DVD Drive Ownership Blocked

Apr 2, 2008

I have two Acer desktop computers with Vista Business SP1 they both have blocked security permissions on the DVD Drive. There is a crossed out circle on the icon, and I cannot access any discs from the drive (it opens empty). "Access is denied" when I try to access it through the command prompt. In the Security Properties of the drive the Current Owners is "Unable to display current owner". I am unable to add a member or group to the ownership there. Is tells me "Unable to set new owner on DVD RW Drive (E. Access is denied". I'm accessing all this through the built-in Administrator account, and have opened the command prompt as Administrator. *I have been able to get in through Safe Mode in the Administrator account, but still have been unble to find a way to open this up for users and admins.

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Take Ownership Gadget

Jan 27, 2009

I just installed a zip file called "take ownership" it deposits itself in the registry and allows you to take control of certain files. So, I completely removed most of the gadgets that came installed with the vista sidebar. All but one for some reason the Norton status gadget will not allow me to get rid of it. Is there a way to completely remove this gadget? Also if I completely remove the sidebar will it cause problems for my OS?

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Ownership And Permissions On Everything

Dec 24, 2009

Is there a way that I can take ownership and have complete permissions on each and every folder and file on my pc. I'm the only user and not being able to move or delete certain files is a pain in the ass.

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Windows XP Ownership, Can Install This On Laptop Or Not

Apr 6, 2008

I own an XP. Can I install this on my Laptop or not?

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Restore Ownership To Windows Sidebar

Apr 6, 2010

I'm reading your tutorial on returning Ownership. I want to do this for the "Windows Sidebar". Before I proceed, just wanted to confirm that the Owner of this Directory and all it's subdirectories should be "trusted installer" NOTE: My system is Vista Home Premium 64-bit Also, will this return the permissions back to what they were prior to my taking Ownership? I hope the answer is "yes". I tried the System Restore first, but apparently I changed this too long ago and it does not revert the Ownership back to it's original Ownership

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Ownership Of Application Data Folder, Cannot Rename

May 24, 2009

I am trying to help with a Vista Laptop where we are trying to rename a folder located in the users APP DATA folder. I've used the utility by Doug Knox (?) to take ownership and it shows full rights under the "Security" tab. Cannot rename a folder in the "Roaming" section and I need to do that to test a backup file restore. We keep getting "You need permission to do this..."

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Program Files Folder Inaccessible, Taking Ownership Does Nothing

May 11, 2010

This all started when I recently had some malwares/viruses roaming around my laptop one day. I had managed to get rid of it all but it left my Direct Console 2.0 useless (I have an ASUS G-50V, Vista Premium 64-bit). I've tried reinstalling it and it just wouldn't load, no error message or anything (it did show up on taskmanager but no window appeared).

So trying to find a solution on google I ended up installing .net Framework 4.0. However, after restarting i started getting a ton of error messages about files in the Program Files folder, and then I realized it had just completely disappeared (rather, all the files inside disappeared). First the error messages said the folder was "corrupt and unreadable."

I navigated to the folder and tried clicking it, which then another error message popped up saying "Access is denied." I tried almost every solution I found on google, changing ownership and such, but I still cannot open the folder. Moreover, I cannot repair or uninstall any program that is or has been in the Program Files which I'm assuming has to do with the permission issues. I noticed this when I ran the setup for Direct Console 2.0 and tried to repair it, only giving me an error saying "The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: C:Program Files (x86)ASUSOvClk.dll." But this also makes no sense to me as this is the x86 program files folder, which I can access.

I checked both of the folders and TrustedInstaller has ownership to both of them.

*Edit - I just checked the ASUS folder inside my Program Files (x86) where the only group assigned to it for security is "Everyone" and it had no access whatsoever.

I would like to know if there is any possible way to fix this and if the files inside the folder are still there as this is very frustrating to deal with. Most of my ASUS programs were in the Program Files, including the hotkey manager is really useful to me. Thanks a lot.

In case you need to know:

As for the what I did to deal with malwares and viruses I mentioned before, I did install Malwarebytes on another computer with updated definitions and loaded it on a flash drive here, removing whatever malwares it found. Even after this though (and this has been a consistent problem), mbam.exe would disappear after installing Malwarebytes regularly on my own laptop.

Thinking there was some virus or other malware laying around that it didn't pick up, I downloaded and installed AVG. I updated it and full scanned, which found more viruses and did fix the issue of mbam.exe disappearing after install. At this point I installed Malwarebytes again, updated, and scanned again, finding 1 or 2 trojans and I think at this point there shouldn't be any viruses/malwares causing issues, but of course I could be wrong.

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Why Standard User Able To Replace Folder Ownership With Admin?

Jul 27, 2009

I have 2 accounts on my Vista Home Premium machine. One is an admin account with password and the other is a standard account without password (UAC off). I have multiple internal hard drives some of which has folders that I want only my admin account to access. I have denied all permissions for the standard account to these folders.

When I login as the standard user and try to open these same folders I get a pop up message saying that I don't have permission to access them and to click “continue” for access. Then I get a second message saying the same thing but there is a clickable link at the bottom to the "security tab" and it's suggesting to use to gain access. Once I click on that I get another "You don't have permission to change security setting" message in the folder properties window under the security tab.

At the bottom of that window it's also suggesting to click on the "Advanced" button for special permissions which will lead to taking the ownership from the admin account under the "Owner" tab by clicking "Edit", thus allowing full access to the contents of those folders. Does that make sense to anyone? I also noticed that the standard account has the ability to change the type to an administrator account from “User Accounts” in Control panel, is that normal?

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Changing File Ownership "Access Denied"

May 2, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium. Have a drive on the USB bus that came out of my old XP computer. Trying to access some text and Excell files on the drive. They come back with "Access Denied". I have read and tried all the suggestions I have found on the subject of changing file ownership. Nothing works. Still can not access these files.

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Port 80 Is Blocked

Apr 10, 2009

My Son's computer was working yesterday and this morning he can't surf using IE 8 or Firefox. It appears Port 80 is being blocked. I have disabled the firewall temporarily and this did not resolve the issue. I did the "netsh winsock reset" and this did not fix the problem. I have reset my router with no change. I am able to ping the DNS, the Default router and his IP address within the command window. I can also ping yahoo.com, google.com within the command window, but can't reach them with either browser. He did not have System Restore enabled, so I can't use that as a solution. Can the group recommend some options for me to try? He is using Vista Home Premium, and a wireless card. I can also see ALL GREEN when I open up the Network Sharing tool. There is a green line between his IP and the Wireless Card and green line between the Wireless Card and the Internet.

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Blocked Program

Jun 18, 2010

I have a program that's supposed to start when I boot into Windows (Vista Home Premium, SP2). However, I get a message that says it's blocked - so, I have to go in and unblock it manually. Is there any way I can set it so it unblocks (or doesn't block at all)

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LAN Connection Blocked

Oct 8, 2008

I like to have some advice on my internet connection problems.. when i open up my browser and going to surf a little my connection blocks after a few windows. if i close down my browser, and open up again, it works the same some windows and blocks.

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All Sites Are Blocked

Feb 26, 2009

I just installed broadband internet on my HP Pavilion tx2000 notebook PC loaded with Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I have not been able to access any site other than Google and its allies. I have turned off the windows firewall to avoid and conflict with the Norton Antivirus 2009 firewall. I have tried by disabling phising filters. But nothing working.

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How Can Blocked All Programs

Mar 24, 2010

I live at a college where I'm the administrator on our computer in the common room. The computer is only meant to play music when we have parties and such, so I have made a normal account, besides the administrator account, that people can use. I have blocked all programs except the music program. I wondered if it is possible to block the Realtek program in a way so people can't use it/screw the settings up but so it will still be able to run at startup?

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Web Site Has Been Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

web site will not load in any browser or from any link and norton antivirus doese not find any prob it is as if this one web site has been blocked

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Startup Blocked

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to run a program at startup that is continually being blocked at startup by the UAC and thus defeats the purpose of doing so. I think I need to change the permissions of the program in order to get this to work, but am not sure of what the correct approach is to doing this. What setting do I need to change and how do I get them to lock in. I am also running this program in XP compatibility mode if that makes a difference. I am the sole user/administrator of this PC.

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Blocked Website

Dec 11, 2009

when ever i go to this one specific website it will not come up the screen just says, request cancelled 101. does anyone know how to fix this? i used to be able to go to this website with no problrms at all and now my computer is blocked. i tried different web browsers.

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Product Key Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

Would like to do a dual boot of vista and xp but having problems reinstalling xp due my key being blocked.

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Don't Show As Blocked

Jun 17, 2008

I'm new to Vista but am having problems with Windows Mail. Just realised that I can't receive attachments. I'm forwarding some mail from my desktop using Outlook in XP to my laptop using Vista and 9 times out of 10 attachments aren't being received. They don't show as blocked or anything they're just not there. They are in the sent items on my desktop. I've turned off email scanning in Norton and changed the settings re reading, etc, in windows mail with absolutely no change.

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How To Get To My Blocked List?

May 31, 2008

how to get to my blocked list?

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Blocked Some Start-up Programs?

Apr 12, 2009

Vista always says "Windows has blocked some start-up programs" when I reboot. So What! It doesn't offer a way to turn them off. How can I get rid of these bad programs, and why are they there? My Avast anti-virus and Ad Aware say I'm clean.

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Blocked Startup Programs

Mar 29, 2008

Since installing Vista SP1, windows defender alerts me that it has blocked a startup program. The program it is blocking is by eMPIA technology, Inc, BDA Monitor application, file name hcwemmon.exe. Can anyone tell me if this os okay to permit to run or not? Or even if i need to run it? I'm using vista ulitmate 64.

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Firewall Says It's A Blocked Connection That It Does Not Allow

Mar 22, 2010

My firewall says it's a blocked connection that it does not allow, what is this IP?

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Mail Is Blocked In Outbox

Mar 19, 2010

When I open my Windows Mail, it is forever receiving Mail and I cannot send or receive?

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Blocked Links: Program Not Associated

Apr 11, 2008

I received a legitimate message with several links in it. When I put the mouse pointer on any of the links a box pops up showing the link but with "blocked:: at the beginning. When I click on the link I get the following error box: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Creat an association in the Set Associations control panel". None of this makes any sense. Disabling my antivirus/spyware had no effect, and the same message was ok on another computer.

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Port 3389 Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

I login remotely to 3 servers, and if I choose 5 clients. I have full administrator rights. Suddenly, I am not able to remote into Client 01( Windows Vista). Our MS Pro says someone or something has blocked or locked :3389 and he does not know how to either rebuild it or fix it. The client, is a fairly new Dual Core Vista Machine and I was logging into it just fine, until...A major Software program was installed, and certain permissions were accessed (I do not know which ones). Then it blocked me. It is locked or blocked. We can't seem to find the one thing we need to get it back. The permissions pertained to multiple users ,using the same program on our application Server. No one, including the MS Pro would have purposely shut that port down. What I am looking at from my out of town side is: A BRICK. It Says: Connectiveity to the Remote Computer could not be established. Ensure that the remote computer is on and connected to the Small Business Server network.

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Yahoo Blocked, Not Able Access

Apr 8, 2009

Why is my Yahoo mail not able to get accessed from window vista

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Xp Home Product Key Blocked

Mar 26, 2008

Would like to do a dual boot of vista and xp but having problems reinstalling xp due my key being blocked.

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Admistrator Blocked Download

Oct 18, 2008

First of all I am the administrator on this pc. I am trying to download templates from lightscribe and I get the message that admistrator has blocked the download. How can I change the settings to allow this action to take place?

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Account Currently Blocked From Sending

Mar 10, 2010

everytime i send email it says" account currently blocked from sending"

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Incoming Emails Blocked

Sep 12, 2009

when I go into windows mail the following error message appears: The host 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk', Server: 'pop.wanadoo.co.uk', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D I haven't changed anything recently and don't understand why the account can't be found. Also I can still send emails.Any advice as to what I can do to get my emails back

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