General Guide For Installing H/w On -64

Feb 14, 2009

After trying to install drivers for an HP printer resulting in a total wipe out and reinstall, the Asus tech called me and suggested this guide. He said to always try to connect the new device and see if Vista-64 "sees it" properly, and then uses the Vista drivers.There should be no compatibility problems. But if Vista-64 "cannot" recognize it, one had better go to the device site and ensure it's 64 bit compatible and if new drivers exist.Otherwise, forcing the install could lead to problems.

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How To GPU Overclocking Guide

Apr 13, 2009

Some people are unsure on how to overclock the GPU. Quite frankly, the GPU is the easiest thing to overclock in a system. Lets start from the beginning. This will void your warranty if you have an ATI video card. The first thing I recommend is to grab some useful programs and the latest NVIDIA WHQL drivers. The programs I recommend are EVGA Precision 1.7.0 or Rivatuner (for the overclocking/monitoring), GPU-Z 0.3.3 (monitoring/GPU info), and ATItool (artifact testing). ForceWare 182.50 WHQL DriverWinXP 32 bit WinXP 64 bit WinVista 32 bit WinVista 64 bit Proper uninstallation/installation of video drivers (Vista, in XP it should be somewhat similar):Download and install Driver Sweeper or something similar. Right click on computer, click Device Manager (on left) Select your display device (video card), uninstall video device software. Delete driver folder (C:NVIDIAWinVista641xx.xx) Reboot in safe mode (repeatedly hit F8 during boot sequence). Run Driver Sweeper or your equivalent. Only clean Display driver. Reboot. Download and install your desired driver. Reboot. When installing new drivers, make sure all anti-virus software is disabled. EVGA Precision 1.7.0 Download , GPU-Z 0.3.3 Download, ATItool.26 Download , Driver Sweeper 1.5.5 Download

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Intel Over Clocking Guide

Aug 28, 2008

What is overclocking? Firstly, it is currently the mostly widely used word that does not appear in the English dictionary...... Secondly, it is operating hardware (particularly CPU, RAM, motherboard, and video card) above and beyond rated specs. Rated specs are the level to which a particular piece of hardware is expected to, has been tested to, and is warranted to perform. What this equates to in the real world is a certain price tag for a certain level of expected performance.... Overclockers strive to determine not what hardware should do, but what can do.

Overclocking is more of an art than a science. There is no combination of settings that will yield the best results for every system...... Greater experience does make the overclocking process less cumbersome, but it is and always will be a trial and error process..... Don't be afraid to experiment, but always take things slow and be aware of temperature and voltage limits. Overclocking Basics (particular to Intel systems, though many of the concepts apply to AMD systems as well)

1) Limitations - Each hardware component has physical limitations that, at a minimum, meet the rated (stock) specifications..... In the process of thoroughly overclocking a system, the actual limitations of various components will be found. In general, the CPU, RAM, and motherboard will control the overclock, but other components such as the PSU and cooling will have a major impact on overclocking abilities..... Depending on which of the three primary components (CPU, RAM, and mobo) is the first to reach its limits, different steps can be taken to squeeze more out of the other components. Video card overclocking is generally independent of overclocking the components previously listed.

2) Overclocking in the BIOS vs. overclocking software - Whenever the option exists, manipulating BIOS settings is the best way to accomplish overclocking..... BIOSes on value/low end motherboards and on proprietary systems such as Dells and HPs generally have few to no options available for overclocking....... On such systems, there is the potential to overclock through software, though there is not a single piece of software to overclock every board............

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Ultimate Malware Removal Guide

Feb 8, 2009

Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files!

Quote: Malware is everywhere. You can't browse on any Internet tech forum without someone mentioning this word (with disdain), usually in search of a remedy after being infected with spyware. No matter how careful you are, we’re guessing that many of you have had malware inadvertently installed on your system and may have even ended up reformatting your computer as a last resort. While that may have been the most thorough solution, it is in a sense admitting defeat. Or worse yet, you took your computer to get cleaned and was charged anywhere from $50-300 -- a high price for humiliation. But don't fret, because you can actually purge your system of malicious software for free! Just follow our comprehensive guide. Read more at: Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files! | Maximum PC

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Ultimate BIOS Tweaking Guide

Oct 6, 2008

When man first booted the PC, he saw the BIOS screen: a jumble of monochromatic numbers that made about as much sense as the binary language of load lifters. Sadly, not much about the BIOS has changed since the DeLorean and skinny ties were cool. Decades later, in our modern, visual-based world, we’re still greeted with a screen full of text from machines 1,000 times faster than those that were around when the ol’ BIOS was born. Most PC lightweights simply ignore the BIOS and wait for their OSes to take over. Power users, however, know that the BIOS can be a friendly and rewarding place to go spelunking.

So just what the hell is the BIOS? Short for Basic Input Output System, the BIOS is a tiny bit of software embedded in your motherboard that gets executed when your PC is turned on. The BIOS is responsible for chores such as sizing up the amount of available RAM, detecting the hard drives, and setting the CPU speed. Once the system house-cleaning is done, the BIOS boots the OS from the hard drive and hands over control...............

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Setup PDF/User Guide/Instructions?

Oct 18, 2008

After having sucessfully updated my Realtek HD Audio Driver, I now need to know how I go about setting it all up in Realtek HD Audio Manager. My audio engineering and setup skills are limited by the fact that last time I ever attempted anything in this field, it involved two tin cans, and a piece of string![System FAILED!....Error: String snapped!] What I need are easy-to-follow instructions, for the entire setup process of Realtek Audio Manager, from start to finish. I don't want to make a mess of the audio system by barging in, without a clue as to what I am doing, and clicking willy-nilly all over the place. I also note that the Realtek HD Audio Manager Setup page does not show a? Help button for the lesser forms of life, and for this reason ask if there are PDF/User Guide/Instructons etc. anywhere that lead you through the Setup process for the HD Audio Manager?

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The Ultimate Windows Screensaver Tweaking Guide

Mar 1, 2007

Microsoft released many new screensavers for Windows Vista and Windows 7 that look great. However, for some reason they never made option screens for them. All of the new screensavers have settings that you can tweak to completely change the look and behavior. Without an options screen, the only way to do this is with editing the registry directly.  This guide will help you use registry hacks to customize the Windows screensavers including:...

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Media Center Guide Only Downloading Partial List Of Channels

Mar 8, 2009

A recent TV guide update appears to have resulted in a loss of all channels from 32 to 71. I have COMCAST (Portland, OR) and for over 1.5 years my guide updates have always shown Ch's 1 - 71. For the last 48 hours the upper channels are not even listed. My TV can still access those channels, so they haven't been dropped. I've rebooted & downloaded the most recent guide.

I've re-ran TV Setup & elected "No Guide" then rebooted & tried again, electing to use the guide, but still same results. I've been searching/reading 100's post trying to get an idea why this is suddenly happening and how to resolve. So, the guide is downloading & displaying channels, but not channels 32-71. Oh, I can manually add and access the missing channels, which will work in a pinch, but of course the channel lineup shows "no data available."

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Vista Second Edition General R.I.P.

Dec 9, 2009

Now that Vista Second Edition, aka Windows 7, is out, this group has degenerated into Frank baiting anyone who is willing to fight with him. I won't be posting much here. Now that I have Windows 7 running, I will help people on the alt newsgroup but not under the nym of "Alias".

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Ping General Failure

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having some issues with acquiring an IP address via DHCP. When I statically set the address and try to ping anything I get General Failure as a result each time. This is the case when I ping as well. I tried using a USB wireless card instead with the same results which is why I do not believe it is a hardware problem.

I have restarted in safe mode with networking which provides the same result. I've checked for any software firewalls that the user may have installed but found nothing. It is a Sony VAIO, so I can't rule out the Sony hid one somewhere and I just can't find it.

The machine is running Windows Vista Home Premium. When in the network and sharing center, there is a link between 'This computer' and (when the address is not static - unidentified network or when static - Network 2) but the next link has a red x through it. When I tell it to diagnose the problem it responds with "There might be a problem with one or more network adapters on this computer" and reccommends that I try to use wireless instead.wireless has the same problem,

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Censorship In General Group

May 1, 2008

So if Microsoft doesn't like your post for any reason, it is GONE.

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My Documents, But Not As A General Option

Jul 5, 2008

Recently, I went to the start menu to search for a file, and found (or rather, did not find...) that 'search' had gone missing from the menu. I can still use it from specific pages, such as My Documents, but not as a general option. Secondly, Internet Explorer has an annoying habit of locking up, then giving me the option of exiting the program or restarting...

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General Advice On Using Readyboost

Oct 25, 2009

I needed a usb flash drive, so i thought i would order one that was compatable with vistas readyboost. I have been reading about about it breifly, and it seems to work for some people but not others, but i take it, thats going by everybodys machine is different, but doe's it generally work, like if you are using big resoruces like aero with transparancy, as i am not sure where the performance gains will be, or what you you can run before noticing any performance boost. just some general advice really or any tips.I have currently got 2gb of ram

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Trojan Moved From General Forum

Dec 22, 2008

I need to get rid of trojan. I tried running the antivirus. But still find trojan. Now my system is hanging everytime.I use WindowsXP. Its very hard for me to even login. Can this problem be fixed in Safemode? These are the messages i get

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M.p.w.v.general: Post Never Reaches The Group

Mar 23, 2008

I have a mystery on my hands. I subscribe to many newsgroups, through optonline cable. With m.p.w.v.general, I have no incoming posts since February 19, 2008. When I send a post to that group, all seems ok at my end, but it never reaches the group. All my other groups are ok.

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Favorite Feature Of Windows In General

Oct 1, 2009

ABility to turn off features, disable services/components, set backrgound to plain black, font colors to silver, and kill all gadgets, and just have APPLICATIONS open. When I work as an engineer, the las tthing I need are sidebars, clocks, weathers, and idiotic ninsense I can get when I NEED, not in my face.OCCUPYING VALUABLE DESKTOP SPACE.

I have a dozen hardcore apps open each of which may cost in $tens of thousands, Do I need to know time in London when I am coding a Microcontroler in C, and switch over to datsheet to check some chip pinout, and enter schematics and run a simulation?

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General Question Re Resetting/renewing IP Connection

Jun 4, 2009

I have a general question re network settings under Vista Home Premium. On occasion, during busy times of the day, my cable modem will indicate that the connection is lost. If I manually unplug the power cable to the cable modem and router, wait until 15 or so seconds, and reconnect the cables, I can usually suceed in obtaining a connection. I assume the computer looks and finds a new address from my IP.

Under Vista, using cmd.exe (elevated), I tried ipconfig /renew but
received the following message - An error occured while renewing interface
Local Area Connection : unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has
timed out. [end quote]

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Revised Rules Of Conduct For The General Newsgroup

Apr 13, 2008

Rules of conduct (revised): Appropriate Language: The purpose of our communities is to exchange technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please try to avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions, but if you can't avoid the personal attacks, make the post count. Blast the other poster for being a complete idiot. When the gloves come off, profanity is encouraged and sometimes expected. Remember there will always be retards coming to the Vista.General group.

Relevance to Topics: Please make sure that your postings in discussion groups and chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject as possible. Relevant topics include: Personal attacks on losers who post about Ubuntu and the weather and where they work, and what they install. It is encouraged to blast people who make blanket statements regarding how lousy a product is without some kind of proof......

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Boot And General Operating With Home Premium 64

May 12, 2009

I have an HP Pavillion dv7 Notebook (Model No. FS136UAR to be specific) running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit. As a little bit of history to the current problem, here is a basic run down of the problems so far. Got the laptop in first week of February. Up until about Mid April, the laptop would regularly not boot. Post would run as normal and then a black screen message saying Windows could not boot; insert the CD/DVD and repair or run a recovery.

Twice the setup based repair and the HP provided recovery repair did not work and I had to rebuild the laptop. Once I rebuilt it with HP recovery partition and the second time I got a new MS retail CD and installed the system from scratch with drivers downloaded from HP's site.......................

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ALT.WIN 7. GENERAL: Which Newsgroup Readers Carried This Again My Computer Crashed

May 8, 2010

Which newsgroup readers carried this again my computer crashed

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Start Menu - Moved This Query From General Forum

Mar 23, 2008

Admittedly I may have done something to cause this but I can not get it right: Vista Home premium, 32 bit. New User, new PC. Had all data and music files on external HDD's. Moved data (documents, pictures) over last week, and moved Music files over to C drive today.

On Taskbar, at Start button, click on button, On right side of Start menu there are: under my picture, choices for "Me (user)", Documents, Pictures, Music, Games, then a divide and then, Search, Recent Items, Computer and so on. If I click on Documents I go to the folder with files of documents. Same with Pictures. The files from both Documents and Pictures came from an external HDD.............

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Windows Movie Maker Get General Access Denied Error

Mar 23, 2008

When i open the Movie Maker, I get a General Access denied error. How can I solve this to open the Movie Maker?

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Format :: Step By Step Guide

Oct 13, 2008

I need to format my pc, but forgot how, as i've only done it once in 10 years.

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How To Remove A Program Entry From The General "Open With" Dialog Box?

May 2, 2009

I have double entries of a same program in the main "Open With" dialog box. They are not particularly associated with a certain file extension. Dose anyone know how to delete one of them?

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General System Slow Down, Applications Displaying "not Responding"

Oct 27, 2009

I am experiencing a general slow down of my Vista system, e.g., 5-30 seconds for applications to load, 5-10 seconds for a new tab to appear in IE8, applications displaying "not responding" while an operation is working such as saving an image or file, etc.

This is isolated to Vista only. I have Windows 7 and XP installed (tri-boot) as well and they do not exhibit this problem. So, I have to conclude it is not hardware related. The system is squeaky clean; full scans with KAV and Malwarebyte's Anti-malware. I've run both Chkdsk and SFC /scannow resulting in no change. Task Manager shows no unusual CPU usage nor Memory usage.

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Measekite: Awarded Vista.General Group "Jerk Off"

Jun 21, 2008

measekite. You have just been awarded the Vista.General group "Jerk Off" status. Come to the front of the auditorium to pick up your prize.

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"general Failure The Url Was"

Feb 4, 2008

I had this fixed before but I fresh installed Vista x64 and can't seem to fix it. When I click on a link in Outlook email I get "general failure the url was".

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Installing Xp And On Same HDD.

Jun 2, 2008

I bought vista about 6 months ago, I installed it and everything runs OK. Now i want to have XP AND Vista on the same HDD. I know thats possible with disk partition and i did that but the problem is that i can go further with the installation of my XP home. When i start the installation of XP (press Enter to install XP etc) it asks me to choose a partition, i choose the one i made earlier (25GB of total size). It loads the necesary drivers and it says press enter to reboot(or wait 15 secs to reboot automaticaly). Ok here starts my problem: It reboots, but then i see only a runner and nothing more. ( _ )

i wait for about 5 minutes and it still does nothing, and i dont know what to do. I am forced to fix startup with the Vista installation disk but my XP is not installed. I have searched the bloody web (STFW) and i found nothing, only some data i already knew.You are my last chanse guys. I love XP as much as i love Vista but there is there a way have both OSs without problems?

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Installing 64 Bit

Mar 26, 2008

says you can boot from CD to install Vista 64 however the previous operating system must not be removed prior to install. In my system Win 2k is on a different hard drive than the one I'm installing to. When I start the install process, on the screen where you select the custom option, it says that upgrade is disabled. I assume this means it did not detect my previous OS? I did not continue from this point.

I can install my Win 2k on the hard drive where I wish to install Vista. In the past however, when I had the previous OS on the C: drive and I installed Vista on the same drive Vista would end up on the next available drive letter (i.e. E. Nothing really wrong with this but it's kind of awkward and can't be changed later).

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SP1 - Not Installing

Mar 23, 2008

I downloaded Service Pack 1 from the Microsoft website. The installation has gone smoothly up until this point.The screen is stuck on "Installing Service Pack: Stage 3 of 3 - 0% complete. Do not turn off the computer." It's been like this for easily over 2 hours now. It's obvious that it's not doing anything.I just need to know what to do. Do I just power it off? Use some kind of button combination? Or should I just yell at it some more?

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Installing And Re-installing Cs3

Sep 8, 2009

after installing cs3 on laptop none of the applications will even open up..except for photoshop in which i just get a grey screen and while waiting for something to happen in that one it says "program not responding". so i am in the process of uninstalling(for over 5 hours now)in hopes that re-installing will solve it.

how long should it take to uninstall and when i re-install it if it still doesn't work what steps should i take. i know the basics but am not overly computer getting frustrated with not being able to use the program.

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