopped Responding?

Oct 30, 2008

I suppose you can never have too much protection, but I would be interested to know if what I have is good enough or not enough

I have got Avast (could not go with AVG as its such a chore to shut the processes down) SpywareBlaster Spybot Search and Destroy Windows Defender (although I am not sure if this is any good, read somewhere that this was the program responsible for Nvidia Card users getting the famous "....... driver has stopped responding" error, its currently enabled on my system, but I am yet to have a long playing session, so I can't say if this error still comes up with or without Windows Defender.

Come to that, the driver error may not have anything to do with the Windows Defender.......I tend to believe everything I read so maybe someone more wise to this can say whether this is true or not. But my main question is, do I have enough to protect my Computer?

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Windows Explorer Stopped Working, Internet Explorer Stopped Working, What DOES Work?

Jul 25, 2008

Lately when I've tried looking at different folders and files on my hard drives I keep getting "Windows Explorer has stopped working and will restart." It's driving me nuts, I can barely do anything.
Also, same thing with Internet Explorer...I'm getting real sick of Vista's shoddiness..

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working, Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working

Jul 6, 2008

By now it should be obvious that, under the Vista operating system, I have Home Premium, there is a severe overall, general "has stopped working" problem.

Thus far I've experienced:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"
"Windows Explorer has stopped working"
"Word has stopped working"
"Sherlock Holmes Nemesis (Adventure Company) has stopped working"
"Outlook has stopped working"
"Acid 4.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Acid 6.0 (Sony) has stopped working"
"Sound Forge (Sony) has stopped working"

Is it not obvious by now that Vista has a problem, maybe a compatability problem, with everything from Internet Explorer and Microsoft Word to third party programs which cause programs, as I mentioned, even programs made by Microsoft, to "stop working"? Is there no an overall "stopped working" patch or something that Microsoft has released by now?...............

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Nvidia Not Working

Sep 4, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium SP2...Core i7 at 2.67, 6 GB ram, Nvidia GTX 285 at 1 GB...computer is perfectly capable of running transparencies on the windows...I was clicking around in the "Performance Information And Tools" > "Advanced Tools" section (I'm new to Vista and am trying to get acclimated...I felt a lot more confident on XP than I do on here), and there was a clickable link that said "Performance can be improved by changing visual settings. View details." I clicked it, and a dialogue box popped up with three options to click, and no way to close the dialogue box without selecting one (no "x" in the upper right)...there was "help", "remove from list", and "ok". I clicked "ok", and now transparencies are gone...and further, when I right-click the desktop, and go to "personalize", and then into "window color and appearance", the settings to adjust the transparencies and the vista themes are gone...its just the old, XP-looking dialogue box with selectable color schemes......

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StarCam_370 Driver Not Working Properly

Jan 10, 2008

New to 64 bit Vista. Looking to get my StarCam_370i working and having some trouble.

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Audio Driver Gt5628 Can't Working

Oct 30, 2009

Im looking for the audio driver for the sound for the gateway gt5628 and vista ultimate. I checked the gateway site and it seemed all drivers were 32 bit.

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Programs Stopped Working :: CCC.exe Has Stopped Working

Feb 10, 2009

All of a sudden some of my programs stopped working, for example catalyst control center is supposed to start as soon as vista starts, but now it gives me an error like:

"CCC.exe has stopped working"

Same with some others...

Yes i ran AVG, i ran malware, and superantispyware, none of them finds anything.

I cant even load daemon tools now, it gives me some error: "Engine loading was failed", cant uninstall it, it gives me another error, and some of the programs like netlimiter if i start them from my objectdock dock they automaticly stop working, only when i start them from the normal .exe they dont crash.

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Nvidia Geforce Gt Can't Working

Sep 2, 2008

I am playing alot of games.. I play for example Counter Strike Source. I have 2 gb RAM - Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 cPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz 2.40GHz 64 bit Vista. With Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT. When I for example play source.. and exit it.. It comes like ALot of colors and things.. and cant do anything.. Have to restart the computer to get back.. Same with FIFA 08.. When I start Fifa 08 happens the same thing.. It comes Red/Black/White.. and cant get out or something.. have to restart.. so annoying.. Can only play like Source.. and then after I have to restart to get back to desktop.I cant do ''Alt option''.

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Nvidia Can't Working Properly

Jul 13, 2009

I just built a new core i7 computer with the intle DX58SO board and a EVGA GTS 250 Video Card and 6gb of ram. I have time warner cable, just the basic channels up to 80 or something. I am interested in getting something for my computer that lets me watch the channels on my monitor. I would prefer something with a remote, but it doesn't really matter. Video quality is the most important. And it has to work with Vista Ultimate x64. I wasn't sure if there is anything Nvidia based, but I would prefer that also.

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The Security Processor Loading Driver Was Not Working

Sep 1, 2009

I just have a Vista 64 bit home premium that I got 3 weeks back. Lately it has been having problems. One thing was that the computer would randomly have BSODs with the error of 0x07e (I think, then again it might be part of the error number, not sure) In addition, I tried having the computer fix the errors by itself and it couldnt, later on I found that the security processor loading driver was not working. I tried to restart Vista with the installation disc, but what happened was that a BCD error came out with the numbers 0xc000014c.

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NVIDIA System Can't Working Perporly

Jun 13, 2009

System tuning and monitoring support: nForce 4, 5, 6 and 7 series motherboards Enthusiast System Architecture (ESA) support: nForce 790i Ultra SLI nForce 790i SLI nForce 780a SLI nForce 780i SLI nForce 680i SLI nForce 680i LT SLI GPU overclocking and temperature monitoring support: GeForce 5 (FX), 6, 7, 8, 9, and 200 series GPUs Quote: The NVIDIA System Tools installation package includes:

1. NVIDIA Performance Group (v6.05.13.05) add-on to the NVIDIA Control Panel nForce MCPs– Enables system tuning and profiles for clocks, voltages, timings, and fans– Includes support for Enthusiast System Architecture (ESA) components– Displays detailed system information GeForce GPUs– Enables GPU overclocking 2. NVIDIA System Monitor (v6.05.13.05) standalone application nForce MCPs– Enables system monitoring for clocks, voltages, timings, and fans – Includes support for Enthusiast System Architecture (ESA) components GeForce GPUs– Enables GPU temperature monitoring 3. NVIDIA System Update (v3.00.06.00) add-on to the NVIDIA Control Panel Automatically checks for nForce and GeForce driver updates Adds ability to update your system bios Includes support to update firmware of Enthusiast System Architecture (ESA) components

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8800GT 512mb, Loads Driver Stop Working

Nov 18, 2009

I was running a 8800GT 512mb, and I had loads of problems with it. So I got a nice new ATI 4870 1GB, wacked it in and now have driver issues up the arse. I formatted my hard drive made it nice and clean, reinstalled the driver played a game for a bit then....... the display driver stopped working! Im sure I have fitted it correctly with the right power suplier

The driver version is 8.671.0.0 [reading that from the device manager properties]
Maybe im missing some sort of driver or something. So right now and about to throw this out the ****ing window and buy a nice easy consol for 1/3 of the ****ing price and no ****ing hastle.

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Samsung Nvidia Drivers Installed But Not Working

May 21, 2009

I have a Samsung 2253LW wide screen monitor and the highest resolution i can get is an appauling 1280x960. I just took my computer for repair to get a new GFX card and in there shop with my comp running through an old school CRT 15inch monitor i can get a resolution of 1600x1200. As soon as i plug it back into my Samsung at home it can only reach 1280x960 againb. I have contacted Samsung and they are useless as usual. I have the latest Samsung and Nvidia drivers installed.

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