Installation: "Copying Files" Stage Instantly, Hangs Up At 0% On "Expanding Files"

Nov 12, 2008

When I start installing it, it goes through the "Copying Files" stage instantly, and then hangs up at 0% on "Expanding Files". Then, anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes later, my screen goes black like it's not receiving a monitor signal anymore, and nothing else happens.

I Googled the problem and found a ton of threads here and elsewhere with the same issue, with a slight variation, but none of them had issues posted, and they were all relatively old.

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SP1 Stage 3 Installation Hangs At 56%

Apr 20, 2008

When installing Vista SP1 on a Sony notebook the process hangs at 56% during phase 3. I have left the machine for many hours with no indication of any progress being made (no HD Led flashes and absolutely no feedback re problem).

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Installation: Copying Files, Screen Black

Jun 14, 2009

I very recently purchased a Compal KHLB2. I inserted the Vista Ultimate x64 disk and went to work installing it. It goes through the initial process just fine, copying the files, expanding and whatnot. However, after it has to restart it will go to the part where the screen is black with the words "Please wait while Windows sets up your computer...", finally make it past that and then get back to the Installing Windows Vista Ultimate x64 page. It will then stay on Copying Vista Ultimate x64 files for a bit and then blue-screen me. Under Technical Information is tells me 0x00000124.

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Installation On 5270: An Error Occurred Whilst Copying Files

Feb 20, 2006

Im having some problems installing vista 5270. It will start the installation, do its first reboot, then when it goes to install the rest, it comes up with an error says: An error occurred whilst copying files. I have tried installing at first the 64-bit version, then the 32-bit version, and still the same error!? I have also tried burning both versions to DVD, and installing them, installing them off a virtual drive by mounting them, extracting all the files to a folder and installing them, and still come up with the same error!!

I have also tried to install it on another machine, but coming up with the same problem?! I got both copies of Vista (32 bit version and 64 bit) from different sources.

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Installation: "Expanding Files" At About 5%"

Feb 13, 2009

Whenever I do a clean install Vista 64, it gets up to the 2nd step called "Expanding Files" at about 5% or so and it gives me an error saying "Windows cannot install required files. blah blah blah".

It all started when my old 36gb Raptor failed on me a few weeks ago. I left the computer running the whole night so I could finish downloading a file and when I woke up the computer would load up to the Vista logo bootup screen and reset over and over and over. I downloaded the Diagnostics tool from WD and said that the drive had failed S.M.A.R.T. checks and I would need a new drive.....

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Vista Stalls And Reboots At Expanding Files Prompt

Feb 14, 2009

I have a customer's machine on the slab that had a corrupted copy of Vista installed on it and tried every rescue technique I could find (Vista recovery DVD, XP CD, WinPE and a few others) finally using Linux to backup the customer's files.

Installing from an OEM copy of Vista seems to be problematic at best, it stalled at 23% then rebooted, so I repaired the drive in XP and got to 56% before the reboot. So I nuked the drive with a slow format in XP and then it got to 70% before rebooting. It sounds like hard drive related but the customer's video card fan had dropped off so I suspect it may also be a heat related issue. Does anyone else have any ideas for the reboots?

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Copying Files Over Network

Mar 23, 2008

A very frustrating feature of Vista is the inability to copy certain files such as executable files over a network. Any attempt to copy an exe file from the network to an individual computer produces a message that this needs permission but then fails to complete the copy. Is there any way to configure Vista to allow me to copy a exe file form the network to another computer on the network.

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Copying Files From Network

Feb 27, 2009

Using Vista Ultimate 64bit We have created a bat file that performs multiple XCOPY commands to copy various files all over the network from key servers and workstations to the local machine into a PGP encrypted drive, drive letter V. So a typcical command might be something like: XCOPY \Server_Nameshare namespecial folder*.* V:Special Folder or XCOPY \Server_Namec$another folder*.* V:Another Folder

The local machine has a user logged in as a Domain Admin The network connection is 1gbit We have tried this bat file many different ways.
1) Manual Backup - by that I mean double clicking the bat file to run, sometimes is done and backs up everything in 8 minutes.
2) Scheduled Backup - task scheduler as domain admin DOMAINAdmin Name running with as high a priv as possible - everything backs up in 21 minutes Same scenarios, manual backup runs in 20 minutes, sometimes the scheduled is 40 minutes The local machine is running AV software - CA etrust - which also runs on an XP machine that does not display this speed behavior. The local machine is running Diskeeper 2009. I do not know if this matters, since the benchmarks are so different in each test. I know VIsta now does indexing of files for searching, could this be creating an issue? We have tried different switch ports, different network cables, verified the gbit.

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Networking XP: Copying And Transferring Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have a small network consisting of five machines. Two of the computers have Vista Home Premium installed and the others have various flavors of Windows XP installed. Copying and transferring files works flawlessly between the machines except for one of the Xp laptops which has very poor performance when communicating with either of the Vista machines. I can access this computer from either of the Vista machines and transfer files with no problem. However, if I use this laptop to access the Public folder on either of the Vista machines, the throughput is so slow to the point that Windows Explorer will "hang".

In an effort to solve this problem I have: Installed and run Network Magic on both problems found. I have installed the Link Layer Topology service on the laptop and I have tried disabling the "Autotuning level" on one of the Vista machines all to no avail. The laptop in question has XP Media Center on it with no antivirus or firewall software installed. All ping times are good. All of the computers on the network are connected wirelessly except for one of the Vista machines. I've tried connecting the laptop directly to the router with a cable but still no joy. At this point I am stumped.

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Cannot Decrypt Files When Copying Them To Another Location

Sep 3, 2009

On my PC's HDD I have some files encrypted. Used "folder encryption" that is in one of folder properties selected "Encrypt data..." Folder is shown in green in explorer respectively. In the beginning, when I copied any files from this folder to another location (e.g. USB HDD) files became automatically decrypted, i.e. I could read those files from USB HDD on any other PC.

But now something changed. Though I did not make any changes to security or file system settings, files copied from encrypted folder to USB HDD stay encrypted. That is - I can read them only on PC where I copied them to USB HDD. On other PCs where I connect USB HDD files are not accessible. How can I change it back? I need files copied from encrypted folder to USB HDD to decrypt automatically, because it's backup procedure and I need them accessible on any other PC. How can I stop encryption attribute to be copied together with file?

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Copying Files To Disk Bypass

Mar 23, 2008

I try to install an application (Windows Installer), the wizard Installation opens smoothly, but when you start copying Files to disk bypasses the following error: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation" What could be the problem? I have Windows Vista Home Edition and i'm the 'Administrator'!

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Lost Files Copying To Other Hard Drive

May 3, 2008

i was copying some file and folders to my other hard drive and by mistake I deleted all my documents!!!, and now i do not have any thing in my document folder. I restored my system but i didn't get them back.

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No Internet When Copying Files From Ethernet Drive

Oct 8, 2009

Here are some necessary specifications:

Cable Modem: Arris CM450
Router: Linksys Wireless-G Router WRT54GL (DD-WRT software)
Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/22/09) std - build 12548M NEWD Eko

1TB Lacie NetworkSpace Ethernet drive

Laptop: Acer Aspire 5633WLMi
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit + Service Pack 2
802.11 a/b/g Wireless LAN: Intel RPO/Wireless 3945 ABG

The issue:

My 1TB LaCie NetworkSpace is attached to my Linksys WRT54GL router via Ethernet cable.

Whenever I try to copy files from my NetworkSpace over onto my laptop(wirelessy), my cable modem disconnects from the internet and 3 green LEDs start to blink (Power, Online and Cable).

I am left with no internet access.

However, as soon as the file has finished copying my modem reconnects to the internet again. All LEDs go back to their normal state again and I regain access to the internet..........

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Stop Copying Files To VirtualStore Folder?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm building a VB application with installer. Well I want that after the administrator installation it creates a files and folders and if I run that application logged as user I dont want that vista copies my files to VirtualStore folder...I want the same path where all the users can write. I just used the path c:ProgramDataMySoftware... but it doesnt work...VISTA creates another folder under VirtualStore folder.

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Copying Files Over Private Network: Error

Mar 23, 2008

I am using a Dell XPS 420. I have been able to transfer files via a private network with no problems until now. I made a share folder with the correct permission. I can transfer any file under 5MB with no errors. If I send a file at 6MB it will process the folder and after 5 min I get this error message:

Network Error... There is a problem accessing C:userpublicetwork testfile

It says make sure you are connected to the network and try again. Is there a timing issue causing the lost connection? I worked with Dell and since it worked in Jan 08 to reinstall the backup for the Dell Factory settings. I thought I would check with the Windows Vista Community before I do the reinstall. I also have another computer with Windows Vista Ultimate and I can transfer the files with no problem via Hamachi network.

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Copying Files, Drag & Drop Using Windows Explorer

May 7, 2008

I just migrated from Windows XP Pro to Vista Ultimate (64bit). So far things have run *fairly* smoothly, but I am astonished at the length of time it is taking for me to copy files. For instance I want to copy 1/2 dozen folders from my "D" partition to my "C" partition (drag & drop using Windows Explorer - both partitions are NTFS, and I get the same result copying files on the same partition too). These files existed on my previous XP install, and when I copied them from D to C on XP it took around 2 minutes or so. Now the exact same files are taking upwards of 25+ minutes to copy in Vista! Is there some reason why Vista is acting like a decrepit 90 year old? :-)

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Copying Files Stopped And Flashed The Blue Screen

Jun 7, 2008

just bought vista home premium 32 bit put the disk in got to drive options formatted HD was going very well until it got to copying files it stopped at 21% then up flashed the blue screen had to manually restart the pc still cant get it going had it for less than 24 hours very very frustrated the shop where i bought the pc from i e-mailed him the problem i was having his e-mail reply was hand it in and i will install vista and all updates for you for

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Blue Screen Of Death During "Expanding Files"

Apr 9, 2008

Against the advice of all of my colleagues, I am trying to install Vista on a new computer I've assembled. Every single component is supposedly Vista-compatible (in fact, I just upgraded to a $200 video card so Vista would run). But I cannot get past the blue screen of death during the "Expanding Files" stage of installation. Soon after it reaches 1% I get a "System Service Exception" and there's a hexidecimal code below that ends in "3B". I can provide the specs of all the hardware in my system if required. What would you do, short of giving up and just installing XP?

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SP2 Installation Failure .. Stage 2 & 3 Keeps Repeating

Jun 1, 2009

I attempted to install SP2 after it became available on Windows Update, but unfortunately without success. Stage 1 installed fine, but Stage 2 and Stage 3 kept repeating with every reboot. Fortunately I was able to log into the desktop, run System Restore and recover. My system is clean and well maintained. I unloaded all third party apps and disabled AV before installing SP2 - no idea what the problem is, but fortunately there's nothing in SP2 that I need for the moment.

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Copying Files Bt It Took About Six Hours To Copy About 20 Gig (I Have About 180 Gig To Copy)

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to copy files from my usb hard drive: K: to my network external drive Z:
I am trying to copy everything from one to another (files in folders and files that are not in folders)

I tried selecting all and then send to Z:, but it took about six hours to copy about 20 gig (I have about 180 gig to copy)

I read some where that robocopy is a faster and better way to copy files.The thing is I do not know what syntax to use. I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax I should use to copy EVERYTHING from the usb driveK: to the network drive Z:

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Installation Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

I just bought parts for a new computer, today i finished putting together, now when I try to install Vista, it hangs at the 'loading files....' screen. I've tried installing XP Pro too, and it gives me a STOP C0000221' Unknown Hard Error' after it copies all the files, and tries to start the installation.

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Hangs When "installing Files"

Feb 21, 2008

Having a bit of trouble with a new build HTPC. When I run Vista to install it goes through the "installing files" part and I get to the blue/green screen but then that's it. The HDD light stays on and the CD-ROM drive spins up but no activity and spins down. Then it spins up again but still nothing.

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Installation Hangs After First Reboot

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having issues trying to upgrade from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate. Upgrade advisor says my system can handle Vista just fine. I pop-in the DVD and it says it might have some issues with the printer and some cellphones I used to connect to the PC but other than that all is well. I continue with installation, it copies files and whatnot and then it reboots (which it is supposed to do). However, the installation hangs on the Windows Vista loading bar. It just stays there forever. No error message, nothing.

I've tried it twice now and both times the exact same thing happened. The first time as an upgrade the second time as a clean install on my second hard drive. I googled my problem but found no real help. Do any of you have any clue how I can get it to install?

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Default Drivers Loaded Hangs During Installation

Apr 13, 2008

I've been trying to install Vista Home Premium (clean install from Upgrade media) on my primary desktop for over a week with major issues. Most appear to be driver related on an nVidia board using nForce drivers for the SATA control. I installed using the default drivers that Vista loaded and had to deal with multiple hangs during installation. Finally got it installed only to have it hang during Win Update and blue screen, then fail to boot. Recovery was unsuccessful and so another reinstall was done. Next blue screen ended up with a "Corrupt or missing" error on ci.dll and absolutely no ability to reboot to Windows.

Decided I'd had enough and went to reinstall XP. Now I have issues with the drives being accessible to either XP setup or Vista setup. Tried loading SATA drivers and nothing worked. No drives visible........

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Installation Hangs At "Completing Installation"

Jun 16, 2009

I am trying to clean install Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. If you read my other post, I got around the blue screen about page in non paged area. I got the bad ram stick out and got a new one for my computer. (Toshiba Satillite). And I install it and it goes good until completing installation then it hangs.

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VISTA Ultimate Fresh Reformat Clean Installation Failure - Hangs...

Jul 29, 2009

I've got a serious problem. I decided to do a fresh installation of Vista Ultimate on my $4000 Asus VX2S Lamborghini notebook (which I got after getting a nice pay bonus back in 2007. Details of the Lambo are here: 'Techgage - ASUS Lamborghini VX2' It was very sluggish and took about 5minutes to loadup. It was slow in multitasking and hanged on Windows Media Centre operations. Played games ok tho - but needed a cooler.

Things improved a bit after I deleted some of the Asus bloatware mentioned in the unofficial asus notebook forum FAQ. Stuff like Splendid, TPM, Asus Protect, Asus live update, power4phone etc... But it still seemed a tad slow for a US$4000 machine, esp the startup and multitasking. I mentioned this to my friend a computer guru who advised me to do a format and fresh clean installation. He had a spare moment in the weekend so he formated C drive - including the recovery partition as I did not want the pre-installed Asus software.......................

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Installation Failure On "Windows Loading Files"

Jun 27, 2008

Took out 2G ram as suggested - leaving 2G. Get through black screen with white bar "Windows loading files". Then blue screen with white horizontal bar for 35 minutes +/-. Then Install Now dialog box. Enter key code. Checks off "Copying files" Begins the "Expanding files" and goes to 11%.

Next message box: "Window cannot install required files. Make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation. Error Cord: 0x8007045D. (Reviewing this error in the knowledge base does not seem to speak to a new installation.)

I reviewed my MOBO instructions and I quote: "It is important to remember that before installing the driver CD that is shipped in the kit, you need to load you operating system." So what drivers does the Vista software think it needs? I spent more than 3 phone hours with Microsoft help and they had me putting in my Win 98 disc made a royal mess of my situation. I'm back now to the beginning and yet still no installation.

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Moving A Few Files Around And Organising My Folders When I Lost A Few Files From A Folder

Sep 16, 2009

I was working on my laptop earlier this evening moving a few files around and organising my folders when I lost a few files from a folder. I don't know exactly what happened, I probably mashed the touch pad. Anyway, now I can't find the files anymore. I've tried running a search but it has come to no avail. How do I find my files? If it makes any difference the files were on a memory stick.

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Explorer Files Dont Work And Can't Delete Files

Jul 14, 2009

While installing a program, the process was interrupted and the install created 62000 files using 160gig in my syswow64 folder virtually using all my hd space. However when you go into the syswow64 folder, there is only about 2000 files and 1 gig of space used. I have set the folders to show all hidden files. When I go into the ms dos prompt and do a directory, the files match the 1 gig data.

I can't delete these 62000 files and free up the 160 gig space because I don't believe they are actually there on the hard drive but explorer thinks they are there. Is there any way to rebuild, sync, or otherwise get windows explorer to recognize the correct amount of files that are actually in my syswow64 folder.(2000files 1gig and not 62000files 160gig)

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Undeletable Files :: Unable To Delete 0 Kb Files

Aug 27, 2008

I am running Vista Ultimate 32 bit. I have a folder on my desktop named Downloads that I use for, shockingly, downloads. Anyway, there are a couple of files in the folder that are, apparently, not really there. They are like ghost files. They used to exist but now they are still visible but not recognized by any program. Also, they have a size of 0 kb!

I'd like to get rid of them but they refuse to be deleted. When I try to delete them, I get this:

So I figured that I'd delete the whole folder........or not:

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Not Load Games Into The Program Files Or X86 Files

Feb 6, 2009

Is it best to make a root folder to the C: drive for Games and not load games into the program files or X86 files?

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