Explorer System Menu No Longer Usable

May 12, 2008

Suppose I open "C:fooar"; the Explorer window displays the contents of the "bar" folder. I want to get to the properties of folder "bar". Under XP, I could right-click on the icon in the window title bar and choose "Properties". Voil?, done. The icon has disappeared under Vista, but if you right- click there, you still get the system menu, but a crippled one with just Restore/Move/Size/Minimize/Maximize/Close

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Windows Explorer Preview Pane No Longer Gives Previews

May 13, 2008

I don't know why this happened, but for some reason whenever I single click on a file the preview pane no longer generates a preview of the file. For files that a preview cannot be generated it still gives me the "no preview available" message, but for files that a preview should be present the preview pane just goes blank.

The most common files I use the preview pane for are .txt, .doc, .wmv, and other image files. Strangely enough, images still show in the pane, but I have had no luck with other files. My default program for videos is still Windows Media Player 11 and my default .txt program is Wordpad [I use Word for .doc]. Is there a way to simply reset this feature or could someone

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No Longer Can Copy Files To System

Jun 24, 2009

I have had a Windows 2000 system connected to a Vista system thru a router. I have several shares defined on the Windows 2000 system. No shares are defined on the Vista system. On 28 April 2009, I replaced NIS 2008 with KIS 2008 on the Vista system. On 23 June 2009, I noticed that the Vista system could no longer COPY files from the Windows 2000 sysyem to the Vista system, tho I could still open the files.

I know that, on 19/20 June 2009, the Vista system copied files from the Windows 2000 system. So something broke after that. As I recall, there was a Windows update installed on 23 June 2009. Perhaps, that update changed some settings? What do I need to look for

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Menu Bar In Explorer

Sep 24, 2008

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this; I didn't know where else to do it.

I've been having a problem with my menu bar in file explorer. I've posted this question elsewhere, but so far, no one has been able to help

I've begun hiding my menu bar recently and I noticed something annoying, and judging by other people's screenshots, it's not supposed to look this way.

If the pic shows up, look above organize and you'll see a fat white bar where the menu is collapsed. It's as if it isn't collapsed completely, or maybe it has something to do with padding(?)..I don't know. I just cannot get rid of this, and it's really distracting on dark themes like this one, though it shows up on all themes, even regular windows aero.

Any ideas? It's drving me nuts!

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System No Longer Logon Screen Before BSOD

Sep 22, 2008

I have received the Stop 0x0000000A on my recent build. System was stable for ~ 3 weeks. Specs are as follows: Asus P5Q, Q9550, GTX 260 core 216, 8GB 1066MHz Kingston HyperX, 500GB Seagate, 750 Zalman PSU. First few times I was able to review event logs and check for any application/driver installs that might have caused the problem with no results. System no longer goes past logon screen before BSOD. Tried a new MB with updated BIOS. Tried different modules in different RAM slots. All with no success. I am unable to get into the system to apply any update patches or configuration changes past the BIOS.

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How Do I Get Rid Of The Menu In Windows Explorer?

Jul 22, 2009

I want to maximize space for listing files this way.

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Proposals In The Run Menu And Explorer

Mar 23, 2008

When you opened the run. Dialog in Win XP and started typing 'c:w' Windows automatically proposed you all folders and files under 'c:' starting with 'w'. The same was possible in explorer's address bar. This option seems to be gone in Win Vista. Is there a way to get this back? This was a really efficient way to find and open or run files or folders. I really miss this feature.

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Printing: No Longer A Feature With Windows Operating System?

Jan 8, 2010

after weeks of fighting, troubleshooting, debugging, deleting, reloading, uninstalling, installing etc etc etc. I have finally come to the conclusion, that being able to print, is simply no longer a feature with windows operating system. Unless someone can tell me a fix that no one has discovered yet. I refuse to believe that the fix to our printing problems, is throw out the PC and get a new one. If thats the case i'm sure that there will be many people like myself who make the leap to MAC!

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Win 7 64Bit Install. 4GB RAM Showing As (3.50GB Usable)

Sep 1, 2009

I have successfully installed my MSDN 64Bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate on a DELL Dimension 9100 PC. The problem I am having is with the RAM. The PC has 4GB of ram that shows up fine within the BIOS. When I go into the Windows 7 System Control Panel it shows as 4.00GB (3.50 usable). I can understand this will happen with a 32bit operating system, but this is a new install of the 64bit version of Windows 7 Ultimate. I have the latest BIOS version installed. My system spec is as follows: ...

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Installed Usable Memory, Destroy Desktop

Jan 3, 2010

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2), with 2 GB of RAM, Firefox, CA Security Suite, MBAB, SuperAntiSpyware Professional, Cleaner and Spybot search and destroy on an Acer Aspire T180 desktop. All WU's are current and the machine is working just great. About 6 months ago I noticed a reduction in the amount of usable installed emory. I have 2048 MB of installed RAM in 3 slots (512 MB, 512 MB and 1024
MB-with one slot empty), but only 1792 MB of usable memory. The usable installed/unusable installed difference is 256 MB. The difference may mean that some of it has gone bad or whatever. Is there anyway to ascertain why I'm not able to take advantage of the full 2024 MB of RAM? Is it possible one of the memory sticks is not plugged in correctly or there's a dirty contact somewhere? I realize that this may be a `don't fix it if it ain't broken' situation since the computer runs just fine but if there's something I can actually do to get back the missing 256 MB of RAM that'd be nice. I'm posting this here and also at: Microsoft.public.windows.vista.performance_maintenance since I'm not sure of the correct post location.

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Corrupt Table In Word. File Not Usable.

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista on a laptop and Windows XP on my desk. Both systems have been used for a Word document I've been working on.This Word document has a contents table and one other freestanding table. One of them has become corrupt -- I do not know which one. I see a discussion string about this, but the solution proposed there does not work for me. When I open the document, I get the error message about the corrupt file, but the cursor doesn't work, page down doesn't work, the down arrow doesn't work, the links above doesn't work. The moment I click on the document to get a cursor, Word no longer responds (I get the not responding message up top), and then it just sits there. If I click again anywhere, the document goes gray, and all I can do is close it.

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Window Explorer, Start Menu

Jun 7, 2008

I can change windows explorer to open at the local disc "c" with out going through 'computer", etc.? Whenever I delete an item from the start button, it is back next time I power up....................

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Printing Email Not Longer Working In Windows Mail (System: 64, IE8)

Apr 29, 2009

i have Vista64 and Windows Mail. Yesterday i installed IE8 and all the office 2007 patches (don't know if relevant). Now i am having problems printing emails. I get a windows with a script error (i have a German windows, so i try to translate the error to english):

Title: Internet Explorer Scripterror

Line 291
Character ( Column ?) 1
Error: Interface not registered
Code 0

No i can stop the script or continue, but nothing happens. I don't get a print dialog nor a print out.

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Starting Without Explorer.exe, Have To Run Manually From Start Menu

Oct 15, 2009

vista starting without explorer.exe, so have to run explorer.exe manually from the task manager to get start menu and everything running normally.... I am not sure of the right category, because this may be is related to virus, driver and system restore issues, please move in the right section, following is the system configuration and the history: also sorry for the long message, but I am really stuck here and if you could spare some time to look into this issue, I tried to provide as much history and details on the issue not just to help you understand my problem but also as a warning for other users who may run into this issue in the future.. it may be a known issue and I just happen to run into it still I would like to provide details and history of what happened, if you help me I will be in your dept for sure!! and you may ask my help anytime if you need something System configuration: my friend has a toshiba satellite latop, with vista premuim. it can preloaded on the laptop. I am not sure of the exact system model and processor but if it's relevant I can provide that info, but I suspect there is some ASUS components/drivers in the system, later I will explain why I think so, as I said I can provide system model or CPU or hardisk space but at this point I feel it's not relivant, cause it's an issue with explorer.exe right now but if you think it's required I will ask for that info, please understand I am giving support over seas from this user but we are in touch via msn and phone so if you want any additional info, even screen shots I will try to provide. History: the Problem started when she called me, and showed me a screen shot of AVG anti-virus free edition trying to remove some virususes off her computer. she said the virus came from a USB driver she borrowed from a friend. and AVG was complaining that it is not able to remove the virus because she has to buy the full AVG version. this sounded wierd, I tried to verify she is using the free AVG but I am not sure, so I ask her to uninstall AVG and try another anti-virus, first thing came to mind is avast, so I asked her to install the latest free version I think it's 4.8, but it turns out it's not compatabile with vista or her system and after some searching on the net I discover a known issue with avast/vista conflicting with some asus drivers and I suspect it is the same case, because she is also like the others reported, getting a blank screen and not able to logon. but before uninstalling avast from safe mode, I tried another suggestion ( I was not aware that avast was responsible at that point in time yet ) so I suggested she try last known good configuration. did that, but still she got blank screen again ( because avast was still there ) so I suggested she go to safe mode and try to uninstall avast ( this is after I found the issue with avast conflicing with asus drivers on some machines with vista ), after going into safe mode, she gets a view of her documents and no start button, after some questions on the phone I figured out that explorer.exe is not running, so asked her to try to run explorer.exe from the task manager, when she did that she got the start button, and was able to goto control panel and uninstall avast and then she rebooted vista. after reboot she was able to go into vista, but explorer.exe again won't run, unless she goto task manager and run it manualy everytime she reboots. I thought I'd do some research why is explorer.exe not running when the system is restarting, I thought maybe I could add it to the system startup or something, but not sure where would be the best place do to that, msconfig? or startup folder for that user? if someone can give me some advice that would be great. she already backed up her files now and ready for a re-format but I am really embarased would like to find a solution to this problem anyway, as now she think I might be an idiot for my poor selection of antivurs software, It's strange I never heard of this compatability issues and I installed avast on vista on other toshiba latops and many systems and I never had this issue ever, I suggested she try another anti-virus but she is afraid now and wants to re-format... and take her time which I understand, but in the mean time I want to try and fix this explorer.exe not runing.

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Get The Email Link In The Start Menu Not To Use Explorer

Oct 17, 2008

First question, Is there a way to get the email link in the start menu not to use explorer?? Second Question, Why are my only two options Windows Mail or Live Mail?? Out of a billion different mail servers used by their customers and they pull that kind of crap?? (we'll make Windows "easy to use" except if you want to use someone else's software.

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Re-order Windows Explorer Context Menu

Mar 28, 2009

Something I've pondered for a long time, and never actually gotten around to looking into: How the $%#! does Windows Explorer decide what order to put the context menu items in? Does anyone know how to re-order it? As far as I can tell, it's completely willy-nilly. It even seems to change from right-click to right-click. (Right-click on a few different folders. You'll see the same menu items, but sometimes the order will change for no apparent reason.)

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Click On Program In Start Menu, Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts

Oct 29, 2009

When a click on a program in the start menu, explorer shuts down and restarts. However, if I drag the program to the desktop and click on it the program opens just fine. If I open windows explorer and right click on a file, explorer shuts down and restarts. Have there lost all context item availability.

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Restore System In Start Menu

May 15, 2010

I run Vista Home Premium. After installing in a separate partition a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate, all my programs in my Vista Home Premium disappear from my Start Menu. Yet, they are still in the C drive and I can access them. How do I manage to put them all again in the start menu?

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The Mail That I Received In Home Vista System Windows Mail Then I No Longer Can Receive In Office Mail Client

Feb 6, 2009

My main mail client is my office XP system, I also receive mail in home. So I select the 'Leave mail on Server' in my home XP system and it work fine. But after I upgrade my home PC to Vista system (I export my mail account for XP outlook express then inport it to my Vista system.) then it have problem - when the mail that I received in home Vista system Windows Mail then i no longer can receive in office mail client. Does anyone know is it the bug of Vista Windows Mail?

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Ie, Explorer.exe Has Russian Operating System

May 18, 2010

About a week and a half ago I had an email and gaming account compromised. After scanning w/my AV program (Avast) nothing came up....i've formatted and reinstalled , maybe im paranoid...but want to make sure this system is secure and Im not sure if it is. I know alot of people say registery cleaners are worthless here, but i used uniblues process scanner and some key processes have foriegn languages infront of their decription (ie,explorer.exe has the russian or sometimes danish word for operating system). looking like this scan for example: ProcessLibrary.com - The online resource for process information! Im running avast again and still no viruses/trojans found. Ran CCleaner,MalwareBytes anti-malware and spybot search and destroy with nothing detected. Only strange things I have noticed is when i use IE,2 iexplorer.exe run in task manager. Am i being overly paranoid?

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Code: Scan saved at 12:37:09 AM, on 5/19/2010 Platform: Windows Vista SP2 (WinNT 6.00.1906) MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18904) Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:
C:Windowssystem32 askeng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe....
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Page_URL = MSN.com
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Default_Search_URL = Bing
R1 - HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain,Search Page = Bing....
O4 - HKUSS-1-5-19..Run: [WindowsWelcomeCenter] rundll32.exe oobefldr.dll,ShowWelcomeCenter (User 'LOCAL SERVICE')...

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DVD Accessing Contents Explorer Locks Up System

Jun 25, 2008

Vista booted to the Desktop OK despite the new MoBo having a totally different chipset etc. However one problem niggles, if a CD/DVD is inserted any attempt at accessing the contents in Explorer locks up the system and I loose the Desktop, even Cntr+Alt+Delete doesn't work. On first boot Vista wanted me to activate due to the new hardware config so I did, with hindsight maybe I would have been better off doing a repair install, as I am now concerned a repair install will require activation this could be a problem with Microsoft maybe?. I have tried uninstalling DVD drive, IDE/SATA controllers and tested the DVD drive in another machine

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working: Turned Off The System Restore Option

Apr 29, 2008

running Vista Home Premium (32-bit). When you log into Windows, you immediately get the error "Windows Explorer has stopped working". Then it says explorer is restarting, restarts your desktop, then is ok for about 3 seconds. The error then pops back up and it is stuck in that loop.

It started when he clicked on some popup he shouldn't have. I removed a trojan identified by Mcafee as exploit-byte verify. I have also disabled all startup programs and services (except windows services) through msconfig. However, I am still getting this error popup. Unfortunately, he had previously turned off the system restore option and got rid of the recovery partition.

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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No Longer Boot From CD ROM

Feb 28, 2009

The problem symptom is that:

1) CD ROM is completely ignored and OS boots
from a HDD.

2) booting process begins but it stalls. There is one kind of bootable CD which still boots which is DOS CD. I replaced the optical drive with a new one, but the problem symptom is the same.

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Can No Longer Go Online

Jan 12, 2010

I have a HP Pavilion Entertainment PC(32-bit OS). About two weeks ago, I was online when my power went out and my laptop shut down(no battery). It powered back up afterward with no problem but a few hours later when I tried, it would not go online. It cannot find any networks in my area. The message I get is "This computer does not have a wireless network adapter installed and configured." It suggests I install wireless networking hardware and verify the correct drivers are loaded. When I click that(Troubleshoot Driver Problems), it tells me to update the driver through Windows Updates. However when I do that, I'm told that I'm already running the most up to date driver.

The problem is not with my router/ISP. My husband's laptops are online with no issues. I'm not the most technologically savvy person so this is beyond my expertise.

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USB No Longer Working

May 9, 2010

I had this problem just over a year ago, and I took my laptop back to the shop -- they told me to take Vista back to the factory defaults. But when I did, there was a failure in the installation process and they told me that they would have to replace the computer -- apparently it was the motherboard -- on warranty. I hope it is not so major this time. Here goes. The USB ports have become very intermittent, spontaneously reading the plugged in storage device as having been unplugged, then spontaneously reading it as having been plugged in, with the sound that alerts you to that operation (this is exactly what happened last time, except over a prolonged period). Now my USB external hard drive isn't being read. It shows in the device manager, and the sound that alerts to when it is being plugged in or disconnected pings as it should, but in computer > manage > storage it is 'unknown' and 'unreadable'. My memory sticks can be read, though. And the USB mouse works in all the ports.

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Streams No Longer

Jul 10, 2008

This notebook used to stream with wmp fine just like the other pc's in the house, which by the way still do. The defaults are right and there may have been an ms update that ended it all. When I click on the program a download box appears and if downloaded it will play ok but not stream.

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Computers No Longer Without Op Sys CDs

Mar 23, 2008

I am ready to buy a new computer, probably HP, but it is my understanding that regardless of manuf., computers no longer come with CDs for the Oper Sys (like Vista, or XP). In the event of a hard drive crash, how would a recovery take place? What are the options? Using of Win XP Pro, FrontPage 2002, Outlook XP, Word-PowerPoint-Publisher 2002, Word 2002 AMD Athlon 1.2, 512mb mem, 80GB disk, DVD and CD burners.

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No Longer Plays DVD

Mar 3, 2008

Just upgraded from a 7300se to a 8600gts, and now I can't play DVDs. I've changed from a vga to a dvi connection, so I don't know if HDCP has kicked in? Whenever I try to play a DVD I get an error message "There is a problem with copy protection between your graphics card and computer" or something like that. VLC plays DVDs, but nothing that uses the Vista decoder (or any other decoder pack I try to install).

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Can No Longer Connect To The Internet

May 5, 2009

Well something wierd has happened...I had a working internet connection until Saturday PM and now I cannot access the web... Strange thing is apps like Google Earth seem to access the web fine, browsers don't and neither does my Kapersky updater. I am using Vista 64 bit Home Premium (SP1). I have a wireless Linksys router that vista can see and connect to.. My laptop, PS3 can connect to the same router and access the Internet ok.

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