Changing File Ownership "Access Denied"

May 2, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium. Have a drive on the USB bus that came out of my old XP computer. Trying to access some text and Excell files on the drive. They come back with "Access Denied". I have read and tried all the suggestions I have found on the subject of changing file ownership. Nothing works. Still can not access these files.

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Curious Access Denied, Changing Permissions Won't Work

Dec 9, 2008

I have a Gateway FX, and recently I had to restore my laptop back to factory settings. Well when I did this I made a backup of my entire C: drive. Well that's great and all, because I still have everything, but that's also a bad thing becuase I have EVERYTHING. Including a second windows folder now.

The problem is that when I tried to deleting this I get access denied. Safe mode won't work, changing permissions won't work, I even gave myself ownership in Properties>Security>Advanced>Owner. Nothing. I saw a thread earlier that said to run command prompt as administrator and enter a series of commands to give myself access but it told me it couldn't find the folder. I'm fresh out of ideas and so now, I turn to you.

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File Sharing. Access Denied.

May 28, 2009

I have a File Sharing Problem. Here is the situation. Both Computers DELL and HP Desktops Running Vista Home Premium. Connected to the Network. Wited Connected. Details on both computers... Work Group = OFFICE
Network Discovery = ON
File Sharing = ON
Public Folder Sharing = ON
Password Protected Sharing = OFF
Media Sharing = ON

The HP Computer can see all Files and Folders on the DELL. Example Documents, Pictures, Music etc. I can open all these folders, add, delete etc. No Problems....

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To File Sharing Access Is Denied

May 14, 2008

I have spent 2 weeks on this now. I recently installed Vista Ultimate on my main pc (PC1), and using the default sharing wizard, shared a series of folders to the 'Everyone' group, as I allow my private home network to access my shares anonymously. Everything was working fine for the first few days, PC2 and PC3 where able to successfully access the shares, until one day it just stopped working and when PC2/PC3 attempted to access the shared folders via ‘Start > Network’ or UNC Path \VISTA , it would say “Access is Denied”. Having said that, to make it more complex, the shares are accessible if you type the folder share name, ie \VISTAMovies.......

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Access Denied To Host Pc For File Sharing

Mar 7, 2009

I am having an issue with accessing the host pc. I have shared a couple of folders on the host pc but when i try to access it from two other pc in our office i get an error of access denied. from the host pc i can access the files shared on the other two pc's. From pc 1 i can access the files on pc 2 and the same goes for pc 2 accessing pc 1 fils with no problem. ITs just when i try and access the host pc from pc 1 or pc 2 i can and i get the error saying access is denied. I have went onto the host pc and took off the firewall and also deleted the McAffee secuirty software and also when in and made sure the settings are on for file shairing but still nothing.

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Sfc Found Corrupt Files - CBS Log File Access Denied?

Apr 9, 2010

just got a Acer Aspire 6935G, few months old, no previous problems. just ran sfc to check the system files and windows resource protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix them. the trouble is i cant access the CBS.log file to see the violation/s. keeps saying access denied, i have tried changing the file permissions for my user account (ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNT) to full control but still i get access denied. should i take ownership?

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Interactive Services Dialog Detection, Access To File Denied

Dec 17, 2008

This has happened before about a week and a half ago, but i have a dell studio 15 with Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit, and this program message pops up with the title "A program can't display a message on your desktop"- The program may need information or permission to complete a task.-

Program details: Message title: Access to file was denied
Program path: Program Files/Network Associates/VirusScan/Res09?VshWin32.dll

When i clicked "Show me the message" my computer went to a gray screen (with older-themed windows looking message) there were two windows this time, one giving me the option to return and the other box showing a hand holding a moving green bug type thing, from what i remember it said this file is infected and needs to be deleted then replaced... it gave me a long list of about 8 or so options and i clicked 'delete' and nothing significant seemed to happen, because the 'delete' option was still there, so i clicked return and nothing had changed, my windows were still up and everything.

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"cannot Access Hosts File. Access Is Denied"

Nov 27, 2009

I ran Spybot S&D, got rid of any viruses it got and Mallware Bytes, again, removed everything. Even ran McAfee and got rid of whatever. But each time i run the scan on Spybot S&D it finds site that redirect me. I press fix selected items but it responds by saying "cannot access hosts file. Access is denied" I tried to untick the "protect hosts file form hijackers" in IE tweaks but keeps getting checked. On top of that the Hosts file is missing.

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CBS File " Access Denied " After Running Sfc/scannow

Jun 15, 2009

I ran sfc/scannow in administrator mode and it said it had found some corrupt files that it was unable to fix. I opened the C:WindowsLogsCBS directory and it contained 5 files: CBS,CBS.persist,CheckSUR,CheckSUR.persist and Filterlist. I attempted to open CBS but a message says " Access is denied ". The same applied to CBS.persist. I am able to open CheckSUR, CheckSUR.persist and Filterlist. Upon opening properties on these three files the date created, modified and accessed is May-28-09. The dates for CBS are as follows: Created: November-27-08; Modified: June-15-09; Accessed: May-31-09. The dates for CBS.persist are: Created: November-27-08; Modified May-31-09; Accessed:November-27-08. The CBS file is apparently 15.7 MB and the CBS.persist file is 50.2 MB. access the relevant CBS file?

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Destination Folder Access Denied On Folder/file Rename

Nov 10, 2008

On external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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XML File: "Access Denied"

Aug 14, 2009

I've got a Windows application that is using an Access Database to track user data and an XML file to track where the database is located. I'm using VS 2008 on Vista Ultimate created using VB. My Deployment Project is creating a subform under C:ProgramData and I can get my files installed there no problem (DefaultLocation = [CommonFilesFolder][ProductName]). I've set the application UAC setting to run "asInvoker", uiAccess="false". The application appears to read/write and update the Access Database tables no problem but if I try to Read or Write to my XML file, in the same folder, I get "Access Denied". I have also set my application security properties to "Click once security settings" and 'Full trusted application". Still no go!!?? I'm using a simple ReadXml and Write XML commands to update the XML file. I am the Administrator on the computer..............

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Access Folders Under My Name (set Up As Administrator), Most Of The Time I Get Access Denied

Jan 27, 2009

I try to access folders under my name (set up as administrator), most of the time I get access denied. It is driving me nuts. I want to change the start menu and get rid of a bunch of garbage but I can't enter the folder to do so. When I use the start menu program, it only has a few basic folders. This happens frequently, even when trying to view pictures or video in the folder. What do I need to change to remove this very annoying problem?

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"destination Folder Access Denied" On Folder/file Rename

Mar 21, 2009

...on external hard drives. is there a way to take control on the whole drive? (TONS of folders on 2 different drives that i'd like to rename, etc here and there.

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Access Denied :: Network Access Is Restricted

Feb 17, 2009

I think I might have a good one for you.. I am working on an Acer 5610z Notebook for a friend of mine. He was setting the parental controls and managed to control his account which had admin access. the user listing has the account listing as an admin but he only has standard user access. His was the "only" admin account.. While he was doing this he managed to deny access to the boot drive. The drive reads as "Access Denied". The machine boots up and a person can play games etc.. but network access is restricted.

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Access Documents And Settings But Am Getting ACCESS DENIED

Mar 20, 2009

i have recently tried to access Documents and Settings but am getting ACCESS DENIED for some reason yet i have done NOTHING to change my admin rights yet there seems to be an option for EVERYONE to access it but admin is not allowed to and it wont let me configure it that way. i have deleted EVERYONE from the properties and tried to revert to normal ADMIN user rights but it wont let me view docs and setts folder at all

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Send To: Access Denied. "To Access, Click Security Tab"

Apr 25, 2008

Search tells me the file exists but will not tell me where. Access denied. "To access, click Security Tab"
Security Tab shows permission granted for Administrator and [User]. I am both User and Admin.

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Access Denied To My Own Account?

Feb 23, 2009

Why don't I have access to my own account? The folders, My pictures, My
videos, my music, etc? It's my own account, what up with this?

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Access Denied To C: As Administrator

Mar 23, 2008

The sercurity settings for permissons were changed by another person using my computer. They have denied all permissions as the administrator and i am now unable to use or change any of the settings on my computer as access has been denied to C Drive, is there a way to undo these settings to reset the sercurity settings?

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Access Denied: Turned Off UAC

Mar 23, 2008

How can I gain FullControl of my machine? I have turned off UAC. There is only 1 account. That's me, and I'm the Administrator. I right-click on Documents and Settings in Explorer (or whatever it's called now) and I get "Access Denied?". I am NOT interested in Microsoft's idea of security. I want absolute control of every file on my machine. If I can't have control, the machine is useless to me.

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Access Denied To Certain Folders

May 16, 2008

I am trying to access certain folders, such as C:Windows, and get the message that access is denied. The account under which I am logged in is the only administrator account on the machine. How do I change the so I have full access to everything on the machine?

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Desktop: Access Is Denied

Oct 28, 2008

Im using Vista Basic on a Sony Vaio NR32L. Last night I did everything normally, switched it on this morning and: c:windowssystem32configsystemprofiledesktop is not accesible. Access is denied. So I tried to change things, but I cant get into My Computer or Control Panel or anything else in fact. Also to actually switch on it takes years and then the message appears.

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Folder Access Denied

Mar 12, 2009

There are a few folders on Vista that can't be accessed. One for example is the one shown in the screenshot:

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Access Denied To C Drive?

Aug 5, 2009

for having me everyone... My first question about Vista (many more to come I'm sure) is how come my access to the C: drive is denied? I get the following message when I attempt to create a new project in my audio program (Cubase LE): "C: is not accessible. Access is denied." Earlier today I was unable to unzip an installer I downloaded to the C: drive. How do I gain access to it?

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Sharing, Access Denied

May 20, 2008

from the two vista I can't see the pc with xp, but pc anywhere works! from vista with password sharing I can't access to vista without password sharing (request username and password, I type the username but the pc doesn't have any password and I get access denied) from xp I can't see all vista...

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Access Denied Can't Be Opend

May 15, 2010

I can make new files at desktop and save them but when i try to open them later it tell access denied I think i have this problem after i installed some softwares for users control -i uninstall all the softwares now-as i think also i'd like to mention that when i add everyone+FC i can open them from the desktop but otherways they can't be opend

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Registry - Access Denied

Sep 12, 2009

When selecting a subkey of the Java Plug-in key in the registry, I'm having an 'Access Denied' error. Even when I'm running regedit.exe with administrator rights. (OS = Visa Home Premium 32bits) When adding permissions to a subkey, I'm getting the same 'Access Denied' error when I want to save those permissions.

It results in a very anoying issue that none of my browsers (IE and FireFox) are recognising that the Java Plug-in is installed. I already tried to install other versions of the Java Plug-in, IE and Firefox (they are all installed successfully). Installing those apps with and/or without administrator rights. Nothing helps. I also searched to similar problems on this forum, but none of the solutions are fixing my problem.

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Access Denied When Add System

Jan 4, 2009

I have an HP Vista Home Premium laptop (wireless) that I networked through a Linksys router with an eMachine XP desktop and a Gateway XP desktop (via ethernet cables). Both XP desktops commincate perfectly with each other. I can access the Internet and shared folders/files on all computers. The eMachine XP desktop has an HP laser 4L printer that is networked. I can view the printer on the eMachine XP computer but get "access denied" error when I try to add it to the Vista laptop. Per the "sure fire fix," I created a new local port and installed the HP printer drivers on the Vista laptop but the error remains.

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Destination Access Denied

Feb 12, 2009

When i try to delete a mp3 file it tells me that its is denied(like as in thread title) i have restarted computer to make sure that it is not running in any thing but it wont let me. i am trying to delete it because nortan has detected a virus on it.

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Access Is Denied, (0x80070005)

Mar 23, 2009

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable:

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Folders Access Is Denied

Jun 25, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, am the administrator. In the folders left pane are some files with what appear to be a shortcut symbol attached. When I try to access or right click them, I get the message "Access is denied". What are these files and why can't I access them?

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Password Expired - Access Is Denied

Feb 5, 2009


administrator account was locked

user account password for the admin is denied.

What happened:

i locked my computer because family members where accesing it during inappropriate times.

administrator password is denied, it has either expired or changed,

i need this account becuase of system changes that need supervised

have tried CMD

and other related links peoplehave suggested.

all come up blank

NOTE: please be conciderate about what links you post because parental controls is enabled.

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