Home Network: Access Is Limited Connectivity

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 computers at home both running XP SP2. One plugs directly into my Netgear router and the other is wireless. I recently bought a laptop withe Vista Home Premium. I was able to connect to the network before, but I think I accident;y changed something. It is now showing my network as a public network. It continually says "Identifying. Public Network)" in the Network and Sharing Center. Access is Limited connectivity. Also I am NOT able to access the Customize link in the NaS Center like I was before.

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Network Access: Limited Connectivity

Mar 23, 2008

After upgrading Vista Ultimate to SP1 two days ago, I noticed on the Taskbar that I'm getting a yellow Caution symbol on top of the Network Icon. My internet connection seems to be working correctly. I've tried resetting my Linksys router, removed and reinstalled Norton Internet Security 2008, upgraded my NIC drivers, (I'm using an ASUS P5K Deluxe motherboard with built-in networking.), tried the Network repair options, etc.

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Unidentifed Network - Limited Connectivity

Feb 20, 2009

Well basically last night my internet was running fine and when i woke up to turn it on i got Unidentifed Network - Limited Connectivity, I'm using my laptop's connection which is the same connection way as the other computer so i'm guessing there is somthing wrong with the desktop

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Limited Connectivity / Unknown Network

Apr 16, 2008

About 3 days ago I was downloading a file when I noticed the download had stopped half-way through. Thinking the router had frozen I unplugged the router to reset it, as I have done a hundred times before with no problem. After restarting the router Vista (Home Premium 32-bit SP1) stopped recognizing my home network (wired) and I started receiving a "Limited Connectivity" message. When I go into the Network & Sharing screen I see "Unknown Network". When I boot this same computer into Ubuntu (7.10) I can access my network and the internet. I also have a small Ubuntu server and Xbox 360 that can access the network just fine. This is definitely a Vista issue. After trying many, many suggestions (Unplug router, Reset router, IP refresh,...) from around the internet with no success, I purchased a new PCI Ethernet card (Netgear GA311) just to rule out a possible hardware issue. I unistalled the onboard lan in Vista and disabled it in the BIOS then installed the new card. No Luck, Same Problem. My router is a Netgear FWG114P. I have had this network for over a year with no issues and now, out of the blue, nothing. I tried re-entering the IP, Subnet, Default Gateway and DNS addresses for the ethernet adapter, NO LUCK. I did notice a strange issue when I ran "Ipconfig /all" The default gateway was shown as "". After re-entering the gateway address, the gateway was listed as "" with my gateway address listed below.

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Lost Network Connection: Unidentified Ntework Limited Connectivity

Aug 21, 2009

I lost connection thinking it was the laptop i tried switching off the wireless card and deleting teh settings however it did not help. I only realised i had just lost connection completely. Now every time i connect i get unidentified ntework limited connectivity.

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Networking Connection: "limited Network Connectivity."

Jan 29, 2009

I've been having this issue with Vista for over a year now. I just recently reformatted my machine AND bought a new PCI network card (I thought maybe the problem might be related to the onboard network port/driver) and the issue still persists.

This is a nasty one. My network connection simply cuts out at random times. By random I mean I'll be connected between 15 or so minutes to up to 2 or 3 days before the problem occurs. My network icon down in the task tray will show a yellow exclaimation with the message "limited network connectivity." The only way to fix this is to reboot. What's worse is that there are no errors in thrown in any of the Event Viewer logs.

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Network Connectivity Name Server Access

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Dell with Vista running on it. we connected it to the university network and are not able to get any browser to find any web site. I open a command line and do a ping both with ip address numbers and via name and ping works fine so there is network connectivity and name server access. I can't find any answer to why the browser will not work. I have tried the microsoft browser and mozilla neither will work. Does any one have any ideas? I am a nubie to Vista. but pretty well versed in 2000 and XP.

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Limited Or No Connectivity Revisited

Sep 26, 2009

I know there are several threads like this on the vista forums, but the postmaster recommended a new thread so i am kindly obliging. I have the same ****ty problem many before me have had. One peeerty day I turned on my Vista comp, and all of a sudden my wireless connection had stopped working. Limited or no connectivity was the message I got. So I fired up my notebook, running with XP - same thing. Limited or no connectivity. Only when I did diagnose problem on my XP it did precisely that. and the problem was gone............

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Limited Connectivity Or No Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have 2 laptops that are running Vista and get this message numerious times. I also have 2 Windows XP pc's on the same network. Why do the Vista pc's keep having this issue. My Linksys wireless router is setup with no restictions so I can get this problem fixed.

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When Downloading - Limited Or No Connectivity

Jul 23, 2008

I'm on Vista Ultimate x32. I connect to my internet wirelessly using a Linksys USB adapter. When I'm downloading something my internet stops working, downloads top and it says limited or no connectivity - so I have to disconnect from the network, unplug the USB Adapter and then re-plug it in and then it connects.

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Limited Wireless Connectivity

Mar 23, 2008

My Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-05 (Running Vista Home premium) was working fne on a wireless network through a BT Wireless home hub. It did automatic updates and since then has connection problem reporting "limited Connectivity" what does this mean and how can I cure this problem? It seems to be the same if I connect through the Wireless or direct on the hub Lan connection.

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Limited Internet Connectivity Via ICS

Mar 23, 2008

I m trying to resolve limited internet connectivity via ICS. My Vista 64bit Ultimate notebook connects directly to a wireless network, from which it gets internet connectivity. I can visit any webpage and see all network devices, so things seem to be working great on the server side.

My other computer, the ICS client, runs 32bit XP pro and is set up to connect to the internet through my notebook. Between the two PCs is a spare buffalo WHR-HP-G54. I can see all network devices, but it fails to connect to most websites. It will display Google and *some* pages from Time Warner Cable, but I cannot get to Wiki pages, my favorite forums, or download updates for anything on my desktop PC. Based on the status bar of my browser, which usually gets as far as "Transferring data from ", it seems the communication problem is limited to incoming streams........

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Wireless Disaster - Limited Connectivity

Apr 7, 2008

I am one of the many users experiencing problems with wireless connections that work until your laptop goes into powersave mode, then only allow "Limited or No Connectivity" I have 2 wireless routers, a Linksys and ActionTec, supplied by Verizon with FiOS and Linksys has helped me a couple of times to make it work but that is all. Verizon is clueless. As am I since I have 4 XP laptops that all work. Vista is apparently trying to prevent me from hurting myself, and therefore I am unable to fix it.

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Limited Connectivity Can't Connect Internet

Sep 24, 2009

I'm facing problems with my internet connection in my vista. I'm trying to connect internet thro usb cable of my mobile as i've taken subscription of mobile connect. It used to work fine but now it shows as limited connectivity. In pc suite it shows as connected but cant connect to internet. I've tried all best possible options to check the connectivity.

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Excellent Signal Strength But Limited / No Connectivity

Sep 5, 2009

Got a new laptop (VISTA) and already have a wireless router (netgear) in the house. We connected the laptop wirelessly with no problems yesterday and this morning. Then, out of the blue, I get a "limited connectivity" message even though the signal strength is excellent. Our wireless network is the only one that's listed "connect automatically" and we were connected to it yesterday and this morning with no problems.

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Multiple Access Attemps To Other Pcs On Home Wireless Network

Feb 22, 2009

Today my laptop has made over 45 attempts each separated approximately 20-30 seconds to access another laptop in my home wireless network ports ranging from 51806-51956. The report I obtained from zone alarm firewall, Rating: High, Protocol (flags: S) 2/22/2009. I clicked more info on the attempt and zone alarm redirected me to one of their sites that mentions this attempt has blocked access to port 139 which happens to be a common port for windows network file sharing.

I am not sure whether this is actually a legitimate attempt since it was continuous for nearly 1h20m 6:50p-7:30p.

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Slow Home Network Access, Explorer Freezes

May 15, 2009

Dell Studio Laptop running Windows Vista Home Premium. Home wired & wireless network with Wireless N D-Link router, Netgear ReadyNAS duo wired to router, PS3 game console connected to router. I only use wireless from my laptop. When I try to move files around on the NAS using windows explorer, I can't seem to browse the NAS' content for more than a few minutes, then explorer locks up or enters a mode where it keeps refreshing the view of the network directory and doesn't allow basic file operations like right-clicking on a file to get its properties.

I can't get more than 1 Mbps of transfer speed with Robocopy out of the NAS. I have some video files on the NAS unit. Double clicking on any video to play it in Media Player is the worst thing to do - WMP doesn't manage to download enough data to buffer it and never allows to be shut down. I prevents Windows from shutting down cleanly. I made sure I had the latest drivers for the wireless adapter.

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Local Only Connection: "Limited Connectivity"

Apr 29, 2009

From time to time, specially when I`m doing heavy uploads or heavy downloads my connection goes from full internet to "Local Only" or "Limited Connectivity". Thus, all internet access is lost until I reset the connection (disconnect and connect again). When the connection is reset, the problem is solved and the issue is fixed, that is, until it happens again a few hours or days later.

I`ve found out that this is quite an usual problem for all Vista users, most of my friends have this same problem and I`ve seen hundreads of posts in the internet about it, but no solutions were found. I`m running Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit on a HP dv7-1245dx notebook. I have another PC which also runs Vista 64bit, two notebooks and a PC that run WinXP.

From all of these machines, only the ones running Vista are affected, I do not have this problem with the machines running WinXP. All machines are wireless (connected through WIFI) but the PC running WinXP. I`ll use my main notebook as the scenario for troubleshooting. ...........

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Connected With Limited Access - WRT54GS

Jan 13, 2010

Dell laptop Inspiron 1545, WRT54GS - "Connected With Limited Access" - drove me up the wall. Tried everything. Browsed other forums for hours. What did I do? Just for grins, and for NO particular reason, I switched from WEP to WPA Personal / TKIP in the router and to WPA / TKIP in the laptop and other PC, entered the ten-char key I've always used, and POOF - instant connection.

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Connected With Limited Access Pains.

Mar 11, 2009

This problem is driving me up a wall. I try to connect, and I get a "Connected with Limited Access" or "Limited Connectivity" error.I have a NETGEAR_WPN284v3 and I'm on Vista.

Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dmastt
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Dell Wireless 1510 Wireless-N WLAN Mini-Card
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-22-68-A8-32-ED.....

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Wireless: "local And Internet" To "limited Connectivity"

Feb 18, 2009

The computer starts up with wireless networking and wireless connection working fine. At some seemingly random time (usually a few hours) my connection status will go from "local and internet" to "limited connectivity" with the little yellow warning icon. I try disconnecting and reconnecting, it can't connect. I turn off and on the adapter using the on-keyboard button, it says it is going "off" then "on" but connection is not restored. "Repair" attempts fail immediately, with no explanation given, it just says it can't connect.

I can't ping any IP address or websites, I get "host unreachable" messages. The only solution is to restart, at which point everything is fine. Note that in this time when the wireless is not functioning, I can plug in an ethernet cable and be connected to the internet just fine. I did IPCONFIG/ALL in the connected state, and the 'after' disconnected state. In the connected state: Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:........

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Netgear Wireless Router : Connected With Limited Access

Mar 23, 2008

i have a netgear wireless router, one desktop pc connected to it with a Ethernet cable (still working fine) and a hp laptop running vista connected thought wireless everything was working fine until one day the wireless on the laptop just stopped working and gave the message connected with limited access i have disconnected from the network and tried to reconnect however all i get is connection unsuccessful then i go to diagnose the problem and have been given some suggestions by windows help i have checked my driver and they are all up to date i have also checked that both ipv4 and ipv6 protocols are ticked in the config for wireless networking, my adapter says working fine and i have checked that my WEP keys are still the same.

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Limited On Secure Network Fine On Unsecured

Mar 25, 2009

One new computer using Vista Home. Installed wireless network card and ran software. Found and established connection to wireless network in the office. Then....I setup the network to be secured, connected with a Win XP computer with no problems using the correct key. Did the same process with the Vista computer, found the network, asked for key, entered correct key and have limited connection. Reset everything on network. Switched back to unsecured and hooked right up. Disabled firewall, the only thing running is McAfee Total Protection, no firewalls.

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XP Seems To Lose Network Connectivity To The Vista Computer

Apr 20, 2010

Have a small network consisting of one Win XP Media Center Ed. and one Vista home premium (and an Internet router). The Vista crashed and was restored to factory and apps reinstalled, etc. Each computer has dedicated IP address, and each runs a version of Norton Internet Security. They are in the same workgroup. Prior to the Vista problem, all was generall well. Now, the XP seems to lose network connectivity to the Vista computer when the computers are turned on in the morning. This is important for many reasons, including that the XP uses a printer attached to the Vista for most of the XP's printing needs.

I have set up a user on Vista that matches the user on XP, and have set the NIS on Vista to allow all connections to the IP of the XP box. And all is well until that reboot. There may be more to that, but in the few days the rebuilt Vista has been up, that has been the story. I have been able to restore the connection by launching Network Places, and searching for the name of the Vista computer. It so far does not show up in the network view until I do a manual search using the computer name. Then when it comes up and I double-click on the Vista C: drive, I'm prompted for login info, which I give and then I get connected (why is this not automatically done for me?). I've also mapped a drive to the Vista and set that for "reconnect at login."

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Internet Not Working After Installing 64 Bit, Unidentified Network, Limited/noconne

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed an OEM windows vista home premium onto my computer so that I could take advantage of my 6GB ram. Unfortunately I don't know too much about building systems and I have an internet problem. After I installed the OS, when I plug my computer into my router, I always recieve "unidentified network..limited or no connectivity". I've done everything that the internet company has asked me to do as far as my modem/router is concerned, and Acer wants to charge me a buttload for their help.

Am I missing something simple that I need to do with my 64 bit software? I downloaded the 64 bit drivers for my LAN, audio etc from the acer website but it seems to still do no good. I even downloaded the driver directly from my Lan ethernet controllers brand website. I've been stuck here for days without much help and the wierd thing is that my girlfriend can plug her computer (32 bit vista home premium) right into the router and it connects fine. I'm downloading SP2 now if that makes any difference.

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Access Denied :: Network Access Is Restricted

Feb 17, 2009

I think I might have a good one for you.. I am working on an Acer 5610z Notebook for a friend of mine. He was setting the parental controls and managed to control his account which had admin access. the user listing has the account listing as an admin but he only has standard user access. His was the "only" admin account.. While he was doing this he managed to deny access to the boot drive. The drive reads as "Access Denied". The machine boots up and a person can play games etc.. but network access is restricted.

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How To Access My Home (desktop) P.c.

Mar 16, 2009

I have had my home tower pc (Vista Home Premium) for a long time and have lots of e-mail folders on it (Windows Mail). I have just purchased a new laptop that also has Vista Home Premium and Windows Mail on it. The laptop is "connected" to the tower with a wireless router, and I am able to access the tower to open all kinds of files and folders.

Is there a way, however, for me to use my laptop to gain access to the tower's e-mail folders? (I know about leaving messages on server, and deleting in x days).

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Book Home Edition: Cannot Access

Mar 23, 2008

I bought a brand new WD My Book Home Edition 500GB external hard drive yesterday. Vista will not recongize it as a drive on the computer. The computer sees that it is connected (in device manager and the "ding-dong" you hear when you add a new device). I hooked it up with the Firewire and the USB, with the same result. The drive is supposedly Vista compatible. I downloaded the firewire drivers from WD. Since I cannot access it as a drive, I cannot get to the setup.exe needed to use the drive.

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Cannot Access Web Browsers Home Pages

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible that Vista updates are causing my web browsing and other network functions to fail frequently. My problem is that I often cannot access any of my web browsers home pages. My PS3 occasionally disconnects from Tversity, claiming a DNS error. I have had this problem using both wired, and wireless connection to router........

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No Home Network Available

Mar 23, 2008

1.a wireless laptop running Vista Ultimate. 2.an ethernet wired desktop running Vista Ultimate. 3.a SM8014W-G gateway. The laptop and the desktop can connect to the internet with no poroblems. I can ping the laptop( from the desktop. I get "request timed out" when I ping the desktop( from the laptop. When I map the network, my gateway icon on each computer shows up as a different address. The laptop gateway icon has, whereas the desktop gateway icon has I have double and triple checked all the Vista settings for network discovery, file and printer sharing, they are set correctly on both devices. If I connect the laptop to my desktop through a crossover cable, I do have a network available on which I can share all files and printers without any problem.

I have contacted my ISP (Rogers) numerous times and they told me I had to contact the manufacturer(SMC) as they only provide support for connectivity. I contacted SMC and they told me that Rogers had to provide support as Rogers has all the administrator rights to my gateway. I contacted Rogers and they told me that I had to "use a PRIVATE IP address and not a PUBLIC IP address". Umm, isn't the 192. series the private IP's? Needless to say I don't believe anyone at Rogers knows what they're doing. I am also beginning to believe that my gateway is not designed to create a home network and is just a modem with multiple connection ports. Aside from returning the gateway to rogers for a regular single connection modem and purchasing a router from say best buy, do you all have any ideas? I am only looking to set-up a home network consisting of a laptop and a desktop for file and prineter sharing.

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Setting Up A XP/ Home Network

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to set up a small network but having some difficulties – it does not work - I have done everything I think I should have done but still it does not work. OK what I have is two desktop machines DT (1) and DT(2) running XP Pro I think with SP2 – dont think I have SP3 and a nice four port O2 wirelessrouter which seems to be a Thomson Telecoms product and lovely new and shiny New Toshiba Tecra M10 running Vista Business. I am running ZoneAlarm as my firewall.

At the movement my main DT PC (1) is the only XP PC connected - obviously using Cat 5 cable and the Toshiba Laptop is also connected using Cat 5 cable. I did the XP set up a home network wizard and that seemed to be OK. I have set both the DT (1) and the LT to be on the same workgroup and on the DT (1) when I go to My Networks and then workgroup I can see (icons for) both the DT (1) and the LT.

I have multiple LARGE drives on the DT (1) and this is why I want the other DT (2) machine on the network to use as a fileserver – i have what must be close to a trillion pictures that i want to sort out - the work of a lifetime and a lifetimes work and i still have years of negatives to scan and sort I will then move all (apart from one) HDD’s to the second DT (2)............

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