Install Dual Monitors At Full Relsolution Cause Sluggish Performance

Jan 12, 2009

I just wiped my laptop and installed a new copy of Vista, I installed all the new drivers but now when I try to dock my laptop my computer slows significantly gets very sluggish and freezes at times. When I drop the resolution on the laptop display from 1440 to 1280 everything runs fine. Not sure what to problem is but its killing my performance.

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Sluggish Performance In 64

Mar 4, 2009

I have been battling a problem with my new build for almost 3 months. My rig:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
Core2Quad Q6600
G.Skill DDR2-800 2x2GB
Geforce 6800 GT
PC&P Silencer 500W
WD Black 1 TB
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

My performance is terrible! This is my first experience with vista. My pc runs sluggishly, sims 2 game crashes at startup, my other 2 games (half life 2, left 4 dead) are very choppy and unplayable. Browsing playlist in iTunes with cover art displayed is choppy and slow (unusable, i have to turn the cover art off).

If I take out 1 of my sticks of RAM it seems fine. If i load XP, it seems fine, even with both sticks.

I have ran memtest on my ram, tried my ram in all the slots, ran prime 95 for hours with no errors, ran diagnostics on my hdds, rma'd my motherboard (they returned it saying nothing was wrong with it), purchased a new motherboard (asus p5q), tried 2 other kinds of RAM, updated all of my drivers, reinstalled vista a billion times, and NOTHING has worked.

The only thing left to replace is my cpu and before I go through that hassle, I just want to exhaust the last avenue, since the problem is only evident in vista with all my memory sticks installed.

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Dual Monitors Taskbar

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using multimon taskbar 2.1. My second monitor is above my primary, so I move my most out the top of my primary to reach my secondary, and down my secondary to return to my primary. So in Display Settings, my monitors look thusly:


In order for multimon to work, it says they must be...............

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Supports Dual Monitors?

Jun 6, 2008

i'm planning on getting the ATI Radeon X1600 Pro AGP and i'm wondering if it will support dual monitors through the vga and dvi input..

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Recommend Dual Monitors?

Feb 21, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista 32 bit Home blah, blah, blah, with a NVIDIA GEForce 6150 graphics card. I have 2 monitors, but believe I need to purchase another video/graphics card. Anyone smarter than me out there (that was meant to be self depricating), that could recommend a plain jain, cheap graphics card so I can hook up my second monitor? I'm not into gaming, just love having two monitors at work, and once you have two, you can't handle one, right?

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Dual Monitors In ATI Radeon HD 3200

Jun 19, 2009

I've got the two monitors hooked up to the splitter cable, I open "personalize" display and it tells me monitor two is "not active". It does, however, display Monitor 1 as a clone. How do I activate the second monitor so that when I extend the desktop I can open up windows separately? Something in the driver configuration I'm missing?

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No Video Output With Dual Monitors

Mar 30, 2008

I have a Nvidia 7800 which i recently hooked up another monitor too(dual dvi) I now have no video from media player, quicktime, etc.. Only web based video works(which is weird because the web based video is running wmp. When i unplug monitor 2 the video works fine again, after a reboot and the like of course. Anyone know wuts going on here? Sound and everything else works fine, its just showing a black screen on the players.

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Dual Monitors: Different Background Display Possible?

Apr 22, 2009

I have NVidia video card and 2 monitors. Both monitors are set to mode: "Configured indepedently from each other (Dualview)." Everything is fine, except that both monitors use the same wallpaper. Is it possible to set up a different background display for each monitor?

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Dual Monitors: Can Edit Resolution In 1 But Not 2

Mar 27, 2008

My graphic card is NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT WDDM. One old LCD monitor which is non PnP and one new 24" acer LCD monitor which is a PnP monitor. Both monitors displayed the boot up information from the BIOS when booting up. The old monitor screen became blank when the Windows "welcome" message appeared. The Windows system recoginsed two monitors presented one PnP and one non PnP but can't recongised it under the display setup monitor. It only display 1 multi monitor on NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT and 2 general non PnP monitor on NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT. I can edit the resolution in 1 but not 2. I tried to swap the cable slots between the monitors and the new one always became the main monitor.

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Nvidia GeForce 8800GT And Dual Monitors Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I seem to have a similiar problem. I'm running Vista Home Premium with Nvidia GeForce 8800GT connected via DVI to two ViewSonic VP2030B Monitors.

For some reason I cannot get them into dual mode.

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Graphic Card Support Dual 1920x1200 Monitors?

May 29, 2008

I would like to have two 24" monitors, each setup at 1920x1200 resolution, on a single PCI express 16x graphics card, running Aero across the 2 monitors. Is there any graphics card out there that would support this scenario? Can't find the answer in any of the graphics chips manafucturers' websites

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Dual Monitor Graphics Card, Performance Poor

May 27, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium x64. I used a dual monitor graphics card in my old computer with Windows XP. Took the card out and install it in my new computer and updated the driver. But, performance is poor. For example I can't use Vista Aero. I would like to buy a new, relatively inexpensive dual monitor graphics card which is compatible with Vista premium x64.

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Performance Check During Install

Jun 9, 2008

It would be really nice to avoid the whole performance check during Vista's installation since the result isn't really useful until updated drivers have been installed. More importantly, for the love of Dancing Steve Balmer, ask me questions at the start of the install, and at the end. If you insist on doing the performance check, fine, but do it before prompting me for information. I spent the better part of the last two days rebuilding some Vista test lab images, and have waited for the performance thing at least three dozen times. Is there a trivial way to avoid/skip this step without learning how to build unattended installations (yes, that's on the todo list too, but I'm not there yet)

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Will Affect Performance Of 1 O/S If Install Second O/S?

Dec 2, 2008

will it affect the Performance of 1 O/S if i install a second O/S on an other Hard Drive/Partition? Yes, or no? For example: Windows Vista 64 bit on HDD-1 & Windows XP 32 bit on HDD-2. Is it better to install the second O/S on an other Partition OR an different HDD? Will there be any Compatibility Problems of the Files? Like when you use MAC and Windows, you can't see MAC Files while MAC can see windows files.

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Full Install Do Not Start Pc

Dec 5, 2008

I got this problem and I can't find a solution. I got halo 2 6 months ago and I tried to install it, when I was on the menu where it asks for a folder to be installed and below it says "Full install only, do not start." I pressed continue and nothing happens It's not installing because I can't see the process ( I mean the process, not a window),

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Install SP2 Or Not, Result In Additional Instability, Decreased Performance?

May 6, 2009

Dear friends I am wondering if intstalling Vista Sp2 to will result in additional instability, decreased performance and other problems? Have anyone tried it? Is it available final version of sp2?

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Clean Install With A Full Version Of Vista

May 22, 2009

Install Vista by following one of the guides below:

Clean install from an Upgrade Disk
Clean install with a full version of Vista

Then download and install Vista Service Pack 1

Vista 32 bit: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Five Language Standalone
Vista 64 bit: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Five Language Standalone for x64-based Systems

Then download and install Vista Service Pack 2. 32bit: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Five Language Standalone. 64bit: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Five Language Standalone for x64-based Systems. Once Vista and both service packs are installed and you are at the desktop, install only your Security software (eg Anti Virus, Firewall etc) and update them........

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Can Upload ISO Image Of Full Vista Install Disc

Apr 5, 2009

Can upload an ISO image of a Full Vista Install Disc (not upgrade, not recovery only)? I have a product key, so it wouldn't be illegal. Please, as I don't have any recovery discs and HP is making me pay for it.

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Sluggish Cursor Movement

Jul 29, 2009

In another thread there was a discussion about spyware. I followed some of the advice given and now all of a sudden, the cursor movement is sluggish. Also, when I boot up, my password is sometimes rejected two or three times even though I am being careful in typing. Sometimes I have to click on a link three or four times before it works. My machine is a Packard Bell desktop with 32-bit OS Vista plus SP1.

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Dual Boot.: Install Two OS's

Sep 3, 2008

Before anyone thinks "Oh another person asking how to install two OS's!!" Please take a seat and keep reading as I have spent literally hours trying to search other forums and sites for an answer to my problem. Upon upgrading my mobo + gfx card + ram + cpu my xp didn't want to boot. I found out the reason for this and took the following steps.

1 - Installed Vista Home premium x64 on a brand new Sata HDD.

2 - Transfered files from old hard drives to new Vista HDD to, in a sense, return my files programs etc to how they were before the "hardware misshap"

3 - All is fine and dandy..............

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Re-install XP On A Dual Boot XP/ PC

Mar 23, 2008

I have a dual boot XP/Vista installed running fine until a few days ago i got a virus attack on my XP partition that I cannot get rid of. Now I want to re-install XP onto the XP partition. Is there anything I have to pay attention to before format the XP partition and re-install XP.

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Re-install XP On Dual Boot XP PC?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a dual boot XP/Vista installed running fine until a few days ago i got a virus attack on my XP partition that I cannot get rid of. Now I want to re-install XP onto the XP partition. Is there anything I have to pay attention to before format the XP partition and re-install XP. XP was originally install first and then follow by Vista.

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Reformat Won't Install Dual Hd

Mar 25, 2008

I am getting ready to install Vista Home Premium with an SP1 disc included. I have XP Pro now. I know I would have to reformat since it won't do the over install with the versions I'm working with. I'm fine with that. I have a dual HD laptop. I will take out my C drive with XP and put another identical one in to install Vista on. I have reformatted many times. There are certain registry entries I keep to help get my programs back the way I like them. Will XP's registry entries work with Vista? Sure makes it easier to get things tweaked and back the way I likeKate

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One Reason For Sluggish Or Freezing Vista

Jun 28, 2009

Since latest microsoft updates last wednesday 23th June 09 vista kept freezing

I have tried using Windows 7 X64 instead vista x64 - it does not freeze but was going sluggish.

Now I run Desktop (intel i7 processor) which is powered by a Battery UPS system where the battery run the PC and the battery is charging when main power is on- this means if power drops or is lost i am already on battery power still at full voltage and amps.

In this respect i am the same as laptop which has a battery.

what does this mean?? Vista appear for some reason now to be throttling back my clock speed to as little as 5% due to its power management battery settings- that is instead of having an I7 @ 3.20 Ghz i am getting i7 @ 160Mhz

Solution @ (worked for me despite mention AMD processor here) ...

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Sluggish Memory:performe Slow

Jan 13, 2010

I've noticed my system becoming pretty sluggish when running more than a couple of apps (internet explorer, the odd game etc). I'm running a Vista Home Premium set up with a Pentium Dual Core 3GHZ chip and 2GB RAM which should have (and previously did have) more than enough grunt.

When I look at Task Manager after startup (with little running) I can see that the Physical Memory utilisation is up at 70-75% and in the performance tab, I have approx 4MB free (and the usage history graph is up at approx 1.5GB). I'm very experienced with pc's so I know about Vista's superfetching etc, but the system is dog slow.

I've disabled everything that I don't need at start up (as well as some services which I won't use). I've run AVG virus scan, Spybot and AdAware repeatedly, along with CCleaner and Disk Defrag. Security Task manager doesn't show me anything suspicious either. I've uninstalled anything that I won't need, and still it's running incredibly slow. The windows experience score is still at 4.8, so in theory the system is sound. I can't see what's utilising all of this memory in the Processes so I'm stuck.

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Enabling Aero, The Graphics Get Sluggish?

Jun 12, 2006

I've just installed Beta 2 (5384) and I'm so far very happy with it. All of my hardware is fully functioning even with some of it using XP drivers. I've installed the nVidia drivers 88.61 for my Geforce 6800GT w/ 256MB RAM. After enabling Aero, the graphics are terribly sluggish. I can't drag a window without it jumping around. My resolution is 1680x1050. Is there something I'm missing? I've checked the supported GPU lists and there's tons of cards slower than mine that support Aero. Is this just a stupid list of what will "work" but not what will perform well?

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SP1 Won't Install Dual Boot System

Jul 8, 2008

I have (or had) Vista Business on my HP Pavilion dv2670br and I also installed opensolaris on it. I had read this article (Vista SP1 won't install on dual-boot systems: Microsoft) before installing the SP with the stand alone file downloaded from MS's website, but since I did not have Enterprise or Ultimate I didn't think I would have problems. Silly me.

Now I do not know if it is the grub loader itself or the fact that opensolaris uses ZFS. I tried going through the steps here: Recovering the Vista Bootloader from the DVD - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki, to no avail. I suspect I will have to go through a very destructive process, but thankfully I won't really lose much since it is a relatively new laptop with very little university work on it.

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How To Install 32 & 64 Dual Boot 4 Drives 2 Licensces

Mar 23, 2008

I have been loking but not finding instructions to install 32 and 64 bit Vista ( yes I have 2 seperate licensce -am not trying to cheat Microsoft). I had bought & installed 64 bit vista ultimate-however many devices and programs not compatible. So I bought the 32 bit version as well (i have an individual licensce for each version). SO in stalled the 32 bit version (wiped out the 64 as it interfered with the install). After a week of being on 32 bit, I find that I would also like to install the 64 bit version on a hard drive other thatn the 32 bit install.

I have scoured the Inet and MS sites but only see references to XP and Vista etc. Can anyone really help or point me to install instructions that will guide me on how to now install 64 bit vista so I can enjoy dual booting into either at BOOT? Please don't flame me for not being a genius...... but evrything I find is vague or does not adequately address the question.

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How To Install 32 & 64 Dual Boot 4 Drives 2 Licensces

Mar 26, 2008

I have been loking but not finding instructions to install 32 and 64 bit Vista ( yes I have 2 seperate licensce -am not trying to cheat Microsoft). I had bought & installed 64 bit vista ultimate-however many devices and programs not compatible. So I bought the 32 bit version as well ( i have an individual licensce for each version). SO in stalled the 32 bit version (wiped out the 64 as it interfered with the install). After a week of being on 32 bit, I find that I would also like to install the 64 bit version on a hard drive other thatn the 32 bit install. I have scoured the Inet and MS sites but only see references to XP and Vista etc. how to now install 64 bit vista so I can enjoy dual booting into either at BOOT?

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Dual Boot Install Older Version Of Os

Mar 24, 2008

I am planning to have a dual-boot but I want to install an older version of OS. I purchased the notebook with Windows Vista HomeBasic installed and I want to install Windows XP for some compatibility reasons. Would it just be OK if I'll do it that way?

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Considerd Separat Install With Dual-boot

Jun 8, 2008

When I log on to my Vista Ultimate desktop, numerous startup programs that I have acquired over the years fire up, many of them parking themselves in the system tray. Since 95% of my computer use is low-demand web surfing and word processing, the many running programs don???t bother me, and I am glad to have them at hand. But once in awhile I like to run Flight Simulator or edit home videos; at those times, I???d like Vista to be running nearly bare-bones. Many of the startup programs exist for all users, so it doesn???to simply create a new user for gaming or graphics. Is there any way to have a pre-prepared profile having a radically minimized set of startup programs? I know I can simply click them off through msconfig or control panel, but that is pretty cumbersome. I???ve considered a separate install with dual-boot. (Side issue ??? would that present any validation issues?)

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