IE 8 Caused Sidebar Vista 64

Mar 22, 2009

Vista Ultimate 64. After installing IE 8, several gadgets stopped working correctly. Did some research and re-registered msxml3.dll, scrrun.dll,jscript.dll. Yet the problem persists.

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SmartSecurity Caused VISTA Machine To Core

Jun 6, 2008

The installation of SmartSecurity caused my VISTA machine to core! I cannot boot up in windows! I can boot up in safe mode alone and safe mode with network connections, which is how I am getting this email to you. What do I do now? There is nothing listed as being installed on add/ remove programs, but there is a Start-Programs->Eset->EsetSmart Security with a few things listed. When I tried to uninstall to see if I could get a fresh install going- it said I could only uninstall apps that are installed. I don't know what to do!!

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Vista Sidebar Not Over Entire

Apr 30, 2009

I currently have a Purple outline that is going all the way around the Windows Vista Sidebar... it's not over the entire thing, but it's around the Weather gadget. I'm not sure why it's there.. restarting PC, and sidebar didn't help. It's still there. The weather gadget basically has a ring of Purple around it that has never been there before. anyone know what this is about?see the purple.. it's more visible in person, and much worse looking.

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Sidebar Gadget: Put It For Vista To Recognize It

Mar 6, 2009

I downloaded the wunderground sidebar gadget, but it is not available for loading up. Where do I need to put it for Vista to recognize it?

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Vista Sidebar Gadgets Broken

May 28, 2008

Today I started experiencing some strange problems with Vista's sidebar. I've never had this problem before and I've spent hours trying to fix the problem. Basically the problem I'm having looks something like this:

I've just dragged a few of the default gadgets to the sidebar to show you the problem I'm having. The Weather gadget seems to be the only one that is functioning correctly. I also cannot install user created gadgets from

I've already tried the many different combinations of re-registering various DLL files that I've seen around on the Internet but this hasn't made a difference. Could this be a problem with Java or XML? Is there a way of totally reinstalling the Vista Sidebar without having to a) do a System Restore or b) create a Vista installation disk to do a repair with?

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How To Turn On The Windows Sidebar In Vista

Feb 27, 2010

I know how to turn on the Windows Sidebar in Vista -- but, is it possible to do that in Win 7?

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What Caused The Upgrade Failure.

Apr 15, 2008

A couple of months ago I assembled a new PC and put Windows Vsta Business on it. I started adding other applications and moving my files then was given a copy of Vista Ultimate. I tried to do an upgrade from Business to Ultimate but after about 10 minutes received a very generic message basically saying that the upgrade couldn't continue for no particular reason and when I hit OK it undid the changes and I was back where I started.

I ran Windows Update, and checked that my sytem had the required specs (everything was above 5.0 except the video card was only rated 3.8 which is OK, I don't do gaming). I tried the upgrade a couple of times to no avail. I would have tried in safe mode but the only option was to do a clean install. I would rather not do a clean install as I have personalized everything. How can I find out what caused the upgrade failure.

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Recovering Windows Vista Sidebar Can't Load Right

Dec 20, 2007

I really like the windows Sidebar in Vista Premium, but something has happened and I can't see or get it to load right now. Any guidance on how to recover from this issue

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Customize Your Sidebar With Windows Sidebar Styler

Aug 20, 2007

Stanimir Stoyanov has create a very useful application that automates customizing the appearance of the Windows Vista sidebar. If you change you skin your visual style and want your sidebar to match or just do not like the default black gradation look, Windows Sidebar Styler makes it very easy to change the look.

Visit Stanimir Stoyanov’s blog and download the latest version ...

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100% CPU Usage Caused By Adobe Flash Plugin

Sep 21, 2009

So i've been dealing with 100% CPU usage for the last 3 weeks. I've narrowed down the cause to the Flash plugin for ANY browser, regardless of IE or Firefox. Anytime Flash is loaded in the browser, the CPU shoot straight up to 100% until you close the browser. I've google'd solutions for this. The only one I've seen is the all FULL CONTROL for the Everyone user on two of the Flash drives. This does not work. So I tried something else.

I reformatted and started from scratch. As soon as the Flash plugin was installed, BOOM, right to 100% CPU usage again. This happened on both Vista x64 Ultimate w/ SP2 and a clean install of Windows 7 x64 Ultimate RTM (It's a legal copy.)......

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Faulty Program Caused Computer To Lose Icons

Mar 23, 2008

i installed a faulty program and now folder icons have been lost. i know i could live with this but it is really getting on my nerves!!!

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Update Nvidia Nforce Networking Controlle Caused Internet To Not Work Properly

Mar 23, 2008

The Windows Update for the "nvidia nforce networking controller" caused my internet to not work properly. I restored my system and rolled back the driver, both on separate occasions to resolve this issue. It worked, however, now I need to know what to do about the update. I cannot leave my settings to update automatically because of this.

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Sidebar Using 50% Cpu

May 22, 2008

Sidebar has recently started using 50% + CPU. It runs from 0 to 50+ and back to 0 and back to 50+ and just keeps doing this. What would cause that?

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No Sidebar

May 3, 2009

I have installed Vista x64 and there's no vista sidebar. I tryed searching in start menu, control panel even in program files. I couldn't find anything. So is there way to install it manualy? I guess i installed version without sidebar.

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Grey Sidebar

Jun 5, 2009

After my sec0nd botched attempt at installing Explorer 8 on my Vista
Ultimate, I have ended up with a gray (instead of transparent) sidebar.
how to return it to its previous transparency?

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Looking For A Sidebar Gadget That Does

Jul 10, 2008

I run vista ultimate64 on my laptop and just love it. Sidebar gadgets monitor a few things, network cpu useage, mem useage....what I am looking for is a sidebar gadget that monitors cpu temd (HD temp would be bonus points)

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Sidebar Never Worked

Jul 29, 2009

I am having problems with my sidebar, and I think with IE as well. It all started when I uninstalled McAfee from my system. When I had it installed, it would freeze my entire computer in seconds, so I uninstalled it. After that my sidebar never worked right again. The gadgets show up, but not correctly. My weather app just had a white box with a little blue "i" in the corner. My analog clock would just have a black face and a red second hand at 12 o'clock that never moved.

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the gadgets, but with no luck. I have tried a few command prompt .dll commands that I have read in forums, but that didn't help. I read it might be an issue with IE8, so I downgraded to IE7, but that still didn't help. I love the sidebar and want to use it again, but nothing I do works! I also have an issue with my IE7.

I tried to sign up for these forums, but the image verification box wouldn't show up until i tried it in Firefox. I use a browser called Slimbrowser (which is based on IE I believe) and I would like to continue using it, but it may be linked to my IE problem.

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Sidebar Disappeared

Jun 18, 2009

how to get the sidebar on my Vista back on again. Has disappeared for some reason. no gadgets.

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Lost Sidebar

Apr 19, 2008

I've completely lost my sidebar -- if that's the right term -- you know, that thing with the gadgets. I don't even have that "+" or "-" thing at the top. Could I inadvertently have turned it off? If so, where is the switch?

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Sidebar .dll Files?

Apr 7, 2009

I've tried over and over again to try and get my Vista Sidebar to reload and I don't know what's going on. When I type in "regsvr32 -u ATL.DLL" I get "DLLUnregisterserver in atl.dll succeeded." When I type in "regsvr32 -u sbdrop.dll" and any of the other commands I get the following:

"the module "sbdrop.dll" failed to load. Make sure the binary is stored at the specified path or debug it to check for problems with the binary or dependent .DLL files. The specified module could not be found."

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Lost Sidebar

Mar 30, 2008

Even though my account is Admin status I have lost Sidebar and jut get I need an Administrtaor to reinstall. Setting up a bogus account doesn't help either. And yes i have used the control panel icon to attempt reload nothing! Short of going to System Restore does anybody have a solution?

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Sidebar Missing

May 11, 2008

I've done nothing to my system (no new progs) but this morning the sidebar is missing.

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Sidebar Is Now Transparent

Apr 17, 2009

In Windows Vista, I lost my Sidebar settings. The Gagets are still there, but the color of the Sidebar is now transparant; I can see the desktop wallpaper right through the Sidebar. How do I make the sidebar itself, solid grey (non-transparent) ?

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Sidebar - 2 Monitors

Oct 19, 2008

I run two monitors with my desktop "extended" over both. All has been well with the Sidebar sitting pretty on my main monitor (which, incidentally is on the right-hand side on my desk). However, I suddenly found, upon booting up one morning, that my settings had disappeared. I have reset them, but I now find that the Sidebar is sitting on my No#2 monitor, which effectively means that it is in the middle of my desktop, if you follow me. This isn't a show-stopper for me, although I sometime don't switch the No#2 monitor on. I'm trying to find a way to reposition the sidebar, as all I seem to be able to do is turn it on and off.

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Weather Gadget On The Sidebar And Set

Jun 16, 2008

I've placed the weather gadget on the sidebar and set it for my area, however the temperatures and forecasts are nothing like the those from the weather bureau or other weather sites.

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Sidebar Works, But Unresponsive

Dec 29, 2008

I'm running Home Premium x64. The build is only ~1month old and previously the sidebar was working fine. Apparently I've fouled something up. The sidebar loads fine, runs fine, looks fine. Here is the problem; Gadgets like Pro Weather, or Hermes, where the user has the option of opening up a larger screen to the left of the gadget.. those screens are unresponsive.

For example in the weather app, I click the little arrow to expand the gadget, it brings up the larger window with options to view the radar, or nightly forecasts, or moon phases etc, but my clicking ANYWHERE on that screen is unresponsive.. it just doesn't work. I thought maybe it was the weather app, but then noticed the same thing on Hermes. Hermes is a news ticker. When you hover over a story it brings up the full story in a pane to the left, with clickable links for the actual web story. Again, all mouse input in this pane seems to be restricted, and the links do not work.

I don't recall the exact moment when I lost control of this. Over the past few weeks I have installed / uninstalled Norton AV, and used a utility called 'Vista Manager'. Currently I am running no AV. The Vista Manager program is pretty neat actually. I didn't make any kind of drastic changes with it, but thats not to say it isn't someone related. Maybe it stopped a required service or something? Who Knows.

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Windows Sidebar Eats Up RAM

Mar 23, 2008

I'm sure everyone knows that Windows Sidebar can potentially destroy the amount of RAM that is available on your PC, but I'm having sort of an unusual problem with this. When Windows Sidebar is loaded, the amount of RAM that it occupies is about 20MB, which is certainly acceptable for me. However, after the course of 6 or so hours the RAM increases upwards of 120MB, and after 12 hours, nearly 200MB! This just doesn't seem right. I'm assuming Sidebar is stored some previous information via RAM, but I really can't see this information being necessary at all. Is there anyway I can put a cap on the amount of RAM that Sidebar uses? Or even some other method to reduce the RAM usage?

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Sidebar Can Not Show The Desktop

Mar 30, 2009

Does anyone use it? I tried it but i cant for the life of me see any real point in it , ive had cpu monitors in there , bandwidth monitors disk usage stats the weather even linked it up to Everest pro edition and still found it a waste of time , i cant even see it for 99% of the time cos who ever stares at their desktop? Open an app and its gone , or set it to display on top of all windows and it just becomes a pain thats always in the way?? Am i missing something? According to the interweb its one of the most popular features in Vista!! any gadgets you would recommend?

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Cannot Install New Sidebar Gadgets

Oct 28, 2009

I am unable to install any new sidebar gadgets. The gadgets that came with Vista, (contacts, currency, weather, etc.) I can "Add Gadget" ok. When I go to "Get more gadgets online", then I have issues. When I pick a gadget, then click the download button, I get the Install and Don't Install buttons. Clicking the Install button causes a message to appear on my status bar, then nothing. I don't know what the status bar message says because it is only there less than 1 second. Nothing is downloaded to my computer and no new gadget appears in the Add Gadget list........

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Windows Sidebar Can Not Working

Mar 30, 2008

So ever since I got my computer I can't get the sidebar to work. I can bring it up and add gadgets but they don't function properly and they only have an X on the right hand side (no magnifying glass to edit options). So basically, the sidebar works but the gadgets don't?? Some of the graphics will show up but they don't function...this is very frustrating and I've spent lots of time trouble shooting and trying to figure out possibilities

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Reinstall Windows Sidebar

Oct 1, 2008

I am a noob to the forums and a new Vista user. I am running Vista Home Basic. I ran sfc and it determined I had some corrupt files that could not be repaired. I determined that the files were all related to windows sidebar. My question is, can I reinstall windows sidebar and if so how is this done?

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