How Do Delete Sent Item

May 6, 2008

I have sent a file that is too large and keep getting an errir message that it is trying to sent it. How can I delete this file? I saw my grandson show me how to pull up a bunch of files that have not been sent but the hand is quicker than the eye and I don't know hot to get back there and how to delete the largest file.

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Item Stuck In Outbox : Can Not Send Or Delete Or Move

Apr 2, 2008

Message in my outbox. When I try to send get error message. It is also keeping other messages from being sent. message I get is: Message could not be displayed Windows Mail encountered an unexpected problem while displaying this message. Check your computer for low memory or low disk space and try again. My computer is only 2 weeks old, Vista system, not enought items on it to cause low memory or low disk space.

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"secret" RECYCLER Directory: Cannot Delete Item

Mar 28, 2008

one time I accidently deleted some family photos from my computer and before I realized I had deleted them I had emptied my desktop recycle bin. I looked arond online and found a way to navigate DOSs' "secret" RECYCLER directory and had to manually fish out my files. Apperantly windows keeps a copy of EVERYTHING I have EVER deleted....Shouldn't this not happen?!?

Furthermore I dont know how to delete them from this "ghost" directory. What if I want to sell my computer or it gets stolen; I dont want some punk kid to jack all the files I thought I deleted! This scenario occured on a Dell running WinXP, this directory also shows up on my Dell XPS running WinVISTA

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Sent Messages Are Not Put Into Sent Item

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently encountered a situation where sent messages randomly are not put into the Sent Items folder of Windows Mail even though that option is checked in my Options settings. This problem never occurred until about two days ago. I have unchecked and rechecked this option and rebooted the PC, but no resolution.

As I said it occurs randomly, but more often than not. For example, I can send several test messages to the same receipient that correctly get put into the Sent Items folder, and then without changing any settings whatsoever one to the same receipient does not get placed there.

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Retrieve Sent Item

Mar 6, 2009

when I went to my draft file and clicked on the draft, it sent itself. Now I'd like to get it back. Is there any way?

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Is There Easy Way To Select More Than One Item?

Apr 28, 2008

Is there an easy way to select more than one item when trying to copy picture files to an email or website for sending over the internet? I remember I used to be able to select the first item and hold down the ctl or shift key select the end item and all the items inbetween would be highlighted for copy? Now, with windows vista, I have to click each one and sometimes it won't even let me do that, I have to do one at a time, depending on what I am doing.

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Burn Another Item It Tells Me The DVD Is Full

May 3, 2010

One of my recording and burning devices is a DVD RW It does not matter what I put in a DVD I can only burn one item If I try to burn another item it tells me the DVD is full

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Sart Menu Item Icon

Apr 23, 2009

I have a program (.exe) that I pinned to the start menu but it displays a generic icon and not the one that it shows in Explorer.

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Copy File: Item Not Found

May 11, 2008

I have a 4gb Kingston Flash Drive, and when i try to copy some file which are large in size such as anything greater than 400 mb (movie) i get an error: "Could Not Find This Item. This item is no longer located in (directory) Verify the Items locations and try again." However i have verified that the file (movie) is there and works, however i have gotten this error after several attempts, i have tried reformatting the flash drive. Also i have changed the security settings for the that folder and have checked the Full Control icon, however i still get the same error.

I would also like to mention is when i copy something such as some pictures which are less than 100mb they do transfer fine. Also when i transfer something from my external hard drive to the flash drive such a Movie (does not matter the size) it also transfers, so there is something wrong with the settings on the computer, however i am unsure what it is.

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Deleting Unused Item From Startup List. Possible?

Aug 19, 2009

I have an unused item (the program has been uninstalled) in my Startup list.

I'm just wondering if it's possible to delete it from the list?

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Startup Item: Microsoft Operating System

Jan 17, 2009

I recently have noticed a unusuall startup item on msconfig called: Microsoft Operating System. Its never been there before? What would be the effects if i unchecked it!!? Do u know if its a virus?? How can i send it for checking or anything like that,

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How To Remove Orphan Start Menu Item

Mar 23, 2008

I uninstalled a program through the Control Panel -> Programs and Features. This seemed to remove all signs of the application from the C:Program Files folder, but I was left with the application with sub folders on the Start Menu/All Programs. Since I didn't need this anymore, I tried right clicking on it and selected Delete - this resulted in a dialog 'You need to confirm this operation - Continue/Skip/Cancel' - I selected Continue - the dialog box disappears but nothing else happens - the menu entries remained.

Looking through various Vista newsgroups, I found a 'Take Ownership' registry thing - I installed this. Retrying the above and after 'Taking Ownership' of the start menu entry (entries), has exactly the same results - the references to the application still remain.

Next I tried search for the application name and this led me to the folder 'ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms' and I tried Delete there both without then with the Take Ownership - still the same dialog which when clicking Continue results in no action...........

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Remove Item From Auto Play Menu

Dec 21, 2008

I have removed Power DVD, I have also removed registry entries. But on the Auto Play option its still showing but its invaild is there anyway to remove it from the list?

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Context Menu Item Do Not Disappear: Sticks On The Screen

Jan 11, 2010

Frequently when using the contextual menu, I experiment the following problem : context menu appears correctly but one element of the context menu sticks on the screen. The only solution I found to make it disappear is to reboot! I have attached a file to illustrate the problem.

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Disable Start-up Item: Automatically Starts Searching For A Network

May 15, 2010

When i start up my Computer (Acer Aspire 5738G-644G32MN) he automatically starts searching for a network. To stop it, i have to push the button on the left top of the keyboard that sits under the power button.I am looking for a method to disable this.

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Restore Previous Versions Menu Item Missing/hidden?

May 12, 2008

In Windows Vista Inside Out chapter 7 section "Restoring Files and Folders with Previous Versions" it states, "To see what previous versions are available for a file or folder, right-click the item in Windows Explorer and choose Restore Previous Versions." When I right-click a file or folder (with frequent changes over time) in Windows Explorer, I can't find anything labelled "Restore Previous Versions".

I have "Show hidden files and folders" checked and "Hide protected operating system files" unchecked in Folder Options, and I opened Windows Explorer using "Run as Administrator". How do I get to see the "Restore Previous Versions" menu item?

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Vista Service Pack 1: Show Up As A Specific Item In Update History?

May 15, 2008

Is Vista Service Pack 1 supposed to show up as a specific item in update history? Nothing is showing up in mine

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Write Space In The File Name: "Could Not Find This Item"

Jun 11, 2008

this is the second time I can't delete a 0 kb file off my desktop. Vista tells me that it doesn't exist, but it's there on my desktop. I've tried several things, restarting, deleting in safe mode, deleting via cmd (as administrator), deleting as another user and lots more. And unfortunately Unlocker doesn't support Vista 64.
Last time it happened I successfully deleted it in the cmd, but this time it simply won't. I wanted to try to take ownership, but I don't know how to write space in the file name (when deleting I use "", but it can't do so when taking ownership).

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Delete Broswsing History Does Not Delete Favorite History

May 15, 2010

I can delete my browsing history but it dosen't delete my favorite history. I don't want to delete my favorite list, just the history from when I access my favorite sites. Also how do I stop pages from auto loading. When I leave my pc on, when I get back to it I noticed other sites have automactically loaded. These ere sites my grandson went out to. I really don't have a need to go out to ninja turtle sites. I have tried everything I know to correct the above two issues but can't.

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With XP Want To Delete

Aug 19, 2009

I have a dell dimension E310 it came with window xp home edition, and I decided to install vista home premiun in the disk partition, so i used to have the two os i my pc, but I preferred only used vista and I formatted the disk partition and install vista in the hard drive primary C to only have one os the problem is when I turn on the pc the second vista apear in the screen and want to delete that ..

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Delete Xp In HDD?

Dec 17, 2008

Today I reinstall my vista coz i upgrade my pc. I Upgade my Mobo, Cpu, Ram But bcoz my vista ultimate is VISTA ULTIMATE UPGRADE I need to also install Operating System before I upgrade to ultimate. I use my old Hdd w/ two partition. ONLY files and programs and saved games (no OS). After the first OS I install (XP pro sp1) then I upgrade it to Vista ultimate Upgrade. Now, I have Dual boot problem. I need to delete the xp coz I dont really it.

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Cannot Delete

Jan 17, 2009

Not sure if this belongs here but i recently downloaded a "copy" of a program.....i know i know sketchy. anyway ive been trying to delete it. everything in the folder except the actual setup application will delete. this will not. ive tried changing the security features to undo read only as administrator but as soon as i do it goes back to read only. no virus detected with bitdefender 09. just want to get rid of it.

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Time To Delete

Feb 12, 2009

I have previously posted regarding the large volume of bits and pieces that
are under my (user) folder on the drive. 89,000 plus. All of this came about
by trying to restore from a backup created from a Windows Vista Ultimate
computer. My new one, at present is Windows Vista Home Premium.

I finally figured how to sort the files by file type (not set up that way as
in XP). When I set about to delete a thousand or so, it never seems to

Is there a way to speed this operation up? I have now spent 5 hours at it.

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Why Cant I Delete Certain Files

Apr 19, 2009

When I try to delete certain files it tells me I need permission, does anyone know why this is?

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How To Delete Backup?

Dec 24, 2009

I kept on getting a bootmgr message so I just reverted back to Vista Home premium 64-bit and I only have 191 GB free of 580 GB. I believe most of it is in the backup in C drive but I can't delete any of it. Its keep saying "This folder is shared with other people. If you delete this folder, it will no longer be shared. Continue" and when I click continue it says the same thing. Then when I click continue again it says "destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action". How do I delete it?

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How Can I Delete An Old Backup?

Jan 2, 2009

I use an external hard drive for backups, and I back up once a week. One of the old backups allows the restoration of a document that I want permanently deleted from my system. I wanted to delete the backup for that date to eliminate that possibility, and I deleted the backup's folder in the external hard drive (disk F, but Vista's "Backup and Restore Center" still allows the backup for that date and the restoration of the file I want permanently deleted. I can't find the backup's folder in Windows.

How can I delete the old backup from Vista's "Backup and Restore Center"? If that's not possible, how can I prevent the restoration of the file I want permanently deleted?

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File Will Not Delete!

May 15, 2008

I downloaded a demo called Overclocked using ReGet Deluxe. When downloaded it comes as a Zip file which also had a file accompanying it. This is the file that I cannot delete. The extension says it’s a zip file but in properties it just says File as a file type & a size of 0 bytes. It’s located in my storage drive “D” When trying to delete the message I get is: This is no longer located in D:. Verify the item’s location and try again. Cannot move, rename or send to? It just comes up with the same message as above. UAC is disabled. Tried Unlocker but doesn’t work on Vista x64. (worked superb in XP) Used Regseeker and removed any traces that came up with. (Works ok in Vista but not 100% stable?) Tried Regedit and removed all traces of Overclocked in there. here is got to be a way of removing files like this without everyone’s solution of formatting. Surly it’s not as drastic as that?

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Cannot Delete In Win Explorer

Mar 9, 2009

For the past 2 days I have been unable to delete files from my computer. When I try to delete a file, I get a message that Windows Explorer has stopped working, followed by the message that Windows Explorer is restarting. Also, using System Information I cannot get information about my system; I get the message: "Can't Collect Information." My HP Pavilion computer had been running flawlessly until 2 days ago. I tried using System Restore, but System Restore fails to restore back any day I choose. My system was running Vista Home Premium with SP1.

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Cannot Delete A File ..

Apr 29, 2009

I have a Vista Ultimate x64, which I reinstalled a few days ago. I also have a large drive(D:), where I keep some of my software, which i don't use regularly or which does not require a performance of my main RAID 0 (C:) setup.

Before reinstallation I didn't remove old software from drive D:. Didn't think I had to, afterall it's not the first reinstall that i'm doing and it would be kind of stupid. Anyways, to the point...

I have a folder "D:Program Files (x86)" with a bunch of software. I was able to delete all of it manually, but a few folders, created by adobe acrobat.

I am logged in as Administrator (actual administrator, not user with admin. perm.)

UAC is disabled

Drive is owned by this acct.

I was able to delete everything manually inside "AdobeAcrobat", but "D:Program Files (x86)AdobeAcrobat 9.0ResourceCMap" just would not delete, getting a "You need permission to perform this action" message.

Folders and Files are set as "Read Only" and when i'm trying to uncheck, i'm getting "You will need to provide Administrator permission to change these attributes" message, after clicking "Continue" i'm getting "An error occured applying attributes to the file" "...filename..." "Access is denied".

I have an Acrobat 8.0 folder from like a year and a half ago, which does the same thing......

All Files have "RA" in the attributes section of the details tab and Owner is "SYSTEM"

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Cannot Delete A File

Jan 21, 2009

im having a similar problem but nothings working so far
a) cant delete it - says "could not find this item. this is no longer located in _____. Verify the items location and try again.
b) downloaded the take ownership reg and i right click, take ownership, try to delete, gives me same error saying cant find file
c) i right click, properties, go to security, and it says "the requested security information is either unavailable or cant be displayed"

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