Crysis 64bit: Black Screen And Crash

Apr 12, 2008

I am having what seems to be the common problem of trying to run the 64 bit version of crysis and getting a black screen then crash right after launching the game. I have done a lot of searching and did a few of the suggestions like uninstalling the Nvidia Network Access Manager, changed my settings to force vsync both on and off, and set single display performance mode. I have tried both exes in the 64bin file, launching from the vista game explorer and my drivers are up to date. Also like others the 32bit version works fine. I have also reinstalled the game.

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Windows Crash, Screen Goes Black

Mar 24, 2008

My computer recently started crashing, mostly during video games (Crysis, Call of Duty 4), and occasionaly during a movie. The screen goes black, then fills with vertical pinstrips over the entire screen, and the sound 'freezes' like a skipping CD, repeating what was last said or heard over and over rapidly. Ok,... recent changes i've made. I've had a new video card for about a month, but everything worked fine until a week ago.

I installed the two above mentioned video games, which use punkbuster, a product I have no experience with. Incidentaly, the problems began about the time I started using punkbuster. However, I restored the system to a point previous to the punk buster installation, and the system is still crashing. Is it my new video card (ATI Radeon B2 512 HD 2600 xt PCI), or something else.

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Crysis Crash

Mar 23, 2008

Every time i play Crysis i crashes after i short while. I've tried to install all new drivers for motherboard, Vista, Graphic Card and sound card.

It almost always comes with the message "nvlddmkm driver" failed.

What does this mean?

How can I run Crysis without crashes?

I run
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
4 GB RAM (3327 MB)
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit
Gainward 8800GTX 768 MB graphic card
ASUS P5K motherboard

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Install Forsaken On Vista 64bit Screen Black

Mar 19, 2008

I'm trying to install Forsaken on Windows Vista 64bit and the screen just blacks out after the intro messages. It works fine on XP even though its an old game. I've tried right-clicking on the .exe files and setting compatability to Windows 95, 98 and 2000 and nothing changes. I used to love this game, does anyone know how to get it working?

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Black Screen: System Crash And Rebooted System

Mar 30, 2008

I have a problem currently with Windows Vista Ultimate(Integrale), this occurred last Friday evening. I was finishing off a word document when suddenly all went black. As an end user I assumed this was a system crash and so rebooted my system, then ran registry repair, then checked for viruses etc with Live OneCare, eventually reloaded Vista all to no avail. Each time I rebooted I was greeted by a black screen after logging in.

I called my tech support who could not help but I did manage to gain access to the internet and after a short while found an item entitled Black Screen Death. This reported that all my problems where due to Microsoft thinking I had a non genuine copy of Vista it went on to explain how you could circum-navigate the problem (this I did and even though I have to repeat this process each time I log on I can use Windows normally). I purchased my copy of Vista Ulitimate from a large chain store at the not give away price of over 400 Euros and registered the same online on the day of installation and have been running for sometime with other Microsoft products including Live OneCare. Why then am I suddenly crippled for an entire weekend by Microsoft security and how can I rectify the situation perminently

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Crysis / Crysis Warhead Resolutions

Feb 10, 2009

I have just upgraded to Vista 64x SP1 and am having difficulties with Crysis / Crysis Warhead. My specific problem is that it is not allowing me to select resolutions higher than 1280. When I was running it on XP Pro 32 bit it was running at 1920 by 1080, and allowed me to select up to this resolution and all lower options.

I am particularly confused because: Far Cry 2 runs in 1920 * 1080 without problems My desktop is set at 1920 * 1080 I have tried creating a autoexec.cfg file in the game directories forcing the width and height without success I have reinstalled the latest vista 64x CCC and drivers I have tried reinstalling both games completely without success thewre is no scroll bar on the right in the resolution options which I have forgot to use I upgraded to a 64x system specifically for Crysis / CW as I understood it would improve performance and I wanted to see the DX10 effect - needless to say I am very frustrated as a result!

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Install :: Oading Files Screen And Then Screen In Getting Black

Mar 24, 2008

I am building a new system and have a new copy of Vista Home Premium 32bit.

I got it all put together and tried to load Vista. It got to the Windows is loading files screen and then screen in getting black video. Keyboad and mouse stopped working at times. So I updated the board BIO's per intel through iso image and same thing. So I tried installing XP and got to the F8 screen to accept lic. and it just reboots everytime.

Any ideas why Vista would stop? Added the info about the XP install so it may help.


Intel D975XBX2 mobo
Corsair 2048MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz DHX
BFG GeForce 8800 GTX OC 768MB PCIe
Intel Quad Core Kentsfield 2.4Ghz Q6600 CPU
SoundBlaster xFi XtremeMusic
500GB SATA/300 Baracuda
Siteck Eclipse keyboard
Logitech G5 laser mouse
Viewsonic VX924 LCD
Lite-ON 20X DVDRW SATA LH-20A1S-12 Super-Multi Int
Masscool 8WA741 CPU FAN w/Heat Pipes 775

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Crash Out Of The Blue Screen

Nov 6, 2008

The system has been stable for some time but today while working in Excel I got an IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL 0A BSOD, rebooted and within 5 minutes got SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 3B BSOD and now getting this repeatedly. My best guess right now is that a stick of RAM has failed so have removed all but one 2GB stick and no crashes so far - will run some memory tests on each stick in turn tomorrow. I really hope that's all it is (& I can get it replaced under warranty!) and it's not a mobo fault.

The BIOS did go into recovery mode when I tried to enter it, that's okay now but the raid 5 array is re-initialising as a result . The auto memory timings have never matched the spd (slower) but that never bothered me but I think I'll manually set to the stated timings of 4-4-4-12 depending on what the tests reveal. Only real SW change apart from usual MS updates is I installed VMC TV Pack and USB wifi adapter a few days ago but I'd have expected to see this sooner if that was the cause. From what I've read a 3B is more likely hardware anyway?

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Blue Screen Crash

Mar 30, 2010

I'm getting blue screen crashes and I am unable to open up the mini dump files to try and locate the problem.

The initial error message displays;
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: d1
BCP1: 0085F580.......

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Crash! Blue Screen Of Death

Sep 20, 2009

Vista suddenly would not boot yesterday. Getting BS of Death errors: c000021a and c000012f at times. First it reported it was unable to find ADVAPI32.DLL. Upon doing diagnostics after hitting F8 during startup, it says error code 2000-0146 with Hard Drive 1. What the heck is going on, and how do I fix this? Dell Inspiron 1525, manufactured 7/2008. Of course, warranty ran out...go figure. Vista Home Premium. Will *never* buy another Dell again. Nothing but problems with every one of them.

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Install 2gb Goes Blue Crash Screen

Dec 26, 2008

I am new to this forum so I hope you'll be patient with me. I have a MSI MS-163C laptop with 2GB of RAM and a Intel Dual Core Processor. I have received a copy of Vista Ultimate 64 Bit addition as part of my MAPS subscription and thought that would give it a go, my current version is 32 bit. I have researched and found that 3 to 4GB of RAM is recommended for 64 bit so I purchased 2 x 2GB sticks from FutureShop [Buffalo DDR II / 667mhz PC2 5300 However, anytime that I install any more than the 2GB already in the computer the computer goes to a "Blue" crash screen and I can't go any further. I checked the ram that is in the computer and they are 1GB sticks 667mhz, pretty much the same. If I take both of them out and install just one of the 2GB sticks the computer seems OK, but even if I install a 1GB with it to make it 3GB it crashes again. I am trying to determine for myself it this might be a BIOS problem or what,

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Running The Screen Not Centred & Black Bar On Right Of Screen

May 14, 2008

I have recently bought a new PC running Windows Vista Home Premium. I have loaded the above programs for my son and when they a running the screen is not centred and the is a black bar to the right of the screen approx 3 cm wide. I have tried to run the games in compatibility mode and as adminstrator as recommended with other games but with no success.

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Screen Saver To Black Unresponsive Screen

May 2, 2009

I am having a very wierd issue with vista's screen saver. So basically when I leave the comp idle it goes into screen saver then turns off the monitor after 15 mins. Sometimes, more often than not, I come back and move the mouse and hit a few keys on the keyboard and nothing. The monitor wont come out of standby I try turning it off and back on, and nothing. I have the latest drivers for everything in my system and I checked the power management settings and they both are able to wake the computer up. I have a G15 keyboard and I keep the leds on and when this happens the leds are off and the lazer for the mouse is off too.

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Screen Going Black

Nov 19, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 98DD3A3D
BCP3: 8837B8FC
BCP4: 8837B5F8.......

My one guess is its something to do with the display driver maybe because that has been stuffing up a bit of late, in the way of the screen going black for a couple of seconds then recovering.

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Should Not Black Screen Full Screen Mode

Oct 5, 2009

Why do I get black picture after I have pressed PrtSc button? Of course it shouldn't be black and it happens only when the screen is on full screen mode (for an example videos, games etc.). It also doesn't matters if I am using just PrtSc or Alt + PrtSc - the result is the same. It looks like this ---> (and, no, I didn't painted it black).

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Multiple Blue Screen Crash Dumps

Mar 26, 2008

I can no longer take the multiple blue screen crash dumps. I have 32-bit Vista Home Premium on an HP Pavilion. After seeing those internal emails among Microsoft's top executives that were released in a lawsuit a couple of weeks ago -- they were complaining to each other about the same problems on their home computers with peripherals and drivers that I've been having -- I called HP tech this morning and said I want to install XP Professional and that I have a licensed copy on disk.

The HP tech guy, based in Oregon rather than India for a change, said all I had to do was copy the files I want to keep onto my external hard drive and then put the XP disk in the machine and it will direct me to format the hard drive.....and then install. I recall reading somewhere that the chipsets or something in the guts of this machine -- I'm not a techie -- are designed for Vista and will not accept XP without some serious tinkering at the motherboard/chipset neurosurgery level.

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Blue Screen Crash,memory Dump

Jan 7, 2010

im running vista basic 32bit
had a blue screen crash,memory dump
i have re installed 5 times, last time used disk part to clean completely
ive got the os back up but have many probs with windows update,firewall,and downloading to c:. which i feel is the main problem.

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Blue Screen Crash, STOP 0x0000003

Sep 19, 2008

My custom built pc for no apparent reason has started to crash after about 20 seconds looking at the desktop and I am then presented with a Blue screen after which the pc restarts and the same happens again, The error messages that i have gotten so far was: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP0x0000003)

this is the error message that the vista error tool that appears on the desktop for the brief seconds that the pc works:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057.........

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Blue Screen Crash, Dumps Before Resetting

Jun 29, 2008

Blue Screen crash that dumps before resetting - according to the minidump its a WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, but it doesn't state which piece of hardware it is.
The dump file arguments are as follows:

Arg1: 0000000000000000, MCA_ASSERT

Arg2: fffffa8009785c6e, Address of WHEA_ERROR_RECORD structure

Arg3: 00000000b6200013, High 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had

the error Arg4: 0000000000080a01, Low 32 bits of MCi_STATUS MSR for the MCA bank that had...........

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Blue Screen And Crash On Vista Ultimate 64

Sep 12, 2009

I seem to be getting a blue screen error and crash on Vista Ultimate 64. Can't figure out what it is exactly, It has happened while using firefox and IE. But no common denominators. So far I am using firefox now without a crash, but it has crashed 3 times. I also saw a pop-up about task manager not working after one of the crashes.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1a
BCP1: 0000000000004000
BCP2: FFFFFA800856D250...........

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Crash Failed Restore Screen Blank

Apr 28, 2008

I'm new to the forum and not very technical. OS: Vista Home Premium 32 Background: In the last few days, my Vista went horribly wrong - it crashed and I dont know why. I havent added anything new apart from software - BBC iPlayer. Plsu, a lexmark printer driver for an X1100 has never worked - it is not vista approved but the printer has worked. I tried restoring to an older version using my original install CD but it fails. Observation: The PC does startup now but when I click on my account login - I get a blank screen and explorer doesnt display - there is no desktop. If I press Ctrl-Alt-Del - I can see the usual choices...

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Crash: Blue Screen, Couldnt Read Everything Fast Enough

Nov 21, 2008

restart of my system? Event viewer? I was on line reading news when my system gave me a blue screen, couldnt read everything fast enough... something to the fact it shut down to protect was a full screen of dialogthen restarted. Hasnt ever happened before.. didnt click on any links or anything...seems to be running fine after restart.

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Cannot Log-on And Black Screen

Jan 30, 2010

windows seems to boot up partially but does not get to the log-on screen and instead goes to a black screen and all you can see is the arrow shaped mouse pointer and thats all. I put the windows cd in to try to repair the installation and booted from that but still the same thing happens

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Screen Is Black

Apr 21, 2009

Alrighty I went off to work with my pc turned on a few days ago, I come back and the screen is black and nothing I do is responsive to the screen. I then reboot the Pc it leading to a blue screen. Some times when I reboot it will blue screen some times it will just be a black screen that is un responsive. I have tried f8 options in advance boot optiotns, Ive tried re installing windows- it claiming my disk is full. Ive tried system restore it also says I have a disk failure. It wont let me check errors in the properties options on my hard drive. I have done a virus scan(no virus's) and I have 300gigs left of space.

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Screen Becomes Black

Jul 21, 2008

is that when he tries to delete some files that he previously stored in the C:"Account Name",he gets a message saying that the file is unavailable in the specified location.However,that is not my main problem now,because when I was trying to help fix this problem I typed "msconfig" into the RUN box to get the startup utility box and I unchecked some of the background programs to prevent them from loading automatically when the system starts,in order to speed up the system;but when I restarted the system I can see the first screen, which is by the manufacturer of the labtop;then when vista starts loading, the screen becomes black and don't display anything,although I am sure that Vista is loading successfully but I cannot see it on the screen.

I am assuming that one of the programs that I have unchecked is responsible for displaying. I have tried to do a repair installation by using a bootable Vista DVD but I couldn't because I cannot see anything on the screen.I tried logging in on safe mode but that did not work either. How can I undo the changes that I have made to startup utility.

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Black Screen After Log In

Jun 12, 2010

I have two users set-up, user K (with Administrator rights I believe and a password) and user N. If I login as user K, after I enter my password my computer will run for a bit (I can see/hear it logging in) but after a few minutes the screen goes black except for my white cursor and nothing else happens. If I then hit ctrl-alt-del I can see the Task Manager and switch users to user N which will start up normally and give me access to my desktop.

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Black Screen With Games

Jun 27, 2009

I have tried installing many different games on my pc, which are quite new and have been released in the last few years. The installation goes fine, and everything is great. When it comes to launching the game, well, i double click the file to run the game, and i get a black screen. Nothing happens afterwards. It just stays black. 'Ctrl + Alt + Delete' does not work, and neither does 'Alt + Tab', or any other keyboard shortcuts. This results in me having to hold in the power button and turn my pc off like that.

Any idea's on what could be wrong? It is extremely frustrating, due to the fact that i've tried running about 3 - 5 games on my computer, and neither of them work, without a black screen coming up after trying to launch any of them. I've tried numerous things like 'Running as Administrator' and changing compatibillity modes and so on and so forth, but none of that works.

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XFX 680i SLI Screen Going Black

Apr 26, 2008

I was having a weird problem with my screen going black at random after installing any version of Vista, and kept having to force a restart because there was no way to get the screen to come back on. I searched all the forums and it seemed to be very common, but as with most of the forums everyone was argueing about how to fix the problem instead of helping the people with the problem. So I'm posting this one in the hope that it may just help one or two people with the same problem.

My remedy was simply to update the BIOS to the latest version P32 I think from the XFX website, and the problem was no more, I also updated the High def audio driver from the same site, now my machine has been running flawlessly for three days now.

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Black Screen After Loading Bar

Jan 18, 2010

I was hoping that some of you guys could help me with a problem. As the title says, my screen goes completely black after the loading screen with the green loading bar, but before the usual windows vista circle is supposed to appear. I have also tried to use a vista x64 recovery disk. Here I only get the blue background a mouse I can move around on the screen, meaning I have no options to choose from. Does anyone know what the problem might be? And if so, how to possibly fix it?

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