X64: Disable Sleep?

Jun 24, 2008

My computer goes to sleep on its on while, I am using it. How do I completely disable the sleep feature of Vista x64 Ultimate? I have already disabled, hybrid sleep (power options). and hibernate (powercfg -h off in command). I want to completely disable sleep? I tried finding it in BIOS could not find it and no other place.

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Disable Sleep Feature?

Jul 29, 2009

I have win vista ultimate 32bit. I want to disable Sleep feature to reclaim 1.50 gb on my system drive (because I have 1.50 gb of ram) of space consumed by its hibernation file. tell me how to do I have tried to disable it but to no avail.

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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My PC Won't Sleep!

May 22, 2008

I have had problems with Vista not sleeping before and had fixed the issue however, i installed a new video card yesterday and now my PC won't sleep again!

I press sleep it goes to sleep, then 2 seconds later it kicks back in and loads up again! The only thing i have changed since it was working was the video card (Geforce 8600GT).

I have done all the standard changes to keyboard/mouse, network adaptor, media sharing etc etc but still no joy!

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Won't Sleep

Jun 4, 2008

I've had Vista Home Premium on a new desktop PC for about 6 weeks now. Instead of shutting down most of the time I have set it to sleep. In "Sleep" the fan does not stop running and I doubt the hard drive stops spinning, the light in the front of the computer does not flash but stays on, the keyboard light stays on and the only effect "Sleep" seems to have is make me have toreenter my password. When I do that "wakeup" there is no sound change and I don't think my PC has ever really slept. I've tried all the configurations in Power Options. I have no option to hibernate.

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HD's Go To Sleep

May 31, 2009

I have my power setting set to high performance and also the HD sleep is set to never. Still though after 10 mins of not using the comp, the HD's go to sleep and it takes like 10 secs for my computer to load the hard drives after waiting for them to start up again.

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How To Disable DEP

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop, which I know has nothing to do problem just thought I say what I have. Every time I go deeper into web pages or click on additonal links within a web the DEP shuts down Internet Explorer and will not take me into where I want to go, It does this on any all sites. Ones that I fully trust to ones that maybe could be a issue but I know are not. Can someone help with this issue or tell me how to disable DEP.

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Disable The Alt Tab

Mar 24, 2008

Is there a way to disable the Alt-Tab feature when running full screen games? I use alt and tab to perform functions in game and tab out when i cross them. I know there was a way in XP.

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Disable DEP?

Dec 14, 2009

How can I disable DEP?

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Cannot Disable UAC,

May 15, 2010

I'm on Vista x64 Home Premium (SP1), and I have a problem. When my laptop got shipped with Vista, I disabled UAC on the spot because of various software incompatibility. Recently I have been led to enable it again because of some failing software. It didn't solve the problem and thus I decided to disable it again. However, this time, when I go on to User Accounts and I click on the "Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off", it brings up the popup that asks me whether I want to proceed. I click "Yes", expecting the dialog box to show up so that I can successfully disable the UAC. But the dialog box never came up. The UAC popup just closed and the computer remained motionless. I tried rebooting, and manually deactivating UAC using command-line prompts which yielded "Access Denied".

And now, I cannot use my computer effectively, as most of my software is uncompatible with UAC and fails to run. Is there any way to fix this ? I only have one account that is being marked as Administrator, and it seems quite strange that I can't set UAC back off again. Google search didn't help me a lot either - most links only tell me how to actually disable it, which fails on my system....

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Monitor Goes To Sleep

Sep 28, 2009

Recently I have bought a gaming PC, and after a few hours of such
gaming, my monitor goes to sleep, the PC is still running and I can
still be playing my game. just without a monitor!

The only way to get the monitor to work is to restart the PC.

Any ideas what the problem could be? At first I suspected an
overheating Graphics card, but could it be other things? could it be a
RAM problem? what could cause this? Has anyone else had this problem?

I would like to make it very clear that it is not a problem with Vista,
or its power settings, as the computer remains runnings. It is also very
unlikely to be the monitor as I bought it new yesterday.

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Periodically Seems Go To Sleep

Jun 3, 2008

I have 2 Dell XPS desktop PC's, both with duo 2.66 processors, 240 GB hard drives, and running Vista Home Premium. When going into Control Panel | Power Options, one of the PC's is showing all the sleep options for a battery powered laptop, and that's a LOT of options! I've attempted to set them all so that neither the PC nor any of its peripherals ever go into sleep mode, but periodically it still seems to go to sleep! I never have similar problems with the PC which Vista recognizes as being only a desktop. In order to fix this intermittent problem, first I have to let Vista know that the PC is not a laptop, but I haven't been able to find the parameter to do this.

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Wakes Up From Sleep At 4:am

Apr 9, 2008

I record TV programs with WMCenter using scheduled recording. This works fine also if I put PC in sleep mode, it wakes up and record. Vista goes back to sleep after recording but wakes up to do something at 4:am. Earlier this didn't happend, so there must be some new timed task. I can not find what it is fom "scheduled tasks".

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Won't Auto Sleep After SP1

Mar 23, 2008

I have three PCs in my house running Vista. Before installing SP1, allof them would routinely go to sleep automatically, as per the powermanagement settings. Since installing SP1, they continue running without ever going into sleep mode. I can still enter sleep mode manually, which works fine, it's just the automatic sleep that won't work.Only software in common across all three machines (other than Vista)is Office 2007 and Windows Live OneCare. Both were installed prior to installing SP1.

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No Shut Down After Sleep

Mar 28, 2009

I have a problem with the sleep mode. When I use my computer and when I shut it down, everything works fine, the computer turns off completely. When I use my computer and when I set it to sleep mode, everything works fine, the computer turns off , the fans aren't turning, the PC becomes silent. Pressing a key on the keyboard, or moving the mouse, will switch the computer on again, the wake up from sleep mode works OK.

The problem is when I want to shutdown after a wake up from sleep: the computer seems to go to sleep mode in a normal way, the monitor turns black, but then, the PC's case is still noisy, and the fans are still turning. In fact, it's like Windows has turned off, but not the PC. The only way I can turn it off completely is to keep the power button pressed for about 5 seconds. I'm sure the problem isn't here since the begining. I beleive this problems happens since I installed the Service Pack 1 of Vista.

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Put In Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2008

I was wondering if and when Vista is put in sleep mode, does it continue to accept updates as is explained on the Microsoft website? If this is true, then will email also download from the server if the Windows Mail program is left on and maximized and the DSL modem is left on? Because the modem runs hot I usually turn it off at night, along with the computer, but I'm having problems with the server, who returns email to senders because the server only allows a small amount of bandwidth to collect in each user's webmail box.

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Sp3 Sleep Can Not Wake Up

May 31, 2008

I can not stand 8800GT's 100% fan noice , so I order AC S1 (Rev2) heatsink to replace old one, replcace is good, the noice is down, and also control the temp to 43 degree, then the story comes: I find VISTA Home P 64 SP1 Can Sleep , but when I try to wake up , the PC , CPU(Fan), Hardisk , VedioCard fan start working , but the LCD have no signal, and Wireless Keybord and mouse does not work . I reinstall chip (MB)drivers and vedio card drivers ...still same problem. I change DELL 2407 to Philips 190P stll no siginal...

I change BIOS From S3 to S1 , yes, it can wake up, but I need S3 !!! I check the Device Manger, and find SYSTEM DEVICES -> PCI Bus Properties general say working properly, BUT resources menory range conflicts pls. see the picsorry it is Chinese ) :Powercfg /a says system support S3: I am sorry my OS is Chinese, but I can NOT find answer from China, pls. help, if you guys need transfer into English, just let me know!one more pic from DMF

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How To Keep From Locking From Sleep?

Jul 25, 2009

how I can keep my laptop from automatically locking itself when ever my screen saver goes up. Basically, what I'm trying to make my computer do is simple. My brother has an HP laptop (I have a Toshiba), when he opens up his laptop or restarts it from sleep mode or what ever, it automatically loads onto the desktop. For me, it loads up the choose-a-user page, in which there is only one user, and it claims it is "locked".

I have tried a few different things so far, I went to my screen saver settings, unchecked "On resume, display logon screen", then I tried going to the netplwiz program from the start menu, disabled "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.", hit apply, and since I don't have a password on my computer, and I hit OK. Vista even made me log off and back in to change this setting. And it is still locking the computer every time it goes into sleep or the laptop is closed.

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Fan Runs During Sleep?

Apr 13, 2008

I've just started using the sleep mode and everything appears to shutdown but the fan runs continually. From what I understand this probably means something is accessing the CPU, but what?

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Not Restart After Sleep

Mar 15, 2010

Have had pavillion dv9408nr home premium vista 32 notebook for 2 and a half years,no problems.Untill 3 days ago laptop would not restart after sleep. Lights on but screen black.Started to do the same when i try to boot up from cratch ,never done that before. Takes a few attempts to boot up. Updated the bios and a few drivers but still the same problem also tried a system restore never worked either.

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Sometimes Reboot From Sleep

Oct 16, 2008

Occasionally when I've been away from the computer for a short time and it goes into sleep mode (it`s set for 15 minutes), I can't bring up the display simply by hitting a key. I have to shut it down and restart. The boot button on the console will still be lit and I have to shut it down before I reboot. This probably happens about 30% of the time. The other 70% it comes back up with a key touch.

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Won't Go Into Standby/Sleep

Aug 5, 2009

My laptop wont go into standby/sleep all of a sudden. I click the button, screen goes black, sound turns off but all the lights stay on and dont go into that "blinking" status as it used to. Even the HP logo on the outside is still it up when it used to turn off when going into Sleep/Standby. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I have no active programs running, just on the desktop, with no HDD access occurring.

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My Computer Will Not Sleep

May 21, 2009

I have an HP desktop running Vista Home Premium 64 bit and every time I try to put it to sleep, it appears as if it will sleep, but bounces back to life after a few seconds. My sleep options are set for "allow computer to sleep when..." And I'm allowing my computer to sleep under any circumstances. I have all the current HP and Vista updates installed and my drivers are all up to date.

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Computer Will Not Go To Sleep

Mar 4, 2009

Several days ago my computer refuses to go to sleep. I click the 'sleep' buttom and the monitors go black and it appears that it is going to sleep, then the motherboard clicks back on and my desktops appear again. This is happening on both of my dual operating systems (Vista and Windows 7). So, is my motherboard defective?

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Disable Superfetch?

Mar 28, 2009

if it is advisable to disable superfetch??, and if so, will it improve overall performance?

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Disable Parts Of Uac

Jun 14, 2008

Is it plausible to disable parts of UAC? this because I hate the parts -blocked startupprograms (in dutch geblokkeerde opstartprogramma's) -'are you sure you want to proceed'-messages (weet u zeker dat u hiermee door wilt gaan) , but the other parts are very usefull. so is it plausible to disable these parts? the only thing I know is how to disable the whole UAC.

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Need To Disable Fashion

Sep 6, 2009

I have a problem with a customer experience program that always ask me if i want to participate in customer experience.....i will say no but then after a few days or few weeks it pops up asking the same thing again. I want to know how i can disable this program or remove it so i wont be bothered with it any more.

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How To Disable Updates

Nov 8, 2008

Everything was relatively hunky dory until a recent update which prevented my machine from booting. I went to system restore, and it worked. Tried the update again with the same result, and again I did a system restore. Clearly this update is a problem for me. Can anyone tell me how to disable updates?

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Is Possible To Disable The Box With Definitions

Oct 12, 2009

I pass the mouse over a word (or my contact list) the definition of that word, along with the word in other languages pops up in a box...most of the time covering the part I am reading. This is extremely annoying. If I want to know the meaning of a word I can look it up. It is not necessary to know the meaning of each and every word the mouse passes over!! Can I disable this feature?

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Disable HD Audio?

Jun 6, 2008

I recently bought a new PC with Windows Vista on. It supports HD audio, and came with Realtek HD Audio Drivers. I do however only have 2 "normal" speakers -- no surround equipment or anything like that at all. And I think the audio sounds weird now, compared with my old PC, which did not have this "HD Audio" thing. Is there any way to go back to plain old audio? Maybe it can be done in the Realtek HD Audio confguration in the Control Panel?

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Disable Ctrl+F4?

Jun 4, 2008

I am currently doing an online course which includes some Flash animations. At one point, they want me to press Ctrl+F4 to proceed with the animations. However, this key combinations seems to have already been assigned to closing active window. How can I disable Ctrl+F4?

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