Flashed Bios: Random Hangs And Freezes

Jan 26, 2009

I had the F7 bios, had to update to the F8 because the bios reports the wrong size on 1 TB hard drives. Flashed the bios from the Qbios utility right out of the bios setup screen and all was well. Vista Ultimate set up fine. No errors or problems. As expected Vista is only reporting 3.5 GB of ram. The first thing I did was install the chipset drivers that I downloaded from gigabyte.

Halfway through the install vista started random hangs and froze during the install. Had to kill the power. Used lkg to get back in. Reinstalled the chipset drivers with no trouble. It's been hang up and freeze randomly ever since. Maybe it's the ram issue? Maybe the chipset drivers? Gonna try removing some ram tonight until I can get some windows updates. If I don't do anything the system is fine. I can even browse the web. It seems to act up when I try to install drivers or updates.

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Random Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

my computer hangs and doesn't came back even after 2 hours and it happens when i'm doing anything. it has hung twice just tring to write this question it hangs even when the computer is idle. and the only solution that works so far is to hit the reset button. if it helps here are my spec for my computer: Q6600, p35c-ds3r, gigabyte 8800gts, 4x kingston 1066MHz 1gig RAM, seagate 7200rpm 750GB hard drive. also have 3 fans keeping to cool 1 for CPU + 2 for case, none are overclocked.

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PC Freezes At Random

Sep 17, 2009

I have had XP on my old pc for years with out it Freezes now I purchase a PC with vista. I've only had it for a week and has already Freezes 5 times what give it.

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BIOS: Press Delete And Then It Says "loading Bios" But It Freezes

Jun 1, 2008

My brother has just built a computer and can't get it working. The problem is that when he starts it he gets to the screen where he can choose to enter BIOS. 9/10 times he can't do anything from there but 1/10 times he can press delete and then it says "loading bios" but it freezes there (he waited 30 mins nothing happened). Does anyone know what the problem mihht be?

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Random Hard Freezes

May 12, 2009

I switched from x86 to x64 Vista Business. I did it because of upgrading from 2GB to 6GBs RAM. Install and updates went fine and then I saw, task manager detects only 5Gigs of ram. So I went to BIOS and set memory remap to Enabled. And after than, Vista detects all 6Gigs but have a random freezes after about 5 to 10 minutes running. I have the latest drivers, updated system and latest BIOS.

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System Lock Up, Random Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a HP a6200n which works relatively well. The only complaint is that frequently (at least once daily) the system will lock up. When this occurs the only way out is to hold the power button down and reboot. When the system locks, the screen will actually freeze the contents and make it appear somewhat 'snowy'. This happened on a factory system OUT OF THE BOX. So I know this wasn't due to application software I loaded on top and I doubt very much it was a virus the system picked up.

Since this started I have done a full virus scan and also have reviewed the event logs after each fail and nothing in there is obvious. There's an 'unexpected reboot' message there from my forced power down. I've gone to nVidia to download the latest nForce 430 drivers which has not helped. It seems ahead of what MS is pushing as the version I have is dated 12/07 and the auto updates are telling me to pick up a 7/07 version. I've also loaded SP1 and all of the HP/MS updates a person can handle. Has anyone experienced this.

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ESATA & Sp1: Showing BIOS Boot Screen But Hangs

Mar 23, 2008

Anybody having as I am problems with eSATA devices since installing SP1? My eSATA drives show in the BIOS boot screen but hangs on the Vista drivers loading bard or just beyond on the black screen before the Windows logo. If I restart without the eSATA device connected/powered up Vista loads normally and if I then switch on/plug in the eSATA drive it is not recognised by windows anywhare. I have looked in disk management in the admin folder and the drive is not there.

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Explorer.exe Hangs/freezes At Startup

Mar 15, 2009

A have few problems with my fresh Vista Ultimate 64bit OS. Sometimes boot takes too long, hard restart than it boots up. In many cases explorer.exe hangs/freezes at sturtup, a have to manually end the process then restart it. Some programs started from quicklunch have a 30+ sec.delay. In start menu it takes years to get to an entry (for example MS office group to open...), a search indicator is shown instead of icon and it hangs too. When watching any video file mplayer classic freezez (like the old school w98 freez, sound shakes, screen stops..) for a few secs than it continues.

Downloaded VLC player, it wokrs for now... but this isn't the solution anyway. I use VistaCodecPack with 64bit components. In normal use I have 60 processes in background (at the moment there are 14 svchost.exe-s and 8 control.exe-s ?!!?!?). One antivir is running, I am behind HW firewal and windows firewall is on.. These are my problems with this fresh install. I didn't had any trouble at install, in 50minutes I had the OS on th go with drivers installed.I have tried the sfc /scannow tip > Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations, hmm.. Had a multiboot befor : XP + Vista + win7beta, I just get rid of it..thought Vista is the right joise for my hardware at the moment. I don't know what to do with these problems, if someone has any idea, please give me an advice what should I try.

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Random Freezes The Sound Loops In The Background And The Computer Acts As If It Is Working Really Hard

Jan 1, 2009

I bought this computer about 2 months ago, installed a few games and anti-virus etc. I can play the games fine (Warhammer, WoW) on max graphics with no problems at all however the whole computer will just randomly freeze while playing. The freeze only lasts for about 10-30 seconds, during the freeze the sound loops in the background and the computer acts as if it is working really hard, occasionally it ends in a blue screen although this has only happened twice out of about 60 freezes. I have updated all drivers, checked my network and hardware etc. I thought it may have been a problem with DirectX as when i installed one of my games it froze on the install, i have since reinstalled DirectX off a clean download with no problems.

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BIOS Automatic Start-Up Freezes

Mar 29, 2009

I've got my BIOS setup to turn on my computer at a certain time each morning, to complete scheduled tasks such as virus scans, disk defragmentation etc. To turn my computer off, I have to hibernate it, as my user account is password-protected and if it turns on from scratch then I would have to login before any tasks could be carried out. However, when I check up on my computer in the morning, I find that it has resumed and then frozen. Sometimes it freezes at the Resuming Windows... prompt, but most of the time it freezes at the desktop just after it turned on. Can somebody tell me how I can get my computer to stop freezing when it turns on?

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Vista Is Constantly Freezing Up: Freezes At Random Times While Doing Things Like Browsing The Web Or Playing A Game

Jul 14, 2009

Vista is constantly freezing up, and I really like to fix it, The cooling is good enough, The power is good enough, And the memory seems fine since I already did a memtest. It freezes at random times while doing things like browsing the web or playing a game, Ive used XP before and it had the same problem

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Copying Files Stopped And Flashed The Blue Screen

Jun 7, 2008

just bought vista home premium 32 bit put the disk in got to drive options formatted HD was going very well until it got to copying files it stopped at 21% then up flashed the blue screen had to manually restart the pc still cant get it going had it for less than 24 hours very very frustrated the shop where i bought the pc from i e-mailed him the problem i was having his e-mail reply was hand it in and i will install vista and all updates for you for

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Disable Bios To Work: Do Update Bios

Mar 12, 2009

I have been building computers for a while now and have not had any problems so far that I could not solve. Now I don't know where to start. I have purchased the following items:......Now when I try to install the vista 64 bit I get the famous BSOD! Mostly with the error message I stated in the title. I dont know what to do. Does anyone have any information for me?? ....65N Rast to disable the TBL patch in the BIOS in order for this to work. I do not know where to diable this patch on my mainboard. Do I need to update my BIOS? With what version??

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BIOS Opinion, BIOS Is Out Of Date

Feb 25, 2009

Sometimes when I install drivers I get the message that my BIOS is out of date (including updates from AMD) if I go to the Phoenix site it says go to the motherboard manufacturer or run Biosagent if you use this you pay for the update but you do get this info so is it worth e-mail gateway support, using the boisagent or just leave well alone.

Info from biosagent
BIOS Type: Phoenix-Award
BIOS Date: August 18th 2006
BIOS ID: 08/18/2006-C51PVGM-GB-6A61HE1BC-00-None
BIOS OEM: C51PVGM-GB V1.0 081806 - 6.00 PG.............

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Bios And Revert Would Not Bios

Sep 19, 2008

I've been messing around in my BIOS. Installing some faster RAM and trying a slight overclock (2.4 t0 2.7Ghz on a Q6600) and seem to have caused myself several problems. Firstly I tried to push it a bit further on the FSB- from 1200 to 1300-the system wouldn't boot and wouldn't let me into the BIOS. I eventually got round this by removing the mobo battery. I was able to get back into the BIOS and revert to my original oc. However when I booted I got a re register Windows this is not a genuine version notice. I had to 'phone microsoft and get a new activation ID. I'm now back in windows (Vista HP 64 bit) but seem to have a few left over issues. My clock was set back to 2006 and that meant I couldn't activate Gmail etc. I went back into the BIOS and reset the date but could not change the day. So it's 3.19PM on Monday the 22nd of September, 2008. I've tried everything I can think of but cannot find a way to make it Friday, which it is.

Also I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2009. This keeps reporting that my computer is at risk and I need to update. I've updated over a dozen times but it doesn't seem to change and is still telling me it needs to update. These are ther first problems I have noticed. I hope I don't find more. Does anyone have any advice as to how to get my day and date correct and how to convince Kaspersky it's up to date?

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Random Shutting Down

Apr 8, 2009

This happens to me every morning when I turn my computer on after having it off all night.

I turn on my computer. Windows loads then I get a message (as soon as windows is done loading all up) that "Windows will be shutting down in less than a minute."

So it shuts down, restarts, and when it gets back on my User Account Control is turned off. So I turn User Account Control back on and it's fine until the next morning. Sometimes, but not often it will do this after my computer has been Hibernating for a while.

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PC Shuts Off At Random

Mar 23, 2008

My computer just powers off wothout warning sometimes then won't turn on again for several minutes. The computer hasn't been overheating or even under heavy load when it happens. Which piece of hardware is the cause of my trouble so that I can replace it? The motherboard is an ABIT IS7, the PSU is a Coolmax 450W, and the CPU is a 2.8GHz P4 Northwood. Or is the problem with something else?

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Random Lockups

Apr 9, 2008

I have an HP dv9000 laptop running Vista premium SP1. Both before and after installation of the service pack I have been getting occasional complete lockups, with the mouse, and keyboard both inactive and the disk access light off. The only way out is the power button. The system is about six months old, has no malware on it, has the latest BIOS installed and passes memtest. I have turned off folder indexing, updated all drivers from the manufacturer and, except for this issue, the system runs well and fast.

The lockups might occur once every couple of weeks --- usually, but not always, when surfing. I have not been able to reproduce the problem and it does appear to be truly random. Does anyone have any ideas what I might try next. The only other thing that happens is that when press the slash key I get his character:? or this one in upper case:? My keyboard is set to English.

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Random Shutdowns

Mar 7, 2010

I leave my desk top on all the time and it works fines. Randomly (weeks can go by) while using it, it just shuts down. I will hit the power button it reboots and it goes directly to where it was when it shutdown and will not have lost anything. Some times I can here it reboot all by itself when I am not even using it. Can anyone tell me what this might be

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Random Crashes

Jan 5, 2010

i have vista home premium 64 bit installed on sony vaio fw 170(ram-4gb). Few days ago it got infected with agent2,ofg. Avg removed the threat. But ever since then, it is crashing/freezing/hanging randomly. I thought it might have more infections so I scanned with a-squared, malwarebytes and sophosrootkit: no infection was found.

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Random Crashes In Just About Any Videogame

Jan 11, 2009

When playing just any game it crashes and I get an error messege saying "Directx has encounterd an unrecoveralbe error"


Display driver "nvlddmkm" has stopped working.

Then the computer flickers in and out and I am forced to restart the computer manualy.

Thins I've tried is that I formated my main "C" harddrive and setup all newest drivers etc.

That didn't fix this.

Another thing I thought of is that the card was overheating, well it has a custom Thermal Right cooler and a 120mm fan but I still tried and opened up the case.

That didn't have any effect.

This is a strange problem because I am able to run tests such as 3d mark -Vantage, 06, 05 and 03 without any crashes..

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Ultimate X64 Random Lockups

Jan 4, 2008

Well I built my first pc in about three years, and I have an issue with random lockups. Did the ram thing where I did one stick at a time and lockups still took place. Removed Souncard and used onboard still locks up. CPU Temps are good (Using Ultra 120)..........

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Random Shutdown After MB/CPU/RAM Upgrade On X64

Jan 2, 2008

I'm running it on Chieftec 410W PSU, which according to ASUS PSU calculator is enough. Actually my previous S939 system needed more(400W) power than my new system(350W) according to ASUS PSU calculator, and it ran well. It quite old though. 3 years probably, but it's not making any noise and it isn't running hot. It has a big 12cm fan which is running fine and apparently doing a good job.

After Vista reinstall my system randomly, completely shuts down (like when unplugged from power outlet) 2-5 minutes after booting up. Booting process is actually succesuful. All drivers running. I checked ;..........

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Random CPU Spikes, Not Sound

Apr 28, 2009

my problem is that every few seconds my PC suffers from a quick CPU spike that lags the PC's frame rate, but not sound. I've tried running safe mode and this problem does not happen, which says to me that it's a driver problem. i've checked through Windows and my drivers are all up to date and i have problems updating my graphics drivers manually from the website. the spikes arn't a major problem for generally use but it makes reaction based gaming (FPS for example) incredibly hard.

i've also tried:

• checkdisk

• sfc /scannow

• defragmantation

•virus scans

and some other possible "solutions" i've found across the web.

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Freezing / Random Restart

Jan 13, 2009

I was wondering if anybody out there is having freezing/random restart problems using Asus' p6t deluxe MOBO or having problems using Corsair's 6GB 1333Mhz ddr3 tri channel (TR3X6G1333C9) while using Ultimate64.

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Ultimate X64 SP1 Random Lockup

Jun 1, 2008

I am in the process of trying to diagnose an issue with my new system. I recently purchased a new system to play host to multiple VMs that I require for development. I decided to go with 8GB of memory and therefore chose Vista x64 for the OS, which I installed from my MSDN disk. This computer also moonlights as my wife's gaming computer (Sims 2) and does see the occasional game of Crysis.

Everything was running perfectly until after I installed VMWare Workstation 6.0.3. Initially, the computer would seemingly lockup at random during periods of disk I/O while installing programs on the VMs. When the lockup occurs, the harddrive light goes out as well as the lights on the keyboard and mouse, though the monitor stays on; i.e. no blue-screen. The only way to continue is to reset..........

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Random Drop In Performance.

Jun 16, 2008

While doing day to day activities, my computer will slow down to unusable speeds, for about 20 seconds, then go back to normal performance. My drivers are up to date, and Windows Update offers no more updates available.

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Random Crashes In Games

Mar 6, 2009

I'm having a problem with every game I play crashing to desktop. I always get the error stating something to the effect of "this program stopped working and will now close". I have had a bit of a look at other posts with similar errors yet the solutions seem to be mostly based on the specs of each computer. At first I thought it was a cooling issue, however I don't think so as the majority of things are running at about 55 deg (celcius). Additionally, all my driver's are up to date and I have also re-installed my graphics card drivers and the problem still occurs. Attached is a system Diag so you can see what's what. If you need any more info I'll gladly provide it. I could also provide performance and reliability results if you wish.

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USB Modem: Random Drops From Internet

Feb 3, 2008

I recently installed Windows Vista ultimate. I have random drops from Internet, the only way to fix it is by rebooting the system. i tried disconecting the modem, restarting the modem, logging off from my user, nothing works. Only rebooting. I have a USB modem ( i know it´s not the best but this never ever happened on XP) and i´m using Vista ultimate. I don´t have any fancy network, just my pc conecting to internet threw the usb adsl modem. I tried pinging Google and it was successfully. But Firefox, neither IE worked

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Random Crash Sidebar And Broken

Mar 24, 2008

I had a random crash today while installing the program Zone Alarm. Once I rebooted everything seemed fine except the Sidebar. All the gadgets appear blank and do not function and I can't seem to find any way to fix the problem. I tried downloading a new custom gadget but it did not work either. I tried looking at the help function and here but didn't see anything that would would.

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