File Downloads From Firefox Not Searching

Apr 26, 2009

I have read elsewhere that the files saved from a Firefox download can't be found using the Vista search tool. Sure enough, now on my second day using Vista 64-bit, am am seeing the same result .... do i have an incorrect setting somewhere?

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Emailing Pic File Can Not Find Downloads

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to email pic go to gallary select pic , then select size(need to reduce) hit attach and next thing picture downloads but can't find it

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EXE Downloads And Plugin Downloads Stop

Nov 1, 2008

Downloading EXE files and what I assume are EXE files (Flash Viewer update, Java update, etc.) stops after a short amount of progress. There's no warning message, no error message, no clue at all given by the OS; the progress bar just...stops. It waits patiently, even if I cannot. It'll stay there all day if I let it.

Replication: It's inconsistent in that some EXEs do download just fine, but consistent in that the same EXE files always freeze. Consequently, I don't have the latest Java updates, Flash Viewer updates, and more, and I can't download Yahoo Messenger or Windows Live Messenger. The latest problem: I can't play my new game, Company of Heroes, until the in-game patch downloader installs the latest patch. Problem is, it freezes............

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Firefox Tweaks: Get Vista's Glass Effect In Firefox

Jul 17, 2008

For all you people who have been looking for a way to get Vista's glass effect in Firefox, look no further. Here is an extension for Firefox 3 that will do it. (supports 32bit and 64bit FF versions) Information Here: [Ext] Glasser 1.0.16 (BETA) - Add Vista Glass to Firefox • mozillaZine Forums. Menubar Addon: This Addon hides the File/Edit/View/tools menu using the ALT key to show it temporarily.

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Searching Files

Mar 23, 2008

How do I search the contents of multiple documents and spreadsheets using Vista's search? In previous versions the office Assistant could search the contents of files for information, providing the user with a list of documents containing the search term.

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Searching The Computer Name

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista x64, when on XP I could see my brothers XP computer fine but now I've upgraded it's no longer the case. I have to type computername in the search to see his computer. How can I make it so that when I open up the 'Network' from the start menu I can just see his computer?

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Searching For Files By Extension

Mar 19, 2009

I want to search for a file based on extension e.g. .pst When using vista's built in search and putting *.pst in the name section I did not get any results when I know there is a .pst file on my system.

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Searching Network Drives?

Jan 19, 2010

Still trying to figure out Vista as my work computer was recently upgraded from XP. In XP if I wanted to search a network drive for a file or folder with a partial known name, I'd use the search tool and it returned results fairly quickly. In Vista, the network admins have indexing disabled for the network because they don't want hundreds of computers constantly scanning for changes. Which is fine, but now when I want to find a file, I *think* this thing is scanning through every file, *name and contents* for my search term, which makes it far, far slower. In fact, in the time it took me to search this newsgroup, read about 10 posts, and then open this window to type my query, Explorer has still not located the document I want. (I know it exists because I was just looking at it from a coworker's screen.). I *could* just ask him what the path is, but that wouldn't be "teaching a man to fish" as it were.

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Searching Files By Attributes

Mar 23, 2008

When I use Vista's "advanced search" function, I can specify location, date, size, name, tags, and author. Is there any way to search by file attributes, e.g., to find all files with the archive bit set?

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Searching: Locate All Files That Have A Certain Extension, Such As .pst

Mar 23, 2008

I'm having problems with Search in Vista. I want to locate all files that have a certain extension, such as .pst. In previous versions of Windows, this was simple, but not so in Vista. Previously, all I had to do in Search was to search for *.pst to see a list of all .pst files. In Vista, what do I have to do to find all .pst files on my hard drive?

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Email Searching But Time Stamped

May 1, 2009

When I do Ctrl-F3, the page is blank. Not only that, they are all time-stamped early this morning, before I started the machine and after the time I shut down last night (after checking email.) Emails that are time-stamped after the time I logged on are OK, it just appears to be ones that were downloaded when I first logged on. Fortunately, they all seem to be SPAM or worse, and I'm pretty sure I'm the one who deleted them, since none of them match any of my rules and I don't usually delete messages from the Junk Mail folder. Nevertheless, it bugs me.Is it possible that the lack of compacting has anything to do with this? I had turned off the automatic compacting out of habit, never having trusted OE to do that at shutdown, preferring to do it manually. Now, every week or two, I change the setting to "1" and shut WM down, but I've been lax over the last month or so. On that note, is there a way to initiate compacting without going through such gyrations? Or is WM not so touchy about this operation as OE? Should I leave it enabled? If so, what's the recommended interval?

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Searching Newsgroups In Windows Mail

Apr 5, 2008

Can someone provide some help in searching Windows Mail? When I used OE under XP, I could search for a subject or author, obtain a list, click on the one I want -- and that would take me to the desired thread. When I do the same thing under Windows Mail, I am only able to read the specific message I click on. If I want to read the whole thread, I still have to scroll down a long list in an attemp to find it. Surely, I must be missing something? How can I go back to the functionality of locating the thread? I am using Vista Home Premium (full edition, not OEM).

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Searching In Windows Mail, Functionality

Mar 23, 2008

I frequently look for email messages. The search in outlook express was robust..I could look for a term in the message or the subject etc. there is no categorization of the search and it only seems to look in the subject/sender/recipient fields. Where are the advanced search functions?

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Searching Group For Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0

May 7, 2010

Is there a group for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0?

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Disable Searching The Internet On Hardware Install?

Apr 19, 2008

I accidentally clicked connect every time, and now when trying to install my webcam it's downloading a totally random driver that doesnt work with skype and doesnt seem to be for my webcam?!

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Firefox 2 Or Firefox 3, How Does It Compare?

Jun 25, 2008

So whats better, firefox 2 or 3.. the Official release of Firefox 3 has came right.. it's already been released?? How does it compare.. I'm sick of using Firefox 1.. I never got 2. and I don't wanna use IE.. so I was just hoping to hear from a few people and see what you all think.. Post comments please...

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Disable Start-up Item: Automatically Starts Searching For A Network

May 15, 2010

When i start up my Computer (Acer Aspire 5738G-644G32MN) he automatically starts searching for a network. To stop it, i have to push the button on the left top of the keyboard that sits under the power button.I am looking for a method to disable this.

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Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. When I download items from the internet, they seem to go nowhere. I select a location, the dialogue box shows it downloading, then the dialogue box disappears and I cannot find the files.

Does anyone know where they might go?

This problem just started this past Sunday. I tried to do a restore point, but I cannot go back past a day or two. In XP, restore showed a calendar to select a restore point.

I even tried to download to a cd and it show the download progressing, but when I went to the cd, it wasn't there.

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Missing Downloads

May 5, 2009

i have placed my thread in the wrong sectioneverytime i download somthing it goes missing, i get the download box i click run and all goes well untill the download has finished, then its gone.i have tried clicking save and creating a folder or choosing desktop to download to but still nothing.i am running windows vista home premium and avg 8.5 antivirus on my asus notebook.

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Downloads Disappear & Or Not Run

Mar 6, 2009

I am trying to help with windows Vista basic IE 8 (had IE7) with problem downloading files which then just do not get saved to disk where it should be (or anywhere for that matter). The user account is has administrator privilages but it seems as if for downloads they do not or at least it acts that way. It is not even running the programs when told to in the download choices. It goes through the normal appearance of downloading and saving the file from the temp folder but then poof is not saved to disk at designated store point.

I have used a work around for now by using the Administrator account and can download through that but do not want to expose that account for long. Is there some permission or registry fix for this problem. I have checked all IE settings in control panel but they are all good for downloads. I did install IE 8 to ssee if that would fix problem but still the same.

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Downloads: Program Not Run

Nov 16, 2009

The problem: When i download a program to use, after i click open & it downloads to 100% nothing happens, the program doesnt run & also it doesnt go anywhere. Ive tried saving to a specified location but nothing is saved. Is there a box somewhere which needs to be clicked? It wont let me run any new programs or any software updates for existing programs?

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Disappearing Downloads

Jun 21, 2008

The problem now is that when he clicks on an mp3 or doc file (those are the ones I was able to check) when on the net with internet explorer 7 the download disappears. It pops up with the window to download the file. I removed the check in the "close window when complete" (or whatever it says). You can watch it download the file but when the download is finished the window closes. When you go to the appropriate folder nothing is there. I have even searched the computer with the file name and nothing. It doesn't even attempt to open media player (11) to play the file. He said both the mp3 and pdf issue started at the same time (don't know if that is coincidence or not) and was surprised when I pointed out the same thing with the doc file and no attempt made by computer to open Word. I did download firefox and clicked on an mp3 file and it played fine. Thinking we just needed to repair IE7 I went to M$ site and quickly learned that you cannot download ie7 if you already have it on your computer.

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Increase Max IE7 Downloads

Feb 15, 2007

Internet Explorer 7 only allows you to download two files from the same server at a time.  This is not a software limit but rather a limit imposed based on the web standard. Since this is simply a software setting, it can be modified and you can increase the limit to something much high such as 10.  Follow the steps below to increase your max downloads from the same server:...

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Downloads Stop/hang At 99%

Aug 22, 2009

I have been noticing lately that I can't download anything! I've tried Rapidshare files, simple stuff like Adobe Reader (just to test,) etc. No matter what happens, the dialogue box (for downloading) stops at 99%, leaving me the only option to "cancel" the download!

Does anyone else know what could possibly cause this? Is it software I'm already running that it's conflicting with, like iTunes or Trend Micro Internet Security? I'd sure like to do more computing than writing simple emails... I'd like to download again.

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KB 946538: Not Security Downloads

Mar 23, 2008

I keep getting a message that I do not have all my security downloads, as per bulliten Q942831. I check my installed up-dates, which tells me I have all up-dates installed, yet when I look at the numbers from the bulliten on 2-12 it lists the following up-dates that are NOT installed, and I have no way of getting the individual update numbers to install them. Here are the numbers from the bulliten that ARE NOT installed on my VISTA HOME PREMIUM which includes Office 2007. KB 946538, 942831, 942830, 947890, 947077, 947081, 947085 and 947108. There are 14 listed in the bulliten, and two have been installed.

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Internet : Disappearing Downloads

Feb 14, 2009

I cannot download anything from the internet. I have tried all the suggestions I have found and still no luck. I have made sure that file download is on, I have tried unsuccessfully to system restore, I have turned off Windows fire wall and defender, I changed the user setting, I tried to uninstall windows defender, but Vista won't let me.I reset the internet settings. I am at my wit's end. This started happening right after I downloaded Norton. From what I can see from the different forums I've been to, no one seems sure if it is a Vista problem or a Norton problem. The only good thing so far is that my computer is a lot faster
now that Windows defender and fire wall is off. I can't even download Windows7.

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Where CAB Files In Downloads Folder?

Jan 22, 2009

For the past while (I'm not entirely sure how long), I've been seeing tons of CAB files in my Downloads folder. Most of them are titled something like "Mar2008_d3dx9_37_x64," which leads me to believe that they're drivers of some sort, but I have no idea where they've come from. There are dozens of them, to the point where I no longer use my Downloads folder because it's so much easier to find things when I put them on my Desktop. I've read that Vista doesn't really use CAB files anymore, but I'm hesitant to get rid of them for fear of something bad happening.

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Connection Not Connectable But Downloads

Aug 4, 2009

when i download a torrent in the bottom of the screen shows me a yellow sign and then a red sign in the yellow telling connection problems and in the red not connectable but it still downloads. what kind of problem is this and how can it be solved?

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Cannot Locate Downloads Folder

Mar 2, 2009

I cannot locate my Downloads Folder. Where does it usually reside? A friend of my created one with a small "d" but I know the original one begins with a capital "D". Where is the Downloads Folder in Vista? I did a search from the Start button and no results.

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Network Downloads Slow?

Mar 23, 2008

Everything seems fine except that the network downloads seem terribly slow. On my XP laptop using the same connection, speeds are at around 1000 kbps. On Vista download speeds are more like 100kbps even though uploads are at 800kbps. I have tried updating drivers, disabling auto-tuning, etc. I don't have any anti-virus s/w like Mcafee or Norton. Vista's network diaganostics doesn't seem to detect any problem, but did change TCP/IP MTU settings.

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Downloads: Files Vanish

Jan 1, 2010

I'll start by pointing out that I am by no means a rookie with computers. I've used and done troubleshooting on PCs for quite a while. Be that as it may, this issue is a new one to me and simply beyond me. Whenever I attempt to download a file via either of my internet browsers(IE/Firefox) the files simply vanish. I can watch the files download and observe the progress bar. I can even repeatedly select the un-finished files I'm downloading and check their properties and confirm the files are the same size as the progress bar indicates. However, the moment the download finishes, the files simply cease to exist. The icon vanishes from the destination directory. It does not appear in any other directory, and any uses of search of the entirety of the hard drive for the filename of the vanished file come up empty.

Perhaps even less sensible, repeated attempts to download the same file will sometimes result and a .part portion of the file remaining present in the destination, but any attempt to delete the file results in an error message telling me the file is not resent, verify the location and try again. Weird given that I can right click the .part and select delete or drag it into a recycling bin only to be told the file I just clicked isn't there. And a last note on the issue, is that I have managed to 'trick' the problem with a large file download on firefox by downloading it repeatedly and attempting to open a previous vanished download of the same file in the same destination as the current download reaches about a half-second from completion itself. Can't really explain how I am able to pull that one off.................

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