Install SP2 Or Not, Result In Additional Instability, Decreased Performance?

May 6, 2009

Dear friends I am wondering if intstalling Vista Sp2 to will result in additional instability, decreased performance and other problems? Have anyone tried it? Is it available final version of sp2?

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Install Additional (SATA) Hard Drive: Can't Find Cable

Apr 20, 2008

I'm trying to install an additional (SATA) hard drive - it appears I need a cable that can connect to the 8 pin power connection on the hard drive and then to the EIDE 15 pin connector on the cable coming from the hard drive in the computer. I can't find a cable that can do this. Do I need to combine two cables (15 to 4 pin, then 4 to 8?)

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Memory Upgrade: Install Additional 2Gb, I Get A Blue-screen Every Time I Boot

Mar 23, 2008

Am running Vista 64 Business on XFX 680i Sli LT with 2Gb ram, Quad core 6600, 600GT video. System runs fine, but I want more memory to help performance. When I try to install additional 2Gb, I get a blue-screen every time I boot (some blue screens have an IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, most have no error msg). Is there a way to determine if my installation of Vista already has this installed? I've already checked the Control Panel/Windows Update/Review Update History, it's not in there, I thought it may be in the core install on the DVD?

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Ram Decreased By Value

Mar 23, 2008

just got my pc back from technicial support at computer they replaced my motherboard and Hard Drive and as soon as i got it back i wanted to get back into my gaming... i had a few crashes with cod4 and was quite worried about my pc, as i had no problem running it before i sent the pc back for repairs... so, naturally i check the windows experience index to see if everything is ok. the graphics card was where it always was so it couldn't have been that. the ram has decreased by a value of 1.1 (from 5.9 to 4.8). surely the 4gb ram i had should have still been the same speed?

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4870 Crossfire Instability:not Getting The Framerates On My 1920x1200 Monitor

Aug 15, 2008

I installed a pair of VisionTek 4870's in Crossfire on my Rampage Formula X48 Motherboard. I have a 750W power supply, so I don't think that's the issue. Everything was working great with my old Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS, but I wasn't getting the framerates on my 1920x1200 monitor. The problem seems to happen when I'm playing games (like Warhammer Online, Mass Effect, or even older ones like Dawn of War 40K) it crashes my system. I've checked my NB temperatures and they're around 58-60 Celcius (seems a bit hot). Does anyone know what I might be able to try to fix this instability? I read somewhere that I could increase the PCI-E voltage, but I'm not sure.

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Performance Check During Install

Jun 9, 2008

It would be really nice to avoid the whole performance check during Vista's installation since the result isn't really useful until updated drivers have been installed. More importantly, for the love of Dancing Steve Balmer, ask me questions at the start of the install, and at the end. If you insist on doing the performance check, fine, but do it before prompting me for information. I spent the better part of the last two days rebuilding some Vista test lab images, and have waited for the performance thing at least three dozen times. Is there a trivial way to avoid/skip this step without learning how to build unattended installations (yes, that's on the todo list too, but I'm not there yet)

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Will Affect Performance Of 1 O/S If Install Second O/S?

Dec 2, 2008

will it affect the Performance of 1 O/S if i install a second O/S on an other Hard Drive/Partition? Yes, or no? For example: Windows Vista 64 bit on HDD-1 & Windows XP 32 bit on HDD-2. Is it better to install the second O/S on an other Partition OR an different HDD? Will there be any Compatibility Problems of the Files? Like when you use MAC and Windows, you can't see MAC Files while MAC can see windows files.

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Install Dual Monitors At Full Relsolution Cause Sluggish Performance

Jan 12, 2009

I just wiped my laptop and installed a new copy of Vista, I installed all the new drivers but now when I try to dock my laptop my computer slows significantly gets very sluggish and freezes at times. When I drop the resolution on the laptop display from 1440 to 1280 everything runs fine. Not sure what to problem is but its killing my performance.

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Function Key Can't Desired Result

Jan 24, 2010

i am currently using dell inspiron 1440 laptop with windows vista ultimate 64 problem is, that every time i have to use any function key (like f1 or f2 etc) i have to press "Fn" key as well to get the desired result...for example...for refreshing any page instead of pressing only "f5"....i have to press "fn+f5".the same goes with all function keys....and while playing some games it becomes very annoying to press fn key each time i have to press any function there any way to reverse the function of fn key...because by simply pressing f5 my brightness increases. so all i want is that i should be able to use "only f5" for refreshing the page and "fn+f5" to increase the brightness ....

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How To Customize Search Result Columns

Mar 21, 2008

I am desperatly trying to change Vistas default search result columns. Everytime I use the do a search, I change the coulmns to "Name, Folder Path, Size, Type". Unforunatly Vista only remembers my settings for the already changed folders. If I search a different/new folder it defauls back to "Name, Date modified, Type, Folder, Authors, Tags".

Where can I change the default columns? As I do not want to change the columns for each and every folder ... I have already customizes Vista's default folder templates in "C:Users<username>" , but this has no effect on the search result. Customizing the searches in "C:Users<username>Searches" has also no use, as theese are the saved searches.

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Modified Permissions As A Result Of Virus.

Mar 23, 2010

I was recently victim to a malware attack on my computer, quite a few nasty rogues. Included ave.exe, irz.exe, Ikydua.exe, Ikydub.exe, Ikyduc.exe, Ikydud.exe, and many many more. They would launch whenver I tried to open any application that the viruses thought could be used against them. Anyways, I finally reclaimed control of my computer and quarantined and deleted all of the bad exes and registry keys. However, my permissions are still messed up from the attack. For example, I can no longer open regedit or merge .reg files.

Also, I believe the attack originated from somebody using an IP sniffer on an internet forum and specifically targeting my IP. I talked to some friends who's IPs were also compromised, and they said that they were attacked at around the same time. So, is there any way I can change my external IP to avoid future attacks? I'm hooked up via a cable modem.

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Bug In Windows Explorer Can Result In Lost Files

Mar 23, 2008

I believe I've found a bug in Windows Explorer that I can reproduce reliably. If anyone can get this to a QA engineer in the Vista group at Microsoft

1. Open the Windows explorer browser (not Internet Explorer). Set it up so that you that you can see folders in the left-hand tree view panel and files in the right-hand list panel.

2. Create a new folder called "Test" and a subfolder below it called "TestSub".

3. In the SubTest folder, create three text files. Call them "Test1.txt", "Test2.txt" and "Test3.txt". Just to make the files non-empty, open them up and type a single character into each (I typed "x") and save.

4. In the left-hand tree view, click on any folder that is not in the Test -> SubTest hierarchy.

5. Again from the left-hand tree view, single click on the "TestSub" folder...........

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Folder Options No Longer Appears As A Search Result

Jun 11, 2009

A few months ago, I was messing around with the Windows indexing options , adding folders, etc. and it seems to have screwed up the way Search works. I often need to access Folder Options, and I found the easiest way to do this was by hitting the Start key and typing "Folder" since I'm used to "Launchy" type utilities. However, for some reason, Folder Options no longer appears as a search result. I've rebuilt the index several times and it still doesn't show up. Neither does Programs and Features. I haven't tested every Control Panel utility but these seem to be the only 2 so far that do not show up on Search.

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Moved Music Folder To A Mapped Drive, And This Is The Result In Windows Explorer

Jul 23, 2009

I've recently moved my music folder to a mapped drive, and this is the result in Windows Explorer:

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Run An Additional 280gtx?

Aug 7, 2009

it would be wise to run an additional 280gtx? It seems like it wouldn't be with how fast new graphics cards are being churned out.

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Additional SATA Connection On MB

Feb 11, 2009

My present motherboard has 2 internal SATA connections which I use for my C and D drives, I wish to add another one for a new DVD player,Can this be accomplished by installing a special PCI card in a spare slot of my MB? What make do you recommend?

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Add Additional Clocks To Taskbar

Jun 7, 2006

Ever want to keep track of the time in a different time zone?  With Vista you can now track two additional time zones with mini clocks that show up when you hover the mouse over the clock. 

Add additional time zones:

1. Right click on the clock in the taskbar and select Adjust Date/Time.

2. Click on the Additional Clocks tab.

3. Check the box for either additional clock 1 or 2 and select the time zone....

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Additional Windows Vista License

May 19, 2009

I recently installed VMware on my Vista 64-bit desktop. I used the Vista 32-bit software that I have on my laptop to set up a guest system. I believe that I now need to activate this latter system by purchasing a new license.

When I go the ComputerProperties route to activate the system and to purchase a new license, I keep getting the message "Unable to process your order at this time. Please try again later." (I am now several days later...) Is there another route I should use to activate my software before my time expires (and my computer self destructs)?

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Additional Programs To Make VISTA Run

Jun 8, 2008

I have a computer Inspiron 531 w/Microsoft Office (Business) VISTA; trying to learn, but all on my own. Sync? Is that something that would allow me to enter a 'contact' and have it appear in all 3 email programs or will I have to type them in individually into each? $1200 is a 'big' investment for me, on a 'set' income. Tired of getting 'into' something ONLY to find it is a 'sales pitch'. I should NOT have to 'buy' additional programs to make VISTA run...that is something that Microsoft should provide somehow! I'm sure all these 'programs' you 'need to buy' are Microsoft related. Bill Gates doesn't understand that NOT everybody is as 'brilliant' as he...biggest mistake though was 'unleashing' VISTA without more 'kinks' worked out...but $$$ is $$$ and $$$ is "His GOD" - NOT mine!

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Additional Logon Information Required?

Mar 23, 2008

I am having difficulty connecting to the wireless network that my apartment building provides. I just purchased a new computer with Windows Vista. On my old computer, which had Windows XP, I had no problems. All XP required of me was to enter the password that my landlord provided to me in order to access the secured wireless network. However, now that I have Vista, I try to connect and it asks me for: 1. Username, 2. Password and 3. Log on Domain. The only information I have is the password which worked on XP before. When I enter only that, I get a message saying "Additional Log on Information Required" or something to that effect. I don't have any more information than that.

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Setting Up Additional Mail Boxes

Mar 23, 2008

Well im very new to windows mail, in fact only a few hours, and trying to set up the email has proven to be a real headache.On outlook express, my husband and i had seperate email accounts, we logged in to them seperate and for some reason i dont appear to be able to do this with windows mail.I put all our info in as you do when adding an account and did this twice one with my details and one with my husbands (pop3, smtp email address etc) when i opened up windows mail, all the mail was going in to one box and not serperate. I changed it so we had to enter the password each time to login thinking this might open it up as serperate, no. how i get round this, i know there must be a way, but im getting so frustrated with it now, i cant see what im looking at, ive been trying for so long.

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Windows Defender And Additional Antivirus Software

Mar 23, 2008

I note that my Windows Vista Home Basic is equipped with a real-time malware protection provided by Windows Defender. Will there be any adverse effect on my home PC if an additional real-time anti-spyware is installed as double protection? I understand that such addition is not recommended for an anti-virus tool.

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Drag & Drop Open With.. Additional Params

Sep 14, 2008

Anyone know if it is possible to create a shortcut drag & drop target so that when I drag a program and drop it on the shortcut, then select "open with" the shortcut that is dropped on can insert the name of the dropped program into the command line params? IOW, say I want a shortcut that opens a program at x y 100 100 no matter what I drop on it. My program knows how to do the positioning but it needs to read the name of the dropped program as well as the rest of the params in its shortcut. I've tried MyProg.exe "%1" x y in the target line but when I drop anything on it and do Open With I get "%1" not found. Is there a magic bullet?

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Additional Software Neccessary For Optimum Recording

Dec 11, 2008

I am thinking of getting a USB turntable so I can record and then get rid of my vinyl records. Do these work well? Is there any additional software neccessary for optimum recording?

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Burn DVDs Withhout Additional Software

Jul 21, 2009

Have only made CDs so far. Can Vista burn DVDs withhout additional software? and should I use +ve or -ve DVDs?

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"Search" Vista It Take Ages If You Get Any Result At All

Mar 27, 2008

Why "Search" is so ineffective in Vista (Ult)? When searching in Win XP internally on PC or on news groups results are shown almost immediately. But in Vista it take ages if you get any result at all.

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Can Vista Backup Be Set To Continue The Existing Backup Onto An Additional Drive

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 720GB internal drive that I've maxed out with automated weekly backups. I have another drive with a lot of space, and my question is, can Vista backup be set to continue the existing backup onto an additional drive. In other words, the backup files would be spread over two drives?

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Performance Indicators And % ?

May 15, 2010

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned.

On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram.

On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

Any help and info would be great. Ide like to try and reduce the cpu on the Benq obviously as well as the ram on both machines.

Both machine are quite fresh, not really loaded with software. Running N360 on both machines.

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SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 10, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

Just short of 12 hours. Dreadful...just dreadful!

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Very Slow Performance With 32

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, with Vista Home 32. The laptop has a Core 2 Duo T7100 @1.8GHz and 2Gb RAM. I run Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Corel, etc... Sometimes the machine becomes so slow I almost fall asleep (literally!) while waiting for it do perform a simple task such as opening IE or showing a menu or opening an email message. I should add that my PST has 5.6 Gb. I'd like to reduce its size, although I don't think it is the cause of the slow running, but I need to keep many emails... I have talked with Sony and they simply refuse to let their customers downgrade to Xp. So, besides tweaking (which I don't know how to), what can I do to my laptop to avoid these episodes of EXTREMELY slow running?

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