Setup PDF/User Guide/Instructions?

Oct 18, 2008

After having sucessfully updated my Realtek HD Audio Driver, I now need to know how I go about setting it all up in Realtek HD Audio Manager. My audio engineering and setup skills are limited by the fact that last time I ever attempted anything in this field, it involved two tin cans, and a piece of string![System FAILED!....Error: String snapped!] What I need are easy-to-follow instructions, for the entire setup process of Realtek Audio Manager, from start to finish. I don't want to make a mess of the audio system by barging in, without a clue as to what I am doing, and clicking willy-nilly all over the place. I also note that the Realtek HD Audio Manager Setup page does not show a? Help button for the lesser forms of life, and for this reason ask if there are PDF/User Guide/Instructons etc. anywhere that lead you through the Setup process for the HD Audio Manager?

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Recommended User Accounts Setup?

Sep 11, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 32bit on my laptop and currently am using the admin account that was created during Vista setup. I was wondering if it would be more secure to use a standard account for everyday use then the admin account created during setup? I am the only one who uses the laptop for the most part. Is it true that the normal admin account is the same as a standard account except UAC asks for permission to perform admin tasks?

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User Account Disappreaded Setup

Aug 24, 2008

We bought a Sony laptop running Vista home for my father and set it up for him. Unfortunately he died before he could use it, so I have inherited it. It was distressing seeing his name all over the thing, so I created a new user account in my name, logged in as that and then deleted the old account in his name. A warning did come up saying that he was still logged in and some data may be lost, but as there wasn't much there I went ahead anyway. All the files under his account had disappeared (including one or two I realised i wanted) as had all his settings and even some software setups. Nothing in the recycle bin; I have run a couple of lost file recovery programs which only find files that have been consciously deleted. Where have his files gone?

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Instructions For Frank

Jul 5, 2008

If you can find Puerta del Sol, be sure and wear a shirt with a sign on it that says "Frank the Wank" so I know who to put in the hospital and who to put something in the pants pocket to make sure you do some time in a Spanish prison.

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Dual Boot Instructions

Jun 1, 2009

I'm wanting to create a dual boot for my PC. I would like to use 2 separate HDDs. One HDD has Vista Business (current) and the other proposed HDD will have XP. I would like to locate some good user-friendly instructions on how to do this by downloading from a web site, or maybe someone on the group has a set of instructions. Could someone assist please? Is there a good site on this topic?

I have tried Virtual PC 2007 but I cannot get the screen to enlarge to any extent. Full screen mode fails every time I try it. Anyway, I figure the twin HDDs would be the cleanest way to go. One more thing, I plan on upgrading the Vista installation to Windows 7 when released, would there be issues with the dual boot when installing Win 7?

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Information Bar Wacker Instructions

Jan 4, 2010

I've changed the security settings in IE7 to a custom level, and now I get the notification bar saying "Your current security settings put your computer at risk. etc." I know this can be disabled via gpedit.mcs but of course Vista Home doesn't include that feature. So, a couple questions. Nobody here seems to know much about getting GPedit to work in Vista Home, so I won't even touch that. However, I did see mention of the Microsoft speadsheet that lists all the various group policy settings and their corresponding registry entries. I found the "Disable Security Settings Check Feature" entry, but now I'm not sure what to do with it.

HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSecurity!DisableSecuritySettingsCheck
HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSecurity!DisableSecuritySettingsCheck

I can navigate to the Microsoft folder in regedit, but that's where the trail ends. Do I need to create a key or something? I don't have much experience with the registry, and I really want this notification bar gone...........

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Invalid Password: Setup And Changed User Password From Set To Clear But Left Other Passwords At Set

Oct 31, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium on an Acer Laptop and all was fine until I decided to change my user password. I had or have (who knows now at this stage) an Administrator,User and HDD password installed on my machine. I went into my setup and changed my user password from set to clear but left my other passwords at set. when I exited and saved changes and rebooted I could not get back in with any and all passwords. To make things worse I cannot boot from cd either. It goes to press <F2> go to setup , Enter Current Password: ? then Invalad password I have tried the F10, F12, Del, F5, F8 keys and nothing seems to get past that login screen. Does anyone have any inexpensive suggestions on how I can get into this computer, or how I can get to a command prompt. Can I un-solder the internal Battery and then re attach it.

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How To GPU Overclocking Guide

Apr 13, 2009

Some people are unsure on how to overclock the GPU. Quite frankly, the GPU is the easiest thing to overclock in a system. Lets start from the beginning. This will void your warranty if you have an ATI video card. The first thing I recommend is to grab some useful programs and the latest NVIDIA WHQL drivers. The programs I recommend are EVGA Precision 1.7.0 or Rivatuner (for the overclocking/monitoring), GPU-Z 0.3.3 (monitoring/GPU info), and ATItool (artifact testing). ForceWare 182.50 WHQL DriverWinXP 32 bit WinXP 64 bit WinVista 32 bit WinVista 64 bit Proper uninstallation/installation of video drivers (Vista, in XP it should be somewhat similar):Download and install Driver Sweeper or something similar. Right click on computer, click Device Manager (on left) Select your display device (video card), uninstall video device software. Delete driver folder (C:NVIDIAWinVista641xx.xx) Reboot in safe mode (repeatedly hit F8 during boot sequence). Run Driver Sweeper or your equivalent. Only clean Display driver. Reboot. Download and install your desired driver. Reboot. When installing new drivers, make sure all anti-virus software is disabled. EVGA Precision 1.7.0 Download , GPU-Z 0.3.3 Download, ATItool.26 Download , Driver Sweeper 1.5.5 Download

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Intel Over Clocking Guide

Aug 28, 2008

What is overclocking? Firstly, it is currently the mostly widely used word that does not appear in the English dictionary...... Secondly, it is operating hardware (particularly CPU, RAM, motherboard, and video card) above and beyond rated specs. Rated specs are the level to which a particular piece of hardware is expected to, has been tested to, and is warranted to perform. What this equates to in the real world is a certain price tag for a certain level of expected performance.... Overclockers strive to determine not what hardware should do, but what can do.

Overclocking is more of an art than a science. There is no combination of settings that will yield the best results for every system...... Greater experience does make the overclocking process less cumbersome, but it is and always will be a trial and error process..... Don't be afraid to experiment, but always take things slow and be aware of temperature and voltage limits. Overclocking Basics (particular to Intel systems, though many of the concepts apply to AMD systems as well)

1) Limitations - Each hardware component has physical limitations that, at a minimum, meet the rated (stock) specifications..... In the process of thoroughly overclocking a system, the actual limitations of various components will be found. In general, the CPU, RAM, and motherboard will control the overclock, but other components such as the PSU and cooling will have a major impact on overclocking abilities..... Depending on which of the three primary components (CPU, RAM, and mobo) is the first to reach its limits, different steps can be taken to squeeze more out of the other components. Video card overclocking is generally independent of overclocking the components previously listed.

2) Overclocking in the BIOS vs. overclocking software - Whenever the option exists, manipulating BIOS settings is the best way to accomplish overclocking..... BIOSes on value/low end motherboards and on proprietary systems such as Dells and HPs generally have few to no options available for overclocking....... On such systems, there is the potential to overclock through software, though there is not a single piece of software to overclock every board............

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General Guide For Installing H/w On -64

Feb 14, 2009

After trying to install drivers for an HP printer resulting in a total wipe out and reinstall, the Asus tech called me and suggested this guide. He said to always try to connect the new device and see if Vista-64 "sees it" properly, and then uses the Vista drivers.There should be no compatibility problems. But if Vista-64 "cannot" recognize it, one had better go to the device site and ensure it's 64 bit compatible and if new drivers exist.Otherwise, forcing the install could lead to problems.

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Ultimate Malware Removal Guide

Feb 8, 2009

Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files!

Quote: Malware is everywhere. You can't browse on any Internet tech forum without someone mentioning this word (with disdain), usually in search of a remedy after being infected with spyware. No matter how careful you are, we’re guessing that many of you have had malware inadvertently installed on your system and may have even ended up reformatting your computer as a last resort. While that may have been the most thorough solution, it is in a sense admitting defeat. Or worse yet, you took your computer to get cleaned and was charged anywhere from $50-300 -- a high price for humiliation. But don't fret, because you can actually purge your system of malicious software for free! Just follow our comprehensive guide. Read more at: Ultimate Malware Removal Guide -- Purge Your PC of Junk Files! | Maximum PC

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Ultimate BIOS Tweaking Guide

Oct 6, 2008

When man first booted the PC, he saw the BIOS screen: a jumble of monochromatic numbers that made about as much sense as the binary language of load lifters. Sadly, not much about the BIOS has changed since the DeLorean and skinny ties were cool. Decades later, in our modern, visual-based world, we’re still greeted with a screen full of text from machines 1,000 times faster than those that were around when the ol’ BIOS was born. Most PC lightweights simply ignore the BIOS and wait for their OSes to take over. Power users, however, know that the BIOS can be a friendly and rewarding place to go spelunking.

So just what the hell is the BIOS? Short for Basic Input Output System, the BIOS is a tiny bit of software embedded in your motherboard that gets executed when your PC is turned on. The BIOS is responsible for chores such as sizing up the amount of available RAM, detecting the hard drives, and setting the CPU speed. Once the system house-cleaning is done, the BIOS boots the OS from the hard drive and hands over control...............

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The Ultimate Windows Screensaver Tweaking Guide

Mar 1, 2007

Microsoft released many new screensavers for Windows Vista and Windows 7 that look great. However, for some reason they never made option screens for them. All of the new screensavers have settings that you can tweak to completely change the look and behavior. Without an options screen, the only way to do this is with editing the registry directly.  This guide will help you use registry hacks to customize the Windows screensavers including:...

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Media Center Guide Only Downloading Partial List Of Channels

Mar 8, 2009

A recent TV guide update appears to have resulted in a loss of all channels from 32 to 71. I have COMCAST (Portland, OR) and for over 1.5 years my guide updates have always shown Ch's 1 - 71. For the last 48 hours the upper channels are not even listed. My TV can still access those channels, so they haven't been dropped. I've rebooted & downloaded the most recent guide.

I've re-ran TV Setup & elected "No Guide" then rebooted & tried again, electing to use the guide, but still same results. I've been searching/reading 100's post trying to get an idea why this is suddenly happening and how to resolve. So, the guide is downloading & displaying channels, but not channels 32-71. Oh, I can manually add and access the missing channels, which will work in a pinch, but of course the channel lineup shows "no data available."

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Format :: Step By Step Guide

Oct 13, 2008

I need to format my pc, but forgot how, as i've only done it once in 10 years.

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User Admin Previous User Missing

Mar 26, 2008

[This is my second post on the same subject. The first thread died] I had this Vista Home Basic machine working okay, but the power went out and then another person who was high used the machine. They named a new user as administrator. I don't know what else they did.

Now I have a new user as administrator and the previous users are gone. I still see evidence of them in the file tree but the old programs are gone and the documents are buried in C > Users > Admin (that was a name of a previous user that I had named when I first got the machine) I've gradually installed some of my old programs and I'm currently
just rebuilding everything, but it would be a lot easier if I could revert to the old user system. The Control Panel > add or remove user accounts is useless. I only have two icons there So is there anyway to return to the original condition? How can I recover the missing users?

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Administration: User Name In Task Manager Under User Shows Up As "BOBLAFAYETTE Est"

Feb 6, 2009

Received my computer back yesterday from HP with reinstalled clean version of Vista Home Premium. It came back with a user name of 'test'. I attempted to change the name to my name "Bob Lafayette" and the user name in task manager under user shows up as "BOBLAFAYETTE est". In System Information the user name shows as BOBLAFAYETTE est

In user profiles the administrator shows as Bob Lafayette. The computer name shows as "BobLafayette." Computer description shows as "Bob's Computer." How can I amend the user name in task manager to reflect solely "BobLafayette"? Without the "test"?

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Where Is Windows Setup.exe?

May 26, 2009

I am wonderinig if somewhere hidden in windows vista there is a setup file for the vista OS. back in the days of my win98 pc if It started to run slow or malfunction often, I would just run windows setup. I dont know where I found it but it was there on my hard drive back then. I have searched my vista pc but have not found it. I remember rerunning setup for windows 98 was a cure all. and made my pc fast as new again, It would even work with all my programs still installed. could I get it off a borrowed vista DVD? or is it somewhere on my hard drive?

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Copy Setup DVD Possible?

Mar 10, 2009

I have a livensed version of Office 2007 Home and Student. I would like to burn a copy of the setup DVD to send to my son in an other town. Is that possible? And if so how?

I'd assume it to be legal as it can be installed on 3 computers.

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Fan Setup For Best Airflow?

Mar 18, 2009

How does everyone set their fans up for the best maximum airflow? Here is my computer case: - Rosewill R6426-P BK ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - Computer Cases Here is my CPU cooler: - ARCTIC COOLING Freezer 7 Pro 92mm CPU Cooler - CPU Fans & Heatsinks

I changed the stock fan that came with the case for a better 80mm fan, which is blowing inwards towards my cpu fan. I have the CPU fan turned so that the back fan is blowing into the back of the fan on the heatsink, so all airflow is coming from the back, through the heatsink towards the front of the case. I had to remove the duct from the side of the tower because the CPU cooler is so freakin' tall it is literally a 1.25" from the wall. So placing a fan in the duct's place is also pretty hard. The other available spot on the side panel also has an 80mm, which i'll upgrade to a 120mm fan. This fan blows inward towards my HUGE video card to try and keep that cool. I also removed all of the front aluminum panels (the ones which are removable when you place in a cd/dvd rom, which helps the air from the back to be blown through the front. Since the cd/dvd rom covers on the case are perforated, air blows through them nicely.

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Setup Doesn't Run On My Win 7 Dvd

Oct 29, 2009

I wish to UPGRADE (not clean install) my vista ultimate to win 7 ultimate.I put the win 7 (full version) DVD in my computer, setup ran and told me to remove Kaspersky anti-virus.I removed Kaspersky anti-virus and did the requested re-boot.

Now when I put the win 7 DVD in, setup does not run. When I try to double click on the DVD drive in explorer I get a readme text file and that's all.Trying to run: d:setup.exe in the run command on the start menu and at a command prompt does not work either.
I can boot from the DVD but that is only for a clean install, which I don't want to do.

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How To Use A RAID Setup

Dec 11, 2007

what exactly is RAID MODE. i mean i have seen it in my BIOS and all. can u guys check my HDD and see if it supports a RAID SETUP. i heard you can get better ratings with RAID. right now it is just hooked up via sata cable. - Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST3320620AS (Perpendicular Recording Technology) 320GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM

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Setup For 3 Monitors

Mar 11, 2009

My boss would like a TV connected to her PC which is already running 2 monitors. She would only use the TV when giving a presentation or training. I was wondering what would be the best way to go about this - a) buy a new video card with 3 outputs, or b) just buy another video card. If I just need to buy another video card are there anything I need to consider?

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Vista Sp2 Setup Add Wmc

Feb 25, 2010

My Vista Ultimate SP2 originally was setup from a variation slimmed by vlite. WMC was completely left out. Now I want to add WMC, while preserving the system as it grew within 3 years. No fresh install. An installation DVD or iso image are at hand. What workaround will do the job?

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Won't Run Vista 64 Setup

Apr 9, 2008

I know that the normal way to go about dual boot is to install the oldest OS first, but I just discovered (after a year) some old programs which won't run on my Vista 64 setup. I'd like to run these old programs but at the cost of uninstalling /reinstalling Vista it's not worth it. I have quite a bit of space, so making a new boot partition for ocasional boots - without the uninstall just choose which disk volum to boot from

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Deleting Setup.exe

Nov 17, 2009

I published a application i made with vb2005 express edition, zipped it up with winzip and emailed to my friend who is using vista x64. Whilst doing the extraction process vista is deleting the setup.exe but not the other files in the zipped file. I have successfully done this on at least 5 other vista machine and have not had this issue before. He is logged in on the only account according to him which is the admin account. How can we overcome this security flaw?

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How To Setup Msn Messenger

Aug 8, 2009

The only weird thing about Trillian is I can't get it to set up with Skype and MSN Messenger. I typed in the correct info, but still isn't showing up my contacts/friends names in the window.

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UAC Setup To Avoid Pop Up Window

Jun 28, 2009

Is there any way to setup the UAC so that it will allow designate programs without getting the very irritating pop up window, or program crash that occurs in some cases where the window doesn't pop up. I have tried just turning it off, but it appears Defender turns it right back on again.

I suppose the next step is to turn off Defender.

I understand why this security feature exists, but it gets to be extremely irritating. The most irritating part of it, is that some times I don't get the pop up window and the program I am trying to run simply crashes, or doesn't run correctly The crash is normally a hint to go and run the program specifically as the administrator. Sometimes the error is more deeply imbeded in program or system files and takes for ever to try and find out what the problem is.

I use Acronis backup software which always ran with no problems until one of the more recent Vista x64 updates, then it simply said that it ran but errors were encountered. After pouring over the log files in Acronis, I found that it couldn't run the backup because it didn't have the rights to access the backup drive.

So now things can't be scheduled and I have to run it manually.

There are times when the security features become a real burden. I hope this issue is fixed with Windows 7.

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SP1: Setup Did Not Complete. Reverting Changes

Apr 22, 2008

I have an issue with Vista SP1 installing (No seriously! Nobody else having the issue, right??). It gets through 100% of stage 3 of 3, then after a minute or two says the "Setup did not complete. Reverting changes." message. Before the Microsoft super wizard got on the phone with me, I had already done a memory scan, chkdisk, scannow, file cleanup, defrag, nothing helped (I have Home Premium, and I do have the two required updates installed as well). When he connected to my computer, he tried to install right off the bat (a stupid thing to do, considering I wouldn't be calling if I didn't have the issue) and it of course failed. Then after checking to make sure no antivirus etc was active (which I uninstalled the day before) he disabled all non-Microsoft services from startup and disabled my TV card, sound card and graphics card, then tried again. Still didn't install. Lastly he installed some kind of tool from Microsoft's update site and tried to install SP1 again, this time from the standalone 500+mb version. No luck.

He scheduled a call today between 3 and 5pm from one of their research and developement team members to get deeper into the problem, but do any of you have any ideas what's going on?

Here is my computer and it's specs: ...

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Trying To Start Setup Partitions

May 2, 2009

I am trying to boot from one of my Setup Partitions. i am trying to boot from a partition containing Windows Xp 64-bit Install Files and later a partition with Windows 7 Install Files. i have deleted all the Setup Partitions except the Windows Xp one which is being a Bi*ch and won't allow me to delete it.

1. Created ISO Image Windows Xp and downloaded Windows 7 build 7100

2. In Disk Management Shrink 2 Volumes on main HDD with OS (Vista) 1 being Setup Files Shrink to 700MB and OS shrink too 7GB

3. Opened cmd and input diskpart, list volume, select volume y (Setup Xp), active, exit, then xcopy Etc.

when i rebooted i would get a bootmgr missing error and thus using my Windows Vista disc to repair. i have be doing something wrong here as i am still new to this dual booting stuff.

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How To Setup VPN And Network Drive?

Jul 1, 2008

I would like to setup a VPN so that i can share my home videos and pictures with my family across the state. I would like to be able to setup a network drive so that vista media center can monitor it. This way we could turn on vista and browse to the vids or pics and see what is new. This would save a lot of hassle of emailing them all the time. We all have the same dynamic isp, routers and Vista proff or ultimate. So i'm thinking that if i can get 2 computers to work like i want over a VPN then i'll have no problem with the rest of the families computers. I have used Cisco to successfully setup a vpn across country using one computer with vista and the other with xp. Is vista's vpn setup similar to cisco's? Is Vista capable of creating what i described above?

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