Disable Access To Folder

Aug 31, 2009

How do i stop all users being able to access a folder on my c: drive. This is also the location of my temp & temporary internet files folders, so is there any way i can block users from being able to access it, without affecting IE and other stuff that needs the temp folder?

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Copy Folder From Memory Stick To External HD

Feb 6, 2009

When trying to copy a folder from a memory stick to my external HD it says Destination folder access denied. You need permission to perform this action. No doubt its something similar to my last post, but I can't seem to get around it. Any info would be great. TIA BTW I have 2 memory sticks and only one came up with this.

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Folder/file Rename

Nov 10, 2008

On external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Disable Thumbnails In Particular Folder?

Aug 6, 2009

is there a way to disable thumbnails in a particular folder? like i don't want thumbnails displayed in the Picture folder, but i want to see them everywhere else?

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Some Folder Disable Auto Arrange

Oct 15, 2009

i've got a few folder questions: would there be a way to add the option to 'sort by type' to every folder? i use this often, and it gets annoying to have to add it manually. secondly, is is possible to disable 'auto arrange' and enable 'align to grid' for EVERY folder? i can't stand auto arrange, personally. i tried 'folder options > apply to folders' but got no success. also, a bit unrelated, but i've come across occasional folders that don't display the dot next to 'sort by -> (whatever)'. i can click 'sort by type', for example and it will re-order the icons but won't show the dot. this is a bug, right? (two folders that it isn't working in is C:users and C:users(username)music)

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"destination Folder Access Denied" On Folder/file Rename

Mar 21, 2009

...on external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Trying To Rename Folder Can't Access

Jun 3, 2008

I'm trying to rename a folder I set up for documents and I get access denied. When I click continue, I get the User Acct Control dialog box, and then access denied again. No clue why. I'm the administrator.

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Folder Access Through Other Programs?

Mar 26, 2008

I can't get access to certain folders, everything was fine until my HD went KaPuT, so I installed a new dual 160GB raid system so I won't lose it all again, the only problem is now that I reloaded Vista Ultimate I can't access anything, I have turned UAC off, and gave permissions, and turned over ownership of everything to me, there is nobody else listed as a user in my system, yet when I use my AutoCad LT 2008 and try to access files, when I click on the directory I need to get into, it does nothing, I can get into other ones, but not any of the ones with little tiny curved arrows in boxes on the lower left. I have access of them in explorer, but not through LT 2008

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Folder Access Denied

Mar 12, 2009

There are a few folders on Vista that can't be accessed. One for example is the one shown in the screenshot:

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Folder Shared,but Cannot Access

Jun 29, 2008

i'm used wireless connection in Vista...when i want shared my folder with other pc in wireless...the error "permission denied"...

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Does Not Access Music Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I'm using Vista Enterprise. The Music folder under c:useruser namedocuments is missing. It was there at one time. The shortcut to the music folder is available but it does not access the Music folder. If I right click on Music from Start my options are copy, rename, properties. Selecting properties brings up a general tab that is completely blank. I created a folder called Music but when I install iTunes it says it cannot find the Music folder to add an i Tunes folder. Which is how I discovered the Music folder was missing. Even with the i Tunes folder in Music that I created the Music General tab is still completely blank. How do I fix this? I'd like to continue to use iTunes.

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Access Folder On External Drive

Feb 20, 2010

I am using Robocopy to backup photos and music files to a local network connected 1TB Western Digital drive. The initial backup worked for both tasks. This is the command line in the .bat Robocopy C:UsersOwnerMusic ecordings \externaldrivepublicBackUp-Music ecordings /S /COPYT /MIR /Log:MusicBkupLog.txt Now, the subsequent backup for my music folders fails on a specific folder with error: ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Deleting Extra File \externaldrivepublicBackUp-Music ecordingsAmbroseNewA Fine Romance-Browne.mp3 Access is denied. The process stops there. Subsequent folders are not backed up. The ownership for that folder looks suspect: nobody (Unix User obody)

Other folders that work have owner as: administrator (EXTERNALDRIVEadmin) I can not change the offending folder's owner. I have tried the following as administrator: Properties > Security > Advanced > Owner > Edit > change owner to I get access denied. And with DOS from an administrator command prompt: takeown /f S:BackUp- MusicRecordingsAmbroseNew RMDIR /S S:BackUp-MusicRecordingsAmbroseNew I get access denied. I can access the directory so my path must be correct: dir S:BackUp-MusicRecordingsAmbroseNew How can I change ownership or delete the offending folder?

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Access The Shared Folder Across The Network

Mar 23, 2008

ONly 24 hrs into using Vista. I have added my Vista PC to my Home Network. I am trying to access the shared folder on my old PC that is showing on the network but I am denied access. I did have a password/user account set up on the old machine but have removed the password now. How can I access the shared folder across the network?

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Access Denied On Document Folder From Xp Pro

Mar 10, 2010

I have a similar problem as that of Duke of URL. I have the same workgroup name for my vista desktop and my xp laptop and when I try to share my vista Documents folder to the xp, I get an access denied error message when trying to open the vista folder from the xp pro. it will not allow me to add a username from the xp pro to share when selecting Share options, only users on the vista. It does not recognize any users from the xp pro. I have all the network sharing features on except for password protected sharing and media files, but cannot add a user from the xp pro laptop to the Documents folder.

The permissions are wide open and still I cannot access the files on the vista, but I don't have any problem accessing the xp pro files from the vista home premium. I don't want to use a public folder as I want to be able to view all of the files and then access the files for read or edit in my Documents folder on the vista from my xp pro............

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Access To Y Documents And Settings Folder

Mar 9, 2009

I have Ultimate SP1. I need to access the folder at C:Documents and SettingsmynameApplication DataMicrosoftTemplates but get an error message "access denied". I am the only user and have, as far as I know, full admin rights. How do i get acces to the folder.

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Can't Access The Folder C: Program Files

Aug 25, 2009

I'm logged in on an administrator account, yet I can't access the folder C:Program Files (x86)Everest Pokerhistory. I get the windows message "C:Program Files (x86)EverestPokerhistory is not accessible. Access is denied."" I've tried "Taking Ownership" of the folder using a registry tool i found on google, to no avail. I've been told that I can solve the issue by turning off UAC, but I'd rather not compromise security if I don't have to.

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Folder Options Access Restricted

Aug 24, 2009

I can no longer access the Folder Options from either the control panel or the windows explorer organizer tab.=20 From the control panel, clicking on the Folder Options icon does nothing. From Windows Explorer, I get a restrictions window stating 'this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator'....

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Access Denied Documents Folder?

May 4, 2009

Vista won't allow me access to my own documents folder outside of Word07, and won't allow me to save documents to any other folder. So I can't attach documets to emails, etc. or even open them with another program. What has happened? I don't recall having set any premissions that would exclude myself from my own user folders. I'm logged in as an administrator, by the way. Has some security update reset my permissions, and if so how do I get them back to something reasonable?

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Public Folder : Access Denied

Jan 7, 2009

My problem is this: I can access the Public Folder on the PC from the laptop but not the other way round. All access is denied to the laptop from the PC . Both computers have public/sharing switched on and AUC is off. From Internet Explorer, if I can click on network on either machine I can see the whole network, but if I double click laptop from the e-machine I get the error message. Clicking diagnose the problem results in: Nothing wrong with the network. All settings on each computer look identical yet I cannot resolve this access problem. I have searched high and low for a solution without success and then I thought the Bitlocker Drive encryption on the laptop might prevent access from another computer. Without actually turning off Bitlocker, can any of you gurus out there shed any light on the matter? I don't know whether this is the problem because I can remotly connect to the laptop via PC Anywhere from the internet.

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Windows Fax And Scan Cannot Run As It Cannot Access Your Documents Folder

May 23, 2008

When trying to launch win fax & scan I get an error: "Windows Fax and Scan cannot run as it cannot access your documents folder ..."

The MyDocuments folder is in my F: drive partition. I'd like to keep it there since that where I store my data files for back-up, but I'm willing to create another Documents folder where fax & scan can access it.

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Network

Mar 26, 2007

I am running Vista Ultimate on one PC and XP Pro SP2 on another. I am the only user and have full admin rights on both (I checked) They are connected by a wired home network. I can see and browse the XP PC from the Vista PC, install programs from the XP PC onto the Vista PC - no problem BUT.... when I am using the Vista PC and try to copy a file across from the XP PC I can see the file appear in the Vista folder (using drag & drop) but then I get the dreaded "Destination Folder Access Denied....You need permission to perform this action" you can only click 'RETRY.'or 'CANCEL'....of course RETRY just repeats the error window and Cancel removes the file that you have dropped into the destination folder. As I am the owner with full rights over the folder, does anyone know what this message means and how to set whatever 'permission' is required?

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Requires Password To Access Shared Folder On XP

Dec 24, 2008

Title says it all. Vista prompts for username/password to access a shared folder on an XP machine on my network. What do I have to do to fix this now? UPnP service and SSDP service is set to auto on the XP box. The folder is shared publicly on the network, not just local. Vista seems to think that it needs authentication to access the file. How could I disable this. password protection is already disabled.

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Destination Folder Access Denied As Administrator

Aug 13, 2009

Trying to extract some files to c:program files folder. Login as administrator user. I'm the admin I should have every right to add file anywhere I'd like to, but of course I'm trying to delete system32 folder etc. the access denied is a good call..

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Can't Access My Documents And Settings Folder In Windows 7

Aug 13, 2009

I can't access My Documents and Settings Folder in Windows 7 even though I'm the administrator. I want to rearrange and add some folders to the Start-All Programs. What am I not doing right?

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Access User 1's Music Folder Gives Error

Jul 29, 2009

I am setting up a Vista machine for a family of four, each one has iphones and/or ipods. Each one has their own login. I set up itunes for user 1 fine, BUT, it looks like when user 2 logs in and launches itunes, it is trying to access user 1's music folder and gives an error.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Logged In As Administrator

Mar 30, 2008

How do i gain access to my folders when i'm already logged in as administrator. The folder path :Users\AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart Menu, doesn't exist. I see it in the Guest folder but not for individual users. I also have trouble in other situations besides just favorites.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Comodo Antivirus

Mar 27, 2010

I downloaded Comodo anti virus protection onto my vista homa basic laptop on recommendation of family but it proved to just be a big mess up and i swapped to another anti virus instead but It wont let me delete the folder after uninstalling it, I have tried turning user account control off and have also tried changing the ownership and even looked to see what permissions i do have, I have full control over the folder yet every time i try and delete it i just end up with the error note saying destination folder access denied, and that i do not have permissions to delete this file I don't know what to do I have tried everything I have found through forums too but nothing

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Only Account On Computer

Sep 24, 2008

Permission from who? I'm the only account/admin on my computer. This is not the only time I have received some kind of error message reporting to me I need permission/higher access--it's also happened when I tried to "Immune" my computer from known viruses using Spybot - Search & Destroy.

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Norton 2008: Access The Public Folder On The Vista Pc From The XP Machines

Apr 20, 2008

I can access the other pc's from my Vista pc but I can only access the public folder on the Vista pc from the XP machines.I have shared the C drive on the vista pc but when I try to access it I get told about not having permissions etc.

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Destination Folder Access Denied For External Hard Drive

Dec 9, 2008

I edit my external HD sometimes to change names of my files & I get this message.

Destination Folder Access Denied, then I have to click Continue, then in user accounts control it says windows needs your permission to continue & I have to click Continue again. XP didn’t give me this run around, what’s the deal with Vista? I’ve searched but can’t find a fix for this.

I’m the Admin & can’t understand why Vista is treating me like a child & making me double check what I tell it to do. Isn’t my computer a PC or is it now owned by Vista!! That’s frustration coming out but I have other small issues about user unfriendly Vista where XP was user friendly.

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Need Permission To Perform This Action

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, I am trying to add a Maxtor Shared Stroage II 320 GB Hard drive that is networked connected. I have installed the supplied software. The drive is up and running. I can access the drive but anytime I try to Move, Copy or send any file to the drive I get the following: "Destination Folder Access Denied, You need permission to perform this action." I have been on the phone with Seagate for hours, they have never seen this before. I have shut off my firewall, USC, Antivirus but no help.

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