Is "muvee Producer" Part Of OS?

Mar 22, 2008

Can someone clue me in as to if this "muvee producer" is part of the OS? Attachment 3186 Or if it is part of the bloat that came with my OEM machine?

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Muvee Autoproducer 6 Full Version Not Run

Mar 24, 2008

I ve just bought muvee autoproducer 6 (software), my computer is an hp pavillion dv 6000 with windows vista home premium pre-installed. In spite of several attemps, program do not run well on my computer, system shut down or program stop of working. I am contacting muvee and HP support without any success up to now. The software is the best among all similars, but is a pity because it doesnt work right on my computer.

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Exe.part :won't Open

Mar 2, 2009

I downloaded iTunes, version 8 I believe, and I see the progress line go all the way across in the Downloads window and the installer appears on my Desktop as TunesSetup.exe.part. It won't open and when I look at Properties, under General Tab it shows as having 0 bytes and in the Details tab, it shows as having 1.55 mb.

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Win 7 Upgrade Problem Part 2

Sep 7, 2009

My system IS 64 bit OS. System Info says 64 Bit Operating System.

Why it won't upgrade?

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Jun 24, 2008

I just noticed a file in C: named SYM_REGISTRY_BACKUP.reg, dated 4/22008. It is quite large (223MB) so I wanted to delete it to free up some space. Searching the Internet, I can't tell if it is part of a virus or it I can safely delete it without breaking some legit working program (assuming it is not virus related). I scanned it with Norton and it says it is ok.

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Ubuntu - Part 2: Compiz Fusion

Mar 28, 2009

...."there's this video on Internet. it's all about the new "eye candy" in
windows and ubuntu. in the first part of the video, the unseen
demonstrator shows-off windows vista aero, including some of the more
talked-about ui effects (flip3d, live task bar thumbnails, etc.). in the
second part, they show ubuntu with compiz fusion enabled. the
demonstrator shows how the "compiz-ified" ubuntu windows warp and bend;
how they can be stretched and deformed; how they can be configured to
seemingly "burn-up" in a in a flash of virtual smoke and fire.

the whole demo takes place against the backdrop of a pulsing bit of
techno beat ("lyrical gangsta?"), making for a decidedly surreal
experience. it's ubuntu with compiz fusion enabled - a.k.a. linux on crack.

of course, like most attempts by the linux community to parrot windows
vista, the aforementioned "eye candy showdown" misses the forest for the
trees. yes, vista includes some new ui effects and animations. however,
unlike linux and the whole compiz fusion head trip, the effects in vista
serve a practical purpose: to clarify the basic functions of the user
interface. moreover, the effects themselves are the product of many
months of research and usability studies about how users interact with
guis in a production environment...."

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I Can Not Delete Or Partition The XP Part. Installation

Jul 29, 2009

I installed Vista on a PC that previously had XP pro. I basically only need vista nowadays and want to get rid of XP pro to gain more HD space.So, Vista is on partition C and XP is on partition D on the same hard drive. I can not delete or partition the XP part. I get an error message saying ."The attempted operation cannot be completed. This operation is not valid on volumes containing system partition, boot partition ore pagefiles".The XP partitions says "System, Primary Partition".I set the Vista partition to be 'active'.

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Router Not Shown As Part Of Network

Jun 21, 2008

I have had a new vista desktop for about 6 weeks. It is hooked directly into a Linksys router which in turn hooked to my DSL modem. I also have a laptop on the network connected wirelessly. For the first few weeks, whenever I clicl on network I see three icons--one for the desktop, one for the laptop and one for the router. Acouple of weeks ago I noticed that now there is only an icon for the desktop and for the laptop. I have rebooted several times and then run the network utility but the router ceases to show up. The router works as both pc's have internet access and both pc's share files ok.

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After Update: Part Of The Toolbar Is Missing

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I install recommended updates when I restart my computer my shortcuts are way smaller. Part of the toolbar is missing to the right and there is a black stripe about 3 inches wide down the left side of my screen. When i uninstall it is fixed

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Newsgroup Part Of Windows Mail

Jun 14, 2009

I bought a new laptop with Vista 64 bit and am setting it up, etc. I have a problem with the newsgroup part of windows mail. I still have my old laptop and it still posts to the newsgroups via outlook express 6. I'm using it right now. Incidentally, Bellsouth/ATT is going to drop newsgroups next month.I have the same settings for the account in both laptops. This one is running XP pro. When I set up the acct on the Vista one, the headers came in asusual. Everything works as usual, except when I click on send, it doesn't send. I get an error message instead. I get this one: "windows mail could not post your message. etc...snip.. 441posting failed rejected by post filter port 119,secure (ssl): no, server error :401 error number: 0x800CCCA9" Is there a hidden trick to setting it up so it sends? I searched the net and one guy had the same problem and resolved it by changing the mimo to uuncode, or something like that, I forget exactly what they were, but I found them buried in a menur on my system somewhere, and made the change but it didn't fix mine.

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How To Separate Part Of Postings New Thread

Mar 23, 2008

In a NG, I have joined with a question similar to that of the OP. I wanted to avoid a new thread to prevent that NG of being extended too much, and I expected only one answer. But my question initiated a lot of following postings. So, after all I wish I had made up a new thread. Is it possible to separate all these postings into a separate thread? Or at least to change the content of the subject-line?

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View Multi-part Files?

Apr 18, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium and Windows Mail. How can I view multi-part files encoded with yEnc?

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Multi-part Message In MIME Format

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having trouble getting my Vista Ultimate desktop to see the XP machines and vice versa. The XPs see each other fine. I'll copy and paste all = the info I'm sure you'll need below=20 but let me say right now that the browstat wouldn't run on the Vista PC. When I opened to text file it was empty. Also, you'll notice in the ipconfig that it says NetBios over TCPIP is disable but it's not. I = have no=20 idea why it says disabled (see pic)Thisis gonna be lengthy so please forgive me. No firewalls are installed = and the one in Windows has been disabled.................

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UAC Kicking In: String Stored As Part Of Log That UAC Maintains?

Apr 15, 2008

When UAC kicks in for some reason, you can optionally choose to view more details where that dialog displays what looks like a long hexadecimal string - I haven't confirmed whether it is valid hexadecimal. The point is, its probably some kind of ID for that particular instance of UAC kicking in. Why isn't that string selectable so that it can be copied to the clipboard? Is that string stored as part of a log that UAC maintains?

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Inbox Multi Part Message Without Task Bar

Jul 6, 2008

When I Select the Read Mail Icon on Internet Explorer 7, It takes me in the inbox in the task bar. I want to be able to view the mail in the Inbox without going to the task bar....

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Defender Part Vista Separate Download

Aug 6, 2009

Is Defender a part of Vista or a separate download. I have Vista Home Premium 64.

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Index Rating: Received 3.0 For Graphics Part

May 30, 2008

I just bought a new PC and ran the windows experience index rating and received a 3.0 for the graphics part.

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PART 2 Of- I Had A Computer Shop Rebuild My Wife's PC Due To HDD Failure

Mar 23, 2008

I had a computer shop rebuild my wifes computer. They built itunder the name RoB name is RoD Davies. It . To "fix" this error, I added a User in Control
Panel/User Accounts uner the name Lenore and gave her admin rights and Deleted the User in Control PanleUser Accounts of Rob Davies or I THOUGHT I HAD.I then had to MANUALLY ADD the User "Lenore" to C:Users

However, in C:Users there is STILL RoB Davies with all folders (music,saved searches etc) of about 1gb in size and a User Lenore, same folders(music et al) of about 40KB. I have done some checking and all the Registry Keys are under Rob Davies.

THINKING BACK, perhaps instead of ADDING a User in Control Panel underLenore, maybe I CHANGED the name of the Account from Rob Davies to Lenore.If I did, perhaps Vista H/Premium DOES NOT amend the C:User (name) , itleaves the C:User as RoB Davies...if you get my drift. Which is why I had to manually add a Lenore to C:Users?

Is that possible? And what would therefore happen if I:

1. MANUALLY Deleted the C:UserLenore that I manually added.
2. Went to Control PanelUser Accounts and Added another User, say LDavieswith admin rights (which WOULD have VISTA create the User in C:Users as
3. RENAME the account in Control PanelUser Accounts presently named Lenore BACK to RoB Davies and then
4. DELETE the User RoB Davies in Control PanelUser Accounts which thenmight Delete the User in C:UsersRob Davies

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Downloaded Copy Of Turbo Tax And Part Of The Screens Missing

Mar 23, 2008

I am using Microsoft Vista Home Addition and I am a novice. I downloaded a copy of turbo tax and part of the screens are missing --- no buttons. I have that problem with other software as well. I know its not Turbotax because it works just fine on my XP laptop.

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Can Delete Multi-part Message In MIME Format?

Sep 9, 2009

I have three messages in my inbox that I can not delete. A box saying unknown error pops up when I try. I can delete the rest of them without any problem.

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VMC - XmRadio App - Part Of The Media Center Works In Regards To Video & Audio

May 12, 2008

Every part of the Media Center works in regards to Video & Audio. The live tv app works, I can play recorded tv, play CD's DVD's, mp3's through my music, everything works. What does not work but it used to is the XMradio app within media center. I select the app, I log in to my account, I select Listen Now, I see the channel line up, I select a channel and it says "playing" but there is no sound.

I know most of the apps within Media Center use Windows Media Player. Launching WMP on it's own and testing what it does and does not do, everything works here also. However there is no way to play XM radio directly through WMP. I don't use the XM app within media center too often but if I had to guess, it may have stopped working correctly after the install of SP1 but I am not certain.

I have uninstalled & re-installed my sound card drivers as well as found an update. I don't think it is the sound card drivers as all other sound applications work. I think that there may be some association with the XM app and WMP that is missing or corrupt however I can find no information as to how it actually works or what file or reg entry has the configuration.

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System Reboots Part 3, Choice Boot Normally Safe Mode

May 6, 2008

I've been trying for 2 days now to upgrade from Vista Business edition to SP1. The same thing keeps happening. I get through parts 1 and 2 ok, but when the system reboots for part 3, it reboots several times giving me the choice to boot normally or in safe mode, then eventually it stops rebooting and just goes blank. I can reboot successfully in safe mode but the installation of part 3 will ultimately fail (the error code points to not being able to install particular components as a result of being in safe mode) and the system has to regress to the original condition. I tried all the suggestions on the MS Vista upgrade trouble shooting site (as well as several other sites)- including checking for specific updates - none of which apply to my machine - at least that what windows update tells me when I try to install them, checked the disk for errors, and checked the memory for problems. I also turned absolutely everything no- original MS off for start up including antivirus and some other stuff that I have and the same thing keeps happening. Each pass, from upgrade install to fail, and regress back to original condition takes about 5 hours.

I'm running Vista on a quad core machine with 4G of onboard memory (even though Vista 32 can only use about 3 gigs) and a smoking video card so I doubt this is a hardware problem. This problem appears to be similar to the original 'endless reboot' problem that prompted the original halting of SP1 distribution back in the early spring - I thought that problem was fixed! I tried to get real time help from the MS site but got a message that there was a problem with the site. - Good Greif! This is probably the most frustrating MS experience of all time. With all due respect to the folks at MS, if it was your intention to have people to switch from Windows PC's to Apples or even Linux based PC's, I doubt you could have come up with a better plan. I've already switched two of my home computers to Ubutu!

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Virus Scan Completely Multi Part Message In MIME Format

Apr 8, 2009

I don't know if I got a virus or not. I don't think so, I ran a virus scan completely twice. but check it anyway.I was trying to get a photo program to do something, don't even remember what now, and it went crazy. It added a .lnk to every program. I mean every one. It wouldn't even show the desktop on a reboot until I removed it. It sent everything to the internet browser where of course it wouldn't run. I can't get rid of it. I can remove a program and reload it, make a shortcut and the thing adds a .lnk to the shortcut I delete the .lnk and it wants an association. I can assign it one but it requires it every time. There seems to be no way to check a "use this association every time." It's grayed out. It scattered all the desktop icons all over the desktop and changed the icon pictures all to blank. I have a program called Iconord that will restore the arrangement of the icons and it even failed.I have tried system recalls to no avail. Just getting email to work again took a long time and I still have to assign it an association

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Search File Types In Vista Without Entering Part Of File Name?

Apr 14, 2008

I can't find a way to search for file types in Vista without entering part of a file name. For example, if I want to search my C drive for all PDF files or all photos, the search function won't work without entering text from a file name (which doesn't work, because all files of a particular type don't necessarily share letters or characteristics in their names). Has anyone else experienced this problem, or am I missing something?

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Desktop Icons Are Now Part Of The Desktop Wallpaper?

May 15, 2010

I just cleared my desktop because it was absolutely cluttered with icons and stuff, but now it's like the Icons are part of the wallpaper, because I can't click on them, can't drag them, and if I drag a different icon over it it's still there underneath the other one.

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Servers And/or Interpreters: Obtain A Comprehensive Listing Of Servers And Interpreters That Are A Normal Part Of The Windows Vista Operating System?

Apr 26, 2009

Is it possible to obtain a comprehensive listing of servers and interpreters that are a normal part of the Windows Vista Operating System? These are the only kinds of programs I expect the Security updates to be fixing.

Servers = Programs included with the OS which accepts commands from the Internet or LAN external to My Computer. Interpreters = Programs which will execute any kind of source code whatsoever like HyperTextMarkUpLanguage HTML or Basic or C+ or Fortran or whatever.

I know of no other kinds of programs unless you can tell me now that may work ndependent of User Control. If I could ID these rouge programs running in the background it would be better than the security updates themselves.

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