How To Uninstall WMP11?

May 14, 2007

Is there any way to uninstall WMP11 in Vista?

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How Do Uninstall WMP11 And Replace With WMP10?

Apr 2, 2009

How do I uninstall WMP11, and replace it with WMP10?

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WMP11 Will Not Work

Apr 17, 2008

When I try to use WMP11 I get the "...has stopped working" and then Windows shuts it down. I'm using Vista Ultimate. I'd really like to get this working instead of an alternative program like I did with IE7 and Windows Mail.

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Registry Key For WMP11

Dec 29, 2008

My media player 11 kept freezing when i'd try to rip more than 1 cd all of a sudden. I'd reboot then it would be fine again for only 1 cd. So i started reading forums on how to uninstall and reinstall media player. One said i had to delete the entire key from the registry then when i rebooted it would ask me to reinstall. It didn't happen. Now WMP opens and will play music but when i try to rip a cd it says it cannot do it and offers no reason. I'm running 32bit vista ultimate. I've tried the cumulative update for WMP but it says i have a newer version of it installed so it can't continue. Also i wasn't provided with a copy of vista with the computer so i cant reinstall that either can i?

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WMP11 Won't Working

Mar 23, 2008

For some reason and I have looked at everything I can think of, WMP11 will not let me any longer rate my music. Am I being completely stupid or is there some silly piece of malicious software that has got on my PC? I keep my security and firewalls up to date on a daily basis.

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Uninstall Call Of Duty Other Than Through Putting In The Disk And Pressing UNINSTALL Or In The 'All Programs'

May 5, 2008

can you tell me a way to uninstall Call of Duty other than through putting in the disk and pressing UNINSTALL or in the 'All Programs'? Because it just won't uninstall there: I press install and the window simply closes and nothing else. I am asking this because I have found some patches on the Activision website (now I can get on it again) and I wan't to reinstall it...

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IE7 Has Stopped Working, WMP11

May 12, 2008

Vista Ultimate SP1. Since installing SP1 a week ago I can no longer use the WMP player of many internet radio stations. The different players open OK, play the regulatory sponsor introductory message but as soon as they get into connecting and streaming they shut down with a message that IE7 has stopped working. By itself WMP plays OK all VDO and Audio files on my PC. I was checking your answer to another WMP11 problem (see below) but hesitated to type the two lines in "run" since it says that Vista requires a higher level (?). I looked at the web site given by the link but don't quite understand what is meant by a "higher level".

Can I type these two lines in my Vista "run" (and hope it fixes the problem) or not? Or do you have another possible solution for my problem? I posted my problem on the media player support group but no answer so far.

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WMP11 Not Playing Mp3 Files

Sep 4, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64 and noticed a problem recently when playing music via windows media center. However, having played around in WMP11 also, WMP is doing the same thing so I believe the problem is somewhere in there. Initially the problem started when trying to play a collection of mp3 files off my local drive. Whether it be via an existing playlist or simply by selecting an album within WMC. The problem is that a track plays and then WMC/WMP freezes on the next track. If I skip to the next track that plays, but then the next track freezes. Sometimes the 1st track on the list doesn't play but the next will. Sometimes the 1st plays and then the next won't!
So, I closed WMC and opened up WMP directly. (This happens in both x86 and x64 versions of WMP by the way). If I create a playlist, the same thing happens a track plays, then freezes, if I skip on, the next track plays and then the next one freezes.....

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Program Wont Uninstall It With Uninstall Or Install Cleanup Utility

Nov 20, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

I was having problems installing a program (Berlitz German Premier) where the install would just disappear halfway thru the process. A program would not appear under my programs list but when I went to Uninstall an icon for uninstall of the Berlitz software appears for each time I tried to install it. However I get the following error messages (see attached document with screen captures) when I tried to delete it the traditional way.

When I use Windows Install Clean Up utility, the program is nowhere to be found on the list; thus I can't use that program.

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WMP11 Cursor Blinks Rapidly

Jul 2, 2009

When I have Windows Media Player v.11 open, my cursor blinks rapidly back and forth between arrow pointer and the rotating circle "Vista Hourglass"- needless to say this is VERY irritating. It is very distrating to use a cursor that is very rapidly "stuttering" or "flashing" back and forth between the rotating circle "Vista Hourglass" and the arrow. It does stop when I close Windows Media Player. But I should be able to have Windows Media Player open and idle without having this annoying super-fast blinking cursor-rotating circle "Vista Hourglass" things

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Find Album Info In Wmp11

Jun 16, 2009

I get the error automation server cannot create object when i try to find album info in wmp11.

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Adjusting Video Slider Controls In WMP11

Jun 10, 2008

Have Vista HP on a Dell 1525. When I play a WMA file, adjusting any of the video settings slider controls has no affect on the quality of the video playing, not even if I adjust the settings before clicking 'Play'. When I play mpg files, however, adjusting the settings DOES result in the video quality being changed corresponding to the whichever setting is changed. What I can I do to solve this problem when playing WMA files? Is there some setting I need to amend or do I need to download a file/codec?

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'uninstall' Button Disappeared, Can Not Uninstall Program

May 27, 2008

Somehow the 'uninstall' button disappeared for most programs on my Vista Home Premium box when I used Control Pannel -> Programs -> Uninstall a Program. A few programs still have 'uninstall' button available - those have 'installed on' showing. The rest (80+% of all)don't have 'installed on' values showing and don't have 'uninstall' button.

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This Program Cannot Display The Web Page In WMP11 Album Info?

Aug 10, 2008

I have done everything possible under my control...Set WMP11 as my default player..uninstalled programs that i thought might be interfering with WMP11 and uninstalled and reinstalled my anti virus/firewall. I cannot uninstall WMP11 off my comp because im on Vista (32bit) and i really dont wanna system restore.

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Prevent Wmp11 From Modifying Tags/dowloading Album Art?

Mar 24, 2008

I have a bunch of loose mp3s (i.e. not the entire albums, just a few tracks from particular albums) grouped into folders based on genre. They have blank album tags. How can I prevent WMP11 from assigning album tags to these mp3 and downloading album art. I have every possible check box involved in media updating unchecked. Among my 20 or so genre folders, WMP only seems to modify the files in a few of the folders. The artist and title tags are correct so it looks like WMP is trying to add missing information. Is there a registry hack that essentially turns off the ability of WMP to do any file modification? I've tried deleting the database and rescanning the library. My only option right now is to simply not start WMP.

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WMP11 Network Sharing Service Has Stopped Working

Aug 30, 2008

I can not longer share files ie video, music, pics, with any other pc in my house including my ps3. This just started 2 days ago. Everytime I started WMP11 I get the file sharing box telling me to check my sharing settings; I check them and and everything seems fine. I also have turned off both of my firewalls from Live Onecare and windows firewall. I currently am running Vista Ultimate 32bit with intel Q6600(quad core 2.40) 2gb ram, geforce 8600gts 512mb. I also recently cleaned up my desktop and don't know if I got rid of something I shouldn't have. WMP11 works fine. I also get this every 3 minutes or so popping up. Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service has stopped working

--> check online for a solution (recommended)
--> Close

view problem details............

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SP2 RC : Do Not Uninstall

Jun 23, 2009

I have tried all the official and miscrosoft published instructions on uninstalling SP2 Release Candidate for Vista Ultimate (in my case 32 bit). I have tried with tech support. So I have really gone the extra mile. I have very compelling reasons to not perform a new installation because of lost set up programs and keys which are essential to my business. I do have backups which go back before the SP2 installation (Release candidate). Is there no way or does anyone have knowlege of maybe just the directories or files I would need to reinstall; to uninstall RC 2 for Vista ?

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Is There Is No Way To Uninstall Sp2

Apr 29, 2009

I downloaded Vista x64 with built in sp2 RC. I have an msdn membership, and I put this on my laptop. It now says I have an eval copy. I understand that sp2 makes it say that, but my big question is that there is no way to uninstall sp2. Am I screwed when the final sp2 comes out? I understand you need to install previous betas to put final on.

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Cant Uninstall SP1

Apr 6, 2008

At first the automatic update always tried to install the sp1 when i shut the computer down but it always failed, so i decided to download the service pack manually and install it cause i hoped problems with the windows calender, instant search(cant find anything)and the help&support would be solved. well they were not but not just that. right now every time i start the computer it tells me that i didnt activate my windows yet. so i have to type in the 25 number

long product key and wait for the online activation every time. really annoying. i tried almost everything uninstalling the update and many computer recovery tries but after uninstalling the update for like 1/2 - 1 h and restarting (without a activation needed) i tells me, sp1 was not uninstalled...............

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Can't Even Uninstall IE7

Oct 18, 2009

I was having so much trouble with IE loading (it took minutes not seconds) that I switched to Foxfire in the summer. However I still have to use IE for certain client sites. It was taking forever to load but then seemed OK. Now not only does it take several minutes to load it also has a very slow response time when I click on anything. Sometimes I have to click on a web page menu item twice just to get it to recognize I clicked. It's not my mouse/touchpad. It's not my internet connection (blazing fast on another). I have tried so many tools/checkers. I've deleted cookies, files, history. I've deselected all add-ons. Just to click on HOME takes forever to be recognized that I even selected it. It gets worse. I can't even uninstall IE7. It's not under the control panel as a program OR not listed as a an update. I've tried going to MS website to try a fresh download but can only get a download for XP (I have Vista). Does anyone have any links?

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Can't Uninstall IE8

Aug 17, 2009

I have been having problems opening attachments on my both my IE email and hotmail accounts. Have been putting off the problem because my life has been too busy to really deal with it. However after taking my head out of the sand I am desperately trying to figure out what is going on. I have read a gazillion (give or take a few) discussions about this. I have tried to download another browser however I find that I can not download anything. It goes through the motions but I can never find anything on my computer even after doing a search. Some say it is IE8 and to uninstall this. I have looked and can not find any place to uninstall IE8..if in fact that is what I have. Everything I see just says number after it.

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Can't Uninstall

Jul 24, 2009

Recently I had a pretty bad virus on my computer. I sent it to someone and he removed various trojans and installed his recommended virus-protection softwares on it. It's not a result of him doing anything to it, as it was happening before, I assume as a result of the virus, but now when I log on, after typing in my password, it displays the 'welcome' loading screen for a ridiculously long time (about a minute), but then the screen goes completely black and all I see is my pointer. After another minute or two it actually loads the desktop.

Then there's Fraps and some other programs, which, before the virus, opened fine, but now asks for admin permission in order to open. What's even stranger is that it can't uninstall. When I start the uninstall process it just opens the 'uninstall' window and gets stuck there. My computer also seems to be slower than usual. Everything seems so messed up, should I just totally wipe my hard drive and reinstall everything? Most of my files are stored through Steam, which is mainly online, so I only have about 10 gigabytes of saved files to back up...

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How To Uninstall DX9

Oct 31, 2008

I loaded up a brand new install yesterday and installed all of this in the following order. I let windows install SP1 thru windows updates online. I normally use the 700+mb vistax64wave0.exe (5 language offline installer package). Everything was working fantastic with this, until...The very last thing I installed after everything SP1 + All windows updates were completely done was DirectX Aug 2008 Redist. Now my system is sluggish and my games run very slow and produce mouse lag which didn't exist until I installed this. My thoughts on this was, hey newer drivers and fixes are always better right? WRONG! What a nightmare every since I installed this directx aug 2008 redist. I need to know how to remove DX9, so I can use the web updater without affecting the DX10 aspect of the vista OS. Something that was packaged inside of the redist has caused me major software conflicts. I only updated directx for gaming, is it even worth it to update directx?

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Uninstall Program

Apr 17, 2009

Normally when I uninstall a program I go into control
panel/programs-features and uninstall it. I tried to uninstall Forte
Agent(email program) and got the message "could not open INSTALL.LOG file".

There has to be another way to uninstall a program. I also have 2 programs
listed in programs-features that when I try to uninstall tells me it is no
longer located on computer. Help me fellows!

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Cant Uninstall Game

Oct 8, 2009

They tell me to uninstall from the control panel. ie go to START,CONTROL PANEL,PROGRAMS etc. so i've highlighted it in the list-normally i would just click UNINSTALL but they tell me to only use the copy/paste method. How do i do this.? I only know how to copy/paste my registration key in to the initial download,never ever done it before so i'm not clear on how i do it while the title is in the list amongst everything else.

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Uninstall The McAfee

Aug 11, 2009

The new ACER compuer has McAfee Antivirus suite installed. I can't find a way to uninstall it. Any way to do it?

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Uninstall And Reinstall XP

Apr 30, 2008

What do I need to do to Uninstall Vista and reinstall XP?

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Uninstall And Go Back To XP MBR

Apr 22, 2008

I want to go back to XP MBR. I have recovery xp disks saved the first time i used the computer

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Uninstall Photoshop Cs3

Jun 10, 2008

I installed photoshop cs3 on xp last month on my drive D: then i installed windows vista home basic on my pc. Now i need to get rid of Adobe Photoshop CS3 but i cant see any unsinstaller in the folder or in control panel. Is there a method for manually (safely) unistall programs on vista?

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Cannot Uninstall SP1Beta

Mar 23, 2008

I installed SP1 Beta which resulted in a BSOD and corrupted something somewhere that wouldn't allow me to connect to the internet (even using the connection wizard). I have tried to uninstall (as previously recommended) the SP1 without success. It always fails to uninstall and does the "reverting changes" thing.

I have tried the uninstall in safe mode, removed all my AV and non-essential programs to complete the uninstall but nothing. Is there any other way in which I can uninstall the SP1 Beta without going through the normal means?

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Norton> Uninstall

Apr 13, 2008

How would properly uninstall Norton Internet Security 2008 so he can use AVG?

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