NORTON 360 Live Update

Nov 4, 2009

I bought norton 360 and hade it for about 2 years and had no problems but up until recently i got the GREEN AV in my system and it would not come out so i went into the regestry and got rid of it and through the system and got rid of that so it does not pop up any more when i turn on the system but now when ever i use live update on norton 360 it says opperation failed and will not update

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Update Windows7 LIVE Mail

Oct 17, 2009

Since Windows Mail is part of Vista, when I do a Windows 7 Upgrade, and since Vista will be replaced by Windows 7, what will happen with Windows Mail? Will it be deleted as Vista is removed? Should I update to to Windows LIVE Mail.

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Live OneCare, Unable To Update

Mar 23, 2008

Windows Live OneCare was ok last night when I turned my computer off, but today says it's out of date, and can't get update to work. Have Vista Home Premium. Saw an error, 0X0400407, haven't been able to find what that error means.

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Asus Live Update Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2009

I have an Asus Z53E series laptop. I never had this problem before, & suddenly I started to get this message around two months ago: "Asus live update stopped working", then internet explorer closes. The fault module name is: "kernel32.dll" I don`t understand what`s changed for the live update to stop working, the only downloads done on the last couple of months have been mostly automatic windows updates, & other general updates like adobe.

I have realized recently that "Asus live update" seems to close when I try to upload pictures from my computer to facebook. It seems to go crazy when I attempt any sort of Internet uploading. What I`ve been doing is exiting the Live update when the messagge window pops up, & that seems to be working, for the time being. But the problem is still there. Somebody said in a forum that "Asus live update" is useless, & that it should be removed from the programs cos it has no use & it malfunctions a lot.

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Windows Update, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 AND Sidebar Gadget

Oct 4, 2007

i'm using Vista Ultimate version and i'm having all sorts of problems with windows update, Windows live messenger 8.1 and my sidebar.

a) Windows Update- Windows update is failing to load any new updates available, after selecting "check for updates" i am responded with an immediate error; it states. Windows could not search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80040154. Get help I have googled my error code but not many responses. So thats my first concern

b)Live Messenger 8.1- Secondly, i was shocked to find my msn wasn't working (works on web based version, so cant be wrong login details) first the typing was slow then i get the error code: 800401f3 denying me login. I searched up the code and found i had to type up some things in cmd...........

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Norton = No Web Access?

Apr 22, 2008

I just installed Norton Internet Security 2008. Now I can get into my
favorite URL but when I try to go back to the last page it locks up every
time. How can I get my favorite website with full functioning back again?

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Norton> Uninstall

Apr 13, 2008

How would properly uninstall Norton Internet Security 2008 so he can use AVG?

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Norton 360: Product Key Used Up

Mar 13, 2010

i recently had the vista antispyware 2010 so i reformatted my computer and now i installed the norton 360 again but if i put the product key in the norton on my account it will say i have used up all 3 keys is there any way i can like delete that i used a product key in the first place(i only want it on 2 machines for right now so when i get a new computer i can also put it in there).

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"Live" Applications: Does "live" Have Any Special Meaning Or Is It Simply A Marketing Term

Feb 7, 2009

I have seen reference to "live" windows applications. Where can I find out what this is all about. Does "live" have any special meaning or is it simply a marketing term.

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Norton 2009: Why Is It Hidden

Jun 19, 2009

I downloaded the trial version..and and trial reset and your suppose to turn off the product tamper protection but it not in the miscellaneous do i find it? Why is it hidden?

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UAC Prevents Norton Installation

Apr 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium, and I'm trying to install Norton Internet Security 2009, which I downloaded from the website. The problem is that even when I tell User Account Control to allow the install program to run, nothing happens. I contacted Symantec about it, but all they said was that the user control policy is not allowing the installation to run and that I should contact Microsoft about how to fix it so the program can run. How do I do that?

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Windows Firewall Or Norton

May 15, 2008

I get a security alert saying my antivirus software may not
be installed. Then, later I get a popup from Norton saying Windows Firewall
has been turned on. Do u want to use Norton Internet Security instead of
Windows Firewall? My Windows Firewall had always been turned on. This started
the other day after I did salvagerepository to fix something else. Does
Windows Vista recognize Norton? How do I stop these from popping up? Also, my
free subscription to norton ends in a week?

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Auto Defragment And Norton 360

Apr 24, 2008

I recently upgraded my Norton's Internet Security to Norton 360 - which contains a disk optimizer (defrag). Prior to upgrading Norton my Vista Defrag tool worked fine no problem and always on schedule. After the upgrade to Norton, I was setting up the program and the defrag tool in Norton said "pending" which I left alone, because I was comfortable using the native defrag utility. However, now the vista defrag does not work. I went into the the vista tool to look at the schedule and it gave the last run date ( I had it set to weekly on Wed at 1am).

The next scheduled defrag said "Never" despite the box checked "run automatically". I then unchecked the box and rechecked it, and then it gave the next scheduled date which I changed to that evening. I left it alone until the next morning and it not only did not defag per the schedule but the Vista tool said next scheduled defrag "never" and Norton was back to Pending again. I have to assume this has something to do with Norton. I am told that Norton's defrag tool is tied to Vista's tool.

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Norton Internet Security

Nov 3, 2007

My subscription is up to Norton and is it safe to remove it from the add and remove program? I can't see paying $50.00 for this when there is avg or avast and other good free ones,I have avg on my desk top and the Norton came on my HP laptop.

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Can Removed Norton, Added AVG,

Apr 29, 2009

so my Norton Internet Security expired on my Asus laptop and I uninstalled it and Norton LiveUpdate. My internet worked fine. Then I installed AVG 8.5 antivirus and as soon as I rebooted the machine my internet stopped working. It says "the connection keeps resetting" when I try and get on the internet, and I cannot update the AVG now. I did turn on the Windows Firewall right after restarting, but after turning it back off, I'm still without internet. I'm using a NetGear wireless router connected to a broadband modem.

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Disable Norton Virus

Mar 25, 2008

The problem is Norton Virus running. You have to disable it while you are running restore or run restore in safe mode (Norton won't be running)

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Norton 360 Not Recognized As Malware Protection

Mar 23, 2008

Upon accessing Windows Security Center, I see both Virus Protection and Spyware are both turned Off. Upon accessing Security Provider - Symantec, I see only Norton Internet Security listed. What do we need to do for the Windows Security Center to acknowledge Norton 360 installed and working well?

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Windows Defender Vs Norton Security

Aug 27, 2009

Is Windows Defender an anti-virus program? If so, should I turn it off as Norton Security suite recommends? If I turn it off, how do I manage my start-up programs?

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POP3 & Norton Internet Security

Mar 23, 2008

An unknown error has occurred. Account: 'Yahoo!', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x80004005

I recently upgraded to latest level of Nortin Internet Security 2008 (when they prompted me to!), and since then I cannot receive email via Windows Mail from my Yahoo account. See error message above. Just spoke to Symantec who claim that NIS 2008 is fully compatible with Windows Mail. I'm not convinced as the problem only started with their upgrade, and all was working perfectly before.

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Security Center And Norton 2008

Mar 23, 2008

I just updated Norton 2007 and installed Norton 2008, now Security Center notifies me that I don't have anti-virus protection, but norton appears to be operating correctly?

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Backup Program Norton Ghost Or?

Nov 30, 2009

I am looking for a good easy to use backup program. I now have Norton Ghost and it is hard to use.

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Norton Antivirus 2009 Beta

Aug 1, 2008

The latest Symantec beta has been released...

Warning This Software is considered unfinished and new Features and Functionality will change before a Final Release later this year.

The 2009 releases of Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus were engineered to be fast, and light on system resources. The Norton Protection System includes an innovative new technology that uses security information from millions of users to pre-determine what files and processes are safe, and what aren’t. Coupled with Norton’s acclaimed Browser Protection technology for blocking web-based attacks and our enhanced SONAR technology for detecting unknown threats, Norton 2009 protects without impacting performance.

Note Installing this Beta will uninstall some Symantec and/or other third-party programs already installed on your machine. ensure that you have your prior product media (i.e., disks) so that you can re-install your products after the Beta version expires.

   Information This Beta release will expire on September 23, 2008.

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Acronis TrueImage Vs Norton Ghost

Jun 5, 2008

This note it intended to assist those who wish to use either of the subject programs in the same fashion I do. I have extensive experience with Acronis version 10, initial release and build 9042 and version 11 build 8035. Also experienced with Norton Ghost version 10 and version 12. Both products are good. I choose not to use the Acronis products because executing scheduled backup tasks with validation for 4 systems would take about 9 hours and 20 minutes using Acronis TrueImage whereas the same tasks using Norton Ghost would take about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

I back up four systems to an external drive on a regular basis. Each backup is a full image of a system. Each backup is validated. Each system backs up to a different directory on an external drive. I keep 6 backups for each system. All backups are scheduled overnight on the same night. The drive is attached locally to a Vista system and 3 XP systems back up to it's directory via a LAN. The back up time for the 4 systems are about 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes. Validating the backups take roughly the same time as does the backup. These times are about the same for all the products.

The time difference (9 hrs 20 min vs 2 hrs 40 min) is due to what I consider a flaw in the scheduled validation process of the Acronis products. When executing a scheduled backup with validation, the Acronis products validate every backup on the backup location. The first backup of 10 minutes and 6 validations of 10 minutes each takes about 1 hr 10 min. The second backup of 20 minutes and 6 validations takes about 2 hrs and 20 min. The same time needed for the third backup. The 4th backup of 30 min and 6 validations takes about 3 hrs 30 min. A total of about 9 hrs 20 mins.

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Better Windows Firewall On Vista Or Norton

Jun 4, 2008

which is better windows firewall on vista or norton and can i run both if i want to ??? and if not why not many thanks

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Norton Internet Security 2007

Mar 26, 2008

i need an norton internet security 2007 serial number and an office 2007 12.0.4518.1014. i got a new toshiba a200 but all this comes in a limited license

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Running Norton Antivrus: Turned Off?

Dec 6, 2008

I believe my HP system runs vista ultimate 32 and I have norton antivrus, I dont beleive I have changed any settings to cause the problem I now have, but now when I boot up I get a windows message saying my antivirus is turned off, and I open Norton and everything is running ok. Then I got to windows security settings and it says that windows cannot fund any antivirus software on my computer WTF?? BTW, I still have 38 days on my norton subscription.

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Norton Internet Security Installation

Mar 26, 2008

I just tried to install Norton Internet Security on my laptop. It started the installation process but an error message" C:windowssystem32 iched32.dll not designed to run on windows or contains errors" came up and I could proceed no further. I installed the same cd on my xp pc with no issues. Is there a fix for this or is there an error on vista.

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ISP Data Caps And Norton IS 2009 Bug

Jan 14, 2009

I downloaded a bandwidth meter, after getting excess data usage on my cable bill. We only surf, upload pics, forums, occasional DL, etc. Nothing heavy. Yesterday I used 750 mb just surfing!! the only DL I did was a 22mb Adware, to check for spyware. no viruses, well protected here. I uninstalled yahoo, bitching that it must be that. I saw a drop, but not enough to use as much as i was, just surfing. I got to thinking about how years ago, Norton (or McAffee I forget) used to DL mail to their server, scan it and then redownload it to your computer. I thought Norton must have a similar bug. I was 31 days into my 90 day trial, and that has been the only major change on here. I uninstalled Norton and viola usage is down about 90%. I always thought it was strange that Norton never notified me of anything, but obviously it was busy doing something in the background. Just the occasional notification (rarely) that it found a problem and fixed it. Although they were idiotic notifications, like we found a cookie and fixed it.

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Connectivity After Failed Un-install Norton 360

Nov 16, 2009

Then she attempted to un-install Norton 360 and install Norton 2010. Since then, she has the limited connectivity problem. She's un-installed 2010 but 360 still appears in the add/remove programs. If you click on it, it says there's a missing path. With either wireless or a cable connection, it fails to get a proper IP address from the router. Another PC on the network still works fine. My theory is that some system file of Norton's is still in there somewhere trying to intercept network traffic and screwing things up. I've tried following trouble shooting guides for the general limited connectivity problem and none helped (I know the router works fine with Vista and everything has been re-booted and this has been going on for weeks).

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Norton Internet 2009 Not Working

Jul 25, 2009

i have Norton INTERNET 2009 that comes with my PC but am thinking about getting Norton 360 what do you guys think about this and how do you like Norton products. if i post in the wrong forum then i am sorry it seen like i do the wrong things here some times.

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Norton Ghost Vs Vista 64 Ultimate Backup

Apr 16, 2009

I have Norton Ghost 14 and Vista 64 Ultimate. I don't see any reason to use Ghost over Windows Backup. Both take about 2 hours to backup my hard drive.

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