How Disable Security Setting?

May 29, 2008

I need to disable any security setting which may block an Adobe Flash Player 9 based program from receiving updates.

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Disable The Security Setting

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless network of 4 computers. 2 x XP desktops 1 x XP laptop and a new Vista desktop. These are networked via a Belkin router. I have absolutely no problems with the network when it is open, however as soon as I enable security settings I encounter problems. The printer (which is conected to the Vista machine, although visible, is not able to be accessed by the XP machines, both Vista and XP machines although showing that they are able to access files on each other do not. As soon as I disable the security settings and become an Open network straight away all three XP machines can print through the Vista machine and I can access and move files around the network no probs. I have had the Vista machine for 9 days now and have spent about 6 hours each day attempting to sort one problem after another out, I have had it back to the technicians at the shop twice for them to resolve simple problems for me and I am getting very frustrated by this whole Vista thing.

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Disable Security Settings

Aug 11, 2009

I just got a new laptop running Vista Home Premium x64, and it's my first experience with both Vista and an x64 OS. I've changed the security settings in IE7 to a custom level, and now I get the notification bar saying "Your current security settings put your computer at risk. etc." I know this can be disabled via gpedit.mcs but of course Vista Home doesn't include that feature. So, a couple questions. Nobody here seems to know much about getting GPedit to work in Vista Home, so I won't even touch that. However, I did see mention of the Microsoft speadsheet that lists all the various group policy settings and their corresponding registry entries. I found the "Disable Security Settings Check Feature" entry, but now I'm not sure what to do with it.

HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSecurity!DisableSecuritySettingsCheck
HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSecurity!DisableSecuritySettingsCheck

I can navigate to the Microsoft folder in regedit, but that's where the trail ends. Do I need to create a key or something? I don't have much experience with the registry, and I really want this notification bar gone.

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Disable ALL Security On Vista System

May 14, 2008

I want to disable ALL security on my Vista System. I don't want any passwords. I want every file visible/readable/writable/executable by ANYBODY who happens onto my network.
I don't want any firewalls. I don't want any antivirus. I don't want any automatic updates of any kind to anything. I don't want any popups asking for permission to do anything. I'd rather not have all the bloat and duplication in folders for different users. I want a single-user system and to be administrator of all things. Yes, I'll put some tiny subset of this back with third-party tools THAT I CONTROL. I've been poking around fixing up one issue after another...but it's a task. Is this info all in one place? Or better yet, a magic incantation to remove ALL of it in one fell swoop?

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How Do I Disable The Security Center Notice About My UAC Being Off

Apr 16, 2008

Every single time I log in to Windows, that bloody little pop-up comes in the notification area saying that my UAC is off and that this is a horrible problem.I know it's off. I turned it off. Why the hell would I be unaware of that?

So my question is, how do I stop that annoying notice coming up every single time I start Windows?

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How To Disable Security Center - Windows

Jan 15, 2010

After recently downloading recommended updates to my Windows Vista Ultimate system when I use MS I.E. to browse I get a red screen with the warning "Personal Security Alert New Data Base Update is Available. Viruses Detected on your PC. Following this is a signup sheet to subscribe ($$) to their Personal Security System. I can't get away from this screen without starting over with IE and once again the same thing happens! My ISP gives me a free McAfee Firewall and Virus Detection System which I have installed. I have turned off MS firewall and Anti Virus System. McAfee has scanned my system and reported it is clean.

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Setting Up A Security On My Wireless Router

Mar 23, 2008

I am attempting to set up Wireless network security. I have the following equipment: Netgear wireless router Comcast Arris modem which connects internet, telephone and cable Dell Dimension running Vista Home Basic (connected to router via cable) Dell Dimension running Windows XP (wireless connected) IBM ThinkPad running Windows XP (wireless connected) My goal is to secure my wireless connection from outside intrusion. What steps should I take to set this up? Since one of my desk tops is running wirelessly should I set up the security via that PC?

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Security Setting Not Allow File To Be Downloaded

Mar 23, 2008

I have recieved a security alert saying "security setting wii not allow this file to be downloaded. I have tried many times to correct this problem and must admit defeat.

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Disable Security Center Windows Defender

Mar 23, 2008

I have vista 64 bit home premium. I have disabled UAC because I find it to be highly annoying. Another thing I find highly annoying is; no matter how much I try to stop it; vista always seems to think I am a moron and sets EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY FILES to read only. Now I heard if you disable security center/windows defender you can un-readonly everything. I tried that; didnt work; yes I reset to make it active. Then I reactivated them; still didnt work. I tried a document on how to manually turn off Read Only; but even then it didnt work. Once; I dont know how; I managed to turn it off; but every single time that I installed something new it went to read only. It is REALLY annoying; and I swear this is pissing me off something chronic. I cant be a heavy computer user when I cant even do basic system operations since vista seems to think I am a straight jacket. Belive me though; if I dont find a way to turn it off; this computer will be dead and I will be in a striahgt jacket. I want either a way to EFFING TURN THIS OFF. or a patch offical or unoffical I DONT CARE I just want this read only stuff OFF. Now if you think I am overacting. It is hard to live with winamp constantly not showing your last playlist; or opera showing pages you had open when I first transfered the config files across. Trying to change settings on open source programs that refuse to change thanks to this ahem of a system that I cant disactivate. When I do; it turns itself BACK ON .

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Disable Password Protected Sharing Security Settings

Mar 23, 2008

I am an MCSE and would consider myself pretty savy overall, but this particular problem (which exists in my home network) has me frustrated. I have a PC running Vista Ultimate x64. Attached to that PC (via USB) is a HP Photosmart C3180. My wife's laptop is running XP Professional x86. I am trying to allow her to print to the printer attached to my Vista x64 PC.

I install the printer properly and confirm it working on my Vista x64 PC. I then share it out under the name HPC3180. I disable password protected sharing and under the security settings of the printer I give "Anonymous Logon" permission to access the printer. I know generally I would have to specify the x86 version of the driver under the "Additional Drivers" area in the properties of the printer; but in this case I do not know where to get the .INF files. I can download the drivers for the 32 bit version of XP from HP's site, but they aren't self extracting EXE files so I cannot get the INF file out of them to use. I even tried setting it up (on XP x86 laptop) as a "Local Printer" with a "Local Port" that points the printer. I then tried to use a variety of older and generic drivers. At worst it refused to print entirely. At best I got some sort of seemingly random output from the printer.

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Windows Mail Sending: Trying With New Security Setting Account:..

Mar 8, 2009

I can receive mail but cannot send it. The latest error message is: Subject 'trying with new security setting', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '250 SIZE 30720000', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number: 0x800CCC7D.

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How To Disable Open File - Security Warning Dialog Box In Windows?

May 24, 2008

Every time I want to open a .url file using the customized Links menu on the deskbar (channel bar), I get a dialog box with a security warning message "Do you want to open this file?" How do I disable this security warning dialog box from popping up? I am confident my Avast! virus definitions will detect and intercept any virus or spyware attached to any url before the file is opened, so I really don't need this feature, it is annoying.

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How To Disable Windows Mail And Windows Security

Mar 23, 2008

At the moment im having trouble connecting to the server.. I have the internet connected.. Everytime i want to check my mail now i have to keep re entering my my password.. And the security thing keeps poping up and just wont connect.. How do I disable that??

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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Concistency Check: "replace Invalid Security Id With Default Security Id For File

Jun 29, 2009

My computer is running the concistency check. It's at stage 3 and when it's almost complete it's starts to "replace invalid security Id with default security id for file ******" it's been doing this for a while now and I was wondering what I can do to speed it up. It's currently at 170000, and if I try to restart the computer the login screen will not load if I skip the disk check.

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Using Kaspersky As My Internet Security And In Past I Have Used Norton Security Suite

Dec 2, 2008

I got Vista 32 bit installed on my laptop. I work from Internet And need a good firewall and security suite which can protect my computer from trojen and malewars and hackers. Currently i am using kaspersky as my internet security and in past i have used Norton Security suite, In Both I have noticed getting too much of hacking attempts 3/hr.

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"incorrect Security Information, WEP Security Required"

Mar 23, 2008

I have purchased a netgear wireless adapter to connect to my work supplier router. the router is set up with WPA-PSK and TKIP security, and is set not to broadcast. I have set up a network account with the correct details. My system does connect to the network, however, in the network screen the network is shown as "incorrect security information, WEP security required"

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How To Disable DEP

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop, which I know has nothing to do problem just thought I say what I have. Every time I go deeper into web pages or click on additonal links within a web the DEP shuts down Internet Explorer and will not take me into where I want to go, It does this on any all sites. Ones that I fully trust to ones that maybe could be a issue but I know are not. Can someone help with this issue or tell me how to disable DEP.

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Disable The Alt Tab

Mar 24, 2008

Is there a way to disable the Alt-Tab feature when running full screen games? I use alt and tab to perform functions in game and tab out when i cross them. I know there was a way in XP.

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Disable DEP?

Dec 14, 2009

How can I disable DEP?

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Cannot Disable UAC,

May 15, 2010

I'm on Vista x64 Home Premium (SP1), and I have a problem. When my laptop got shipped with Vista, I disabled UAC on the spot because of various software incompatibility. Recently I have been led to enable it again because of some failing software. It didn't solve the problem and thus I decided to disable it again. However, this time, when I go on to User Accounts and I click on the "Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off", it brings up the popup that asks me whether I want to proceed. I click "Yes", expecting the dialog box to show up so that I can successfully disable the UAC. But the dialog box never came up. The UAC popup just closed and the computer remained motionless. I tried rebooting, and manually deactivating UAC using command-line prompts which yielded "Access Denied".

And now, I cannot use my computer effectively, as most of my software is uncompatible with UAC and fails to run. Is there any way to fix this ? I only have one account that is being marked as Administrator, and it seems quite strange that I can't set UAC back off again. Google search didn't help me a lot either - most links only tell me how to actually disable it, which fails on my system....

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Disable Superfetch?

Mar 28, 2009

if it is advisable to disable superfetch??, and if so, will it improve overall performance?

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Disable Parts Of Uac

Jun 14, 2008

Is it plausible to disable parts of UAC? this because I hate the parts -blocked startupprograms (in dutch geblokkeerde opstartprogramma's) -'are you sure you want to proceed'-messages (weet u zeker dat u hiermee door wilt gaan) , but the other parts are very usefull. so is it plausible to disable these parts? the only thing I know is how to disable the whole UAC.

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Need To Disable Fashion

Sep 6, 2009

I have a problem with a customer experience program that always ask me if i want to participate in customer experience.....i will say no but then after a few days or few weeks it pops up asking the same thing again. I want to know how i can disable this program or remove it so i wont be bothered with it any more.

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How To Disable Updates

Nov 8, 2008

Everything was relatively hunky dory until a recent update which prevented my machine from booting. I went to system restore, and it worked. Tried the update again with the same result, and again I did a system restore. Clearly this update is a problem for me. Can anyone tell me how to disable updates?

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Is Possible To Disable The Box With Definitions

Oct 12, 2009

I pass the mouse over a word (or my contact list) the definition of that word, along with the word in other languages pops up in a box...most of the time covering the part I am reading. This is extremely annoying. If I want to know the meaning of a word I can look it up. It is not necessary to know the meaning of each and every word the mouse passes over!! Can I disable this feature?

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Disable HD Audio?

Jun 6, 2008

I recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista on. It supports HD audio, and came with Realtek HD Audio Drivers. I do however only have 2 "normal" speakers -- no surround equipment or anything like that at all. And I think the audio sounds weird now, compared with my old PC, which did not have this "HD Audio" thing. Is there any way to go back to plain old audio? Maybe it can be done in the Realtek HD Audio confguration in the Control Panel?

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Disable Ctrl+F4?

Jun 4, 2008

I am currently doing an online course which includes some Flash animations. At one point, they want me to press Ctrl+F4 to proceed with the animations. However, this key combinations seems to have already been assigned to closing active window. How can I disable Ctrl+F4?

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Disable TrustedInstaller?

Mar 23, 2008

I've seen posts for months about what a piece of crap TrustedInstaller is. It constantly goes out, buries the CPU, and otherwise makes Vista totally useless. Of my list of 100 annoyances about Vista, this has to be the 1. Is there any way to shut this off? I'm not one of those NOOBS incapable of doing my own updates, why does MS deem fit to kill my machine and check for updates so often?

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Touch Pad Disable?

Jan 31, 2009

I have an Asus laptop. How can I disable the touch pad.

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X64: Disable Sleep?

Jun 24, 2008

My computer goes to sleep on its on while, I am using it. How do I completely disable the sleep feature of Vista x64 Ultimate? I have already disabled, hybrid sleep (power options). and hibernate (powercfg -h off in command). I want to completely disable sleep? I tried finding it in BIOS could not find it and no other place.

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